ProtectionAreas: Newly added areas are stored in the DB

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1560 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
This commit is contained in:
madmaxoft@gmail.com 2013-06-06 20:42:42 +00:00
parent 78462062f3
commit 6cb76856ff
3 changed files with 86 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,38 @@ function HandleAddArea(a_Split, a_Player)
return true;
-- TODO: Add the area to the storage and reload all currently logged in players
-- Get the cuboid that the player had selected
local CmdState = GetCommandStateForPlayer(a_Player);
if (CmdState == nil) then
a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot add area, internal plugin error (CmdState == nil)");
return true;
local Cuboid = CmdState:GetCurrentCuboid();
if (Cuboid == nil) then
a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot add area, internal plugin error (Cuboid == nil)");
return true;
-- If the cuboid hasn't been assigned, give the player an error message and bail out
if (
(Cuboid.p1.x == 0) and (Cuboid.p1.y == 0) and (Cuboid.p1.z == 0) and
(Cuboid.p1.x == 0) and (Cuboid.p1.y == 0) and (Cuboid.p1.z == 0)
) then
a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot add area, no area has been selected. Use a ProtWand lclk / rclk to select area first");
return true;
-- Put all allowed players into a table:
AllowedNames = {};
for i = 2, #a_Split do
table.insert(AllowedNames, a_Split[i]);
-- Add the area to the storage
g_Storage:AddArea(Cuboid, a_Player:GetName(), AllowedNames);
a_Player:SendMessage("Area added");
-- TODO: Reload all currently logged in players
return true;

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@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ end
--- Returns the current coord pair as a cCuboid object
function cCommandState:GetCurrentCuboid()
local res = cCuboid(
self.Coords1.x, self.Coords1.y, self.Coords1.z,
self.Coords2.x, self.Coords2.y, self.Coords2.z
self.m_Coords1.x, self.m_Coords1.y, self.m_Coords1.z,
self.m_Coords2.x, self.m_Coords2.y, self.m_Coords2.z
return res;

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function cStorage:OpenDB()
if (
not(self:CreateTable("Area", {"ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "MinX", "MaxX", "MinZ", "MaxZ", "CreatorUserName"})) or
not(self:CreateTable("Areas", {"ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "MinX", "MaxX", "MinZ", "MaxZ", "CreatorUserName"})) or
not(self:CreateTable("AllowedUsers", {"AreaID", "UserName"}))
) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot create DB tables!");
@ -151,11 +151,59 @@ end
function cStorage:AddArea(a_Cuboid, a_Creator, a_AllowedPlayers)
--- Adds a new area into the DB. a_AllowedNames is a table listing all the players that are allowed in the area
function cStorage:AddArea(a_Cuboid, a_CreatorName, a_AllowedNames)
-- Store the area in the DB
local ID = -1;
local function RememberID(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names)
for i = 1, NumCols do
if (Names[i] == "ID") then
ID = Values[i];
return 0;
local sql =
"INSERT INTO Areas (ID, MinX, MaxX, MinZ, MaxZ, CreatorUserName) VALUES (NULL, " ..
a_Cuboid.p1.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p1.z .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.z .. ", '" .. a_CreatorName ..
"'); SELECT last_insert_rowid() as ID";
if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RememberID))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area");
return false;
if (ID == -1) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while retrieving INSERTion ID");
return false;
-- Store each allowed player in the DB
for idx, Name in ipairs(a_AllowedNames) do
local sql = "INSERT INTO AllowedUsers (AreaID, UserName) VALUES (" .. ID .. ", '" .. Name .. "')";
if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area's allowed player " .. Name);
--- Executes the SQL command given, calling the a_Callback for each result
-- If the SQL command fails, prints it out on the server console and returns false
-- Returns true on success
function cStorage:DBExec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam)
local ErrCode = self.DB:exec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam);
if (ErrCode ~= sqlite3.OK) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Error " .. ErrCode .. " (" .. self.DB:errmsg() ..
") while processing SQL command >>" .. a_SQL .. "<<"
return false;
return true;