Fixed reported parentheses around comparisons.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ bool cEntity::DetectPortal()
return false;
if (IsPlayer() && !((cPlayer *)this)->IsGameModeCreative() && m_PortalCooldownData.m_TicksDelayed != 80)
if (IsPlayer() && !((cPlayer *)this)->IsGameModeCreative() && (m_PortalCooldownData.m_TicksDelayed != 80))
// Delay teleportation for four seconds if the entity is a non-creative player
@ -507,7 +507,11 @@ bool cInventory::AddToBar( cItem & a_Item, const int a_Offset, const int a_Size,
int MaxStackSize = cItemHandler::GetItemHandler(a_Item.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
for (int i = 0; i < a_Size; i++)
if (m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemType == a_Item.m_ItemType && m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount < MaxStackSize && m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemDamage == a_Item.m_ItemDamage)
if (
(m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemType == a_Item.m_ItemType) &&
(m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount < MaxStackSize) &&
(m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemDamage == a_Item.m_ItemDamage)
int NumFree = MaxStackSize - m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount;
if (NumFree >= a_Item.m_ItemCount)
@ -533,7 +537,7 @@ bool cInventory::AddToBar( cItem & a_Item, const int a_Offset, const int a_Size,
if (a_Mode > 0)
// If we got more left, find first empty slot
for (int i = 0; i < a_Size && a_Item.m_ItemCount > 0; i++)
for (int i = 0; (i < a_Size) && (a_Item.m_ItemCount > 0); i++)
if (m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemType == -1)
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ eMonsterType cMobSpawner::ChooseMobType(EMCSBiome a_Biome)
std::set<eMonsterType> allowedMobs;
if (a_Biome == biMushroomIsland || a_Biome == biMushroomShore)
if ((a_Biome == biMushroomIsland) || (a_Biome == biMushroomShore))
addIfAllowed(mtMooshroom, allowedMobs);
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ eMonsterType cMobSpawner::ChooseMobType(EMCSBiome a_Biome)
addIfAllowed(mtCreeper, allowedMobs);
addIfAllowed(mtSquid, allowedMobs);
if (a_Biome != biDesert && a_Biome != biBeach && a_Biome != biOcean)
if ((a_Biome != biDesert) && (a_Biome != biBeach) && (a_Biome != biOcean))
addIfAllowed(mtSheep, allowedMobs);
addIfAllowed(mtPig, allowedMobs);
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ eMonsterType cMobSpawner::ChooseMobType(EMCSBiome a_Biome)
addIfAllowed(mtEnderman, allowedMobs);
addIfAllowed(mtSlime, allowedMobs); // MG TODO : much more complicated rule
if (a_Biome == biForest || a_Biome == biForestHills || a_Biome == biTaiga || a_Biome == biTaigaHills)
if ((a_Biome == biForest) || (a_Biome == biForestHills) || (a_Biome == biTaiga) || (a_Biome == biTaigaHills))
addIfAllowed(mtWolf, allowedMobs);
else if (a_Biome == biJungle || a_Biome == biJungleHills)
else if ((a_Biome == biJungle) || (a_Biome == biJungleHills))
addIfAllowed(mtOcelot, allowedMobs);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void cBlaze::Attack(float a_Dt)
m_AttackInterval += a_Dt * m_AttackRate;
if (m_Target != nullptr && m_AttackInterval > 3.0)
if ((m_Target != nullptr) && (m_AttackInterval > 3.0))
// Setting this higher gives us more wiggle room for attackrate
Vector3d Speed = GetLookVector() * 20;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ void cGhast::Attack(float a_Dt)
m_AttackInterval += a_Dt * m_AttackRate;
if (m_Target != nullptr && m_AttackInterval > 3.0)
if ((m_Target != nullptr) && (m_AttackInterval > 3.0))
// Setting this higher gives us more wiggle room for attackrate
Vector3d Speed = GetLookVector() * 20;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void cSkeleton::Attack(float a_Dt)
m_AttackInterval += a_Dt * m_AttackRate;
if (m_Target != nullptr && m_AttackInterval > 3.0)
if ((m_Target != nullptr) && (m_AttackInterval > 3.0))
// Setting this higher gives us more wiggle room for attackrate
Vector3d Speed = GetLookVector() * 20;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void cSnowGolem::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = m_World->GetBlock((int) floor(GetPosX()), (int) floor(GetPosY()) - 1, (int) floor(GetPosZ()));
BLOCKTYPE Block = m_World->GetBlock((int) floor(GetPosX()), (int) floor(GetPosY()), (int) floor(GetPosZ()));
if (Block == E_BLOCK_AIR && cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockBelow))
if ((Block == E_BLOCK_AIR) && cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockBelow))
m_World->SetBlock((int) floor(GetPosX()), (int) floor(GetPosY()), (int) floor(GetPosZ()), E_BLOCK_SNOW, 0);
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
inline static bool IsSocketError(int a_ReturnedValue)
#ifdef _WIN32
return (a_ReturnedValue == SOCKET_ERROR || a_ReturnedValue == 0);
return ((a_ReturnedValue == SOCKET_ERROR) || (a_ReturnedValue == 0));
return (a_ReturnedValue <= 0);
@ -133,8 +133,10 @@ Direction cFluidSimulator::GetFlowingDirection(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, bool a
Disabled because of causing problems and being useless atm
char BlockBelow = m_World.GetBlock(a_X, a_Y - 1, a_Z); // If there is nothing or fluid below it -> dominating flow is down :D
if (BlockBelow == E_BLOCK_AIR || IsAllowedBlock(BlockBelow))
if ((BlockBelow == E_BLOCK_AIR) || IsAllowedBlock(BlockBelow))
return Y_MINUS;
NIBBLETYPE LowestPoint = m_World.GetBlockMeta(a_X, a_Y, a_Z); // Current Block Meta so only lower points will be counted
@ -416,24 +416,27 @@ static bool isLegalUTF8(const unsigned char * source, int length)
default: return false;
// Everything else falls through when "true"...
case 4: if ((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80 || a > 0xBF) return false;
case 3: if ((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80 || a > 0xBF) return false;
case 4: if (((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80) || (a > 0xbf)) return false;
case 3: if (((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80) || (a > 0xbf)) return false;
case 2:
if ((a = (*--srcptr)) > 0xBF) return false;
if ((a = (*--srcptr)) > 0xbf) return false;
switch (*source)
// no fall-through in this inner switch
case 0xE0: if (a < 0xA0) return false; break;
case 0xED: if (a > 0x9F) return false; break;
case 0xF0: if (a < 0x90) return false; break;
case 0xF4: if (a > 0x8F) return false; break;
case 0xe0: if (a < 0xa0) return false; break;
case 0xed: if (a > 0x9f) return false; break;
case 0xf0: if (a < 0x90) return false; break;
case 0xf4: if (a > 0x8f) return false; break;
default: if (a < 0x80) return false;
case 1: if (*source >= 0x80 && *source < 0xC2) return false;
case 1: if ((*source >= 0x80) && (*source < 0xc2)) return false;
if (*source > 0xf4)
return false;
if (*source > 0xF4) return false;
return true;
@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ AString UTF8ToRawBEUTF16(const char * a_UTF8, size_t a_UTF8Length)
const unsigned char * sourceEnd = source + a_UTF8Length;
const int halfShift = 10; // used for shifting by 10 bits
const unsigned int halfBase = 0x0010000UL;
const unsigned int halfMask = 0x3FFUL;
const unsigned int halfMask = 0x3ffUL;
while (source < sourceEnd)
@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ AString UTF8ToRawBEUTF16(const char * a_UTF8, size_t a_UTF8Length)
if (ch <= UNI_MAX_BMP)
// Target is a character <= 0xFFFF
if (ch >= UNI_SUR_HIGH_START && ch <= UNI_SUR_LOW_END)
if ((ch >= UNI_SUR_HIGH_START) && (ch <= UNI_SUR_LOW_END))
// UTF-16 surrogate values are illegal in UTF-32
ch = ' ';
@ -723,15 +726,15 @@ AString ReplaceAllCharOccurrences(const AString & a_String, char a_From, char a_
/// Converts one Hex character in a Base64 encoding into the data value
static inline int UnBase64(char c)
if (c >='A' && c <= 'Z')
if ((c >='A') && (c <= 'Z'))
return c - 'A';
if (c >='a' && c <= 'z')
if ((c >='a') && (c <= 'z'))
return c - 'a' + 26;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
return c - '0' + 52;
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
cTracer::cTracer(cWorld * a_World)
: m_World(a_World)
cTracer::cTracer(cWorld * a_World):
m_NormalTable[0].Set(-1, 0, 0);
m_NormalTable[1].Set( 0, 0, -1);
@ -250,12 +250,16 @@ int LinesCross(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float
// float linx, liny;
float d = (x1 - x0) * (y3 - y2) - (y1 - y0) * (x3 - x2);
if (std::abs(d)<0.001) {return 0;}
if (std::abs(d) < 0.001)
return 0;
float AB = ((y0 - y2) * (x3 - x2) - (x0 - x2) * (y3 - y2)) / d;
if (AB>=0.0 && AB<=1.0)
if ((AB >= 0.0) && (AB <= 1.0))
float CD = ((y0 - y2) * (x1 - x0) - (x0 - x2) * (y1 - y0)) / d;
if (CD>=0.0 && CD<=1.0)
if ((CD >= 0.0) && (CD <= 1.0))
// linx = x0 + AB * (x1 - x0);
// liny = y0 + AB * (y1 - y0);
@ -265,6 +269,9 @@ int LinesCross(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float
return 0;
// intersect3D_SegmentPlane(): intersect a segment and a plane
// Input: a_Ray = a segment, and a_Plane = a plane = {Point V0; Vector n;}
// Output: *I0 = the intersect point (when it exists)
@ -294,7 +301,7 @@ int cTracer::intersect3D_SegmentPlane( const Vector3f & a_Origin, const Vector3f
// they are not parallel
// compute intersect param
float sI = N / D;
if (sI < 0 || sI > 1)
if ((sI < 0) || (sI > 1))
return 0; // no intersection
@ -313,7 +320,7 @@ int cTracer::GetHitNormal(const Vector3f & start, const Vector3f & end, const Ve
Vector3i SmallBlockPos = a_BlockPos;
char BlockID = m_World->GetBlock(a_BlockPos.x, a_BlockPos.y, a_BlockPos.z);
if (BlockID == E_BLOCK_AIR || IsBlockWater(BlockID))
if ((BlockID == E_BLOCK_AIR) || IsBlockWater(BlockID))
return 0;
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ void cSlotAreaAnvil::UpdateResult(cPlayer & a_Player)
m_MaximumCost = 39;
if (m_MaximumCost >= 40 && !a_Player.IsGameModeCreative())
if ((m_MaximumCost >= 40) && !a_Player.IsGameModeCreative())
@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ void cWorld::SpawnItemPickups(const cItems & a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double
a_FlyAwaySpeed /= 100; // Pre-divide, so that we don't have to divide each time inside the loop
for (cItems::const_iterator itr = a_Pickups.begin(); itr != a_Pickups.end(); ++itr)
if (!IsValidItem(itr->m_ItemType) || itr->m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_AIR)
if (!IsValidItem(itr->m_ItemType) || (itr->m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_AIR))
// Don't spawn pickup if item isn't even valid; should prevent client crashing too
@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@ void cWorld::SpawnItemPickups(const cItems & a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double
for (cItems::const_iterator itr = a_Pickups.begin(); itr != a_Pickups.end(); ++itr)
if (!IsValidItem(itr->m_ItemType) || itr->m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_AIR)
if (!IsValidItem(itr->m_ItemType) || (itr->m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_AIR))
@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ public:
Destroy ();
// If the encoding or seperator are empty, then nullptr
if (pszEncoding != nullptr && pszEncoding [0] == 0)
if ((pszEncoding != nullptr) && (pszEncoding[0] == 0))
pszEncoding = nullptr;
if (pszSep != nullptr && pszSep [0] == 0)
if ((pszSep != nullptr) && (pszSep[0] == 0))
pszSep = nullptr;
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public:
bool Parse (const char *pszBuffer, int nLength, bool fIsFinal = true)
assert (m_p != nullptr);
return XML_Parse (m_p, pszBuffer, nLength, fIsFinal) != 0;
return (XML_Parse (m_p, pszBuffer, nLength, fIsFinal) != 0);
// @cmember Parse internal buffer
Reference in New Issue
Block a user