Grown biomes: Unified with GrownProt biomes.
Also fixed a Zoom filter randomness.
This commit is contained in:
@ -928,59 +928,77 @@ public:
cBioGenGrown(int a_Seed)
auto FinalRivers =
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<6>> (a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 3,
std::make_shared<cIntGenRiver <6>> (a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<8>> (a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <7>> (a_Seed + 6,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <5>> (a_Seed + 7,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 9,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 11,
std::make_shared<cIntGenChoice<2, 4>>(a_Seed + 12
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<8>> (a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>> (a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenRiver <7>> (a_Seed + 3,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>> (a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<6>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<6>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 9,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<6>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<6>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<8>> (a_Seed + 6,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>> (a_Seed + 11,
std::make_shared<cIntGenChoice<2, 7>>(a_Seed + 12
auto alteration =
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenLandOcean<6>>(a_Seed, 20
auto alteration2 =
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>>(a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <6>>(a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <5>>(a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>>(a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenLandOcean<4>>(a_Seed + 1, 10
auto FinalBiomes =
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <6>> (a_Seed + 1008,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>>(a_Seed + 15,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <6>> (a_Seed + 1000,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 16,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <8>> (a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>>(a_Seed + 15,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <7>> (a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>> (a_Seed + 16,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBeaches <6>> (
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <8>> (a_Seed + 1002,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>>(a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <7>> (a_Seed + 1002,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>> (a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddIslands <6>> (a_Seed + 2004, 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <6>> (a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddToOcean <5>> (a_Seed + 9, 10, biMushroomIsland,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<7>> (biIcePlains, biIcePlainsSpikes, 5, a_Seed + 99,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <7>> (a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddToOcean <5>> (a_Seed + 10, 500, biDeepOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBiomes <7>> (a_Seed + 3000,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <7>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBiomeGroupEdges<5>> (
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <7>> (a_Seed + 1003,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>> (a_Seed + 7,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddToOcean <6>> (a_Seed + 10, 500, biDeepOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<8>> (a_Seed + 1, biPlains, biSunflowerPlains, 20,
std::make_shared<cIntGenMBiomes <8>> (a_Seed + 5, alteration2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAlternateBiomes<8>> (a_Seed + 1, alteration,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBiomeEdges <8>> (a_Seed + 3,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>>(a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <7>> (a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<5>> (a_Seed + 99, biIcePlains, biIcePlainsSpikes, 50,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <5>> (a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddToOcean <4>> (a_Seed + 10, 300, biDeepOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddToOcean <6>> (a_Seed + 9, 8, biMushroomIsland,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBiomes <8>> (a_Seed + 3000,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddIslands <8>> (a_Seed + 2000, 200,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenRareBiomeGroups<6>> (a_Seed + 5, 50,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBiomeGroupEdges<6>> (
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddIslands <8>> (a_Seed + 2000, 200,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 7,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSetRandomly <6>> (a_Seed + 8, 50, bgOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<6>> (bgIce, bgTemperate, 50, a_Seed + 101,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddIslands <6>> (a_Seed + 2000, 70,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<6>> (a_Seed + 101, bgIce, bgTemperate, 150,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddIslands <6>> (a_Seed + 2000, 200,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSetRandomly <6>> (a_Seed + 9, 50, bgOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <6>> (a_Seed + 1004,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenLandOcean <6>> (a_Seed + 100, 65
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <6>> (a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenLandOcean <5>> (a_Seed + 100, 30
m_Gen =
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <16>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <18>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <11>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <7>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenMixRivers<6>> (
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <11>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <13>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenMixRivers<8>> (
FinalBiomes, FinalRivers
virtual void GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_Biomes) override
@ -1025,7 +1043,7 @@ public:
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth>(a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth>(a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth>(a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth>(a_Seed + 6,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 11,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenChoice>(a_Seed + 12, 2
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public:
for (int x = 0; x < SizeX; x++)
int rnd = (super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, BaseZ) / 7);
a_Values[x + SizeX * z] = ((rnd % 100) < m_Threshold) ? ((rnd / 128) % bgLandOceanMax + 1) : 0;
a_Values[x + SizeX * z] = ((rnd % 100) < m_Threshold) ? ((rnd / 101) % bgLandOceanMax + 1) : 0;
@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ protected:
/** Zooms the underlying value array to twice the size. Uses random-neighbor for the pixels in-between.
This means that the zoome out image is randomly distorted. Applying zoom several times provides all
the distortion that the generators need. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenZoom :
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
@ -212,31 +215,30 @@ public:
// Generate the underlying data with half the resolution:
int lowerMinX = a_MinX >> 1;
int lowerMinZ = a_MinZ >> 1;
int Underlying[m_LowerSizeX * m_LowerSizeZ];
m_UnderlyingGen->GetInts(lowerMinX, lowerMinZ, Underlying);
int lowerData[m_LowerSizeX * m_LowerSizeZ];
m_UnderlyingGen->GetInts(lowerMinX, lowerMinZ, lowerData);
const int lowStepX = (m_LowerSizeX - 1) * 2;
const int lowStepZ = (m_LowerSizeZ - 1) * 2;
int Cache[lowStepX * lowStepZ];
int cache[lowStepX * lowStepZ];
// Discreet-interpolate the values into twice the size:
for (int z = 0; z < m_LowerSizeZ - 1; ++z)
int idx = (z * 2) * lowStepX;
int PrevZ0 = Underlying[z * m_LowerSizeX];
int PrevZ1 = Underlying[(z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
int PrevZ0 = lowerData[z * m_LowerSizeX];
int PrevZ1 = lowerData[(z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
for (int x = 0; x < m_LowerSizeX - 1; ++x)
int ValX1Z0 = Underlying[x + 1 + z * m_LowerSizeX];
int ValX1Z1 = Underlying[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
int ValX1Z0 = lowerData[x + 1 + z * m_LowerSizeX];
int ValX1Z1 = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
int RndX = (x + lowerMinX) * 2;
int RndZ = (z + lowerMinZ) * 2;
Cache[idx] = PrevZ0;
Cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, PrevZ1);
Cache[idx] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0);
Cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0, PrevZ1, ValX1Z1);
cache[idx] = PrevZ0;
cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ + 1, PrevZ0, PrevZ1);
cache[idx + 1] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ - 1, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0);
cache[idx + 1 + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0, PrevZ1, ValX1Z1);
idx += 2;
PrevZ0 = ValX1Z0;
PrevZ1 = ValX1Z1;
@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ public:
// Copy from Cache into a_Values; take into account the even/odd offsets in a_Min:
for (int z = 0; z < SizeZ; ++z)
memcpy(a_Values + z * SizeX, Cache + (z + (a_MinZ & 1)) * lowStepX + (a_MinX & 1), SizeX * sizeof(int));
memcpy(a_Values + z * SizeX, cache + (z + (a_MinZ & 1)) * lowStepX + (a_MinX & 1), SizeX * sizeof(int));
@ -257,16 +259,18 @@ protected:
/** Smoothes out some artifacts generated by the zooming - mostly single-pixel values.
Compares each pixel to its neighbors and if the neighbors are equal, changes the pixel to their value. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenSmooth :
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
typedef cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ> super;
static const int UnderlyingSizeX = SizeX + 2;
static const int UnderlyingSizeZ = SizeZ + 2;
static const int m_LowerSizeX = SizeX + 2;
static const int m_LowerSizeZ = SizeZ + 2;
typedef std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<UnderlyingSizeX, UnderlyingSizeZ>> Underlying;
typedef std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<m_LowerSizeX, m_LowerSizeZ>> Underlying;
cIntGenSmooth(int a_Seed, Underlying a_Underlying) :
@ -279,8 +283,8 @@ public:
virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, typename super::Values & a_Values) override
// Generate the underlying values:
int Cache[UnderlyingSizeX * UnderlyingSizeZ];
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, Cache);
int lowerData[m_LowerSizeX * m_LowerSizeZ];
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, lowerData);
// Smooth - for each square check if the surroundings are the same, if so, expand them diagonally.
// Also get rid of single-pixel irregularities (A-B-A):
@ -289,33 +293,33 @@ public:
int NoiseZ = a_MinZ + z;
for (int x = 0; x < SizeX; x++)
int val = Cache[x + 1 + (z + 1) * UnderlyingSizeX];
int Above = Cache[x + 1 + z * UnderlyingSizeX];
int Below = Cache[x + 1 + (z + 2) * UnderlyingSizeX];
int Left = Cache[x + (z + 1) * UnderlyingSizeX];
int Right = Cache[x + 2 + (z + 1) * UnderlyingSizeX];
int val = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
int above = lowerData[x + 1 + z * m_LowerSizeX];
int below = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 2) * m_LowerSizeX];
int left = lowerData[x + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
int right = lowerData[x + 2 + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
if ((Left == Right) && (Above == Below))
if ((left == right) && (above == below))
if (((super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, NoiseZ) / 7) % 2) == 0)
val = Left;
val = left;
val = Above;
val = above;
if (Left == Right)
if (left == right)
val = Left;
val = left;
if (Above == Below)
if (above == below)
val = Above;
val = above;
@ -332,7 +336,8 @@ protected:
template<int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
/** Converts land biomes at the edge of an ocean into the respective beach biome. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenBeaches :
public cIntGen<SizeX, SizeZ>
@ -398,23 +403,24 @@ public:
// Generate the underlying values:
int Cache[m_UnderlyingSizeX * m_UnderlyingSizeZ];
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, Cache);
int lowerValues[m_UnderlyingSizeX * m_UnderlyingSizeZ];
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, lowerValues);
// Add beaches between ocean and biomes:
for (int z = 0; z < SizeZ; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < SizeX; x++)
int val = Cache[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Above = Cache[x + 1 + z * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Below = Cache[x + 1 + (z + 2) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Left = Cache[x + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Right = Cache[x + 2 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int val = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
if (!IsBiomeOcean(val))
if (IsBiomeOcean(Above) || IsBiomeOcean(Below) || IsBiomeOcean(Left) || IsBiomeOcean(Right))
if (IsBiomeOcean(above) || IsBiomeOcean(below) || IsBiomeOcean(left) || IsBiomeOcean(right))
// First convert the value to a regular biome (drop the M flag), then modulo by our biome count:
val = ToBeach[(val % 128) % ARRAYCOUNT(ToBeach)];
@ -431,7 +437,8 @@ protected:
/** Generates the underlying numbers and then randomly changes some zeroes into nonzeroes. */
/** Generates the underlying numbers and then randomly changes some ocean group pixels into random land
biome group pixels, based on the predefined chance. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenAddIslands :
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
@ -442,9 +449,9 @@ public:
typedef std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<SizeX, SizeZ>> Underlying;
cIntGenAddIslands(int a_Seed, int a_Threshold, Underlying a_Underlying) :
cIntGenAddIslands(int a_Seed, int a_Chance, Underlying a_Underlying) :
@ -460,17 +467,18 @@ public:
if (a_Values[x + z * SizeX] == bgOcean)
int rnd = super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, a_MinZ + z) / 7;
if (rnd % 100 < m_Threshold)
if (rnd % 1000 < m_Chance)
a_Values[x + z * SizeX] = (rnd / 100) % bgLandOceanMax;
a_Values[x + z * SizeX] = (rnd / 1003) % bgLandOceanMax;
} // for x
} // for z
int m_Threshold;
/** Chance, in permille, of an island being generated in ocean. */
int m_Chance;
Underlying m_Underlying;
@ -502,32 +510,32 @@ public:
virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, typename super::Values & a_Values)
// Generate the underlying biome groups:
int Cache[m_UnderlyingSizeX * m_UnderlyingSizeZ];
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, Cache);
int lowerValues[m_UnderlyingSizeX * m_UnderlyingSizeZ];
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, lowerValues);
// Change the biomes on incompatible edges into an edge biome:
for (int z = 0; z < SizeZ; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < SizeX; x++)
int v = Cache[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Above = Cache[x + 1 + z * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Below = Cache[x + 1 + (z + 2) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Left = Cache[x + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int Right = Cache[x + 2 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
switch (v)
int val = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
int right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * m_UnderlyingSizeX];
switch (val)
// Desert should neighbor only oceans, desert and temperates; change to temperate when another:
case bgDesert:
if (
!isDesertCompatible(Above) ||
!isDesertCompatible(Below) ||
!isDesertCompatible(Left) ||
!isDesertCompatible(above) ||
!isDesertCompatible(below) ||
!isDesertCompatible(left) ||
v = bgTemperate;
val = bgTemperate;
} // case bgDesert
@ -536,18 +544,18 @@ public:
case bgIce:
if (
(Above == bgDesert) ||
(Below == bgDesert) ||
(Left == bgDesert) ||
(Right == bgDesert)
(above == bgDesert) ||
(below == bgDesert) ||
(left == bgDesert) ||
(right == bgDesert)
v = bgTemperate;
val = bgTemperate;
} // case bgIce
a_Values[x + z * SizeX] = v;
a_Values[x + z * SizeX] = val;
} // for x
} // for z
@ -578,6 +586,9 @@ protected:
/** Turns biome group indices into real biomes.
For each pixel, takes its biome group and chooses a random biome from that group; replaces the value with
that biome. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenBiomes :
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
@ -600,7 +611,13 @@ public:
// Define the per-biome-group biomes:
static const int oceanBiomes[] =
biOcean, // biDeepOcean,
biOcean, // biDeepOcean,
// Same as oceanBiomes, there are no rare oceanic biomes (mushroom islands are handled separately)
static const int rareOceanBiomes[] =
static const int desertBiomes[] =
@ -608,19 +625,29 @@ public:
biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biSavanna, biSavanna, biPlains,
static const int rareDesertBiomes[] =
biMesaPlateau, biMesaPlateauF,
static const int temperateBiomes[] =
biForest, biForest, biRoofedForest, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biBirchForest, biSwampland,
static const int rareTemperateBiomes[] =
biJungle, // Jungle is not strictly temperate, but let's piggyback it here
static const int mountainBiomes[] =
biExtremeHills, biForest, biTaiga, biPlains,
static const int jungleBiomes[] =
static const int rareMountainBiomes[] =
biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biForest,
static const int iceBiomes[] =
@ -628,20 +655,28 @@ public:
biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biColdTaiga,
static const int mesaBiomes[] =
// Same as iceBiomes, there's no rare ice biome
static const int rareIceBiomes[] =
biMesa, biMesaPlateau,
biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biColdTaiga,
static const cBiomesInGroups BiomesInGroups[] =
static const cBiomesInGroups biomesInGroups[] =
/* bgOcean */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(oceanBiomes)), oceanBiomes},
/* bgDesert */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(desertBiomes)), desertBiomes},
/* bgTemperate */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(temperateBiomes)), temperateBiomes},
/* bgMountains */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(mountainBiomes)), mountainBiomes},
/* bgJungle */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(jungleBiomes)), jungleBiomes},
/* bgIce */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(iceBiomes)), iceBiomes},
/* bgMesa */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(mesaBiomes)), mesaBiomes},
static const cBiomesInGroups rareBiomesInGroups[] =
/* bgOcean */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(rareOceanBiomes)), rareOceanBiomes},
/* bgDesert */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(rareDesertBiomes)), rareDesertBiomes},
/* bgTemperate */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(rareTemperateBiomes)), rareTemperateBiomes},
/* bgMountains */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(rareMountainBiomes)), rareMountainBiomes},
/* bgIce */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(rareIceBiomes)), rareIceBiomes},
// Generate the underlying values, representing biome groups:
@ -654,7 +689,9 @@ public:
for (int x = 0; x < SizeX; x++)
int val = a_Values[x + IdxZ];
const cBiomesInGroups & Biomes = BiomesInGroups[val % ARRAYCOUNT(BiomesInGroups)];
const cBiomesInGroups & Biomes = (val > bgfRare) ?
rareBiomesInGroups[(val & (bgfRare - 1)) % ARRAYCOUNT(rareBiomesInGroups)] :
biomesInGroups[val % ARRAYCOUNT(biomesInGroups)];
int rnd = (super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7);
a_Values[x + IdxZ] = Biomes.Biomes[rnd % Biomes.Count];
@ -678,6 +715,7 @@ protected:
/** Randomly replaces pixels of one value to another value, using the given chance. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenReplaceRandomly :
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
@ -713,7 +751,7 @@ public:
if (a_Values[idx] == m_From)
int rnd = super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7;
if (rnd % 100 < m_Chance)
if (rnd % 1000 < m_Chance)
a_Values[idx] = m_To;
@ -724,9 +762,15 @@ public:
/** The original value to be replaced. */
int m_From;
/** The destination value to which to replace. */
int m_To;
/** Chance, in permille, of replacing the value. */
int m_Chance;
Underlying m_Underlying;
@ -735,7 +779,9 @@ protected:
/** Mixer that joins together finalized biomes and rivers.
It first checks for oceans; if there's no ocean, it checks for a river. */
It first checks for oceans, if there is an ocean in the Biomes, it keeps the ocean.
If there's no ocean, it checks Rivers for a river, if there is a river, it uses the Biomes to select either
regular river or frozen river, based on the biome. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenMixRivers:
public cIntGen<SizeX, SizeZ>
@ -757,8 +803,8 @@ public:
// Generate the underlying data:
m_Biomes->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_Values);
typename super::Values Rivers;
m_Rivers->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, Rivers);
typename super::Values riverData;
m_Rivers->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, riverData);
// Mix the values:
for (int z = 0; z < SizeZ; z++)
@ -772,7 +818,7 @@ public:
// Oceans are kept without any changes
if (Rivers[idx] != biRiver)
if (riverData[idx] != biRiver)
// There's no river, keep the current value
@ -925,7 +971,10 @@ public:
// If at least 3 ocean neighbors and the chance is right, change:
if ((NumOceanNeighbors >= 3) && ((super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7) % 1000 < m_Chance))
if (
(NumOceanNeighbors >= 3) &&
((super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7) % 1000 < m_Chance)
a_Values[x + z * SizeX] = m_ToValue;
@ -1003,3 +1052,355 @@ protected:
/** Adds a "rare" flag to random biome groups, based on the given chance. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenRareBiomeGroups:
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
typedef cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ> super;
typedef std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<SizeX, SizeZ>> Underlying;
cIntGenRareBiomeGroups(int a_Seed, int a_Chance, Underlying a_Underlying):
virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, typename super::Values & a_Values) override
// Generate the underlying data:
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_Values);
// Change some of the biome groups into rare biome groups:
for (int z = 0; z < SizeZ; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < SizeX; x++)
int rnd = super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7;
if (rnd % 1000 < m_Chance)
int idx = x + SizeX * z;
a_Values[idx] = a_Values[idx] | bgfRare;
/** Chance, in permille, of changing each pixel into the rare biome group. */
int m_Chance;
/** The underlying generator. */
Underlying m_Underlying;
/** Changes biomes in the parent data into an alternate versions (usually "hill" variants), in such places
that have their alterations set. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenAlternateBiomes:
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
typedef cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ> super;
typedef std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<SizeX, SizeZ>> Underlying;
cIntGenAlternateBiomes(int a_Seed, Underlying a_Alterations, Underlying a_BaseBiomes):
virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, typename super::Values & a_Values) override
// Generate the base biomes and the alterations:
m_BaseBiomes->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_Values);
super::Values alterations;
m_Alterations->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, alterations);
// Change the biomes into their alternate versions:
for (int idx = 0; idx < SizeX * SizeZ; ++idx)
if (alterations[idx] == 0)
// No change
// Change to alternate biomes:
int val = a_Values[idx];
switch (val)
case biBirchForest: val = biBirchForestHills; break;
case biDesert: val = biDesertHills; break;
case biExtremeHills: val = biExtremeHillsPlus; break;
case biForest: val = biForestHills; break;
case biIcePlains: val = biIceMountains; break;
case biJungle: val = biJungleHills; break;
case biMegaTaiga: val = biMegaTaigaHills; break;
case biMesaPlateau: val = biMesa; break;
case biMesaPlateauF: val = biMesa; break;
case biMesaPlateauM: val = biMesa; break;
case biMesaPlateauFM: val = biMesa; break;
case biPlains: val = biForest; break;
case biRoofedForest: val = biPlains; break;
case biSavanna: val = biSavannaPlateau; break;
case biTaiga: val = biTaigaHills; break;
a_Values[idx] = val;
} // for idx - a_Values[]
Underlying m_Alterations;
Underlying m_BaseBiomes;
/** Adds an edge between two specifically incompatible biomes, such as mesa and forest. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenBiomeEdges:
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
typedef cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ> super;
static const int m_LowerSizeX = SizeX + 2;
static const int m_LowerSizeZ = SizeZ + 2;
typedef std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<m_LowerSizeX, m_LowerSizeZ>> Underlying;
cIntGenBiomeEdges(int a_Seed, Underlying a_Underlying):
virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, typename super::Values & a_Values) override
// Generate the underlying biomes:
Underlying::element_type::Values lowerValues;
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, lowerValues);
// Convert incompatible edges into neutral biomes:
for (int z = 0; z < SizeZ; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < SizeX; x++)
int biome = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
int above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * m_LowerSizeX];
int below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * m_LowerSizeX];
int left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
int right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * m_LowerSizeX];
switch (biome)
case biDesert:
case biDesertM:
case biDesertHills:
if (
IsBiomeVeryCold(static_cast<EMCSBiome>(above)) ||
IsBiomeVeryCold(static_cast<EMCSBiome>(below)) ||
IsBiomeVeryCold(static_cast<EMCSBiome>(left)) ||
biome = biPlains;
} // case biDesert
case biMesaPlateau:
case biMesaPlateauF:
case biMesaPlateauFM:
case biMesaPlateauM:
if (
!isMesaCompatible(above) ||
!isMesaCompatible(below) ||
!isMesaCompatible(left) ||
biome = biDesert;
} // Mesa biomes
case biJungle:
case biJungleM:
if (
!isJungleCompatible(above) ||
!isJungleCompatible(below) ||
!isJungleCompatible(left) ||
biome = (biome == biJungle) ? biJungleEdge : biJungleEdgeM;
} // Jungle biomes
case biSwampland:
case biSwamplandM:
if (
IsBiomeNoDownfall(static_cast<EMCSBiome>(above)) ||
IsBiomeNoDownfall(static_cast<EMCSBiome>(below)) ||
IsBiomeNoDownfall(static_cast<EMCSBiome>(left)) ||
biome = biPlains;
} // Swampland biomes
} // switch (biome)
a_Values[x + z * SizeX] = biome;
} // for x
} // for z
Underlying m_Underlying;
bool isMesaCompatible(int a_Biome)
switch (a_Biome)
case biDesert:
case biMesa:
case biMesaBryce:
case biMesaPlateau:
case biMesaPlateauF:
case biMesaPlateauFM:
case biMesaPlateauM:
case biOcean:
case biDeepOcean:
return true;
return false;
bool isJungleCompatible(int a_Biome)
switch (a_Biome)
case biJungle:
case biJungleM:
case biJungleEdge:
case biJungleEdgeM:
case biJungleHills:
return true;
return false;
/** Changes biomes in the parent data into their alternate versions ("M" variants), in such places that
have their alterations set. */
template <int SizeX, int SizeZ = SizeX>
class cIntGenMBiomes:
public cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ>
typedef cIntGenWithNoise<SizeX, SizeZ> super;
typedef std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<SizeX, SizeZ>> Underlying;
cIntGenMBiomes(int a_Seed, Underlying a_Alteration, Underlying a_Underlying):
virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, typename super::Values & a_Values) override
// Generate the underlying biomes and the alterations:
m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_Values);
super::Values alterations;
m_Alteration->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, alterations);
// Wherever alterations are nonzero, change into alternate biome, if available:
for (int idx = 0; idx < SizeX * SizeZ; ++idx)
if (alterations[idx] == 0)
// Ice spikes biome was removed from here, because it was generated way too often
switch (a_Values[idx])
case biPlains: a_Values[idx] = biSunflowerPlains; break;
case biDesert: a_Values[idx] = biDesertM; break;
case biExtremeHills: a_Values[idx] = biExtremeHillsM; break;
case biForest: a_Values[idx] = biFlowerForest; break;
case biTaiga: a_Values[idx] = biTaigaM; break;
case biSwampland: a_Values[idx] = biSwamplandM; break;
case biJungle: a_Values[idx] = biJungleM; break;
case biJungleEdge: a_Values[idx] = biJungleEdgeM; break;
case biBirchForest: a_Values[idx] = biBirchForestM; break;
case biBirchForestHills: a_Values[idx] = biBirchForestHillsM; break;
case biRoofedForest: a_Values[idx] = biRoofedForestM; break;
case biColdTaiga: a_Values[idx] = biColdTaigaM; break;
case biMegaSpruceTaiga: a_Values[idx] = biMegaSpruceTaiga; break;
case biMegaSpruceTaigaHills: a_Values[idx] = biMegaSpruceTaigaHills; break;
case biExtremeHillsPlus: a_Values[idx] = biExtremeHillsPlusM; break;
case biSavanna: a_Values[idx] = biSavannaM; break;
case biSavannaPlateau: a_Values[idx] = biSavannaPlateauM; break;
case biMesa: a_Values[idx] = biMesaBryce; break;
case biMesaPlateauF: a_Values[idx] = biMesaPlateauFM; break;
case biMesaPlateau: a_Values[idx] = biMesaBryce; break;
} // for idx - a_Values[] / alterations[]
Underlying m_Underlying;
Underlying m_Alteration;
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ protected:
cNoise m_Noise;
/** Chooses one of a_Val1 or a_Val2, based on m_Noise and the coordinates for querying the noise. */
int ChooseRandomOne(int a_RndX, int a_RndZ, int a_Val1, int a_Val2)
int chooseRandomOne(int a_RndX, int a_RndZ, int a_Val1, int a_Val2)
int rnd = m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_RndX, a_RndZ) / 7;
return ((rnd & 1) == 0) ? a_Val1 : a_Val2;
/** Chooses one of a_ValN, based on m_Noise and the coordinates for querying the noise. */
int ChooseRandomOne(int a_RndX, int a_RndZ, int a_Val1, int a_Val2, int a_Val3, int a_Val4)
int chooseRandomOne(int a_RndX, int a_RndZ, int a_Val1, int a_Val2, int a_Val3, int a_Val4)
int rnd = m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_RndX, a_RndZ) / 7;
switch (rnd % 4)
@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ protected:
/** Zooms the underlying value array to twice the size. Uses random-neighbor for the pixels in-between.
This means that the zoome out image is randomly distorted. Applying zoom several times provides all
the distortion that the generators need. */
class cProtIntGenZoom :
public cProtIntGenWithNoise
@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ public:
int lowerData[m_BufferSize];
m_UnderlyingGen->GetInts(lowerMinX, lowerMinZ, lowerSizeX, lowerSizeZ, lowerData);
const int lowStepX = (lowerSizeX - 1) * 2;
int Cache[m_BufferSize];
int cache[m_BufferSize];
// Discreet-interpolate the values into twice the size:
for (int z = 0; z < lowerSizeZ - 1; ++z)
@ -216,12 +219,11 @@ public:
int ValX1Z1 = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int RndX = (x + lowerMinX) * 2;
int RndZ = (z + lowerMinZ) * 2;
Cache[idx] = PrevZ0;
Cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, PrevZ1);
Cache[idx] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0);
Cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0, PrevZ1, ValX1Z1);
cache[idx] = PrevZ0;
cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::chooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ + 1, PrevZ0, PrevZ1);
cache[idx + 1] = super::chooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ - 1, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0);
cache[idx + 1 + lowStepX] = super::chooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0, PrevZ1, ValX1Z1);
idx += 2;
PrevZ0 = ValX1Z0;
PrevZ1 = ValX1Z1;
@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ public:
// Copy from Cache into a_Values; take into account the even/odd offsets in a_Min:
for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; ++z)
memcpy(a_Values + z * a_SizeX, Cache + (z + (a_MinZ & 1)) * lowStepX + (a_MinX & 1), a_SizeX * sizeof(int));
memcpy(a_Values + z * a_SizeX, cache + (z + (a_MinZ & 1)) * lowStepX + (a_MinX & 1), a_SizeX * sizeof(int));
@ -242,6 +244,8 @@ protected:
/** Smoothes out some artifacts generated by the zooming - mostly single-pixel values.
Compares each pixel to its neighbors and if the neighbors are equal, changes the pixel to their value. */
class cProtIntGenSmooth :
public cProtIntGenWithNoise
@ -272,32 +276,32 @@ public:
for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
int val = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int Above = lowerData[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
int Below = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
int Left = lowerData[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int Right = lowerData[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int above = lowerData[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
int below = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
int left = lowerData[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int right = lowerData[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
if ((Left == Right) && (Above == Below))
if ((left == right) && (above == below))
if (((super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, NoiseZ) / 7) % 2) == 0)
val = Left;
val = left;
val = Above;
val = above;
if (Left == Right)
if (left == right)
val = Left;
val = left;
if (Above == Below)
if (above == below)
val = Above;
val = above;
@ -314,6 +318,7 @@ protected:
/** Converts land biomes at the edge of an ocean into the respective beach biome. */
class cProtIntGenBeaches :
public cProtIntGen
@ -386,14 +391,15 @@ public:
for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
int val = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int Above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
int Below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
int Left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int Right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
int below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
int left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
int right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
if (!IsBiomeOcean(val))
if (IsBiomeOcean(Above) || IsBiomeOcean(Below) || IsBiomeOcean(Left) || IsBiomeOcean(Right))
if (IsBiomeOcean(above) || IsBiomeOcean(below) || IsBiomeOcean(left) || IsBiomeOcean(right))
// First convert the value to a regular biome (drop the M flag), then modulo by our biome count:
val = ToBeach[(val % 128) % ARRAYCOUNT(ToBeach)];
@ -411,7 +417,7 @@ protected:
/** Generates the underlying numbers and then randomly changes some ocean group pixels into random land
group pixels, based on the predefined chance. */
biome group pixels, based on the predefined chance. */
class cProtIntGenAddIslands :
public cProtIntGenWithNoise
@ -441,7 +447,7 @@ public:
int rnd = super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, a_MinZ + z) / 7;
if (rnd % 1000 < m_Chance)
a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = (rnd / 101) % bgLandOceanMax;
a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = (rnd / 1003) % bgLandOceanMax;
@ -575,7 +581,7 @@ public:
// Define the per-biome-group biomes:
static const int oceanBiomes[] =
biOcean, // biDeepOcean,
biOcean, // biDeepOcean,
// Same as oceanBiomes, there are no rare oceanic biomes (mushroom islands are handled separately)
@ -680,6 +686,7 @@ protected:
/** Randomly replaces pixels of one value to another value, using the given chance. */
class cProtIntGenReplaceRandomly :
public cProtIntGenWithNoise
@ -725,9 +732,15 @@ public:
/** The original value to be replaced. */
int m_From;
/** The destination value to which to replace. */
int m_To;
/** Chance, in permille, of replacing the value. */
int m_Chance;
Underlying m_Underlying;
@ -736,7 +749,9 @@ protected:
/** Mixer that joins together finalized biomes and rivers.
It first checks for oceans; if there's no ocean, it checks for a river. */
It first checks for oceans, if there is an ocean in the Biomes, it keeps the ocean.
If there's no ocean, it checks Rivers for a river, if there is a river, it uses the Biomes to select either
regular river or frozen river, based on the biome. */
class cProtIntGenMixRivers:
public cProtIntGen
@ -1043,8 +1058,8 @@ protected:
/** Changes biomes in the parent data into their alternate verions ("M" variants), in such places that
have their alterations set. */
/** Changes biomes in the parent data into an alternate versions (usually "hill" variants), in such places
that have their alterations set. */
class cProtIntGenAlternateBiomes:
public cProtIntGenWithNoise
@ -1080,7 +1095,7 @@ public:
int val = a_Values[idx];
switch (val)
case biBirchForest: val = biBirchForest; break;
case biBirchForest: val = biBirchForestHills; break;
case biDesert: val = biDesertHills; break;
case biExtremeHills: val = biExtremeHillsPlus; break;
case biForest: val = biForestHills; break;
@ -1267,6 +1282,8 @@ protected:
/** Changes biomes in the parent data into their alternate versions ("M" variants), in such places that
have their alterations set. */
class cProtIntGenMBiomes:
public cProtIntGenWithNoise
Reference in New Issue
Block a user