#pragma once #include <memory> #include <QDialog> #include <QComboBox> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QFormLayout> class cIniFile; typedef std::shared_ptr<cIniFile> cIniFilePtr; class GeneratorSetup : public QWidget { typedef QWidget super; Q_OBJECT public: /** Creates the widget and loads the contents of the INI file, if not empty. */ explicit GeneratorSetup(const std::string & a_IniFileName, QWidget * parent = nullptr); /** Returns the cIniFile instance that is being edited by this widget. */ cIniFilePtr getIniFile() { return m_IniFile; } signals: /** Emitted when the generator parameters have changed. */ void generatorUpdated(); public slots: /** Called when the user selects a different generator from the top combobox. Re-creates m_IniFile and updates the form layout. */ void generatorChanged(const QString & a_NewName); protected slots: /** Called when any of the edit widgets are changed. */ void editChanged(const QString & a_NewValue); protected: QComboBox * m_cbGenerator; QLineEdit * m_eSeed; QVBoxLayout * m_MainLayout; QFormLayout * m_FormLayout; cIniFilePtr m_IniFile; int m_Seed; /** Updates the form layout with the values from m_IniFile. */ void updateFromIni(); };