#include "Globals.h"  // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules

#include "Monster.h"
#include "../Root.h"
#include "../Server.h"
#include "../ClientHandle.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Player.h"
#include "../Defines.h"
#include "../MonsterConfig.h"
#include "../MersenneTwister.h"

#include "../Vector3f.h"
#include "../Vector3i.h"
#include "../Vector3d.h"

#include "../Tracer.h"
#include "../../iniFile/iniFile.h"

#ifndef _WIN32
	#include <unistd.h>

	: m_Target(0)
	, m_bMovingToDestination(false)
	, m_DestinationTime( 0 )
	, m_Gravity( -9.81f)
	, m_bOnGround( false )
	, m_DestroyTimer( 0 )
	, m_Jump(0)
	, m_MobType( 0 )
	, m_EMState(IDLE)
	, m_SightDistance(25)
	, m_SeePlayerInterval (0)
	, m_EMPersonality(AGGRESSIVE)
	, m_AttackDamage(1.0f)
	, m_AttackRange(5.0f)
	, m_AttackInterval(0)
	, m_AttackRate(3)
	, idle_interval(0)
	LOGD("In state: %s", GetState());

	m_bBurnable = true;
	m_MetaData = NORMAL;


bool cMonster::IsA( const char* a_EntityType )
	if( strcmp( a_EntityType, "cMonster" ) == 0 ) return true;
	return cPawn::IsA( a_EntityType );

void cMonster::SpawnOn(cClientHandle & a_Client)

void cMonster::MoveToPosition( const Vector3f & a_Position )
	m_bMovingToDestination = true;

	m_Destination = a_Position;

bool cMonster::ReachedDestination()
	Vector3f Distance = (m_Destination) - Vector3f( m_Pos );
	if( Distance.SqrLength() < 2.f )
		return true;

	return false;

void cMonster::Tick(float a_Dt)

	if( m_Health <= 0 )
		m_DestroyTimer += a_Dt/1000;
		if( m_DestroyTimer > 1 )

	a_Dt /= 1000;

	if( m_bMovingToDestination )
		Vector3f Pos( m_Pos );
		Vector3f Distance = m_Destination - Pos;
		if( !ReachedDestination() )
			Distance.y = 0;
			Distance *= 3;
			m_Speed.x = Distance.x;
			m_Speed.z = Distance.z;

			if (m_EMState == ESCAPING)
			{	//Runs Faster when escaping :D otherwise they just walk away
				m_Speed.x *= 2.f;
				m_Speed.z *= 2.f;
			m_bMovingToDestination = false;

		if( m_Speed.SqrLength() > 0.f )
			if( m_bOnGround )
				Vector3f NormSpeed = m_Speed.NormalizeCopy();
				Vector3f NextBlock = Vector3f( m_Pos ) + NormSpeed;
				double NextHeight = (double)GetWorld()->GetHeight( (int)NextBlock.x, (int)NextBlock.z );
				if( NextHeight > m_Pos.y - 1.2 && NextHeight - m_Pos.y < 2.5 )
					m_bOnGround = false;
					m_Speed.y = 7.f; // Jump!!

	HandlePhysics( a_Dt );

	Vector3f Distance = m_Destination - Vector3f( m_Pos );
	if (Distance.SqrLength() > 0.1f)
		float Rotation, Pitch;
		VectorToEuler( Distance.x, Distance.y, Distance.z, Rotation, Pitch );
		SetRotation( Rotation );
		SetPitch( Pitch );
	if (m_EMState == IDLE)
		// If enemy passive we ignore checks for player visibility
	if (m_EMState == CHASING)
		// If we do not see a player anymore skip chasing action
	if (m_EMState == ESCAPING)

void cMonster::ReplicateMovement()
	if (m_bDirtyOrientation && !m_bDirtyPosition)
		m_bDirtyOrientation = false;
	if (m_bDirtyPosition)
		float DiffX = (float)(GetPosX() - m_LastPosX);
		float DiffY = (float)(GetPosY() - m_LastPosY);
		float DiffZ = (float)(GetPosZ() - m_LastPosZ);
		float SqrDist = DiffX * DiffX + DiffY * DiffY + DiffZ * DiffZ;
		if (
			(SqrDist > 4 * 4)  // 4 blocks is max Relative Move
			|| (m_World->GetWorldAge() - m_TimeLastTeleportPacket > 40)  // Send an absolute position every 2 seconds
			// LOGD("Teleported %f", sqrtf(SqrDist) );
			m_TimeLastTeleportPacket = m_World->GetWorldAge();
			// Relative move sucks balls! It's always wrong wtf!
			if (m_bDirtyOrientation)
				m_World->BroadcastEntRelMoveLook(*this, (char)(DiffX * 32), (char)(DiffY * 32), (char)(DiffZ * 32));
				m_bDirtyOrientation = false;
				m_World->BroadcastEntRelMove(*this, (char)(DiffX * 32), (char)(DiffY * 32), (char)(DiffZ * 32));
		m_LastPosX = GetPosX();
		m_LastPosY = GetPosY();
		m_LastPosZ = GetPosZ();
		m_bDirtyPosition = false;


void cMonster::HandlePhysics(float a_Dt)
	if( m_bOnGround ) // check if it's still on the ground
		cWorld* World = GetWorld();
		if( World->GetBlock( (int)m_Pos.x, (int)m_Pos.y -1, (int)m_Pos.z ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
			m_bOnGround = false;
		if( World->GetBlock( (int)m_Pos.x, (int)m_Pos.y, (int)m_Pos.z ) != E_BLOCK_AIR ) // If in ground itself, push it out
			m_bOnGround = true;
			m_Pos.y += 0.2;
			m_bDirtyPosition = true;
		m_Speed.x *= 0.7f/(1+a_Dt);
		if( fabs(m_Speed.x) < 0.05 ) m_Speed.x = 0;
		m_Speed.z *= 0.7f/(1+a_Dt);
		if( fabs(m_Speed.z) < 0.05 ) m_Speed.z = 0;

	if( !m_bOnGround )
		float Gravity = -9.81f*a_Dt;
		m_Speed.y += Gravity;

	if( m_Speed.SqrLength() > 0.f )
		cTracer Tracer( GetWorld() );
		int Ret = Tracer.Trace( m_Pos, m_Speed, 2 );
		if( Ret ) // Oh noez! we hit something
			// Set to hit position
			if( (Tracer.RealHit - Vector3f(m_Pos)).SqrLength() <= ( m_Speed * a_Dt ).SqrLength() )
				if( Ret == 1 )

					if( Tracer.HitNormal.x != 0.f ) m_Speed.x = 0.f;
					if( Tracer.HitNormal.y != 0.f ) m_Speed.y = 0.f;
					if( Tracer.HitNormal.z != 0.f ) m_Speed.z = 0.f;

					if( Tracer.HitNormal.y > 0 ) // means on ground
						m_bOnGround = true;
				m_Pos = Tracer.RealHit;
				m_Pos += Tracer.HitNormal * 0.2f;

				m_Pos += m_Speed*a_Dt;
		{	// We didn't hit anything, so move =]
			m_Pos += m_Speed*a_Dt;

		m_bDirtyPosition = true;

void cMonster::TakeDamage(int a_Damage, cEntity* a_Instigator)
	cPawn::TakeDamage( a_Damage, a_Instigator );
	m_Target = a_Instigator;
	AddReference( m_Target );

void cMonster::KilledBy( cEntity* a_Killer )
	cPawn::KilledBy( a_Killer );
	m_DestroyTimer = 0;

//----State Logic

const char *cMonster::GetState()
		case IDLE:      return "Idle";
		case ATTACKING: return "Attacking";
		case CHASING:   return "Chasing";
		default:        return "Unknown";

// for debugging
void cMonster::SetState(const AString & a_State)
	if (a_State.compare("Idle") == 0)
		m_EMState = IDLE;
	else if (a_State.compare("Attacking") == 0)
		m_EMState = ATTACKING;
	else if (a_State.compare("Chasing") == 0)
		m_EMState = CHASING;
		LOGD("cMonster::SetState(): Invalid state");
		ASSERT(!"Invalid state");

//Checks to see if EventSeePlayer should be fired
//monster sez: Do I see the player
void cMonster::CheckEventSeePlayer()
	cPlayer *Closest = FindClosestPlayer();

	if (Closest)

void cMonster::CheckEventLostPlayer()
	Vector3f pos;
	cTracer LineOfSight(GetWorld());
	if (m_Target != NULL)
		pos = m_Target->GetPosition();
		if ((pos - m_Pos).Length() > m_SightDistance || LineOfSight.Trace(m_Pos,(pos - m_Pos), (int)(pos - m_Pos).Length()))

// What to do if player is seen
// default to change state to chasing
void cMonster::EventSeePlayer(cEntity *a_SeenPlayer)
	m_Target = a_SeenPlayer;
	AddReference( m_Target );

void cMonster::EventLosePlayer()
	m_Target = 0;
	m_EMState = IDLE;

//What to do if in Idle State
void cMonster::InStateIdle(float a_Dt)
	idle_interval += a_Dt;
	if (idle_interval > 1)
		// at this interval the results are predictable
		MTRand r1;
		int rem = r1.randInt()%6 + 1;
		// LOGD("Moving: int: %3.3f rem: %i",idle_interval,rem);
		idle_interval -= 1;		// So nothing gets dropped when the server hangs for a few seconds
		Vector3f Dist;
		Dist.x = (float)((r1.randInt()%11)-5);
		Dist.z = (float)((r1.randInt()%11)-5);
		if( Dist.SqrLength() > 2  && rem >= 3)
			m_Destination.x = (float)(m_Pos.x + Dist.x);
			m_Destination.z = (float)(m_Pos.z + Dist.z);
			m_Destination.y = (float)GetWorld()->GetHeight( (int)m_Destination.x, (int)m_Destination.z ) + 1.2f;
			MoveToPosition( m_Destination );

// What to do if in Chasing State
// This state should always be defined in each child class
void cMonster::InStateChasing(float a_Dt)

// What to do if in Escaping State
void cMonster::InStateEscaping(float a_Dt)
		Vector3d newloc = m_Pos;
		newloc.x = (m_Target->GetPosition().x < newloc.x)? (newloc.x + m_SightDistance): (newloc.x - m_SightDistance);
		newloc.z = (m_Target->GetPosition().z < newloc.z)? (newloc.z + m_SightDistance): (newloc.z - m_SightDistance);
		m_EMState = IDLE; //this shouldnt be required but just to be safe

// Do attack here
// a_Dt is passed so we can set attack rate
void cMonster::Attack(float a_Dt)
	m_AttackInterval += a_Dt * m_AttackRate;
	if ((m_Target != NULL) && (m_AttackInterval > 3.0))
		// Setting this higher gives us more wiggle room for attackrate
		m_AttackInterval = 0.0;
		((cPawn *)m_Target)->TakeDamage((int)m_AttackDamage, this);

// Checks for Players close by and if they are visible return the closest
cPlayer * cMonster::FindClosestPlayer(void)
	return m_World->FindClosestPlayer(m_Pos, m_SightDistance);

void cMonster::GetMonsterConfig(const char* pm_name)
	cRoot::Get()->GetMonsterConfig()->AssignAttributes(this, pm_name);

void cMonster::SetAttackRate(int ar)
	m_AttackRate = (float)ar;

void cMonster::SetAttackRange(float ar)
	m_AttackRange = ar;

void cMonster::SetAttackDamage(float ad)
	m_AttackDamage = ad;

void cMonster::SetSightDistance(float sd)
	m_SightDistance = sd;

void cMonster::AddRandomDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_Min, unsigned int a_Max, short a_Item, short a_ItemHealth)
	MTRand r1;
	int Count = r1.randInt() % (a_Max + 1 - a_Min) + a_Min;
	if (Count > 0)
		a_Drops.push_back(cItem(a_Item, Count, a_ItemHealth));