-- Test.cubeset

-- This simple cubeset file is used for testing the cPrefabPiecePool loader.

Cubeset =
	Metadata =
		CubesetFormatVersion = 1,

	Pieces =
		-- One piece with inline definition:
			Size =
				x = 4,
				y = 4,
				z = 4,
			Hitbox =
				MinX = 0,
				MinY = 0,
				MinZ = 0,
				MaxX = 3,
				MaxY = 3,
				MaxZ = 3,
			BlockDefinitions =
				".:  0: 0",  -- air
				"a:  1: 0",  -- stone
				"b: 24: 0",  -- sandstone
				"c:  8: 0",  -- water
				"d: 85: 0",  -- fence
				"m: 19: 0",  -- sponge
			BlockData =
				-- Level 0
				"aaaa",  --  0
				"aaaa",  --  1
				"aaaa",  --  2
				"aaaa",  --  3

				-- Level 1
				"bbbb",  --  0
				"bccb",  --  1
				"bccb",  --  2
				"bbbb",  --  3

				-- Level 2
				"bbbb",  --  0
				"bccb",  --  1
				"bccb",  --  2
				"bbbb",  --  3

				-- Level 3
				"bbbb",  --  0
				"bccb",  --  1
				"bccb",  --  2
				"bbbb",  --  3
			Connectors =
					Type = 2,
					RelX = 2,
					RelY = 2,
					RelZ = 0,
					Direction = 2,  -- Z-
					Type = 2,
					RelX = 0,
					RelY = 2,
					RelZ = 1,
					Direction = 4,  -- X-
					Type = 2,
					RelX = 1,
					RelY = 2,
					RelZ = 3,
					Direction = 3,  -- Z+
					Type = 2,
					RelX = 3,
					RelY = 2,
					RelZ = 2,
					Direction = 5,  -- X+
			Metadata =
				["DefaultWeight"] = "100",
				["AllowedRotations"] = "7",
				["MergeStrategy"] = "msSpongePrint",
				["IsStarting"] = "1",
				["DepthWeight"] = "",
				["ExpandFloorStrategy"] = "None",
				["MoveToGround"] = "1",
				["AddWeightIfSame"] = "0",
				["VerticalStrategy"] = "Fixed|150",

		-- One piece with external definition:
			Hitbox =
				MinX = 0,
				MinY = 0,
				MinZ = 0,
				MaxX = 3,
				MaxY = 3,
				MaxZ = 3,
			SchematicFileName = "Test1.schematic",
			Connectors =
					Type = 2,
					RelX = 2,
					RelY = 2,
					RelZ = 0,
					Direction = 2,  -- Z-
			Metadata =
				["DefaultWeight"] = "100",
				["AllowedRotations"] = "7",
				["MergeStrategy"] = "msSpongePrint",
				["IsStarting"] = "0",
				["DepthWeight"] = "",
				["ExpandFloorStrategy"] = "None",
				["MoveToGround"] = "0",
				["AddWeightIfSame"] = "0",
	},  -- Pieces