// MemDumpAnalysis.cpp // Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "Globals.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") // Needed for StringUtils' RawBEToUtf8() et al. #endif // _WIN32 typedef std::set<AString> AStringSet; class cFunction { public: int m_Size; ///< Sum of memory block sizes allocated by this function or its children int m_Count; ///< Total number of memory blocks allocated by this function or its children AStringSet m_ChildrenNames; cFunction(void) : m_Size(0), m_Count(0) { } } ; typedef std::map<AString, cFunction> FunctionMap; int g_CurrentID = 0; int g_CurrentSize = 0; FunctionMap g_FnMap; AString g_PrevFunctionName; bool IsFnBlackListed(const char * a_FnName) { static const char * BlackList[] = { "MyAllocHook", "_heap_alloc_dbg_impl", "_nh_malloc_dbg_impl", "_nh_malloc_dbg", "malloc", "operator new", "_malloc_dbg", "realloc_help", "_realloc_dbg", "realloc", "l_alloc", "luaM_realloc_", "", } ; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(BlackList); i++) { if (strcmp(BlackList[i], a_FnName) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } const char * FindAttr(const char ** a_Attrs, const char * a_AttrName) { for (const char ** Attr = a_Attrs; *Attr != NULL; Attr += 2) { if (strcmp(*Attr, a_AttrName) == 0) { return *(Attr + 1); } } // for Attr - a_Attrs[] return NULL; } void OnStartElement(void * a_Data, const char * a_Element, const char ** a_Attrs) { if (strcmp(a_Element, "LEAK") == 0) { const char * attrID = FindAttr(a_Attrs, "requestID"); const char * attrSize = FindAttr(a_Attrs, "size"); g_CurrentID = atoi((attrID == NULL) ? "-1" : attrID); g_CurrentSize = atoi((attrSize == NULL) ? "-1" : attrSize); g_PrevFunctionName.clear(); return; } if (strcmp(a_Element, "STACKENTRY") == 0) { const char * fnName = FindAttr(a_Attrs, "decl"); if (fnName == NULL) { g_CurrentID = -1; g_CurrentSize = -1; return; } if (g_CurrentSize < 0) { return; } if (IsFnBlackListed(fnName)) { return; } AString FunctionName = fnName; cFunction & Function = g_FnMap[FunctionName]; Function.m_Size += g_CurrentSize; Function.m_Count += 1; if (!g_PrevFunctionName.empty()) { Function.m_ChildrenNames.insert(g_PrevFunctionName); } std::swap(g_PrevFunctionName, FunctionName); // We only care about moving FunctionName into g_PrevFunctionName return; } } void OnEndElement(void * a_Data, const char * a_Element) { if (strcmp(a_Element, "LEAK") == 0) { g_CurrentID = -1; g_CurrentSize = -1; return; } } bool CompareFnInt(const std::pair<AString, int> & a_First, const std::pair<AString, int> & a_Second) { return (a_First.second < a_Second.second); } void WriteSizeStatistics(void) { typedef std::vector<std::pair<AString, int> > StringIntPairs; StringIntPairs FnSizes; cFile f("memdump_totals.txt", cFile::fmWrite); if (!f.IsOpen()) { LOGERROR("Cannot open memdump_totals.txt"); return; } for (FunctionMap::iterator itr = g_FnMap.begin(), end = g_FnMap.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { FnSizes.push_back(std::pair<AString, int>(itr->first, itr->second.m_Size)); } // for itr - g_FnSizes[] std::sort(FnSizes.begin(), FnSizes.end(), CompareFnInt); for (StringIntPairs::const_iterator itr = FnSizes.begin(), end = FnSizes.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { f.Printf("%d\t%s\n", itr->second, itr->first.c_str()); } // for itr - FnSizes[] } void WriteCountStatistics(void) { typedef std::vector<std::pair<AString, int> > StringIntPairs; StringIntPairs FnCounts; cFile f("memdump_counts.txt", cFile::fmWrite); if (!f.IsOpen()) { LOGERROR("Cannot open memdump_counts.txt"); return; } for (FunctionMap::iterator itr = g_FnMap.begin(), end = g_FnMap.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { FnCounts.push_back(std::pair<AString, int>(itr->first, itr->second.m_Count)); } // for itr - g_FnSizes[] std::sort(FnCounts.begin(), FnCounts.end(), CompareFnInt); for (StringIntPairs::const_iterator itr = FnCounts.begin(), end = FnCounts.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { f.Printf("%d\t%s\n", itr->second, itr->first.c_str()); } // for itr - FnSizes[] } AString HTMLEscape(const AString & a_Text) { AString res; res.reserve(a_Text.size()); size_t len = a_Text.length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (a_Text[i]) { case '<': res.append("<<BR/>"); break; case '>': res.append("<BR/>>"); break; case '&': res.append("&"); break; default: { res.push_back(a_Text[i]); } } } // for i - a_Text[] return res; } void WriteDotGraph(void) { cFile f("memdump.dot", cFile::fmWrite); if (!f.IsOpen()) { LOGERROR("Cannot open memdump.dot"); return; } f.Printf("digraph {\n\tnode [shape=plaintext]\n\n"); for (FunctionMap::const_iterator itrF = g_FnMap.begin(), endF = g_FnMap.end(); itrF != endF; ++itrF) { f.Printf("\t\"%s\" [label=<%s<BR/>%d bytes (%d KiB)<BR/>%d blocks>]\n", itrF->first.c_str(), HTMLEscape(itrF->first).c_str(), itrF->second.m_Size, (itrF->second.m_Size + 1023) / 1024, itrF->second.m_Count ); const AStringSet & Children = itrF->second.m_ChildrenNames; for (AStringSet::const_iterator itrN = Children.begin(), endN = Children.end(); itrN != endN; ++itrN) { f.Printf("\t\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", itrF->first.c_str(), itrN->c_str()); } f.Printf("\n"); } // for itr f.Printf("}\n"); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // Open the dump file: cFile f("memdump.xml", cFile::fmRead); if (!f.IsOpen()) { printf("Cannot open memdump.xml\n"); return 1; } // Create the XML parser: XML_Parser Parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); XML_SetElementHandler(Parser, OnStartElement, OnEndElement); // Feed the file through XML parser: char Buffer[512 KiB]; while (true) { int NumBytes = f.Read(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)); if (NumBytes <= 0) { break; } XML_Parse(Parser, Buffer, NumBytes, false); putc('.', stdout); } XML_Parse(Parser, "", 0, true); f.Close(); // Output the statistics WriteSizeStatistics(); WriteCountStatistics(); WriteDotGraph(); return 0; }