This file contains all known copyright holders of this software, as far as is practically possible to ascertain. If you contribute to this software you must add yourself to this file, to indicate your agreement to license your contributions according to the license as provided in the LICENSE file. 12xx12 9caihezi Altenius BasedDoge (Donated AlchemistVillage prefabs) bearbin (Alexander Harkness) beeduck bibo38 birkett (Anthony Birkett) Bond_009 changyongGuo Cocosushi6 derouinw dImrich (Damian Imrich) Diusrex Duralex Earboxer (Zach DeCook) FakeTruth (founder) Gareth Nelson GefaketHD HaoTNN Howaner ion232 (Arran Ireland) jan64 jasperarmstrong jclever77 (Jon Clever) kevinr (Kevin Riggle) keyboard KingCol13 Lapayo linnemannr (Reid Linnemann) lkolbly LogicParrot Luksor M10360 marmot21 Masy98 mathiascode maxluchterhand1 MaxwellScroggs mborland mBornand MeMuXin mgueydan MikeHunsinger morsmordere (Anzhelika Iugai) mtilden nesco NiLSPACE (formerly STR_Warrior) npresley0506 p-mcgowan pokechu22 ProjectBM pwnOrbitals rs2k SamJBarney Schwertspize Seadragon91 (Lukas Pioch) Sofapriester Spekdrum (Pablo Beltran) SphinxC0re structinf (xdot) sweetgiorni Sxw1212 Taugeshtu theophriene tigerw (Tiger Wang) tonibm19 TooAngel tympaniplayer (Nate Palmer) UltraCoderRU Warmist WebFreak001 williamhatcher (Helped with API documentation updates and bug fixes) worktycho Xenoxis xoft (Mattes Dolak/madmaxoft on GH) Yeeeeezus (Donated AlchemistVillage prefabs)