Added the first skeleton code for PieceGenerator.
This is a WIP and won't work / isn't used at all.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// PieceGenerator.cpp
// Implements the cBFSPieceGenerator class and cDFSPieceGenerator class
// representing base classes for generating structures composed of individual "pieces"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "PieceGenerator.h"
// cPiece:
cPiece::cConnector cPiece::RotateMoveConnector(const cConnector & a_Connector, int a_NumCCWRotations, int a_MoveX, int a_MoveY, int a_MoveZ) const
cPiece::cConnector res(a_Connector);
// Rotate the res connector:
Vector3i Size = GetSize();
switch (a_NumCCWRotations)
case 0:
// No rotation needed
case 1:
// 1 CCW rotation:
int NewX = Size.z - res.m_X;
int NewZ = res.m_Z;
res.m_X = NewX;
res.m_Z = NewZ;
res.m_Direction = RotateBlockFaceCCW(res.m_Direction);
case 2:
// 2 rotations ( = axis flip):
res.m_X = Size.x - res.m_X;
res.m_Z = Size.z - res.m_Z;
res.m_Direction = MirrorBlockFaceY(res.m_Direction);
case 3:
// 1 CW rotation:
int NewX = res.m_Z;
int NewZ = Size.x - res.m_X;
res.m_X = NewX;
res.m_Z = NewZ;
res.m_Direction = RotateBlockFaceCW(res.m_Direction);
// Move the res connector:
res.m_X += a_MoveX;
res.m_Y += a_MoveY;
res.m_Z += a_MoveZ;
return res;
cCuboid cPiece::RotateHitBoxToConnector(
const cPiece::cConnector & a_MyConnector,
const cPiece::cConnector & a_ToConnector,
int a_NumCCWRotations
) const
cCuboid res = GetHitBox();
switch (a_NumCCWRotations)
case 0:
// No rotation, return the hitbox as-is
case 1:
// 1 CCW rotation:
// TODO: res.p1.x =
return res;
// cPlacedPiece:
cPlacedPiece::cPlacedPiece(const cPlacedPiece * a_Parent, const cPiece & a_Piece, const Vector3i & a_Coords, int a_NumCCWRotations) :
m_Depth = (m_Parent == NULL) ? 0 : (m_Parent->GetDepth() + 1);
// cPieceGenerator:
cPieceGenerator::cPieceGenerator(cPiecePool & a_PiecePool, int a_Seed) :
cPlacedPiece cPieceGenerator::PlaceStartingPiece(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cFreeConnectors & a_OutConnectors)
int rnd = m_Noise.IntNoise3DInt(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ) / 7;
// Choose a random one of the starting pieces:
cPieces StartingPieces = m_PiecePool.GetStartingPieces();
cPiece * StartingPiece = StartingPieces[rnd % StartingPieces.size()];
rnd = rnd >> 16;
// Choose a random supported rotation:
int Rotations[4] = {0};
int NumRotations = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Rotations); i++)
if (StartingPiece->CanRotateCCW(i))
Rotations[NumRotations] = i;
NumRotations += 1;
int Rotation = Rotations[rnd % NumRotations];
cPlacedPiece res(NULL, *StartingPiece, Vector3i(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ), Rotation);
// Place the piece's connectors into a_OutConnectors:
const cPiece::cConnectors & Conn = StartingPiece->GetConnectors();
for (cPiece::cConnectors::const_iterator itr = Conn.begin(), end = Conn.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
cFreeConnector(res, StartingPiece->RotateMoveConnector(*itr, Rotation, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return res;
bool cPieceGenerator::TryPlacePieceAtConnector(const cPlacedPiece & a_ParentPiece, const cPiece::cConnector & a_Connector, cPlacedPieces & a_OutPieces)
// Translation of direction - direction -> number of CCW rotations needed:
// You need DirectionRotationTable[rot1][rot2] CCW turns to get from rot1 to rot2
static const int DirectionRotationTable[6][6] =
/* YM, YP, ZM, ZP, XM, XP
/* YM */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* YP */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* ZM */ { 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3},
/* ZP */ { 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1},
/* XM */ { 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 2},
/* XP */ { 0, 0, 1, 3, 2, 0},
// Get a list of available connections:
const int * RotTable = DirectionRotationTable[a_Connector.m_Direction];
cConnections Connections;
cPieces AvailablePieces = m_PiecePool.GetPiecesWithConnector(a_Connector.m_Type);
for (cPieces::iterator itrP = AvailablePieces.begin(), endP = AvailablePieces.end(); itrP != endP; ++itrP)
cPiece::cConnectors Connectors = (*itrP)->GetConnectors();
for (cPiece::cConnectors::iterator itrC = Connectors.begin(), endC = Connectors.end(); itrC != endC; ++itrC)
if (itrC->m_Type != a_Connector.m_Type)
// This is a same-type connector, find out how to rotate to it:
int NumCCWRotations = RotTable[itrC->m_Direction];
if (!(*itrP)->CanRotateCCW(NumCCWRotations))
// Doesn't support this rotation
if (!CheckConnection(a_Connector, **itrP, *itrC, NumCCWRotations, a_OutPieces))
// Doesn't fit in this rotation
Connections.push_back(cConnection(**itrP, *itrC, NumCCWRotations));
} // for itrC - Connectors[]
} // for itrP - AvailablePieces[]
if (Connections.empty())
// No available connections, bail out
return false;
// Choose a random connection from the list:
int rnd = m_Noise.IntNoise3DInt(a_Connector.m_X, a_Connector.m_Y, a_Connector.m_Z) / 7;
cConnection & Conn = Connections[rnd % Connections.size()];
// Place the piece:
cPiece::cConnector NewConnector = Conn.m_Piece->RotateMoveConnector(*(Conn.m_Connector), Conn.m_NumCCWRotations, 0, 0, 0);
Vector3i Coords = a_ParentPiece.GetCoords();
Coords.x -= NewConnector.m_X;
Coords.y -= NewConnector.m_Y;
Coords.z -= NewConnector.m_Z;
a_OutPieces.push_back(cPlacedPiece(&a_ParentPiece, *(Conn.m_Piece), Coords, Conn.m_NumCCWRotations));
return false;
bool cPieceGenerator::CheckConnection(
const cPiece::cConnector & a_ExistingConnector,
const cPiece & a_Piece,
const cPiece::cConnector & a_NewConnector,
int a_NumCCWRotations,
const cPlacedPieces & a_OutPieces
// For each placed piece, test the hitbox against the new piece:
cCuboid RotatedHitBox = a_Piece.RotateHitBoxToConnector(a_NewConnector, a_ExistingConnector, a_NumCCWRotations);
for (cPlacedPieces::const_iterator itr = a_OutPieces.begin(), end = a_OutPieces.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
if (itr->GetHitBox().DoesIntersect(RotatedHitBox))
return false;
return true;
// cPieceGenerator::cConnection:
cPieceGenerator::cConnection::cConnection(cPiece & a_Piece, cPiece::cConnector & a_Connector, int a_NumCCWRotations) :
// cPieceGenerator::cFreeConnector:
cPieceGenerator::cFreeConnector::cFreeConnector(cPlacedPiece & a_Piece, const cPiece::cConnector & a_Connector) :
// cBFSPieceGenerator:
cBFSPieceGenerator::cBFSPieceGenerator(cPiecePool & a_PiecePool, int a_Seed) :
super(a_PiecePool, a_Seed)
void cBFSPieceGenerator::PlacePieces(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cPlacedPieces & a_OutPieces)
cFreeConnectors ConnectorPool;
// Place the starting piece:
a_OutPieces.push_back(PlaceStartingPiece(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, ConnectorPool));
// Place pieces at the available connectors:
Instead of removing them one by one from the pool, we process them sequentially and take note of the last
processed one. To save on memory, once the number of processed connectors reaches a big number, a chunk
of the connectors is removed.
size_t NumProcessed = 0;
while (ConnectorPool.size() > NumProcessed)
cFreeConnector & Conn = ConnectorPool[NumProcessed];
TryPlacePieceAtConnector(*Conn.m_Piece, Conn.m_Connector, a_OutPieces);
if (NumProcessed > 1000)
ConnectorPool.erase(ConnectorPool.begin(), ConnectorPool.begin() + NumProcessed);
NumProcessed = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// PieceGenerator.h
// Declares the cBFSPieceGenerator class and cDFSPieceGenerator class
// representing base classes for generating structures composed of individual "pieces"
Each uses a slightly different approach to generating:
- DFS extends pieces one by one until it hits the configured depth (or can't connect another piece anymore),
then starts looking at adjacent connectors (like depth-first search).
- BFS keeps a pool of currently-open connectors, chooses one at random and tries to place a piece on it,
thus possibly extending the pool of open connectors (like breadth-first search).
#pragma once
#include "../Defines.h"
#include "../Cuboid.h"
#include "../Noise.h"
/** Represents a single piece. Can have multiple connectors of different types where other pieces can connect. */
class cPiece
struct cConnector
int m_X;
int m_Y;
int m_Z;
int m_Type;
eBlockFace m_Direction;
cConnector(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, int a_Type, eBlockFace m_Direction);
typedef std::vector<cConnector> cConnectors;
/** Returns all of the available connectors that the piece has.
Each connector has a (relative) position in the piece, and a type associated with it. */
virtual cConnectors GetConnectors(void) const = 0;
/** Returns the dimensions of this piece.
The dimensions cover the entire piece, there is no block that the piece generates outside of this size. */
virtual Vector3i GetSize(void) const = 0;
/** Returns the "hitbox" of this piece.
A hitbox is what is compared and must not intersect other pieces' hitboxes when generating. */
virtual cCuboid GetHitBox(void) const = 0;
/** Returns true if the piece can be rotated CCW the specific number of 90-degree turns. */
virtual bool CanRotateCCW(int a_NumRotations) const = 0;
/** Returns a copy of the connector that is rotated and then moved by the specified amounts. */
cConnector RotateMoveConnector(const cConnector & a_Connector, int a_NumCCWRotations, int a_MoveX, int a_MoveY, int a_MoveZ) const;
/** Returns the hitbox after the specified number of rotations and moved so that a_MyConnector is placed at a_ToConnector*/
cCuboid RotateHitBoxToConnector(const cConnector & a_MyConnector, const cConnector & a_ToConnector, int a_NumCCWRotations) const;
typedef std::vector<cPiece *> cPieces;
class cPiecePool
/** Returns a list of pieces that contain the specified connector type.
The cPiece pointers returned are managed by the pool and the caller doesn't free them. */
virtual cPieces GetPiecesWithConnector(int a_ConnectorType) = 0;
/** Returns the pieces that should be used as the starting point.
Multiple starting points are supported, one of the returned piece will be chosen. */
virtual cPieces GetStartingPieces(void) = 0;
/** Called after a piece is placed, to notify the pool that it has been used.
The pool may adjust the pieces it will return the next time. */
virtual void PiecePlaced(const cPiece & a_Piece) = 0;
/** Called when the pool has finished the current structure and should reset any piece-counters it has
for a new structure. */
virtual void Reset(void) = 0;
/** Represents a single piece that has been placed to specific coords in the world. */
class cPlacedPiece
cPlacedPiece(const cPlacedPiece * a_Parent, const cPiece & a_Piece, const Vector3i & a_Coords, int a_NumCCWRotations);
const cPiece & GetPiece (void) const { return *m_Piece; }
const Vector3i & GetCoords (void) const { return m_Coords; }
const int GetNumCCWRotations(void) const { return m_NumCCWRotations; }
const cCuboid & GetHitBox (void) const { return m_HitBox; }
const int GetDepth (void) const { return m_Depth; }
const cPlacedPiece * m_Parent;
const cPiece * m_Piece;
Vector3i m_Coords;
int m_NumCCWRotations;
cCuboid m_HitBox;
int m_Depth;
typedef std::vector<cPlacedPiece> cPlacedPieces;
class cPieceGenerator
cPieceGenerator(cPiecePool & a_PiecePool, int a_Seed);
/** The type used for storing a connection from one piece to another, while building the piece tree. */
struct cConnection
cPiece * m_Piece; // The piece being connected
cPiece::cConnector * m_Connector; // The piece's connector being used
int m_NumCCWRotations; // Number of rotations necessary to match the two connectors
cConnection(cPiece & a_Piece, cPiece::cConnector & a_Connector, int a_NumCCWRotations);
typedef std::vector<cConnection> cConnections;
/** The type used for storing a pool of connectors that will be attempted to expand by another piece. */
struct cFreeConnector
cPlacedPiece * m_Piece;
cPiece::cConnector m_Connector;
cFreeConnector(cPlacedPiece & a_Piece, const cPiece::cConnector & a_Connector);
typedef std::vector<cFreeConnector> cFreeConnectors;
cPiecePool & m_PiecePool;
cNoise m_Noise;
int m_Seed;
/** Selects a starting piece and places it, including the rotations.
Also puts the piece's connectors in a_OutConnectors. */
cPlacedPiece PlaceStartingPiece(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cFreeConnectors & a_OutConnectors);
/** Tries to place a new piece at the specified (placed) connector. Returns true if successful. */
bool TryPlacePieceAtConnector(
const cPlacedPiece & a_ParentPiece,
const cPiece::cConnector & a_Connector,
cPlacedPieces & a_OutPieces
/** Checks if the specified piece would fit with the already-placed pieces, using the specified connector
and number of CCW rotations.
Returns true if the piece fits, false if not. */
bool CheckConnection(
const cPiece::cConnector & a_ExistingConnector, // The existing connector
const cPiece & a_Piece, // The new piece
const cPiece::cConnector & a_NewConnector, // The connector of the new piece
int a_NumCCWRotations, // Number of rotations for the new piece to align the connector
const cPlacedPieces & a_OutPieces // All the already-placed pieces to check
} ;
class cBFSPieceGenerator :
public cPieceGenerator
typedef cPieceGenerator super;
cBFSPieceGenerator(cPiecePool & a_PiecePool, int a_Seed);
/** Generates a placement for pieces at the specified coords. */
void PlacePieces(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cPlacedPieces & a_OutPieces);
class cDFSPieceGenerator :
public cPieceGenerator
cDFSPieceGenerator(cPiecePool & a_PiecePool, int a_Seed);
/** Generates a placement for pieces at the specified coords. */
void PlacePieces(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cPlacedPieces & a_OutPieces);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user