#!/bin/sh #|| goto :windows_detected { # put the whole thing in a block so as not to behave weirdly if interrupted set -e # Global variables: # CHOICE_BUILDTYPE - Either "Release" or "Debug". # CHOICE_THREADS - A numerical value, the amount of threads to be used for the make command. # CHOICE_BRANCH - The branch to use. Currently locked on "master". # STATE_INTERACTIVE - 1 If we're running interactively. 0 otherwise. # STATE_NEW - Whether this is the first run. If 1, then no GIT repo exists yet. 0 otherwise. # Constants: DEFAULT_BUILDTYPE="Release" # Other options: "Debug" DEFAULT_BRANCH="master" # Other options: None currently DEFAULT_THREADS=1 # Constants not modifiable through command line: UPSTREAM_REPO="origin" UPSTREAM_LINK="https://github.com/cuberite/cuberite.git" #=================== Error functions =================== errorCompile () { echo echoInt "-----------------" echo "Compilation failed. Failed command:" echo "$@" exit 1 } errorGit () { echo echoInt "-----------------" echo "Code fetch failed. (Check your network connection). Failed command:" echo "$@" exit 2 } errorDependencies () { # The error messages are complex and OS-dependant, and are printed in the dependencies section before this is called. exit 3 } errorArguments () { echo "Usage: ./compile.sh [options]" echo "Compiles Cuberite. Updates the GIT repository if needed, and downloads it if it does not exist." echo "Runs interactively, unless one or more options are specified." echo echo "options:" echo " -m The compilation mode. Either \"Release\" or \"Debug\". Defaults to \"$DEFAULT_BUILDTYPE\"" echo ' -t The number of threads to use for compiling' echo " If unspecified, a default of $DEFAULT_THREADS threads is used. The special value AUTO attempts to set the number of" echo ' compilation threads equal to the number of CPU threads.' echo ' -b The branch to compile. (Currently unused and pinned to MASTER)' echo ' -n yes: Prevent interactive mode. Unnecessary in combination with other arguments.' echo ' Use without any other argument to build with the default settings.' echo ' -d yes: Dry run. Print the chosen settings and exit' echo echo "Usage examples:" echo " ./compile.sh" echo " ./compile.sh -m Debug" echo " ./compile.sh -m Release -t 2" echo echo "Return codes: (non 0 returns are accompanied by useful stderr info)" echo "0 - Success - Success! Code was updated and compiled" echo "1 - Compilation failed - cmake, make, or source code issue" echo "2 - Code fetch failed - Network issue or, far more rarely, a git issue" echo "3 - Dependencies missing - Some compilation tools are missing" echo "4 - Bad arguments - Bad commandline arguments were passed" echo "5 - Bad user input - Invalid user input in interactive mode" echo "6 - other - An error not listed above" exit 4 } errorInput () { echo echoInt "-----------------" echo "Unrecognized user input" echo "$@" exit 5 } errorOther () { echo echoInt "-----------------" echo "$@" exit 6 } #=================== Echo functions =================== echoInt () # echo only if interactive mode. { if [ $STATE_INTERACTIVE -eq 1 ]; then echo "$1" fi } echoErr () # Echo to stderr. { echo "$1" 1>&2 } #=================== Commandline Parsing =================== STATE_INTERACTIVE=1 # Interactive, unless one or more command line options are passed. while getopts ":m:t:b:d:n:" name; do value=$OPTARG STATE_INTERACTIVE=0 case "$name" in m) if [ ! -z "$CHOICE_BUILDTYPE" ]; then errorArguments; fi # Argument duplication. if [ "$value" = "Debug" ] || [ "$value" = "Release" ]; then CHOICE_BUILDTYPE="$value" else errorArguments fi ;; t) if [ ! -z "$CHOICE_THREADS" ]; then errorArguments; fi # Argument duplication. if [ "$value" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null || [ "$value" = "AUTO" ]; then # If a positive integer or the special value "AUTO". CHOICE_THREADS="$value" else errorArguments fi ;; b) if [ ! -z "$CHOICE_BRANCH" ]; then errorArguments; fi # Argument duplication. CHOICE_BRANCH=1 # Only used for dupe checking, overridden below. echoErr "Warning: The -b option is currently unused, it was ignored" ;; d) if [ ! -z "$DRY_RUN" ]; then errorArguments; fi # Argument duplication. DRY_RUN="yes" ;; n) if [ "$dummy" = "1" ]; then errorArguments; fi # Argument duplication. dummy=1 # we just want to disable interactive mode, passing an argument already did this. No need to do anything. ;; *) errorArguments ;; esac done if [ -z "$DRY_RUN" ]; then DRY_RUN="no"; fi #=================== Dependency checks and greeting =================== # Do we already have a repo? checkCuberiteDir () { [ -d .git ] && [ -f easyinstall.sh ] && [ -f src/BlockArea.cpp ] # A good enough indicator that we're in the Cuberite git repo. } STATE_NEW=1 if checkCuberiteDir; then # Check if we're in the Cuberite directory... STATE_NEW=0 elif [ -d cuberite ]; then # If there's a directory named "cuberite"... cd cuberite if checkCuberiteDir; then # Check if we're in the Cuberite directory... STATE_NEW=0 else errorOther "A directory is named 'cuberite' which has no Cuberite assets exists. Please run the script elsewhere or move/delete that directory." fi fi if [ $STATE_NEW -eq 0 ]; then echoInt "Cuberite repository detected. This should make the process faster, especially if you compiled before." fi # Echo: Greetings. echoInt " Hello, this script will download and compile Cuberite. On subsequent runs, it will update Cuberite. The compilation and download will occur in the current directory. If you're updating, you should run: <Path to Cuberite>/compile.sh Compiling from source takes time, but it usually generates faster executables. If you prefer ready-to-use binaries or if you want more info, please visit: https://cuberite.org/" doDependencyCheck() { MISSING_PACKAGES="" # Most distros have the following default compiler names. GCC_EXE_NAME="g++" CLANG_EXE_NAME="clang" COMPILER_PACKAGE_NAME="gcc g++" # Most distros have the following package and executable names. # Left side: Executable Name, Right side: Package Name. Note that this is SPACE delimited now, unlike in the past. PROGRAMS='git git make make cmake cmake' # If any OS deviates from the defaults, we detect the OS here, and change PROGRAMS, COMPILER_PACKAGE_NAME, etc. as needed. # Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, Mageia, openSUSE, Mandriva. if (rpm --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null); then COMPILER_PACKAGE_NAME="gcc-c++" fi # Make sure at least one compiler exists. GCC_EXISTS=0 CLANG_EXISTS=0 $GCC_EXE_NAME --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && GCC_EXISTS=1 $CLANG_EXE_NAME --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && CLANG_EXISTS=1 if [ "$GCC_EXISTS" -eq 0 ] && [ "$CLANG_EXISTS" -eq 0 ]; then MISSING_PACKAGES=" $COMPILER_PACKAGE_NAME" fi # Depdendency check. checkPackages () { echo "$PROGRAMS" | while read line; do EXE_NAME=`echo "$line" | cut -f 1 -d " "` PACKAGE_NAME=`echo "$line" | cut -f 2 -d " "` command -v $EXE_NAME > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || printf %s " $PACKAGE_NAME" done } MISSING_PACKAGES="$MISSING_PACKAGES`checkPackages`" missingDepsExit () { if [ "$1" != "" ]; then echoErr "You can install the missing depndencies via:" echoErr "$1" fi echoErr echoErr "Please install the dependencies, then come back." echoErr errorDependencies } if [ "$MISSING_PACKAGES" != "" ]; then echoInt echoInt "-----------------" echoErr "You have missing compilation dependencies:" echoErr $MISSING_PACKAGES echoErr # apt-get guide. apt-get --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && \ missingDepsExit "apt-get install$MISSING_PACKAGES" # dnf guide. dnf --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && \ missingDepsExit "dnf install$MISSING_PACKAGES" # zypper guide. zypper --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && \ missingDepsExit "zypper install$MISSING_PACKAGES" # pacman guide. pacman --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && \ missingDepsExit "pacman -S$MISSING_PACKAGES" # urpmi guide. urpmi --help > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && \ missingDepsExit "urpmi$MISSING_PACKAGES" missingDepsExit "" fi } doDependencyCheck #=================== Choice: Branch (Currently unused and simply skipped) =================== # Bypass Branch choice and choose master. Because it's the only branch right now. CHOICE_BRANCH=$DEFAULT_BRANCH ### Inactive code start. ### inactiveCode () { echo " You can choose between 3 branches: * (S)Stable: Choose the stable branch if you want the most reliable server. * (T)Testing: The testing branch is less stable, but using it and reporting bugs helps us a lot! * (D)Dev: The least stable of the three. (Master branch) Choose the development branch if you want to try new, bleeding-edge features. " printf %s "Choose the branch (s/t/d): " read CHOICE_BRANCH case $CHOICE_BRANCH in s|S) errorOther "We don't have a stable branch yet, please use testing, sorry." ;; t|T) CHOICE_BRANCH="testing" ;; d|D) CHOICE_BRANCH="master" ;; *) errorInput ;; esac } ### Inactive code end. ### #=================== Choice: Compile mode =================== if [ $STATE_INTERACTIVE -eq 1 ]; then echo " Choose compile mode: * (R)Release: Compiles normally. Generates the fastest build. * (D)Debug: Compiles in debug mode. Makes your console and crashes more verbose. A bit slower than Release mode. If you plan to help development by reporting bugs, this is preferred. " printf %s "Choose compile mode: (r/d) (Default: \"$DEFAULT_BUILDTYPE\"): " read CHOICE_BUILDTYPE case $CHOICE_BUILDTYPE in d|D) CHOICE_BUILDTYPE="Debug" ;; r|N) CHOICE_BUILDTYPE="Release" ;; esac fi if [ -z "$CHOICE_BUILDTYPE" ]; then # No buildtype specified. CHOICE_BUILDTYPE="$DEFAULT_BUILDTYPE" fi #=================== Choice: Thread amount =================== numberOfThreads() { KERNEL=`uname -s` if [ "$KERNEL" = "Linux" ] || [ "$KERNEL" = "Darwin" ]; then echo `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` elif [ "$KERNEL" = "FreeBSD" ]; then echo `getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN` else echo "unknown" fi } CPU_THREAD_COUNT=`numberOfThreads` if [ $STATE_INTERACTIVE -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo "Choose the number of compilation threads." if [ "$CPU_THREAD_COUNT" = "unknown" ]; then echo "Could not detect the number of CPU threads." elif [ "$CPU_THREAD_COUNT" -eq 1 ]; then echo "You have 1 thread." else echo "You have $CPU_THREAD_COUNT CPU threads." fi echo "If you have enough RAM, it is wise to choose your CPU's thread count. " echo "Otherwise choose lower. Old Raspberry Pis should choose 1. If in doubt, choose 1." printf %s "Please enter the number of compilation threads to use (Default: $DEFAULT_THREADS): " read CHOICE_THREADS fi if [ -z "$CHOICE_THREADS" ] 2> /dev/null; then CHOICE_THREADS="$DEFAULT_THREADS" elif [ "$CHOICE_THREADS" = "AUTO" ] 2> /dev/null; then if [ $CPU_THREAD_COUNT = "unknown" ]; then CHOICE_THREADS="$DEFAULT_THREADS" echo "WARNING: could not detect number of threads. Using the default ($DEFAULT_THREADS) ." >&2 else CHOICE_THREADS="$CPU_THREAD_COUNT" fi elif [ "$CHOICE_THREADS" -lt 0 ] 2> /dev/null; then errorInput fi #=================== Print settings summary =================== if [ "$STATE_NEW" = 1 ]; then previousCompilation="Not detected. We are assuming this is the first compile.sh run." else previousCompilation="Detected. This should make fetching and compiling faster." fi THREAD_WARNING="" if [ "$CPU_THREAD_COUNT" != "unknown" ] && [ "$CPU_THREAD_COUNT" -lt "$CHOICE_THREADS" ]; then THREAD_WARNING=" - Warning: More threads assigned than there are CPU threads." fi echo "" echoInt "#### Settings Summary ####" echo "Build Type: " "$CHOICE_BUILDTYPE" echo "Branch: " "$CHOICE_BRANCH" "(Currently the only choice)" echo "Compilation threads: " "$CHOICE_THREADS$THREAD_WARNING" echo "CPU Threads: " "$CPU_THREAD_COUNT" echo "Previous compilation: " "$previousCompilation" echo "Upstream Link: " "$UPSTREAM_LINK" echo "Upstream Repo: " "$UPSTREAM_REPO" if [ "$DRY_RUN" = "yes" ]; then echo "This is a dry run. Exiting now." exit 0; fi # Ask the user's permission to connect to the net. if [ $STATE_INTERACTIVE -eq 1 ]; then echo echo "After pressing ENTER, the script will connect to $UPSTREAM_LINK" echo "to check for updates and/or fetch code. It will then compile your program." echo "If you compiled before, make sure you're in the proper directory and that \"Previous compilation\" is detected." printf $s "Press ENTER to continue... " read dummy fi #=================== Code download / update via git =================== echoInt echoInt " --- Downloading Cuberite's source code from the $CHOICE_BRANCH branch..." if [ $STATE_NEW -eq 1 ]; then # Git: Clone. echo " --- Looks like your first run, cloning the whole code..." git clone --depth 1 "$UPSTREAM_LINK" -b "$CHOICE_BRANCH" || errorGit "git clone --depth 1 $UPSTREAM_LINK -b $CHOICE_BRANCH" cd cuberite else # Git: Fetch. echo " --- Updating the $CHOICE_BRANCH branch..." git fetch "$UPSTREAM_REPO" "$CHOICE_BRANCH" || errorGit "git fetch $UPSTREAM_REPO $CHOICE_BRANCH" git checkout "$CHOICE_BRANCH" || errorGit "git checkout $CHOICE_BRANCH" git merge "$UPSTREAM_REPO"/"$CHOICE_BRANCH" || errorGit "git merge $UPSTREAM_REPO/$CHOICE_BRANCH" fi # Git: Submodules. echo " --- Updating submodules..." git submodule sync git submodule update --init #=================== Compilation via cmake and make =================== # Cmake. echo " --- Running cmake..." if [ ! -d build-cuberite ]; then mkdir build-cuberite; fi cd build-cuberite cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="$CHOICE_BUILDTYPE" || errorCompile "cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CHOICE_BUILDTYPE" # Make. echo " --- Compiling..." make -j "$CHOICE_THREADS" || errorCompile "make -j $CHOICE_THREADS" echo #=================== Print success message =================== cd Server echo echo "-----------------" echo "Compilation done!" echo echo "Cuberite awaits you at:" echo "$PWD/Cuberite" cd ../.. echo " You can always update Cuberite by executing: $PWD/compile.sh Enjoy :)" exit 0 #=================== Windows fallback =================== # Called via hack in line 2. :windows_detected @echo off echo This script is not available for Windows yet, sorry. echo You can still download the Windows binaries from: https://cuberite.org/ echo You can also manually compile for Windows. See: https://github.com/cuberite/cuberite rem windows_exit exit }