#include "Globals.h" #include "BiomeView.h" #include "QtChunk.h" #include <QPainter> #include <QResizeEvent> static const int DELTA_STEP = 120; // The normal per-notch wheel delta BiomeView::BiomeView(QWidget * parent) : super(parent), m_X(0), m_Z(0), m_Zoom(1), m_IsMouseDragging(false), m_MouseWheelDelta(0) { // Create the image used for undefined chunks: int offset = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { uchar color = (((x & 8) ^ (y & 8)) == 0) ? 0x44 : 0x88; m_EmptyChunkImage[offset++] = color; m_EmptyChunkImage[offset++] = color; m_EmptyChunkImage[offset++] = color; m_EmptyChunkImage[offset++] = 0xff; } } // Create the startup image: redraw(); // Add a chunk-update callback mechanism: connect(&m_Cache, SIGNAL(chunkAvailable(int, int)), this, SLOT(chunkAvailable(int, int))); // Allow mouse and keyboard interaction: setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); setMouseTracking(true); } QSize BiomeView::minimumSizeHint() const { return QSize(300, 300); } QSize BiomeView::sizeHint() const { return QSize(800, 600); } void BiomeView::setChunkSource(std::shared_ptr<ChunkSource> a_ChunkSource) { // Replace the source in the cache: m_Cache.setChunkSource(a_ChunkSource); // Redraw with the new source: redraw(); } void BiomeView::setPosition(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockZ) { m_X = a_BlockX; m_Z = a_BlockZ; redraw(); } void BiomeView::setZoomLevel(double a_ZoomLevel) { m_Zoom = a_ZoomLevel; redraw(); } void BiomeView::redraw() { if (!hasData()) { // No data means no image is displayed, no need to compose: update(); return; } int chunksize = 16 * m_Zoom; // first find the center block position int centerchunkx = floor(m_X / 16); int centerchunkz = floor(m_Z / 16); // and the center of the screen int centerx = m_Image.width() / 2; int centery = m_Image.height() / 2; // and align for panning centerx -= (m_X - centerchunkx * 16) * m_Zoom; centery -= (m_Z - centerchunkz * 16) * m_Zoom; // now calculate the topleft block on the screen int startx = centerchunkx - centerx / chunksize - 1; int startz = centerchunkz - centery / chunksize - 1; // and the dimensions of the screen in blocks int blockswide = m_Image.width() / chunksize + 3; int blockstall = m_Image.height() / chunksize + 3; for (int z = startz; z < startz + blockstall; z++) { for (int x = startx; x < startx + blockswide; x++) { drawChunk(x, z); } } update(); } void BiomeView::chunkAvailable(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { drawChunk(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ); update(); } void BiomeView::reload() { if (!hasData()) { return; } m_Cache.reload(); redraw(); } void BiomeView::drawChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { if (!hasData()) { return; } //fetch the chunk: ChunkPtr chunk = m_Cache.fetch(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ); // Figure out where on the screen this chunk should be drawn: // first find the center chunk int centerchunkx = floor(m_X / 16); int centerchunkz = floor(m_Z / 16); // and the center chunk screen coordinates int centerx = m_Image.width() / 2; int centery = m_Image.height() / 2; // which need to be shifted to account for panning inside that chunk centerx -= (m_X - centerchunkx * 16) * m_Zoom; centery -= (m_Z - centerchunkz * 16) * m_Zoom; // centerx,y now points to the top left corner of the center chunk // so now calculate our x,y in relation double chunksize = 16 * m_Zoom; centerx += (a_ChunkX - centerchunkx) * chunksize; centery += (a_ChunkZ - centerchunkz) * chunksize; int srcoffset = 0; uchar * bits = m_Image.bits(); int imgstride = m_Image.bytesPerLine(); int skipx = 0,skipy = 0; int blockwidth = chunksize, blockheight = chunksize; // now if we're off the screen we need to crop if (centerx < 0) { skipx = -centerx; centerx = 0; } if (centery < 0) { skipy = -centery; centery = 0; } // or the other side, we need to trim if (centerx + blockwidth > m_Image.width()) { blockwidth = m_Image.width() - centerx; } if (centery + blockheight > m_Image.height()) { blockheight = m_Image.height() - centery; } if ((blockwidth <= 0) || (skipx >= blockwidth)) { return; } int imgoffset = centerx * 4 + centery * imgstride; // If the chunk is valid, use its data; otherwise use the empty placeholder: const uchar * src = m_EmptyChunkImage; if (chunk.get() != nullptr) { src = chunk->getImage(); } // Blit or scale-blit the image: for (int z = skipy; z < blockheight; z++, imgoffset += imgstride) { srcoffset = floor((double)z / m_Zoom) * 16 * 4; if (m_Zoom == 1.0) { memcpy(bits + imgoffset, src + srcoffset + skipx * 4, (blockwidth - skipx) * 4); } else { int xofs = 0; for (int x = skipx; x < blockwidth; x++, xofs +=4) { memcpy(bits + imgoffset + xofs, src + srcoffset + (int)floor((double)x / m_Zoom) * 4, 4); } } } } void BiomeView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * a_Event) { m_Image = QImage(a_Event->size(), QImage::Format_RGB32); redraw(); } void BiomeView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * a_Event) { QPainter p(this); if (hasData()) { p.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), m_Image); } else { p.drawText(a_Event->rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, "No chunk source selected"); } p.end(); } void BiomeView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * a_Event) { m_LastX = a_Event->x(); m_LastY = a_Event->y(); m_IsMouseDragging = true; } void BiomeView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * a_Event) { // If there's no data displayed, bail out: if (!hasData()) { return; } if (m_IsMouseDragging) { // The user is dragging the mouse, move the view around: m_X += (m_LastX - a_Event->x()) / m_Zoom; m_Z += (m_LastY - a_Event->y()) / m_Zoom; m_LastX = a_Event->x(); m_LastY = a_Event->y(); redraw(); return; } // Update the status bar info text: int blockX = floor((a_Event->x() - width() / 2) / m_Zoom + m_X); int blockZ = floor((a_Event->y() - height() / 2) / m_Zoom + m_Z); int chunkX, chunkZ; int relX = blockX, relY, relZ = blockZ; cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(relX, relY, relZ, chunkX, chunkZ); auto chunk = m_Cache.fetch(chunkX, chunkZ); int biome = (chunk.get() != nullptr) ? chunk->getBiome(relX, relZ) : biInvalidBiome; emit hoverChanged(blockX, blockZ, biome); } void BiomeView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { m_IsMouseDragging = false; } void BiomeView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent * a_Event) { m_MouseWheelDelta += a_Event->delta(); while (m_MouseWheelDelta >= DELTA_STEP) { emit wheelUp(); m_MouseWheelDelta -= DELTA_STEP; } while (m_MouseWheelDelta <= -DELTA_STEP) { emit wheelDown(); m_MouseWheelDelta += DELTA_STEP; } } void BiomeView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * a_Event) { switch (a_Event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_W: { m_Z -= 10.0 / m_Zoom; redraw(); break; } case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_S: { m_Z += 10.0 / m_Zoom; redraw(); break; } case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_A: { m_X -= 10.0 / m_Zoom; redraw(); break; } case Qt::Key_Right: case Qt::Key_D: { m_X += 10.0 / m_Zoom; redraw(); break; } case Qt::Key_PageUp: case Qt::Key_Q: { emit increaseZoom(); break; } case Qt::Key_PageDown: case Qt::Key_E: { emit decreaseZoom(); break; } } }