#include "cAuthenticator.h" #include "cBlockingTCPLink.h" #include "cMCLogger.h" #include "../iniFile/iniFile.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include <cstring> #endif #include <string> #include <sstream> extern void ReplaceString( std::string & a_HayStack, const std::string & a_Needle, const std::string & a_ReplaceWith ); cAuthenticator::cAuthenticator() { } cAuthenticator::~cAuthenticator() { } bool cAuthenticator::Authenticate( const char* a_PlayerName, const char* a_ServerID ) { // Default values std::string Server = "session.minecraft.net"; std::string Address = "/game/checkserver.jsp?user=%USERNAME%&serverId=%SERVERID%"; bool bAuthenticate = true; // Read custom values from INI cIniFile IniFile("settings.ini"); if( IniFile.ReadFile() ) { std::string tServer = IniFile.GetValue("Authentication", "Server"); std::string tAddress = IniFile.GetValue("Authentication", "Address"); bAuthenticate = IniFile.GetValueB("Authentication", "Authenticate", true); bool bSave = false; if( tServer.length() == 0 ) { IniFile.SetValue("Authentication", "Server", Server, true ); bSave = true; } else Server = tServer; if( tAddress.length() == 0 ) { IniFile.SetValue("Authentication", "Address", Address, true ); bSave = true; } else Address = tAddress; if( bSave ) { IniFile.SetValueB("Authentication", "Authenticate", bAuthenticate, true ); IniFile.WriteFile(); } } if( !bAuthenticate ) // If we don't want to authenticate.. just return true { return true; } ReplaceString( Address, "%USERNAME%", a_PlayerName ); ReplaceString( Address, "%SERVERID%", a_ServerID ); cBlockingTCPLink TCPLink; if( TCPLink.Connect( Server.c_str(), 80 ) ) { //TCPLink.SendMessage( std::string( "GET /game/checkserver.jsp?user=" + std::string(a_PlayerName) + "&serverId=" + std::string(a_ServerID) + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" ).c_str() ); TCPLink.SendMessage( std::string( "GET " + Address + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" ).c_str() ); //LOGINFO("Successfully connected to mc.net"); std::string Received = TCPLink.ReceiveData(); //LOGINFO("Received data: %s", Received.c_str() ); return ParseReceived( Received.c_str(), &TCPLink ); } else { LOGERROR("Could not connect to %s to verify player name! (%s)", Server.c_str(), a_PlayerName ); return false; } } bool cAuthenticator::ParseReceived( const char* a_Data, cBlockingTCPLink* a_TCPLink ) { std::stringstream ss(a_Data); std::string temp; ss >> temp; //LOGINFO("tmp: %s", temp.c_str() ); bool bRedirect = false; bool bOK = false; if( temp.compare("HTTP/1.1") == 0 || temp.compare("HTTP/1.0") == 0 ) { int code; ss >> code; if( code == 302 ) { // redirect blabla LOGINFO("Need to redirect!"); bRedirect = true; } else if( code == 200 ) { LOGINFO("Got 200 OK :D"); bOK = true; } } else return false; if( bRedirect ) { std::string Location; // Search for "Location:" bool bFoundLocation = false; while( !bFoundLocation && ss.good() ) { char c = 0; while( c != '\n' ) { ss.get( c ); } std::string Name; ss >> Name; if( Name.compare("Location:") == 0 ) { bFoundLocation = true; ss >> Location; } } if( !bFoundLocation ) { LOGERROR("Could not find location"); return false; } Location = Location.substr( strlen("http://"), std::string::npos ); // Strip http:// std::string Server = Location.substr( 0, Location.find( "/" ) ); // Only leave server address Location = Location.substr( Server.length(), std::string::npos ); //LOGINFO("Got location: (%s)", Location.c_str() ); //LOGINFO("Got server addr: (%s)", Server.c_str() ); a_TCPLink->CloseSocket(); if( a_TCPLink->Connect( Server.c_str(), 80 ) ) { LOGINFO("Successfully connected to %s", Server.c_str() ); a_TCPLink->SendMessage( ( std::string("GET ") + Location + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n").c_str() ); std::string Received = a_TCPLink->ReceiveData(); //LOGINFO("Received data: %s", Received.c_str() ); return ParseReceived( Received.c_str(), a_TCPLink ); } else { LOGERROR("Could not connect to %s to verify player name!", Server.c_str() ); } } else if( bOK ) { // Header says OK, so receive the rest. // Go past header, double \n means end of headers char c = 0; while( ss.good() ) { while( c != '\n' ) { ss.get( c ); } ss.get( c ); if( c == '\n' || c == '\r' || ss.peek() == '\r' || ss.peek() == '\n' ) break; } if( !ss.good() ) return false; std::string Result; ss >> Result; LOGINFO("Got result: %s", Result.c_str() ); if( Result.compare("YES") == 0 ) { LOGINFO("Result was \"YES\", so player is authenticated!"); return true; } else { LOGINFO("Result was \"%s\", so player is NOT authenticated!", Result.c_str() ); return false; } } return false; }