#include "cRecipeChecker.h"

#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <list>

#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

#include "Defines.h"
#include "cMCLogger.h"
#include "cRoot.h"

typedef std::list< cRecipeChecker::Recipe* > RecipeList;
struct cRecipeChecker::sRecipeCheckerState
	RecipeList Recipes;

cRecipeChecker* cRecipeChecker::GetRecipeChecker()
	LOGWARN("WARNING: Using deprecated function cRecipeChecker::GetRecipeChecker() use cRoot::Get()->GetRecipeChecker() instead!");
	return cRoot::Get()->GetRecipeChecker();

	delete [] Slots;
	Slots = 0;

	delete m_pState;

	: m_pState( new sRecipeCheckerState )

void cRecipeChecker::ClearRecipes()
	while( m_pState->Recipes.size() > 0 )
		delete *m_pState->Recipes.begin();
		m_pState->Recipes.remove( *m_pState->Recipes.begin() );

void PrintRecipe( std::vector< cRecipeChecker::RecipeSlot > & RecipeSlots )
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < RecipeSlots.size(); i++)
		cRecipeChecker::RecipeSlot Slot = RecipeSlots[i];
		LOG("x:%i y:%i id:%i #%i", Slot.x, Slot.y, Slot.Item.m_ItemID, Slot.Item.m_ItemCount );

void PrintNear( std::ifstream & f, int a_History = 64 )

	// Calculate how far we can move pointer back
	std::streamoff Position = f.tellg();
	f.seekg( 0, std::ios_base::beg );
	std::streamoff Difference = Position - f.tellg();
	if( Difference > a_History ) Difference = a_History;
	f.seekg( Position - Difference, std::ios_base::beg );

	std::string Near;
	if( f.good() )
		while( f.good() && Near.size() < (unsigned int)Difference )
			char c;
			Near.push_back( c );
	LOGERROR("Error near: \"%s\"", Near.c_str() );

void cRecipeChecker::ReloadRecipes()
	LOG("--Loading recipes--");

	char a_File[] = "recipes.txt";

	FILE* f = 0;
	#ifdef _WIN32
	if( fopen_s(&f, a_File, "rb" ) == 0 )	// no error
	if( (f = fopen(a_File, "rb" )) != 0 )	// no error
	char c;
	while( fread( &c, sizeof(char), 1, f) == 1 )

	LOG("Could not open file for recipes: %s", a_File);

	std::ifstream f;

	char a_File[] = "recipes.txt";
	f.open(a_File, std::ios::in);
	std::string input;

	if( !f.good() )
		LOG("Could not open file for recipes: %s", a_File);

	std::vector< RecipeSlot > RecipeSlots;

	bool bError = false;
	while( f.good() )
		bool bLoadSlot = false;
		bool bLoadResult = false;

		char c;
		f >> c;
		if( c == '#' )
			//LOG("Ignoring comment");
			while( f.good() && c != '\n' )
				f.get( c );

		f.get( c );
		while( f.good() && ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' ) ) { f.get( c ); }
		if( f.eof() ) break;

		int width, height;
		f >> width;
		f >> c;	if( c != 'x' ) { bError=true; break; }
		f >> height;
		f >> c;
		if( c == ',' ) bLoadSlot = true;

		while( f.good() && bLoadSlot )
			bool bDontAddRecipe = false;
			int x, y, ItemID, Amount;
			if( f.peek() == '*' )
				f >> c;
				x = -1;
				f >> x;
			f >> c;	if( c != ':' ) { bError=true; break; }
			if( f.peek() == '*' )
				f >> c;
				y = -1;
				f >> y;
			f >> c;	if( c != ':' ) { bError=true; break; }
			f >> ItemID;
			f >> c;	if( c != ':' ) { bError=true; break; }
			f >> Amount;

			f >> c;
			if( c == '@' ) bLoadResult = true;
			if( c != ',' ) bLoadSlot = false;

			if( !isValidItem( ItemID ) )
				LOGERROR("Error in recipes file (%s): Invalid Item ID %i", a_File, ItemID );
				bDontAddRecipe = true;
			if( x < 0 && y < 0 )
				if( Amount < 0 )
					LOGERROR("Error in recipes file (%s): Invalid use of negative amount on wildcard coordinates", a_File );
					bDontAddRecipe = true;
				for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y )
					cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)Amount );
					RecipeSlot Slot;
					Slot.Item = Item;
					Slot.x = x;
					Slot.y = y;
					RecipeSlots.push_back( Slot );
			else if( x < 0 )
				if( Amount < 0 )
					for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) for(int yy = 0; yy < height; ++yy )
						if( yy == y-1 ) continue;
						cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)abs(Amount) );
						RecipeSlot Slot;
						Slot.Item = Item;
						Slot.x = x;
						Slot.y = yy;
						RecipeSlots.push_back( Slot );
					for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
						cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)Amount );
						RecipeSlot Slot;
						Slot.Item = Item;
						Slot.x = x;
						Slot.y = y-1;
						RecipeSlots.push_back( Slot );
			else if( y < 0 )
				if( Amount < 0 )
					for(int xx = 0; xx < width; ++xx) for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y )
						if( xx == x-1 ) continue;
						cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)abs(Amount) );
						RecipeSlot Slot;
						Slot.Item = Item;
						Slot.x = xx;
						Slot.y = y;
						RecipeSlots.push_back( Slot );
					for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
						cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)Amount );
						RecipeSlot Slot;
						Slot.Item = Item;
						Slot.x = x-1;
						Slot.y = y;
						RecipeSlots.push_back( Slot );
				if( Amount < 0 )
					for(int xx = 0; xx < width; ++xx) for(int yy = 0; yy < height; ++yy )
						if( xx == x-1 && yy == y-1 ) continue;
						cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)abs(Amount) );
						RecipeSlot Slot;
						Slot.Item = Item;
						Slot.x = xx;
						Slot.y = yy;
						RecipeSlots.push_back( Slot );
					cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)Amount );
					RecipeSlot Slot;
					Slot.Item = Item;
					Slot.x = x-1;
					Slot.y = y-1;
					RecipeSlots.push_back( Slot );
			//LOG("%i %i %i %i", x, y, ItemID, Amount );

			if( bLoadResult )
				bLoadResult = false;
				f >> ItemID;
				f >> c;	if( c != ':' ) { bError=true; break; }
				f >> Amount;
				//LOG("%i %i", ItemID, Amount );
				if( !isValidItem( ItemID ) )
					LOGERROR("Error in recipes file (%s): Invalid Item ID %i", a_File, ItemID );
					bDontAddRecipe = true;

				// Do a sanity check - Handshake algorithm :)
				bool bDuplicateEntries = false;
				for(unsigned int i = 0; i < RecipeSlots.size(); i++)
					for(unsigned int j = i+1; j < RecipeSlots.size(); j++)
						if( RecipeSlots[i].x == RecipeSlots[j].x && RecipeSlots[i].y == RecipeSlots[j].y )
							LOGERROR("Error in recipes file (%s): Duplicate item on coordinates %i:%i", a_File, RecipeSlots[i].x+1, RecipeSlots[i].y+1 );
							bDontAddRecipe = true;
							bDuplicateEntries = true;
				if( bDuplicateEntries )
					PrintNear( f, 64 );
					PrintRecipe( RecipeSlots );

				if( bDontAddRecipe == false )
					cItem Item( (ENUM_ITEM_ID)ItemID, (char)Amount );
					Recipe* recipe = new Recipe;
					recipe->Result = Item;
					recipe->NumItems = RecipeSlots.size();
					recipe->Slots = new RecipeSlot[ recipe->NumItems ];
					memcpy( recipe->Slots, &RecipeSlots[0], sizeof(RecipeSlot)*recipe->NumItems );
					m_pState->Recipes.push_back( recipe );
					//LOG("Loaded recipe for %i times %i", Amount, ItemID );

		if( bError ) break;
	if( bError || ( !f.eof() && !f.good() ) )
		LOGERROR("Error: Wrong format");
		PrintNear( f, 128 );

 	LOG("Found %i recipes", m_pState->Recipes.size() );
// 	for(RecipeList::iterator itr = m_pState->Recipes.begin(); itr != m_pState->Recipes.end(); ++itr )
// 	{
// 		LOG("Recipe for %i times %i", (*itr)->Result.m_ItemCount, (*itr)->Result.m_ItemID );
// 		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < (*itr)->NumItems; j++)
// 		{
// 			RecipeSlot Slot = (*itr)->Slots[j];
// 			LOG("%i %i %i %i", Slot.x, Slot.y, Slot.Item.m_ItemID, Slot.Item.m_ItemCount );
// 		}
// 	}
	LOG("--Done loading recipes--");

cItem cRecipeChecker::CookIngredients( cItem* a_Items, int a_Width, int a_Height, bool a_bConsumeIngredients /* = false */ )
	int iLeft = 999, iTop = 999;
	int iRight = 0, iBottom = 0;
	for(int y = 0; y < a_Height; y++ ) for(int x = 0; x < a_Width; x++)
		cItem Item = a_Items[x + y*a_Width];
		if( Item.m_ItemID != E_ITEM_EMPTY && Item.m_ItemCount > 0 )
			iRight  = MAX(x, iRight);
			iBottom = MAX(y, iBottom);
			iLeft   = MIN(x, iLeft);
			iTop    = MIN(y, iTop);

	for(RecipeList::iterator itr = m_pState->Recipes.begin(); itr != m_pState->Recipes.end(); ++itr )
		Recipe* recipe = (*itr);
		int Left = 999, Top = 999;
		int Right = 0, Bottom = 0;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < recipe->NumItems; i++)
			Right  = MAX(recipe->Slots[i].x, Right);
			Bottom = MAX(recipe->Slots[i].y, Bottom);
			Left   = MIN(recipe->Slots[i].x, Left);
			Top    = MIN(recipe->Slots[i].y, Top);
		if( Right-Left != iRight-iLeft || Bottom-Top != iBottom-iTop ) continue;
		// it has the right dimensions

		// Check for empty spaces
		unsigned int Hash = 0;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < recipe->NumItems; i++)
			int x = recipe->Slots[i].x - Left + iLeft +1;
			int y = recipe->Slots[i].y - Top + iTop +1;
			Hash += x + y * a_Width;
		for(int y = 0; y < a_Height; y++ ) for(int x = 0; x < a_Width; x++)
			cItem & Item = a_Items[x + y*a_Width];
			if( Item.m_ItemID != E_ITEM_EMPTY && Item.m_ItemCount > 0 )
				Hash -= (x+1) + (y+1)*a_Width;
		if( Hash != 0 ) continue; // Empty spaces not in right place

		bool bWrong = false;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < recipe->NumItems; i++)
			int x = recipe->Slots[i].x - Left + iLeft;
			int y = recipe->Slots[i].y - Top + iTop;
			cItem Item = a_Items[x + y*a_Width];
			if( Item.m_ItemID != recipe->Slots[i].Item.m_ItemID
				|| Item.m_ItemCount < recipe->Slots[i].Item.m_ItemCount )
				bWrong = true;
		if( bWrong ) continue;

		cItem Dish = recipe->Result;

		// else
		if( a_bConsumeIngredients )
			// Consume! nomnom~
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < recipe->NumItems; i++)
				int x = recipe->Slots[i].x - Left + iLeft;
				int y = recipe->Slots[i].y - Top + iTop;
				a_Items[x + y*a_Width].m_ItemCount -= recipe->Slots[i].Item.m_ItemCount;
				if( a_Items[x + y*a_Width].m_ItemCount <= 0 ) a_Items[x + y*a_Width].Empty();
			Dish = CookIngredients( a_Items, a_Width, a_Height, false );

		// Return the resulting dish!
		return Dish;
	return cItem();