// BiomeRenderer.h

// Declares the cBiomeRenderer class representing the rendering engine

#pragma once

#include "BiomeCache.h"

// fwd: Pixmap.h
class cPixmap;

class cBiomeRenderer
	void SetSource(cBiomeSource * a_Source);  // Takes ownership of the source
	/// Renders the biomes into the given pixmap. Returns true if some biome data was missing and can be retrieved later
	bool Render(cPixmap & a_Pixmap);
	/// Returns the RGB color value for the specified biome
	int GetBiomeColor(EMCSBiome a_Biome);
	void MoveViewBy(int a_OffsX, int a_OffsY);
	void SetZoom(int a_NewZoom)
		m_Zoom = a_NewZoom;
	cBiomeCache m_Cache;
	int m_OriginX;
	int m_OriginY;
	int m_Zoom;
} ;