#if 0 // ignore all contents of this file #include "cChunkLoader.h" #include "cChunk.h" #include "cMCLogger.h" #include "BlockID.h" #include "cCriticalSection.h" #include "cEvent.h" #include "cThread.h" #include "cSleep.h" #include "cChestEntity.h" #include "cFurnaceEntity.h" #include "cSignEntity.h" #include <iostream> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> // for mkdir #include <sys/types.h> #else #include <Windows.h> #endif #include <list> struct ChunkData { ChunkData() : x( 0 ) , z( 0 ) , Data( 0 ) , LiveChunk( 0 ) {} int x, z; unsigned int DataSize; unsigned int ChunkStart; char* Data; cChunk* LiveChunk; }; typedef std::list< ChunkData > ChunkDataList; struct cChunkLoader::ChunkPack { ChunkDataList AllChunks; int x, y, z; }; typedef std::list< cChunkLoader::ChunkPack > ChunkPackList; struct cChunkLoader::ChunkPacks { ChunkPackList AllPacks; }; cChunkLoader::cChunkLoader() : m_bStop( false ) , m_CriticalSection( new cCriticalSection() ) , m_Event( new cEvent() ) , m_ChunkPacks( new ChunkPacks ) { cThread( SaveThread, this ); } cChunkLoader::~cChunkLoader() { m_bStop = true; m_Event->Wait(); delete m_CriticalSection; } void cChunkLoader::SaveThread( void* a_Param ) { cChunkLoader* self = (cChunkLoader*)a_Param; while( !self->m_bStop ) { cSleep::MilliSleep( 1000 ); // Only check for saving once a second } self->m_Event->Set(); } cChunk* cChunkLoader::LoadChunk( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z ) { m_CriticalSection->Lock(); cChunk* Chunk = 0; Chunk = LoadOldFormat( a_X, a_Y, a_Z ); if( Chunk ) { Chunk->CalculateHeightmap(); } else { 1; // load new format() } m_CriticalSection->Unlock(); return Chunk; } bool cChunkLoader::SaveChunk( const cChunk & a_Chunk ) { m_CriticalSection->Lock(); bool Success = SaveOldFormat( a_Chunk ); m_CriticalSection->Unlock(); return Success; } /************************************************** * Old format stuffs **/ cChunk* cChunkLoader::LoadOldFormat( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z ) { char SourceFile[128]; sprintf_s(SourceFile, 128, "world/X%i_Y%i_Z%i.bin", a_X, a_Y, a_Z ); FILE* f = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 if( fopen_s(&f, SourceFile, "rb" ) == 0 ) // no error #else if( (f = fopen(SourceFile, "rb" )) != 0 ) // no error #endif { cChunk* Chunk = new cChunk( a_X, a_Y, a_Z ); if( fread( Chunk->m_BlockData, sizeof(char)*cChunk::c_BlockDataSize, 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; } // Now load Block Entities ENUM_BLOCK_ID BlockType; while( fread( &BlockType, sizeof(ENUM_BLOCK_ID), 1, f) == 1 ) { switch( BlockType ) { case E_BLOCK_CHEST: { cChestEntity* ChestEntity = new cChestEntity( 0, 0, 0 ); if( !ChestEntity->LoadFromFile( f ) ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING CHEST FROM FILE %s", SourceFile ); delete ChestEntity; fclose(f); return false; } Chunk->m_BlockEntities.push_back( ChestEntity ); } break; case E_BLOCK_FURNACE: { cFurnaceEntity* FurnaceEntity = new cFurnaceEntity( 0, 0, 0 ); if( !FurnaceEntity->LoadFromFile( f ) ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FURNACE FROM FILE %s", SourceFile ); delete FurnaceEntity; fclose(f); return false; } Chunk->m_BlockEntities.push_back( FurnaceEntity ); Chunk->m_TickBlockEntities.push_back( FurnaceEntity ); // They need tickin' } break; case E_BLOCK_SIGN_POST: case E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN: { cSignEntity* SignEntity = new cSignEntity(BlockType, 0, 0, 0 ); if( !SignEntity->LoadFromFile( f ) ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING SIGN FROM FILE %s", SourceFile ); delete SignEntity; fclose(f); return false; } Chunk->m_BlockEntities.push_back( SignEntity ); } break; default: break; } } fclose(f); return Chunk; } else { return 0; } } bool cChunkLoader::SaveOldFormat( const cChunk & a_Chunk ) { char SourceFile[128]; sprintf_s(SourceFile, 128, "world/X%i_Y%i_Z%i.bin", a_Chunk.m_PosX, a_Chunk.m_PosY, a_Chunk.m_PosZ ); #ifdef _WIN32 { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES Attrib; Attrib.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); Attrib.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; Attrib.bInheritHandle = false; ::CreateDirectory("world", &Attrib); } #else { mkdir("world", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); } #endif FILE* f = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 if( fopen_s(&f, SourceFile, "wb" ) == 0 ) // no error #else if( (f = fopen(SourceFile, "wb" )) != 0 ) // no error #endif { fwrite( a_Chunk.m_BlockData, sizeof(char)*cChunk::c_BlockDataSize, 1, f ); // Now write Block Entities for( std::list<cBlockEntity*>::const_iterator itr = a_Chunk.m_BlockEntities.begin(); itr != a_Chunk.m_BlockEntities.end(); ++itr) { cBlockEntity* BlockEntity = *itr; switch( BlockEntity->GetBlockType() ) { case E_BLOCK_CHEST: { cChestEntity* ChestEntity = reinterpret_cast< cChestEntity* >( BlockEntity ); ChestEntity->WriteToFile( f ); } break; case E_BLOCK_FURNACE: { cFurnaceEntity* FurnaceEntity = reinterpret_cast< cFurnaceEntity* >( BlockEntity ); FurnaceEntity->WriteToFile( f ); } break; case E_BLOCK_SIGN_POST: case E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN: { cSignEntity* SignEntity = reinterpret_cast< cSignEntity* >( BlockEntity ); SignEntity->WriteToFile( f ); } break; default: break; } } fclose(f); return true; } else { LOGERROR("ERROR WRITING TO FILE %s", SourceFile); return false; } } /****************************************** * New format **/ cChunk* cChunkLoader::LoadFormat1( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z ) { int PakX = (int)(floorf((float)a_X / 16.f)); int PakY = (int)(floorf((float)a_Y / 16.f)); int PakZ = (int)(floorf((float)a_Z / 16.f)); ChunkPack * Pack = 0; ChunkPackList & PackList = m_ChunkPacks->AllPacks; for( ChunkPackList::iterator itr = PackList.begin(); itr != PackList.end(); ++itr ) { if( itr->x == PakX && itr->y == PakY && itr->z == PakZ ) { Pack = &(*itr); break; } } if( !Pack ) // The pack was not in memory, so try to load it from disk { Pack = LoadPak1( PakX, PakY, PakZ ); // Load .pak file from disk if( Pack ) { PackList.push_back( *Pack ); // Add it to the loaded list } } if( Pack ) // Allright, the pack is in memory { ChunkData * Data = 0; ChunkDataList & ChunkList = Pack->AllChunks; for( ChunkDataList::iterator itr = ChunkList.begin(); itr != ChunkList.end(); ++itr ) { if( itr->x == a_X && itr->z == a_Z ) { Data = &(*itr); break; } } if( !Data ) // Sorry, chunk does not exist (yet) return 0; if( Data->LiveChunk ) // This chunk is already loaded and decoded (this should actually never happen) return Data->LiveChunk; // Decompress chunk, and return brand new chunk // doing it... return 0; // actually return the chunk } return 0; // .pak file didn't exist } cChunkLoader::ChunkPack* cChunkLoader::LoadPak1( int PakX, int PakY, int PakZ ) { char SourceFile[128]; sprintf_s(SourceFile, 128, "world/X%i_Y%i_Z%i.pak", PakX, PakY, PakZ ); FILE* f = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 if( fopen_s(&f, SourceFile, "rb" ) == 0 ) // no error #else if( (f = fopen(SourceFile, "rb" )) != 0 ) // no error #endif { cChunkLoader::ChunkPack * Pack = new cChunkLoader::ChunkPack; Pack->x = PakX; Pack->y = PakY; Pack->z = PakZ; short Version = 0; if( fread( &Version, sizeof( short ), 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Error reading file %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } if( Version != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Wrong pak version! %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } short NumChunks = 0; if( fread( &NumChunks, sizeof( short ), 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Error reading file %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } // Load all the headers for( short i = 0; i < NumChunks; ++i ) { ChunkData Data; if( fread( &Data.x, sizeof( int ), 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Error reading file %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } if( fread( &Data.z, sizeof( int ), 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Error reading file %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } if( fread( &Data.DataSize, sizeof( unsigned int ), 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Error reading file %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } if( fread( &Data.ChunkStart, sizeof( unsigned int ), 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Error reading file %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } Pack->AllChunks.push_back( Data ); } // Load all compressed chunk data in the order the headers were loaded ChunkDataList::iterator itr = Pack->AllChunks.begin(); for( short i = 0; i < NumChunks; ++i ) { itr->Data = new char[ itr->DataSize ]; if( fread( itr->Data, sizeof( char ) * itr->DataSize, 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("Error reading file %s", SourceFile ); return 0; } ++itr; } // And we're done :) return Pack; } return 0; } #endif