Remove cRankManager migration code (#4714)
* Remove cRankManager migration code * Restore mistakenly removed code * Display log message when creating ranks
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#include "Globals.h"
#include "RankManager.h"
#include "IniFile.h"
#include "Protocol/MojangAPI.h"
#include "ClientHandle.h"
@ -13,371 +12,6 @@
// cRankManagerIniMigrator:
/** Migrates from groups.ini and users.ini into the rankmanager DB */
class cRankManagerIniMigrator
cRankManagerIniMigrator(cRankManager & a_RankManager, cMojangAPI & a_MojangAPI) :
/** Performs the complete migration from INI files to DB. */
bool Migrate(void)
cRankManager::cMassChangeLock Lock(m_RankManager);
LOGD("Reading groups...");
if (!ReadGroups())
return false;
LOGD("Cleaning groups inheritance...");
LOGD("Creating groups...");
LOGD("Reading users...");
if (!ReadUsers())
return false;
LOGD("Cleaning user groups...");
LOGD("Resolving user UUIDs...");
LOGD("Setting ranks...");
LOGD("Creating defaults...");
return true;
/** Container for a group read from an INI file. */
struct sGroup
AString m_Name;
AString m_Color;
AStringVector m_Inherits;
AStringVector m_Permissions;
sGroup(void) {}
sGroup(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_Color, const AStringVector & a_Inherits, const AStringVector & a_Permissions):
typedef std::map<AString, sGroup> sGroupMap;
/** Container for a single user read from an INI file. */
struct sUser
AString m_Name;
AStringVector m_Groups;
/** Assigned by ResolveUserUUIDs(), contains the online (Mojang) UUID of the player. */
/** Assigned by ResolveUserUUIDs(), contains the offline (generated) UUID of the player. */
cUUID m_OfflineUUID;
sUser(void) {}
sUser(const AString & a_Name, const AStringVector & a_Groups):
typedef std::map<AString, sUser> sUserMap;
typedef std::map<AString, AString> cStringMap;
/** The parent Rank manager where we will create the groups, ranks and players */
cRankManager & m_RankManager;
/** The player name to UUID resolver */
cMojangAPI & m_MojangAPI;
/** List of all groups read from the ini file */
sGroupMap m_Groups;
/** List of all players read from the ini file. */
sUserMap m_Users;
/** Maps lists of groups to rank names.
Each group list is either a simple "<Group>" if there's only one group,
or "<PrimaryGroup>, <FirstSecondaryGroup>, <SecondSecondaryGroup>...", where the secondary groups are
lowercased and alpha-sorted. This makes the group lists comparable for equivalence, simply by comparing
their string names.
The ranks are named "<Group>" for single-group players, and "AutoMigratedRank_N" for the composite ranks,
where N is a unique number. */
cStringMap m_GroupsToRanks;
/** Reads the groups from the "groups.ini" file into m_Groups */
bool ReadGroups(void)
// Read the file:
cIniFile Groups;
if (!Groups.ReadFile("groups.ini"))
return false;
// Read all the groups into a map:
int NumGroups = Groups.GetNumKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < NumGroups; i++)
AString GroupName = Groups.GetKeyName(i);
AString lcGroupName = StrToLower(GroupName);
if (m_Groups.find(lcGroupName) != m_Groups.end())
LOGINFO("groups.ini contains a duplicate definition of group %s, ignoring the latter.", GroupName.c_str());
m_Groups[lcGroupName] = sGroup(
Groups.GetValue(GroupName, "Color", ""),
StringSplitAndTrim(Groups.GetValue(GroupName, "Inherits"), ","),
StringSplitAndTrim(Groups.GetValue(GroupName, "Permissions"), ",")
} // for i - Groups' keys
return true;
/** Removes non-existent groups from all the groups' inheritance */
void CleanGroupInheritance(void)
for (sGroupMap::iterator itrG = m_Groups.begin(), endG = m_Groups.end(); itrG != endG; ++itrG)
AStringVector & Inherits = itrG->second.m_Inherits;
for (AStringVector::iterator itrI = Inherits.begin(); itrI != Inherits.end();)
AString lcInherits = StrToLower(*itrI);
if (m_Groups.find(lcInherits) != m_Groups.end())
// Inherited group exists, continue checking the next one
// Inherited group doesn't exist, remove it from the list:
LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: Group \"%s\" inherits from a non-existent group \"%s\", this inheritance will be ignored.",
itrG->second.m_Name.c_str(), itrI->c_str()
AStringVector::iterator itrI2 = itrI;
itrI = itrI2;
} // for itrI - Inherits[]
} // for itrG - m_Groups[]
/** Reads the users from the "users.ini" file into m_Users */
bool ReadUsers(void)
// Read the file:
cIniFile Users;
if (!Users.ReadFile("users.ini"))
return false;
// Read all the users into a map:
int NumUsers = Users.GetNumKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < NumUsers; i++)
AString UserName = Users.GetKeyName(i);
AString lcUserName = StrToLower(UserName);
if (m_Users.find(lcUserName) != m_Users.end())
LOGINFO("users.ini contains a duplicate definition of user %s, ignoring the latter.", UserName.c_str());
m_Users[lcUserName] = sUser(
StringSplitAndTrim(Users.GetValue(UserName, "Groups", ""), ",")
} // for i - Users' keys
return true;
/** Removes non-existent groups from each user's definition. */
void CleanUserGroups(void)
for (sUserMap::iterator itrU = m_Users.begin(), endU = m_Users.end(); itrU != endU; ++itrU)
AStringVector & Groups = itrU->second.m_Groups;
for (AStringVector::iterator itrG = Groups.begin(); itrG != Groups.end();)
AString lcGroup = StrToLower(*itrG);
if (m_Groups.find(lcGroup) != m_Groups.end())
// Assigned group exists, continue checking the next one
// Assigned group doesn't exist, remove it from the list:
LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: User \"%s\" is assigned a non-existent group \"%s\", this assignment will be ignored.",
itrU->second.m_Name.c_str(), itrG->c_str()
AStringVector::iterator itrG2 = itrG;
itrG = itrG2;
} // for itrG - Groups[]
} // for itrU - m_Users[]
/** Creates groups based on m_Groups.
Ignores group inheritance. */
void CreateGroups(void)
// Create each group, with its permissions:
for (sGroupMap::const_iterator itr = m_Groups.begin(), end = m_Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
m_RankManager.AddPermissionsToGroup(itr->second.m_Permissions, itr->second.m_Name);
} // for itr - m_Groups[]
/** Resolves the UUID of each user in m_Users.
If a user doesn't resolve, they are removed and logged in the console. */
void ResolveUserUUIDs(void)
// Resolve all PlayerNames at once (the API doesn't like single-name queries):
AStringVector PlayerNames;
for (sUserMap::const_iterator itr = m_Users.begin(), end = m_Users.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
// Assign the UUIDs back to players, remove those not resolved:
for (auto & User : m_Users)
cUUID UUID = m_MojangAPI.GetUUIDFromPlayerName(User.second.m_Name);
if (UUID.IsNil())
LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: Cannot resolve player %s to online UUID, player will be left unranked in online mode", User.second.m_Name.c_str());
User.second.m_UUID = UUID;
User.second.m_OfflineUUID = cClientHandle::GenerateOfflineUUID(User.second.m_Name);
/** Adds the specified groups to the specified ranks. Recurses on the groups' inheritance. */
void AddGroupsToRank(const AStringVector & a_Groups, const AString & a_RankName)
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = a_Groups.begin(), end = a_Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
// Normalize the group name:
sGroup & Group = m_Groups[StrToLower(*itr)];
// Avoid loops, check if the group is already added:
if (m_RankManager.IsGroupInRank(Group.m_Name, a_RankName))
// Add the group, and all the groups it inherits from recursively:
m_RankManager.AddGroupToRank(Group.m_Name, a_RankName);
AddGroupsToRank(Group.m_Inherits, a_RankName);
} // for itr - a_Groups[]
/** Creates a rank for each player, based on the master groups they are assigned. */
void SetRanks(void)
for (sUserMap::const_iterator itr = m_Users.begin(), end = m_Users.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
// Ignore users with no groups:
const AStringVector & Groups = itr->second.m_Groups;
if (Groups.empty())
LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: Player %s has no groups assigned to them, skipping the player.", itr->second.m_Name.c_str());
// Compose the rank name out of group names:
AString RankName;
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itrG = Groups.begin(), endG = Groups.end(); itrG != endG; ++itrG)
AString GroupName = m_Groups[StrToLower(*itrG)].m_Name; // Normalize group name
if (!RankName.empty())
} // for itrG - Groups[]
// Create the rank, with al its groups:
if (!m_RankManager.RankExists(RankName))
m_RankManager.AddRank(RankName, "", "", m_Groups[StrToLower(Groups[0])].m_Color);
AddGroupsToRank(Groups, RankName);
// Set the rank to the user, using both the online and offline UUIDs:
m_RankManager.SetPlayerRank(itr->second.m_UUID, itr->second.m_Name, RankName);
m_RankManager.SetPlayerRank(itr->second.m_OfflineUUID, itr->second.m_Name, RankName);
} // for itr - m_Users[]
/** Creates the Default rank that contains the Default group, if it exists.
Sets the RankManager's default rank. */
void CreateDefaults(void)
if (!m_RankManager.RankExists("Default"))
m_RankManager.AddRank("Default", "", "", "");
if (!m_RankManager.IsGroupInRank("Default", "Default"))
m_RankManager.AddGroupToRank("Default", "Default");
// cRankManager:
@ -421,21 +55,10 @@ void cRankManager::Initialize(cMojangAPI & a_MojangAPI)
// Check if tables empty, migrate from ini files then
// If tables are empty, create default ranks
if (AreDBTablesEmpty())
LOGINFO("There are no ranks, migrating old-style INI files to new DB ranks...");
LOGINFO("(This might take a while)");
cRankManagerIniMigrator Migrator(*this, a_MojangAPI);
if (Migrator.Migrate())
LOGINFO("Ranks migrated.");
// The default rank has been set by the migrator
// Migration failed. Add some defaults
LOGINFO("Rank migration failed, creating default ranks...");
LOGINFO("Creating default ranks...");
LOGINFO("Default ranks created.");
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
/** Initializes the rank manager. Performs migration and default-setting if no data is found in the DB.
The a_MojangAPI param is used when migrating from old ini files, to look up player UUIDs. */
The a_MojangAPI param is used to keep player names in sync with UUIDs, since Mojang allows username changes. */
void Initialize(cMojangAPI & a_MojangAPI);
/** Returns the name of the rank that the specified player has assigned to them.
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ protected:
/** Set to true once the manager is initialized. */
bool m_IsInitialized;
/** The MojangAPI instance that is used for translating playernames to UUIDs.
/** The MojangAPI instance that is used for keeping player names and UUIDs in sync.
Set in Initialize(), may be nullptr. */
cMojangAPI * m_MojangAPI;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user