Added MinMax height generator.

Fixes #1578.
This commit is contained in:
Mattes D 2014-11-04 08:40:23 +01:00
parent c5f3663bea
commit f239a28d06

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@ -536,6 +536,209 @@ NOISE_DATATYPE cHeiGenBiomal::GetHeightAt(int a_RelX, int a_RelZ, int a_ChunkX,
// cHeiGenMinMax:
class cHeiGenMinMax:
public cTerrainHeightGen
typedef cTerrainHeightGen super;
/** Size of the averaging process, in columns (for each direction). Must be less than 16. */
static const int AVERAGING_SIZE = 4;
cHeiGenMinMax(int a_Seed, cBiomeGenPtr a_BiomeGen):
// Initialize the weights:
for (int z = 0; z <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; z++)
for (int x = 0; x <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; x++)
m_Weights[z][x] = 1 + 2 * AVERAGING_SIZE - std::abs(x - AVERAGING_SIZE) - std::abs(z - AVERAGING_SIZE);
m_TotalWeight += m_Weights[z][x];
// Initialize the Perlin generator:
m_Perlin.AddOctave(0.04f, 0.2f);
m_Perlin.AddOctave(0.02f, 0.1f);
m_Perlin.AddOctave(0.01f, 0.05f);
m_Perlin.AddOctave(0.005f, 0.025f);
m_Perlin.AddOctave(0.0025f, 0.0125f);
virtual void GenHeightMap(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::HeightMap & a_HeightMap)
// Generate the biomes for the 3*3 neighbors:
cChunkDef::BiomeMap neighborBiomes[3][3];
for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++) for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
m_BiomeGen->GenBiomes(a_ChunkX + x - 1, a_ChunkZ + z - 1, neighborBiomes[z][x]);
// Get the min and max heights based on the biomes:
double minHeight[cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width];
double maxHeight[cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width];
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
// For each column, sum the min and max values of the neighborhood around it:
double min = 0, max = 0;
for (int relz = 0; relz <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; relz++)
int bz = z + 16 + relz - AVERAGING_SIZE; // Biome Z coord relative to the neighborBiomes start
int cz = bz / 16; // Chunk Z coord relative to the neighborBiomes start
bz = bz % 16; // Biome Z coord relative to cz in neighborBiomes
for (int relx = 0; relx <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; relx++)
int bx = x + 16 + relx - AVERAGING_SIZE; // Biome X coord relative to the neighborBiomes start
int cx = bx / 16; // Chunk X coord relative to the neighborBiomes start
bx = bx % 16; // Biome X coord relative to cz in neighborBiomes
// Get the biome's min and max heights:
double bmin, bmax;
getBiomeMinMax(cChunkDef::GetBiome(neighborBiomes[cz][cx], bx, bz), bmin, bmax);
// Add them to the total, with the weight depending on their relative position to the column:
min += bmin * m_Weights[relz][relx];
max += bmax * m_Weights[relz][relx];
} // for relx
} // for relz
minHeight[x + z * cChunkDef::Width] = min / m_TotalWeight;
maxHeight[x + z * cChunkDef::Width] = max / m_TotalWeight;
} // for x
} // for z
// Generate the base noise:
NOISE_DATATYPE noise[cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width];
NOISE_DATATYPE workspace[cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width];
NOISE_DATATYPE startX = static_cast<float>(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width);
NOISE_DATATYPE endX = startX + cChunkDef::Width - 1;
NOISE_DATATYPE startZ = static_cast<float>(a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width);
NOISE_DATATYPE endZ = startZ + cChunkDef::Width - 1;
m_Perlin.Generate2D(noise, 16, 16, startX, endX, startZ, endZ, workspace);
// Make the height by ranging the noise between min and max:
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
double min = minHeight[x + z * cChunkDef::Width];
double max = maxHeight[x + z * cChunkDef::Width];
double h = (max + min) / 2 + noise[x + z * cChunkDef::Width] * (max - min);
cChunkDef::SetHeight(a_HeightMap, x, z, static_cast<HEIGHTTYPE>(h));
virtual void InitializeHeightGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
// No settings available
cNoise m_Noise;
cPerlinNoise m_Perlin;
/** The biome generator to query for the underlying biomes. */
cBiomeGenPtr m_BiomeGen;
/** Weights applied to each of the min / max values in the neighborhood of the currently evaluated column. */
double m_Weights[AVERAGING_SIZE * 2 + 1][AVERAGING_SIZE * 2 + 1];
/** Sum of all the m_Weights items. */
double m_TotalWeight;
/** Returns the minimum and maximum heights for the given biome. */
void getBiomeMinMax(EMCSBiome a_Biome, double & a_Min, double & a_Max)
switch (a_Biome)
case biBeach: a_Min = 61; a_Max = 64; break;
case biBirchForest: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biBirchForestHills: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biBirchForestHillsM: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biBirchForestM: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biColdBeach: a_Min = 61; a_Max = 64; break;
case biColdTaiga: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biColdTaigaHills: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biColdTaigaM: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biDeepOcean: a_Min = 30; a_Max = 60; break;
case biDesert: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 70; break;
case biDesertHills: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 85; break;
case biDesertM: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 70; break;
case biEnd: a_Min = 10; a_Max = 100; break;
case biExtremeHills: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 120; break;
case biExtremeHillsEdge: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 100; break;
case biExtremeHillsM: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 120; break;
case biExtremeHillsPlus: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 140; break;
case biExtremeHillsPlusM: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 140; break;
case biFlowerForest: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biForest: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biForestHills: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biFrozenOcean: a_Min = 45; a_Max = 64; break;
case biFrozenRiver: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 62; break;
case biIceMountains: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biIcePlains: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 70; break;
case biIcePlainsSpikes: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 70; break;
case biJungle: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 80; break;
case biJungleEdge: a_Min = 62; a_Max = 75; break;
case biJungleEdgeM: a_Min = 62; a_Max = 75; break;
case biJungleHills: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 90; break;
case biJungleM: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 75; break;
case biMegaSpruceTaiga: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biMegaSpruceTaigaHills: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biMegaTaiga: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biMegaTaigaHills: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biMesa: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biMesaBryce: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 67; break;
case biMesaPlateau: a_Min = 75; a_Max = 85; break;
case biMesaPlateauF: a_Min = 80; a_Max = 90; break;
case biMesaPlateauFM: a_Min = 80; a_Max = 90; break;
case biMesaPlateauM: a_Min = 75; a_Max = 85; break;
case biMushroomIsland: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biMushroomShore: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 75; break;
case biNether: a_Min = 10; a_Max = 100; break;
case biOcean: a_Min = 45; a_Max = 64; break;
case biPlains: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 70; break;
case biRiver: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 62; break;
case biRoofedForest: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biRoofedForestM: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biSavanna: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biSavannaM: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 80; break;
case biSavannaPlateau: a_Min = 75; a_Max = 100; break;
case biSavannaPlateauM: a_Min = 80; a_Max = 160; break;
case biStoneBeach: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 64; break;
case biSunflowerPlains: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 70; break;
case biSwampland: a_Min = 60; a_Max = 67; break;
case biSwamplandM: a_Min = 61; a_Max = 67; break;
case biTaiga: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 75; break;
case biTaigaHills: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 90; break;
case biTaigaM: a_Min = 63; a_Max = 80; break;
ASSERT(!"Unknown biome");
a_Min = 10;
a_Max = 10;
// cTerrainHeightGen:
@ -567,6 +770,10 @@ cTerrainHeightGenPtr cTerrainHeightGen::CreateHeightGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile, cB
res = new cEndGen(a_Seed);
else if (NoCaseCompare(HeightGenName, "MinMax") == 0)
res = new cHeiGenMinMax(a_Seed, a_BiomeGen);
else if (NoCaseCompare(HeightGenName, "Mountains") == 0)
res = new cHeiGenMountains(a_Seed);