#pragma once

#ifndef _WIN32
	#include "BlockID.h"

#define MAX_PLAYERS 65535

#include "Simulator/SimulatorManager.h"
#include "MersenneTwister.h"
#include "ChunkMap.h"
#include "WorldStorage/WorldStorage.h"
#include "Generating/ChunkGenerator.h"
#include "Vector3i.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "ChunkSender.h"
#include "Defines.h"
#include "LightingThread.h"
#include "Item.h"

class cRedstone;
class cFireSimulator;
class cFluidSimulator;
class cSandSimulator;
class cRedstoneSimulator;
class cItem;
class cPlayer;
class cClientHandle;
class cEntity;
class cBlockEntity;
class cWorldGenerator;  // The generator that actually generates the chunks for a single world
class cChunkGenerator;  // The thread responsible for generating chunks
class cChestEntity;
class cFurnaceEntity;

typedef std::list< cPlayer * > cPlayerList;

typedef cItemCallback<cPlayer>        cPlayerListCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cEntity>        cEntityCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cChestEntity>   cChestCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cFurnaceEntity> cFurnaceCallback;

class cWorld													//tolua_export
{																//tolua_export

	OBSOLETE static cWorld * GetWorld();

	// Return time in seconds
	inline static float GetTime()													//tolua_export
		return m_Time;
	long long GetWorldTime(void) const { return m_WorldTime; }						//tolua_export

	eGameMode GetGameMode(void) const { return m_GameMode; }						//tolua_export
	bool IsPVPEnabled(void) const { return m_bEnabledPVP; }							//tolua_export
	bool IsDeepSnowEnabled(void) const { return m_IsDeepSnowEnabled; }

	void SetWorldTime(long long a_WorldTime) { m_WorldTime = a_WorldTime; }			//tolua_export

	int GetHeight( int a_X, int a_Z );												//tolua_export

	void BroadcastChat               (const AString & a_Message, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastPlayerAnimation    (const cPlayer & a_Player, char a_Animation, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastEntityEquipment    (const cEntity & a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastTeleportEntity     (const cEntity & a_Entity, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastEntRelMoveLook     (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastEntRelMove         (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastEntLook            (const cEntity & a_Entity, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastEntHeadLook        (const cEntity & a_Entity, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastBlockAction        (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Byte1, char a_Byte2, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastDestroyEntity      (const cEntity & a_Entity, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastEntityStatus       (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_Status, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastMetadata           (const cPawn & a_Pawn, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastSpawn              (cEntity & a_Entity, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastCollectPickup      (const cPickup & a_Pickup, const cPlayer & a_Player, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastWeather            (eWeather a_Weather, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastThunderbolt        (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastTimeUpdate         (const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastChunkData          (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDataSerializer & a_Serializer, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastPlayerListItem     (const cPlayer & a_Player, bool a_IsOnline, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastSoundEffect        (const AString & a_SoundName, int a_SrcX, int a_SrcY, int a_SrcZ, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);   // a_Src coords are Block * 8
	void BroadcastSoundParticleEffect(int a_EffectID, int a_SrcX, int a_SrcY, int a_SrcZ, int a_Data, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastBlockBreakAnimation(int a_EntityID, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Stage, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	void BroadcastUseBed             (const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ );

	/// If there is a block entity at the specified coods, sends it to all clients except a_Exclude
	void BroadcastBlockEntity    (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL);
	/// If there is a block entity at the specified coords, sends it to the client specified
	void SendBlockEntity(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cClientHandle & a_Client);
	void MarkChunkDirty (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	void MarkChunkSaving(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	void MarkChunkSaved (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	/** Sets the chunk data as either loaded from the storage or generated.
	a_BlockLight and a_BlockSkyLight are optional, if not present, chunk will be marked as unlighted.
	a_BiomeMap is optional, if not present, biomes will be calculated by the generator
	a_HeightMap is optional, if not present, will be calculated.
	If a_MarkDirty is set, the chunk is set as dirty (used after generating)
	void SetChunkData(
		int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ, 
		const BLOCKTYPE *  a_BlockTypes,
		const NIBBLETYPE * a_BlockMeta,
		const NIBBLETYPE * a_BlockLight,
		const NIBBLETYPE * a_BlockSkyLight,
		const cChunkDef::HeightMap * a_HeightMap,
		const cChunkDef::BiomeMap  * a_BiomeMap,
		cEntityList & a_Entities,
		cBlockEntityList & a_BlockEntities,
		bool a_MarkDirty
	void ChunkLighted(
		int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ,
		const cChunkDef::BlockNibbles & a_BlockLight,
		const cChunkDef::BlockNibbles & a_SkyLight
	bool GetChunkData      (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDataCallback & a_Callback);
	/// Gets the chunk's blocks, only the block types
	bool GetChunkBlockTypes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ, BLOCKTYPE * a_BlockTypes);
	/// Gets the chunk's blockdata, the entire 4 arrays (Types, Meta, Light, SkyLight)
	bool GetChunkBlockData (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ, BLOCKTYPE * a_BlockData);
	bool IsChunkValid      (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ) const;
	bool HasChunkAnyClients(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ) const;
	void UnloadUnusedChunks(void);    // tolua_export
	void CollectPickupsByPlayer(cPlayer * a_Player);

	// MOTD
	const AString & GetDescription(void) const {return m_Description; }	// FIXME: This should not be in cWorld

	// Max Players
	unsigned int GetMaxPlayers(void) const {return m_MaxPlayers; }					//tolua_export
	void SetMaxPlayers(int iMax);													//tolua_export

	void AddPlayer( cPlayer* a_Player );
	void RemovePlayer( cPlayer* a_Player );

	/// Calls the callback for each player in the list; returns true if all players processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
 	bool ForEachPlayer(cPlayerListCallback & a_Callback);  // >> EXPORTED IN MANUALBINDINGS <<
 	/// Calls the callback for the player of the given name; returns true if the player was found and the callback called, false if player not found. Callback return ignored
 	bool DoWithPlayer(const AString & a_PlayerName, cPlayerListCallback & a_Callback);  // >> EXPORTED IN MANUALBINDINGS <<

	/// Finds a player from a partial or complete player name and calls the callback - case-insensitive
	bool FindAndDoWithPlayer(const AString & a_PlayerName, cPlayerListCallback & a_Callback);	// >> EXPORTED IN MANUALBINDINGS <<
	unsigned int GetNumPlayers();													//tolua_export
	// TODO: This interface is dangerous - rewrite to DoWithClosestPlayer(pos, sight, action)
	cPlayer * FindClosestPlayer(const Vector3f & a_Pos, float a_SightLimit);
	void SendPlayerList(cPlayer * a_DestPlayer);  // Sends playerlist to the player

	void AddEntity( cEntity* a_Entity );
	/// Removes the entity from the chunk specified
	void RemoveEntityFromChunk(cEntity * a_Entity, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	/// Moves the entity from its current chunk to the new chunk specified
	void MoveEntityToChunk(cEntity * a_Entity, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	/// Calls the callback for each entity in the entire world; returns true if all entities processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
	bool ForEachEntity(cEntityCallback & a_Callback);  // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
	/// Calls the callback for each entity in the specified chunk; returns true if all entities processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
	bool ForEachEntityInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cEntityCallback & a_Callback);  // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp

	/// Calls the callback if the entity with the specified ID is found, with the entity object as the callback param
	bool DoWithEntityByID(int a_UniqueID, cEntityCallback & a_Callback);  // TODO: Exported in ManualBindings.cpp

	/// Compares clients of two chunks, calls the callback accordingly
	void CompareChunkClients(int a_ChunkX1, int a_ChunkY1, int a_ChunkZ1, int a_ChunkX2, int a_ChunkY2, int a_ChunkZ2, cClientDiffCallback & a_Callback);
	/// Adds client to a chunk, if not already present; returns true if added, false if present
	bool AddChunkClient(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ, cClientHandle * a_Client);
	/// Removes client from the chunk specified
	void RemoveChunkClient(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ, cClientHandle * a_Client);
	/// Removes the client from all chunks it is present in
	void RemoveClientFromChunks(cClientHandle * a_Client);
	/// Sends the chunk to the client specified, if the chunk is valid. If not valid, the request is postponed (ChunkSender will send that chunk when it becomes valid+lighted)
	void SendChunkTo(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ, cClientHandle * a_Client);
	/// Removes client from ChunkSender's queue of chunks to be sent
	void RemoveClientFromChunkSender(cClientHandle * a_Client);
	/// Touches the chunk, causing it to be loaded or generated
	void TouchChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	/// Loads the chunk, if not already loaded. Doesn't generate. Returns true if chunk valid (even if already loaded before)
	bool LoadChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	/// Loads the chunks specified. Doesn't report failure, other than chunks being !IsValid()
	void LoadChunks(const cChunkCoordsList & a_Chunks);
	/// Marks the chunk as failed-to-load:
	void ChunkLoadFailed(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ);
	/// Updates the sign, askin gplugins for permission forst. a_Player is the player who changed the sign, may be NULL
	void UpdateSign(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, const AString & a_Line1, const AString & a_Line2, const AString & a_Line3, const AString & a_Line4, cPlayer * a_Player = NULL);	//tolua_export

	/// Marks (a_Stay == true) or unmarks (a_Stay == false) chunks as non-unloadable. To be used only by cChunkStay!
	void ChunksStay(const cChunkCoordsList & a_Chunks, bool a_Stay = true);
	/// Regenerate the given chunk:
	void RegenerateChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ);													//tolua_export
	/// Generates the given chunk, if not already generated
	void GenerateChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ);													//tolua_export
	/// Queues a chunk for lighting; a_Callback is called after the chunk is lighted
	void QueueLightChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkCoordCallback * a_Callback = NULL);
	bool IsChunkLighted(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ);
	/// Calls the callback for each chunk in the coords specified (all cords are inclusive). Returns true if all chunks have been processed successfully
	bool ForEachChunkInRect(int a_MinChunkX, int a_MaxChunkX, int a_MinChunkZ, int a_MaxChunkZ, cChunkDataCallback & a_Callback);

	// tolua_begin
	void       SetBlock          (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta);
	void       FastSetBlock      (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta);
	BLOCKTYPE  GetBlock          (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
	NIBBLETYPE GetBlockMeta      (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
	void       SetBlockMeta      (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, NIBBLETYPE a_MetaData);
	NIBBLETYPE GetBlockSkyLight  (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
	NIBBLETYPE GetBlockBlockLight(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
	void       GetBlockTypeMeta  (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE & a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE & a_BlockMeta);
	void       GetBlockInfo      (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE & a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE & a_Meta, NIBBLETYPE & a_SkyLight, NIBBLETYPE & a_BlockLight);
	// TODO: NIBBLETYPE GetBlockActualLight(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);

	// Vector3i variants:
	void       FastSetBlock(const Vector3i & a_Pos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta ) { FastSetBlock( a_Pos.x, a_Pos.y, a_Pos.z, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta ); }
	BLOCKTYPE  GetBlock    (const Vector3i & a_Pos ) { return GetBlock( a_Pos.x, a_Pos.y, a_Pos.z ); }
	NIBBLETYPE GetBlockMeta(const Vector3i & a_Pos ) { return GetBlockMeta( a_Pos.x, a_Pos.y, a_Pos.z ); }
	void       SetBlockMeta(const Vector3i & a_Pos, NIBBLETYPE a_MetaData ) { SetBlockMeta( a_Pos.x, a_Pos.y, a_Pos.z, a_MetaData ); }
	// tolua_end
	/** Writes the block area into the specified coords. 
	Returns true if all chunks have been processed. 
	Prefer cBlockArea::Write() instead, this is the internal implementation; cBlockArea does error checking, too.
	a_DataTypes is a bitmask of cBlockArea::baXXX constants ORed together.
	bool WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlockY, int a_MinBlockZ, int a_DataTypes);
	/// Spawns item pickups for each item in the list. May compress pickups if too many entities:
	void SpawnItemPickups(const cItems & a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, double a_FlyAwaySpeed = 1.0);
	/// Spawns item pickups for each item in the list. May compress pickups if too many entities. All pickups get the speed specified:
	void SpawnItemPickups(const cItems & a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ);
	/// Replaces world blocks with a_Blocks, if they are of type a_FilterBlockType
	void ReplaceBlocks(const sSetBlockVector & a_Blocks, BLOCKTYPE a_FilterBlockType);
	/// Retrieves block types of the specified blocks. If a chunk is not loaded, doesn't modify the block. Returns true if all blocks were read.
	bool GetBlocks(sSetBlockVector & a_Blocks, bool a_ContinueOnFailure);
	bool DigBlock   (int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z);									//tolua_export
	void SendBlockTo(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, cPlayer * a_Player );									//tolua_export

	const double & GetSpawnX(void) const { return m_SpawnX; }														// tolua_export
	const double & GetSpawnY(void) const { return m_SpawnY; }														// tolua_export
	const double & GetSpawnZ(void) const { return m_SpawnZ; }														// tolua_export

	inline cSimulatorManager * GetSimulatorManager(void) { return m_SimulatorManager; }
	inline cFluidSimulator * GetWaterSimulator(void) { return m_WaterSimulator; }
	inline cFluidSimulator * GetLavaSimulator (void) { return m_LavaSimulator; }

	/// Calls the callback for each chest in the specified chunk; returns true if all chests processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
	bool ForEachChestInChunk  (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChestCallback &   a_Callback);  // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp

	/// Calls the callback for each furnace in the specified chunk; returns true if all furnaces processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
	bool ForEachFurnaceInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cFurnaceCallback & a_Callback);  // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
	/// Calls the callback for the chest at the specified coords; returns false if there's no chest at those coords, true if found
	bool DoWithChestAt  (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChestCallback &   a_Callback);  // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp

	/// Calls the callback for the furnace at the specified coords; returns false if there's no furnace at those coords, true if found
	bool DoWithFurnaceAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cFurnaceCallback & a_Callback);  // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
	/// Retrieves the test on the sign at the specified coords; returns false if there's no sign at those coords, true if found
	bool GetSignLines (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, AString & a_Line1, AString & a_Line2, AString & a_Line3, AString & a_Line4);  // tolua_export
	/// a_Player is using block entity at [x, y, z], handle that:
	void UseBlockEntity(cPlayer * a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) {m_ChunkMap->UseBlockEntity(a_Player, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ); }

	void GrowTree           (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);                           // tolua_export
	void GrowTreeFromSapling(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_SaplingMeta);       // tolua_export
	void GrowTreeByBiome    (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);                           // tolua_export
	void GrowTreeImage(const sSetBlockVector & a_Blocks);
	/// Grows the plant at the specified block to its ripe stage (bonemeal used); returns false if the block is not growable. If a_IsBonemeal is true, block is not grown if not allowed in world.ini
	bool GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsByBonemeal = false);    // tolua_export
	/// Grows a cactus present at the block specified by the amount of blocks specified, up to the max height specified in the config
	void GrowCactus(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, int a_NumBlocksToGrow);  // tolua_export

	/// Grows a melon or a pumpkin next to the block specified (assumed to be the stem)
	void GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_BlockType);    // tolua_export

	/// Grows a sugarcane present at the block specified by the amount of blocks specified, up to the max height specified in the config
	void GrowSugarcane(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, int a_NumBlocksToGrow);  // tolua_export
	int  GetBiomeAt (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockZ);   // tolua_export

	const AString & GetName(void) const { return m_WorldName; }									//tolua_export
	const AString & GetIniFileName(void) const {return m_IniFileName; }

	inline static void AbsoluteToRelative( int & a_X, int & a_Y, int & a_Z, int & a_ChunkX, int & a_ChunkY, int & a_ChunkZ )
		// TODO: Use floor() instead of weird if statements
		// Also fix Y
		a_ChunkX = a_X/cChunkDef::Width;
		if(a_X < 0 && a_X % cChunkDef::Width != 0) a_ChunkX--;
		a_ChunkY = 0;
		a_ChunkZ = a_Z/cChunkDef::Width;
		if(a_Z < 0 && a_Z % cChunkDef::Width != 0) a_ChunkZ--;

		a_X = a_X - a_ChunkX*cChunkDef::Width;
		a_Y = a_Y - a_ChunkY*cChunkDef::Height;
		a_Z = a_Z - a_ChunkZ*cChunkDef::Width;
	inline static void BlockToChunk( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, int & a_ChunkX, int & a_ChunkY, int & a_ChunkZ )
		// TODO: Use floor() instead of weird if statements
		// Also fix Y
		(void)a_Y; // not unused anymore
		a_ChunkX = a_X/cChunkDef::Width;
		if(a_X < 0 && a_X % cChunkDef::Width != 0) a_ChunkX--;
		a_ChunkY = 0;
		a_ChunkZ = a_Z/cChunkDef::Width;
		if(a_Z < 0 && a_Z % cChunkDef::Width != 0) a_ChunkZ--;

	void SaveAllChunks(void);			//tolua_export

	/// Returns the number of chunks loaded	
	int GetNumChunks() const;		//tolua_export

	/// Returns the number of chunks loaded and dirty, and in the lighting queue
	void GetChunkStats(int & a_NumValid, int & a_NumDirty, int & a_NumInLightingQueue);

	// Various queues length queries (cannot be const, they lock their CS):
	inline int GetGeneratorQueueLength  (void) { return m_Generator.GetQueueLength();   }    // tolua_export
	inline int GetLightingQueueLength   (void) { return m_Lighting.GetQueueLength();    }    // tolua_export
	inline int GetStorageLoadQueueLength(void) { return m_Storage.GetLoadQueueLength(); }    // tolua_export
	inline int GetStorageSaveQueueLength(void) { return m_Storage.GetSaveQueueLength(); }    // tolua_export

	void Tick(float a_Dt);

	void InitializeSpawn(void);
	/// Stops threads that belong to this world (part of deinit)
	void StopThreads(void);
	void TickQueuedBlocks(float a_Dt);

	struct BlockTickQueueItem
		int X;
		int Y;
		int Z;
		float ToWait;

	void QueueBlockForTick(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, float a_TimeToWait);  // tolua_export

	void CastThunderbolt (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);						//tolua_export
	void SetWeather ( eWeather a_Weather );									//tolua_export
	void ChangeWeather();												//tolua_export
	eWeather GetWeather() { return m_Weather; };							//tolua_export

	cChunkGenerator & GetGenerator(void) { return m_Generator; }
	cWorldStorage &   GetStorage  (void) { return m_Storage; }
	cChunkMap *       GetChunkMap (void) { return m_ChunkMap; }
	/// Sets the blockticking to start at the specified block. Only one blocktick per chunk may be set, second call overwrites the first call
	void SetNextBlockTick(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);  // tolua_export
	int GetMaxSugarcaneHeight(void) const { return m_MaxSugarcaneHeight; }  // tolua_export
	int GetMaxCactusHeight   (void) const { return m_MaxCactusHeight; }     // tolua_export

	bool IsBlockDirectlyWatered(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);  // tolua_export

	friend class cRoot;

	// This random generator is to be used only in the Tick() method, and thus only in the World-Tick-thread (MTRand is not exactly thread-safe)
	MTRand m_TickRand;

	double m_SpawnX;
	double m_SpawnY;
	double m_SpawnZ;

	float m_LastUnload;
	float m_LastSave;
	static float m_Time;	// Time in seconds
	long long m_WorldTime; // Time in seconds*20, this is sent to clients (is wrapped)
	unsigned long long CurrentTick;
	eGameMode m_GameMode;
	bool m_bEnabledPVP;
	bool m_IsDeepSnowEnabled;
	float m_WorldTimeFraction; // When this > 1.f m_WorldTime is incremented by 20

	// The cRedstone class simulates redstone and needs access to m_RSList
	friend class cRedstone;
	std::vector<int> m_RSList;
	std::vector<BlockTickQueueItem *> m_BlockTickQueue;
	std::vector<BlockTickQueueItem *> m_BlockTickQueueCopy;	//Second is for safely removing the objects from the queue

	cSimulatorManager *  m_SimulatorManager;
	cSandSimulator *     m_SandSimulator;
	cFluidSimulator *    m_WaterSimulator;
	cFluidSimulator *    m_LavaSimulator;
	cFireSimulator *     m_FireSimulator;
	cRedstoneSimulator * m_RedstoneSimulator;
	cCriticalSection m_CSClients;
	cCriticalSection m_CSEntities;
	cCriticalSection m_CSPlayers;

	cWorldStorage     m_Storage;
	AString m_Description;
	unsigned int m_MaxPlayers;

	cChunkMap * m_ChunkMap;

	bool m_bAnimals;
	float m_SpawnMonsterTime;
	float m_SpawnMonsterRate;

	eWeather m_Weather;
	int m_WeatherInterval;
	int  m_MaxCactusHeight;
	int  m_MaxSugarcaneHeight;
	bool m_IsCropsBonemealable;
	bool m_IsGrassBonemealable;
	bool m_IsSaplingBonemealable;
	bool m_IsMelonStemBonemealable;
	bool m_IsMelonBonemealable;
	bool m_IsPumpkinStemBonemealable;
	bool m_IsPumpkinBonemealable;
	bool m_IsSugarcaneBonemealable;
	bool m_IsCactusBonemealable;
	cEntityList       m_RemoveEntityQueue;
	cEntityList       m_AllEntities;
	cClientHandleList m_Clients;
	cPlayerList       m_Players;

	cCriticalSection m_CSFastSetBlock;
	sSetBlockList    m_FastSetBlockQueue;

	cChunkGenerator  m_Generator;
	cChunkSender     m_ChunkSender;
	cLightingThread  m_Lighting;

	AString m_WorldName;
	AString m_IniFileName;
	cWorld(const AString & a_WorldName);

	void TickWeather(float a_Dt);  // Handles weather each tick
	void TickSpawnMobs(float a_Dt);  // Handles mob spawning each tick
	void RemoveEntity( cEntity * a_Entity );
	/// Creates a new fluid simulator, loads its settings from the inifile (a_FluidName section)
	cFluidSimulator * InitializeFluidSimulator(cIniFile & a_IniFile, const char * a_FluidName, BLOCKTYPE a_SimulateBlock, BLOCKTYPE a_StationaryBlock);
}; //tolua_export