// HTTPServer.h // Declares the cHTTPServer class representing a HTTP webserver that uses cListenThread and cSocketThreads for processing #pragma once #include "../OSSupport/ListenThread.h" #include "../OSSupport/SocketThreads.h" #include "../../iniFile/iniFile.h" // fwd: class cHTTPMessage; class cHTTPRequest; class cHTTPResponse; class cHTTPConnection; typedef std::vector<cHTTPConnection *> cHTTPConnections; class cHTTPServer : public cListenThread::cCallback { public: class cCallbacks { public: /** Called when a new request arrives over a connection and its headers have been parsed. The request body needn't have arrived yet. */ virtual void OnRequestBegun(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request) = 0; /// Called when another part of request body has arrived. virtual void OnRequestBody(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request, const char * a_Data, int a_Size) = 0; /// Called when the request body has been fully received in previous calls to OnRequestBody() virtual void OnRequestFinished(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request) = 0; } ; cHTTPServer(void); ~cHTTPServer(); /// Initializes the server on the specified ports bool Initialize(const AString & a_PortsIPv4, const AString & a_PortsIPv6); /// Starts the server and assigns the callbacks to use for incoming requests bool Start(cCallbacks & a_Callbacks); /// Stops the server, drops all current connections void Stop(void); protected: friend class cHTTPConnection; cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv4; cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv6; cSocketThreads m_SocketThreads; cCriticalSection m_CSConnections; cHTTPConnections m_Connections; ///< All the connections that are currently being serviced /// The callbacks to call for various events cCallbacks * m_Callbacks; // cListenThread::cCallback overrides: virtual void OnConnectionAccepted(cSocket & a_Socket) override; /// Called by cHTTPConnection to close the connection (presumably due to an error) void CloseConnection(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection); /// Called by cHTTPConnection to notify SocketThreads that there's data to be sent for the connection void NotifyConnectionWrite(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection); /// Called by cHTTPConnection when it finishes parsing the request header void NewRequest(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request); /// Called by cHTTPConenction when it receives more data for the request body void RequestBody(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request, const char * a_Data, int a_Size); /// Called by cHTTPConnection when it detects that the request has finished (all of its body has been received) void RequestFinished(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request); } ;