diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
index b4424203c..2224c549d 100644
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
@@ -2171,15 +2171,6 @@ local CompressedString = cStringCompression.CompressStringGZIP("DataToCompress")
 			Inherits = "cEntity",
-		cWebAdmin =
-		{
-			Desc = "",
-			Functions =
-			{
-				GetHTMLEscapedString = { Params = "string", Return = "string", Notes = "Gets the HTML escaped representation of a requested string. This is useful for user input and game data that is not guaranteed to be escaped already." },
-			},
-		},  -- cWebAdmin
 		cWebPlugin =
 			Desc = "",
@@ -2502,39 +2493,6 @@ World:ForEachEntity(
 			},  -- AdditionalInfo
 		},  -- cWorld
-		HTTPFormData =
-		{
-			Desc = "This class stores data for one form element for a {{HTTPRequest|HTTP request}}.",
-			Variables =
-			{
-				Name = { Type = "string", Notes = "Name of the form element" },
-				Type = { Type = "string", Notes = "Type of the data (usually empty)" },
-				Value = { Type = "string", Notes = "Value of the form element. Contains the raw data as sent by the browser." },
-			},
-		},  -- HTTPFormData
-		HTTPRequest =
-		{
-			Desc = [[
-				This class encapsulates all the data that is sent to the WebAdmin through one HTTP request. Plugins
-				receive this class as a parameter to the function handling the web requests, as registered in the
-				FIXME: {{cPluginLua}}:AddWebPage().
-			]],
-			Constants =
-			{
-				FormData = { Notes = "Array-table of {{HTTPFormData}}, contains the values of individual form elements submitted by the client" },
-				Params = { Notes = "Map-table of parameters given to the request in the URL (?param=value); if a form uses GET method, this is the same as FormData. For each parameter given as \"param=value\", there is an entry in the table with \"param\" as its key and \"value\" as its value." },
-				PostParams = { Notes = "Map-table of data posted through a FORM - either a GET or POST method. Logically the same as FormData, but in a map-table format (for each parameter given as \"param=value\", there is an entry in the table with \"param\" as its key and \"value\" as its value)." },
-			},
-			Variables =
-			{
-				Method = { Type = "string", Notes = "The HTTP method used to make the request. Usually GET or POST." },
-				Path = { Type = "string", Notes = "The Path part of the URL (excluding the parameters)" },
-				Username = { Type = "string", Notes = "Name of the logged-in user." },
-			},
-		},  -- HTTPRequest
 		ItemCategory =
 			Desc = [[
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes/WebAdmin.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes/WebAdmin.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..808335aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes/WebAdmin.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+	cWebAdmin =
+	{
+		Desc = "",
+		Functions =
+		{
+			GetHTMLEscapedString = { Params = "string", Return = "string", Notes = "(STATIC) Gets the HTML-escaped representation of a requested string. This is useful for user input and game data that is not guaranteed to be escaped already." },
+		},
+	},  -- cWebAdmin
+	HTTPFormData =
+	{
+		Desc = "This class stores data for one form element for a {{HTTPRequest|HTTP request}}.",
+		Variables =
+		{
+			Name = { Type = "string", Notes = "Name of the form element" },
+			Type = { Type = "string", Notes = "Type of the data (usually empty)" },
+			Value = { Type = "string", Notes = "Value of the form element. Contains the raw data as sent by the browser." },
+		},
+	},  -- HTTPFormData
+	HTTPRequest =
+	{
+		Desc = [[
+			This class encapsulates all the data that is sent to the WebAdmin through one HTTP request. Plugins
+			receive this class as a parameter to the function handling the web requests, as registered in the
+			{{cPluginLua}}:AddWebPage().
+		]],
+		Constants =
+		{
+			FormData = { Notes = "Array-table of {{HTTPFormData}}, contains the values of individual form elements submitted by the client" },
+			Params = { Notes = "Map-table of parameters given to the request in the URL (?param=value); if a form uses GET method, this is the same as FormData. For each parameter given as \"param=value\", there is an entry in the table with \"param\" as its key and \"value\" as its value." },
+			PostParams = { Notes = "Map-table of data posted through a FORM - either a GET or POST method. Logically the same as FormData, but in a map-table format (for each parameter given as \"param=value\", there is an entry in the table with \"param\" as its key and \"value\" as its value)." },
+		},
+		Variables =
+		{
+			Method = { Type = "string", Notes = "The HTTP method used to make the request. Usually GET or POST." },
+			Path = { Type = "string", Notes = "The Path part of the URL (excluding the parameters)" },
+			URL = { Type = "string", Notes = "The entire URL used for the request." },
+			Username = { Type = "string", Notes = "Name of the logged-in user." },
+		},
+	},  -- HTTPRequest
diff --git a/src/WebAdmin.cpp b/src/WebAdmin.cpp
index aff3b4710..484626de3 100644
--- a/src/WebAdmin.cpp
+++ b/src/WebAdmin.cpp
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void cWebAdmin::HandleWebadminRequest(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPReque
 	bool ShouldWrapInTemplate = ((BareURL.length() > 1) && (BareURL[1] != '~'));
 	// Retrieve the request data:
-	cWebadminRequestData * Data = (cWebadminRequestData *)(a_Request.GetUserData());
+	cWebadminRequestData * Data = reinterpret_cast<cWebadminRequestData *>(a_Request.GetUserData());
 	if (Data == nullptr)
 		a_Connection.SendStatusAndReason(500, "Bad UserData");
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ void cWebAdmin::HandleWebadminRequest(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPReque
 	// Wrap it all up for the Lua call:
 	AString Template;
 	HTTPTemplateRequest TemplateRequest;
+	TemplateRequest.Request.URL = a_Request.GetURL();
 	TemplateRequest.Request.Username = a_Request.GetAuthUsername();
 	TemplateRequest.Request.Method = a_Request.GetMethod();
 	TemplateRequest.Request.Path = BareURL.substr(1);
diff --git a/src/WebAdmin.h b/src/WebAdmin.h
index 1e1a9bfa9..4dbcc57a6 100644
--- a/src/WebAdmin.h
+++ b/src/WebAdmin.h
@@ -50,9 +50,18 @@ struct HTTPRequest
 	typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > StringStringMap;
 	typedef std::map< std::string, HTTPFormData > FormDataMap;
+	/** The entire URL presented to the HTTP server. */
+	AString URL;
+	/** HTTP method used for the request ("GET", "POST" etc.) */
 	AString Method;
+	/** The Path part of the request's URL (excluding GET params). */
 	AString Path;
+	/** Name of the logged-in user. Empty if not logged in. */
 	AString Username;
 	// tolua_end
 	/** Parameters given in the URL, after the questionmark */