Merge branch 'master' into Werror
Conflicts: src/Generating/PieceGenerator.cpp
This commit is contained in:
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ g_APIDesc =
GetBlockSkyLight = { Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Return = "NIBBLETYPE", Notes = "Returns the skylight at the specified absolute coords" },
GetBlockType = { Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Return = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "Returns the block type at the specified absolute coords" },
GetBlockTypeMeta = { Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Return = "BLOCKTYPE, NIBBLETYPE", Notes = "Returns the block type and meta at the specified absolute coords" },
GetDataTypes = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the mask of datatypes that the objectis currently holding" },
GetDataTypes = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the mask of datatypes that the object is currently holding" },
GetOrigin = { Params = "", Return = "OriginX, OriginY, OriginZ", Notes = "Returns the origin coords of where the area was read from." },
GetOriginX = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the origin x-coord" },
GetOriginY = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the origin y-coord" },
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ g_APIDesc =
GetSizeY = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the size of the held data in the y-axis" },
GetSizeZ = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the size of the held data in the z-axis" },
GetVolume = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the volume of the area - the total number of blocks stored within." },
GetWEOffset = { Params = "", Return = "{{Vector3i}}", Notes = "Returns the WE offset, a data value sometimes stored in the schematic files. MCServer doesn't use this value, but provides access to it using this method. The default is {0, 0, 0}."},
HasBlockLights = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if current datatypes include blocklight" },
HasBlockMetas = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if current datatypes include block metas" },
HasBlockSkyLights = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if current datatypes include skylight" },
@ -178,6 +179,11 @@ g_APIDesc =
SetRelBlockSkyLight = { Params = "RelBlockX, RelBlockY, RelBlockZ, SkyLight", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the skylight at the specified relative coords" },
SetRelBlockType = { Params = "RelBlockX, RelBlockY, RelBlockZ, BlockType", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the block type at the specified relative coords" },
SetRelBlockTypeMeta = { Params = "RelBlockX, RelBlockY, RelBlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the block type and meta at the specified relative coords" },
SetWEOffset =
{ Params = "{{Vector3i|Offset}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the WE offset, a data value sometimes stored in the schematic files. Mostly used for WorldEdit. MCServer doesn't use this value, but provides access to it using this method." },
{ Params = "OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the WE offset, a data value sometimes stored in the schematic files. Mostly used for WorldEdit. MCServer doesn't use this value, but provides access to it using this method." },
Write =
{ Params = "World, {{Vector3i|MinPoint}}, DataTypes", Return = "bool", Notes = "Writes the area into World at the specified coords, returns true if successful" },
@ -417,6 +423,7 @@ g_APIDesc =
SetUseDefaultFinish = { Params = "bool", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the chunk to use default finishers or not" },
SetUseDefaultHeight = { Params = "bool", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the chunk to use default height generator or not" },
SetUseDefaultStructures = { Params = "bool", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the chunk to use default structures or not" },
UpdateHeightmap = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Updates the heightmap to match current contents. The plugins should do that if they modify the contents and don't modify the heightmap accordingly; MCServer expects (and checks in Debug mode) that the heightmap matches the contents when the cChunkDesc is returned from a plugin." },
WriteBlockArea = { Params = "{{cBlockArea|BlockArea}}, MinRelX, MinRelY, MinRelZ", Return = "", Notes = "Writes data from the block area into the chunk" },
AdditionalInfo =
@ -466,6 +473,7 @@ end
Functions =
GetLocale = { Params = "", Return = "Locale", Notes = "Returns the locale string that the client sends as part of the protocol handshake. Can be used to provide localized strings." },
GetPing = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the ping time, in ms" },
GetPlayer = { Params = "", Return = "{{cPlayer|cPlayer}}", Notes = "Returns the player object connected to this client. Note that this may be nil, for example if the player object is not yet spawned." },
GetUniqueID = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the UniqueID of the client used to identify the client in the server" },
@ -474,6 +482,7 @@ end
HasPluginChannel = { Params = "ChannelName", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the client has registered to receive messages on the specified plugin channel." },
Kick = { Params = "Reason", Return = "", Notes = "Kicks the user with the specified reason" },
SendPluginMessage = { Params = "Channel, Message", Return = "", Notes = "Sends the plugin message on the specified channel." },
SetLocale = { Params = "Locale", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the locale that MCServer keeps on record. Initially the locale is initialized in protocol handshake, this function allows plugins to override the stored value (but only server-side and only until the user disconnects)." },
SetUsername = { Params = "Name", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the username" },
SetViewDistance = { Params = "ViewDistance", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the viewdistance (number of chunks loaded for the player in each direction)" },
SendBlockChange = { Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta", Return = "", Notes = "Sends a BlockChange packet to the client. This can be used to create fake blocks only for that player." },
@ -877,7 +886,6 @@ cFile:Delete("/usr/bin/virus.exe");
SetColor = { Return = "" },
GetColor = { Return = "string" },
AddCommand = { Return = "" },
HasCommand = { Return = "bool" },
AddPermission = { Return = "" },
InheritFrom = { Return = "" },
@ -1144,7 +1152,6 @@ These ItemGrids are available in the API and can be manipulated by the plugins,
IsEnchantable = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the item is enchantable" },
IsFullStack = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the item is stacked up to its maximum stacking" },
IsSameType = { Params = "cItem", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the item in the parameter is of the same ItemType as the one stored in the object. This is true even if the two items have different enchantments" },
IsStackableWith = { Params = "cItem", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the item in the parameter is stackable with the one stored in the object. Two items with different enchantments cannot be stacked" },
IsBothNameAndLoreEmpty = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns if both the custom name and lore are not set." },
IsCustomNameEmpty = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns if the custom name of the cItem is empty." },
IsLoreEmpty = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Returns if the lore of the cItem is empty." },
@ -1650,7 +1657,6 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
AddToGroup = { Params = "GroupName", Return = "", Notes = "Temporarily adds the player to the specified group. The assignment is lost when the player disconnects." },
CalcLevelFromXp = { Params = "XPAmount", Return = "number", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the level which is reached with the specified amount of XP. Inverse of XpForLevel()." },
CanFly = { Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns if the player is able to fly." },
CanUseCommand = { Params = "Command", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the player is allowed to use the specified command." },
CloseWindow = { Params = "[CanRefuse]", Return = "", Notes = "Closes the currently open UI window. If CanRefuse is true (default), the window may refuse the closing." },
CloseWindowIfID = { Params = "WindowID, [CanRefuse]", Return = "", Notes = "Closes the currently open UI window if its ID matches the given ID. If CanRefuse is true (default), the window may refuse the closing." },
DeltaExperience = { Params = "DeltaXP", Return = "", Notes = "Adds or removes XP from the current XP amount. Won't allow XP to go negative. Returns the new experience, -1 on error (XP overflow)." },
@ -1727,7 +1733,6 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
SetSprint = { Params = "IsSprinting", Return = "", Notes = "Sets whether the player is sprinting or not." },
SetSprintingMaxSpeed = { Params = "SprintingMaxSpeed", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the sprinting maximum speed (as reported by the 1.6.1+ protocols)" },
SetVisible = { Params = "IsVisible", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the player visibility to other players" },
TossItem = { Params = "DraggedItem, [Amount], [CreateType], [CreateDamage]", Return = "", Notes = "FIXME: This function will be rewritten, avoid it. It tosses an item, either from the inventory, dragged in hand (while in UI window) or a newly created one." },
XpForLevel = { Params = "XPLevel", Return = "number", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the total amount of XP needed for the specified XP level. Inverse of CalcLevelFromXp()." },
Constants =
@ -2624,7 +2629,8 @@ end
Functions =
AddFaceDirection = {Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, [IsInverse]", Return = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Notes = "Returns the coords of a block adjacent to the specified block through the specified {{Globals#BlockFace|face}}"},
AddFaceDirection = {Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, [IsInverse]", Return = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Notes = "Returns the coords of a block adjacent to the specified block through the specified {{Globals#BlockFaces|face}}"},
BlockFaceToString = { Params = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of the {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} constant. Uses the axis-direction-based names, such as BLOCK_FACE_XP." },
BlockStringToType = {Params = "BlockTypeString", Return = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "Returns the block type parsed from the given string"},
ClickActionToString = {Params = "{{Globals#ClickAction|ClickAction}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns a string description of the ClickAction enumerated value"},
DamageTypeToString = {Params = "{{Globals#DamageType|DamageType}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Converts the {{Globals#DamageType|DamageType}} enumerated value to a string representation "},
@ -2643,9 +2649,12 @@ end
LOGINFO = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using 'info' severity (yellow text)"},
LOGWARN = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using 'warning' severity (red text); OBSOLETE, use LOGWARNING() instead"},
LOGWARNING = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using 'warning' severity (red text)"},
MirrorBlockFaceY = { Params = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Return = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Notes = "Returns the {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} that corresponds to the given {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} after mirroring it around the Y axis (or rotating 180 degrees around it)." },
NoCaseCompare = {Params = "string, string", Return = "number", Notes = "Case-insensitive string comparison; returns 0 if the strings are the same"},
NormalizeAngleDegrees = { Params = "AngleDegrees", Return = "AngleDegrees", Notes = "Returns the angle, wrapped into the [-180, +180) range." },
ReplaceString = {Params = "full-string, to-be-replaced-string, to-replace-string", Notes = "Replaces *each* occurence of to-be-replaced-string in full-string with to-replace-string"},
RotateBlockFaceCCW = { Params = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Return = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Notes = "Returns the {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} that corresponds to the given {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} after rotating it around the Y axis 90 degrees counter-clockwise." },
RotateBlockFaceCW = { Params = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Return = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Notes = "Returns the {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} that corresponds to the given {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} after rotating it around the Y axis 90 degrees clockwise." },
StringSplit = {Params = "string, SeperatorsString", Return = "array table of strings", Notes = "Seperates string into multiple by splitting every time any of the characters in SeperatorsString is encountered."},
StringSplitAndTrim = {Params = "string, SeperatorsString", Return = "array table of strings", Notes = "Seperates string into multiple by splitting every time any of the characters in SeperatorsString is encountered. Each of the separate strings is trimmed (whitespace removed from the beginning and end of the string)"},
StringToBiome = {Params = "string", Return = "{{Globals#BiomeTypes|BiomeType}}", Notes = "Converts a string representation to a {{Globals#BiomeTypes|BiomeType}} enumerated value"},
@ -2692,7 +2701,13 @@ end
Include = "^BLOCK_FACE_.*",
TextBefore = [[
These constants are used to describe individual faces of the block. They are used when the
client is interacting with a block, or when the {{cLineBlockTracer}} hits a block, etc.
client is interacting with a block in the {{OnPlayerBreakingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_BREAKING_BLOCK}},
and {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} hooks, or when the {{cLineBlockTracer}} hits a
block, etc.
ClickAction =
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ return
DifY = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the difference between the two Y coords (Y-size minus 1). Assumes sorted." },
DifZ = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the difference between the two Z coords (Z-size minus 1). Assumes sorted." },
DoesIntersect = { Params = "OtherCuboid", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if this cuboid has at least one voxel in common with OtherCuboid. Note that edges are considered inclusive. Assumes both sorted." },
Engulf = { Params = "{{Vector3i|Point}}", Return = "", Notes = "If needed, expands the cuboid to include the specified point. Doesn't shrink. Assumes sorted. " },
Expand = { Params = "SubMinX, AddMaxX, SubMinY, AddMaxY, SubMinZ, AddMaxZ", Return = "", Notes = "Expands the cuboid by the specified amount in each direction. Works on unsorted cuboids as well. NOTE: this function doesn't check for underflows." },
GetVolume = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the volume of the cuboid, in blocks. Note that the volume considers both coords inclusive. Works on unsorted cuboids, too." },
IsCompletelyInside = { Params = "OuterCuboid", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if this cuboid is completely inside (in all directions) in OuterCuboid. Assumes both sorted." },
@ -308,6 +309,7 @@ end
Equals = { Params = "Vector3i", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if this vector is exactly the same as the specified vector." },
Length = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the (euclidean) length of this vector." },
Move = { Params = "X, Y, Z", Return = "", Notes = "Moves the vector by the specified amount in each axis direction." },
Set = { Params = "x, y, z", Return = "", Notes = "Sets all the coords of the vector at once" },
SqrLength = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the (euclidean) length of this vector, squared. This operation is slightly less computationally expensive than Length(), while it conserves some properties of Length(), such as comparison." },
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ typedef unsigned int UInt32;
typedef unsigned short UInt16;
$cfile "../Vector3.h"
$cfile "../ChunkDef.h"
$cfile "../BiomeDef.h"
@ -62,10 +63,6 @@ $cfile "../BlockEntities/MobHeadEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/FlowerPotEntity.h"
$cfile "../WebAdmin.h"
$cfile "../Root.h"
$cfile "../Vector3f.h"
$cfile "../Vector3d.h"
$cfile "../Vector3i.h"
$cfile "../Matrix4f.h"
$cfile "../Cuboid.h"
$cfile "../BoundingBox.h"
$cfile "../Tracer.h"
@ -97,4 +94,10 @@ typedef unsigned char Byte;
// Aliases
$renaming Vector3<double> @ Vector3d
$renaming Vector3<float> @ Vector3f
$renaming Vector3<int> @ Vector3i
@ -94,12 +94,20 @@ void cLuaState::Create(void)
m_LuaState = lua_open();
m_IsOwned = true;
void cLuaState::RegisterAPILibs(void)
m_IsOwned = true;
@ -734,10 +742,6 @@ void cLuaState::GetStackValue(int a_StackPos, AString & a_Value)
a_Value.assign(data, len);
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ extern "C"
#include "lua/src/lauxlib.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
@ -52,7 +54,6 @@ class cWebAdmin;
struct HTTPTemplateRequest;
class cTNTEntity;
class cCreeper;
class Vector3i;
class cHopperEntity;
class cBlockEntity;
@ -139,9 +140,14 @@ public:
/** Allows this object to be used in the same way as a lua_State *, for example in the LuaLib functions */
operator lua_State * (void) { return m_LuaState; }
/** Creates the m_LuaState, if not closed already. This state will be automatically closed in the destructor */
/** Creates the m_LuaState, if not closed already. This state will be automatically closed in the destructor.
The regular Lua libs are registered, but the MCS API is not registered (so that Lua can be used as
lite-config as well), use RegisterAPILibs() to do that. */
void Create(void);
/** Registers all the API libraries that MCS provides into m_LuaState. */
void RegisterAPILibs(void);
/** Closes the m_LuaState, if not closed already */
void Close(void);
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ bool cPluginLua::Initialize(void)
if (!m_LuaState.IsValid())
// Inject the identification global variables into the state:
lua_pushlightuserdata(m_LuaState, this);
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ cBlockArea::cBlockArea(void) :
m_WEOffset(0, 0, 0),
@ -254,6 +255,24 @@ void cBlockArea::Create(int a_SizeX, int a_SizeY, int a_SizeZ, int a_DataTypes)
void cBlockArea::SetWEOffset(int a_OffsetX, int a_OffsetY, int a_OffsetZ)
m_WEOffset.Set(a_OffsetX, a_OffsetY, a_OffsetZ);
void cBlockArea::SetWEOffset(const Vector3i & a_Offset)
m_WEOffset.Set(a_Offset.x, a_Offset.y, a_Offset.z);
void cBlockArea::SetOrigin(int a_OriginX, int a_OriginY, int a_OriginZ)
m_OriginX = a_OriginX;
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
#pragma once
#include "ForEachChunkProvider.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
// fwd:
class cCuboid;
class Vector3i;
@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ public:
void SetBlockLight (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockLight);
void SetRelBlockSkyLight(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockSkyLight);
void SetBlockSkyLight (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockSkyLight);
void SetWEOffset (int a_OffsetX, int a_OffsetY, int a_OffsetZ);
void SetWEOffset (const Vector3i & a_Offset);
// Getters:
BLOCKTYPE GetRelBlockType (int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) const;
@ -219,6 +221,7 @@ public:
NIBBLETYPE GetBlockLight (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) const;
NIBBLETYPE GetRelBlockSkyLight(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) const;
NIBBLETYPE GetBlockSkyLight (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) const;
const Vector3i & GetWEOffset (void) const {return m_WEOffset;}
void SetBlockTypeMeta (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta);
void SetRelBlockTypeMeta(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta);
@ -299,6 +302,10 @@ protected:
int m_SizeY;
int m_SizeZ;
/** An extra data value sometimes stored in the .schematic file. Used mainly by the WorldEdit plugin.
cBlockArea doesn't use this value in any way. */
Vector3i m_WEOffset;
BLOCKTYPE * m_BlockTypes;
NIBBLETYPE * m_BlockMetas; // Each meta is stored as a separate byte for faster access
NIBBLETYPE * m_BlockLight; // Each light value is stored as a separate byte for faster access
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "Defines.h"
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ if (NOT MSVC)
@ -70,9 +69,7 @@ if (NOT MSVC)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Vector3i.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "BiomeDef.h"
@ -22,9 +22,6 @@
#include "Blocks/BlockSlab.h"
#include "Blocks/ChunkInterface.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Root.h"
#include "Authenticator.h"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "Defines.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "OSSupport/SocketThreads.h"
#include "ChunkDef.h"
#include "ByteBuffer.h"
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Vector3i.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Server.h"
#include "../Root.h"
#include "../Matrix4f.h"
#include "../Matrix4.h"
#include "../ClientHandle.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
#include "../Simulator/FluidSimulator.h"
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "../Item.h"
#include "../Vector3d.h"
#include "../Vector3f.h"
#include "../Vector3i.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "../OSSupport/Timer.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
#include "../Items/ItemHandler.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
#include "inifile/iniFile.h"
#include "json/json.h"
@ -663,8 +663,6 @@ cThrownSnowballEntity::cThrownSnowballEntity(cEntity * a_Creator, double a_X, do
void cThrownSnowballEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace)
// TODO: Apply damage to certain mobs (blaze etc.) and anger all mobs
@ -672,6 +670,30 @@ void cThrownSnowballEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFac
void cThrownSnowballEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos)
int TotalDamage = 0;
if (a_EntityHit.IsMob())
cMonster::eType MobType = ((cMonster &) a_EntityHit).GetMobType();
if (MobType == cMonster::mtBlaze)
TotalDamage = 3;
else if (MobType == cMonster::mtEnderDragon)
TotalDamage = 1;
a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, TotalDamage, 1);
// cBottleOEnchantingEntity :
@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ protected:
// cProjectileEntity overrides:
virtual void OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace) override;
virtual void OnHitEntity (cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos) override;
// tolua_begin
@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ bool cPieceGenerator::TryPlacePieceAtConnector(
// You need DirectionRotationTable[rot1][rot2] CCW turns to connect rot1 to rot2 (they are opposite)
static const int DirectionRotationTable[6][6] =
/* YM, YP, ZM, ZP, XM, XP
YM */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* YM, YP, ZM, ZP, XM, XP */
/* YM */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* YP */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* ZM */ { 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3},
/* ZP */ { 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 1},
@ -261,6 +261,14 @@ T Clamp(T a_Value, T a_Min, T a_Max)
// Common headers (part 2, with macros):
#include "ChunkDef.h"
#include "BiomeDef.h"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include "Globals.h"
#include "LineBlockTracer.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "Chunk.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
#pragma once
#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // Enable non-standard math defines (MSVC)
#include <math.h>
template <typename T>
// tolua_begin
class Matrix4
TOLUA_TEMPLATE_BIND((T, float, double))
// tolua_end
T cell[16];
// tolua_begin
inline Matrix4(void)
inline Matrix4(const Matrix4 & a_Rhs)
*this = a_Rhs;
inline Matrix4 & operator = (const Matrix4 & a_Rhs)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
cell[i] = a_Rhs.cell[i];
return *this;
inline T & operator [] (int a_N)
ASSERT(a_N < 16);
return cell[a_N];
inline void Identity()
cell[1] = cell[2] = cell[3] = cell[4] = 0;
cell[6] = cell[7] = cell[8] = cell[9] = 0;
cell[11] = cell[12] = cell[13] = cell[14] = 0;
cell[0] = cell[5] = cell[10] = cell[15] = 1;
inline void Init(const Vector3<T> & a_Pos, T a_RX, T a_RY, T a_RZ)
Matrix4<T> t;
inline void RotateX(T a_RX)
T sx = (T) sin(a_RX * M_PI / 180);
T cx = (T) cos(a_RX * M_PI / 180);
cell[5] = cx; cell[6] = sx;
cell[9] = -sx; cell[10] = cx;
inline void RotateY(T a_RY)
T sy = (T) sin(a_RY * M_PI / 180);
T cy = (T) cos(a_RY * M_PI / 180);
cell[0] = cy; cell[2] = -sy;
cell[8] = sy; cell[10] = cy;
inline void RotateZ(T a_RZ)
T sz = (T) sin(a_RZ * M_PI / 180);
T cz = (T) cos(a_RZ * M_PI / 180);
cell[0] = cz; cell[1] = sz;
cell[4] = -sz; cell[5] = cz;
inline void Translate(const Vector3<T> & a_Pos)
cell[3] += a_Pos.x;
cell[7] += a_Pos.y;
cell[11] += a_Pos.z;
inline void SetTranslation(const Vector3<T> & a_Pos)
cell[3] = a_Pos.x;
cell[7] = a_Pos.y;
cell[11] = a_Pos.z;
inline void Concatenate(const Matrix4 & m2)
Matrix4 res;
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 4; ++r)
res.cell[r * 4 + c] = (
cell[r * 4 + 0] * m2.cell[c + 0] +
cell[r * 4 + 1] * m2.cell[c + 4] +
cell[r * 4 + 2] * m2.cell[c + 8] +
cell[r * 4 + 3] * m2.cell[c + 12]
*this = res;
inline Vector3<T> Transform(const Vector3<T> & v) const
T x = cell[0] * v.x + cell[1] * v.y + cell[2] * v.z + cell[3];
T y = cell[4] * v.x + cell[5] * v.y + cell[6] * v.z + cell[7];
T z = cell[8] * v.x + cell[9] * v.y + cell[10] * v.z + cell[11];
return Vector3<T>(x, y, z);
inline void Invert(void)
Matrix4 t;
T tx = -cell[3];
T ty = -cell[7];
T tz = -cell[11];
for (unsigned int h = 0; h < 3; ++h)
for (unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++v)
t.cell[h + v * 4] = cell[v + h * 4];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
cell[i] = t.cell[i];
cell[3] = tx * cell[0] + ty * cell[1] + tz * cell[2];
cell[7] = tx * cell[4] + ty * cell[5] + tz * cell[6];
cell[11] = tx * cell[8] + ty * cell[9] + tz * cell[10];
inline Vector3<T> GetXColumn(void) const
return Vector3<T>(cell[0], cell[1], cell[2]);
inline Vector3<T> GetYColumn(void) const
return Vector3<T>(cell[4], cell[5], cell[6]);
inline Vector3<T> GetZColumn(void) const
return Vector3<T>(cell[8], cell[9], cell[10]);
inline void SetXColumn(const Vector3<T> & a_X)
cell[0] = a_X.x;
cell[1] = a_X.y;
cell[2] = a_X.z;
inline void SetYColumn(const Vector3<T> & a_Y)
cell[4] = a_Y.x;
cell[5] = a_Y.y;
cell[6] = a_Y.z;
inline void SetZColumn(const Vector3<T> & a_Z)
cell[8] = a_Z.x;
cell[9] = a_Z.y;
cell[10] = a_Z.z;
// tolua_end
// tolua_begin
typedef Matrix4<double> Matrix4d;
typedef Matrix4<float> Matrix4f;
// tolua_end
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
// _X: empty file??
@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
#include "Vector3f.h"
class Matrix4f
D0=0, D1=5, D2=10, D3=15,
SX=D0, SY=D1, SZ=D2,
Matrix4f() { Identity(); }
float& operator [] ( int a_N ) { return cell[a_N]; }
void Identity()
cell[1] = cell[2] = cell[TX] = cell[4] = cell[6] = cell[TY] =
cell[8] = cell[9] = cell[TZ] = cell[12] = cell[13] = cell[14] = 0;
cell[D0] = cell[D1] = cell[D2] = cell[W] = 1;
void Init( Vector3f a_Pos, float a_RX, float a_RY, float a_RZ )
Matrix4f t;
t.RotateX( a_RZ );
RotateY( a_RY );
Concatenate( t );
t.RotateZ( a_RX );
Concatenate( t );
Translate( a_Pos );
void RotateX( float a_RX )
float sx = (float)sin( a_RX * M_PI / 180 );
float cx = (float)cos( a_RX * M_PI / 180 );
cell[5] = cx, cell[6] = sx, cell[9] = -sx, cell[10] = cx;
void RotateY( float a_RY )
float sy = (float)sin( a_RY * M_PI / 180 );
float cy = (float)cos( a_RY * M_PI / 180 );
Identity ();
cell[0] = cy, cell[2] = -sy, cell[8] = sy, cell[10] = cy;
void RotateZ( float a_RZ )
float sz = (float)sin( a_RZ * M_PI / 180 );
float cz = (float)cos( a_RZ * M_PI / 180 );
Identity ();
cell[0] = cz, cell[1] = sz, cell[4] = -sz, cell[5] = cz;
void Translate( Vector3f a_Pos ) { cell[TX] += a_Pos.x; cell[TY] += a_Pos.y; cell[TZ] += a_Pos.z; }
void SetTranslation( Vector3f a_Pos ) { cell[TX] = a_Pos.x; cell[TY] = a_Pos.y; cell[TZ] = a_Pos.z; }
void Concatenate( const Matrix4f& m2 )
Matrix4f res;
int c;
for ( c = 0; c < 4; c++ ) for ( int r = 0; r < 4; r++ )
res.cell[r * 4 + c] = cell[r * 4] * m2.cell[c] +
cell[r * 4 + 1] * m2.cell[c + 4] +
cell[r * 4 + 2] * m2.cell[c + 8] +
cell[r * 4 + 3] * m2.cell[c + 12];
for ( c = 0; c < 16; c++ ) cell[c] = res.cell[c];
Vector3f Transform( const Vector3f& v ) const
float x = cell[0] * v.x + cell[1] * v.y + cell[2] * v.z + cell[3];
float y = cell[4] * v.x + cell[5] * v.y + cell[6] * v.z + cell[7];
float z = cell[8] * v.x + cell[9] * v.y + cell[10] * v.z + cell[11];
return Vector3f( x, y, z );
void Invert()
Matrix4f t;
int h, i;
float tx = -cell[3], ty = -cell[7], tz = -cell[11];
for ( h = 0; h < 3; h++ ) for ( int v = 0; v < 3; v++ ) t.cell[h + v * 4] = cell[v + h * 4];
for ( i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) cell[i] = t.cell[i];
cell[3] = tx * cell[0] + ty * cell[1] + tz * cell[2];
cell[7] = tx * cell[4] + ty * cell[5] + tz * cell[6];
cell[11] = tx * cell[8] + ty * cell[9] + tz * cell[10];
Vector3f GetXColumn() { return Vector3f( cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] ); }
Vector3f GetYColumn() { return Vector3f( cell[4], cell[5], cell[6] ); }
Vector3f GetZColumn() { return Vector3f( cell[8], cell[9], cell[10] ); }
void SetXColumn( const Vector3f & a_X )
cell[0] = a_X.x;
cell[1] = a_X.y;
cell[2] = a_X.z;
void SetYColumn( const Vector3f & a_Y )
cell[4] = a_Y.x;
cell[5] = a_Y.y;
cell[6] = a_Y.z;
void SetZColumn( const Vector3f & a_Z )
cell[8] = a_Z.x;
cell[9] = a_Z.y;
cell[10] = a_Z.z;
float cell[16];
class Matrix4d
D0=0, D1=5, D2=10, D3=15,
SX=D0, SY=D1, SZ=D2,
Matrix4d() { Identity(); }
double& operator [] ( int a_N ) { return cell[a_N]; }
void Identity()
cell[1] = cell[2] = cell[TX] = cell[4] = cell[6] = cell[TY] =
cell[8] = cell[9] = cell[TZ] = cell[12] = cell[13] = cell[14] = 0;
cell[D0] = cell[D1] = cell[D2] = cell[W] = 1;
void Init( Vector3f a_Pos, double a_RX, double a_RY, double a_RZ )
Matrix4d t;
t.RotateX( a_RZ );
RotateY( a_RY );
Concatenate( t );
t.RotateZ( a_RX );
Concatenate( t );
Translate( a_Pos );
void RotateX( double a_RX )
double sx = (double)sin( a_RX * M_PI / 180 );
double cx = (double)cos( a_RX * M_PI / 180 );
cell[5] = cx, cell[6] = sx, cell[9] = -sx, cell[10] = cx;
void RotateY( double a_RY )
double sy = (double)sin( a_RY * M_PI / 180 );
double cy = (double)cos( a_RY * M_PI / 180 );
Identity ();
cell[0] = cy, cell[2] = -sy, cell[8] = sy, cell[10] = cy;
void RotateZ( double a_RZ )
double sz = (double)sin( a_RZ * M_PI / 180 );
double cz = (double)cos( a_RZ * M_PI / 180 );
Identity ();
cell[0] = cz, cell[1] = sz, cell[4] = -sz, cell[5] = cz;
void Translate( Vector3d a_Pos ) { cell[TX] += a_Pos.x; cell[TY] += a_Pos.y; cell[TZ] += a_Pos.z; }
void SetTranslation( Vector3d a_Pos ) { cell[TX] = a_Pos.x; cell[TY] = a_Pos.y; cell[TZ] = a_Pos.z; }
void Concatenate( const Matrix4d & m2 )
Matrix4d res;
int c;
for ( c = 0; c < 4; c++ ) for ( int r = 0; r < 4; r++ )
res.cell[r * 4 + c] = cell[r * 4] * m2.cell[c] +
cell[r * 4 + 1] * m2.cell[c + 4] +
cell[r * 4 + 2] * m2.cell[c + 8] +
cell[r * 4 + 3] * m2.cell[c + 12];
for ( c = 0; c < 16; c++ ) cell[c] = res.cell[c];
Vector3d Transform( const Vector3d & v ) const
double x = cell[0] * v.x + cell[1] * v.y + cell[2] * v.z + cell[3];
double y = cell[4] * v.x + cell[5] * v.y + cell[6] * v.z + cell[7];
double z = cell[8] * v.x + cell[9] * v.y + cell[10] * v.z + cell[11];
return Vector3d( x, y, z );
void Invert()
Matrix4d t;
int h, i;
double tx = -cell[3], ty = -cell[7], tz = -cell[11];
for ( h = 0; h < 3; h++ ) for ( int v = 0; v < 3; v++ ) t.cell[h + v * 4] = cell[v + h * 4];
for ( i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) cell[i] = t.cell[i];
cell[3] = tx * cell[0] + ty * cell[1] + tz * cell[2];
cell[7] = tx * cell[4] + ty * cell[5] + tz * cell[6];
cell[11] = tx * cell[8] + ty * cell[9] + tz * cell[10];
Vector3d GetXColumn() { return Vector3d( cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] ); }
Vector3d GetYColumn() { return Vector3d( cell[4], cell[5], cell[6] ); }
Vector3d GetZColumn() { return Vector3d( cell[8], cell[9], cell[10] ); }
void SetXColumn( const Vector3d & a_X )
cell[0] = a_X.x;
cell[1] = a_X.y;
cell[2] = a_X.z;
void SetYColumn( const Vector3d & a_Y )
cell[4] = a_Y.x;
cell[5] = a_Y.y;
cell[6] = a_Y.z;
void SetZColumn( const Vector3d & a_Z )
cell[8] = a_Z.x;
cell[9] = a_Z.y;
cell[10] = a_Z.z;
double cell[16];
} ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Bat.h"
#include "../Vector3d.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Squid.h"
#include "../Vector3d.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ public:
/** Removes all registered players */
void Reset(void);
// tolua_begin
/** Returns the number of registered players */
unsigned int GetNumPlayers(void) const;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include "MersenneTwister.h"
#include "inifile/iniFile.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "Simulator.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Vector3i.h"
#include "../BlockID.h"
#include "../Defines.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "../Vector3i.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
#include "inifile/iniFile.h"
@ -4,10 +4,6 @@
#include "Tracer.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "Vector3i.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Entities/Entity.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Vector3i.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
#pragma once
#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // Enable non-standard math defines (MSVC)
#include <math.h>
template <typename T>
// tolua_begin
class Vector3
TOLUA_TEMPLATE_BIND((T, int, float, double))
T x, y, z;
inline Vector3(void) : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
inline Vector3(T a_x, T a_y, T a_z) : x(a_x), y(a_y), z(a_z) {}
// Hardcoded copy constructors (tolua++ does not support function templates .. yet)
Vector3(const Vector3<float> & a_Rhs) : x((T) a_Rhs.x), y((T) a_Rhs.y), z((T) a_Rhs.z) {}
Vector3(const Vector3<double> & a_Rhs) : x((T) a_Rhs.x), y((T) a_Rhs.y), z((T) a_Rhs.z) {}
Vector3(const Vector3<int> & a_Rhs) : x((T) a_Rhs.x), y((T) a_Rhs.y), z((T) a_Rhs.z) {}
// tolua_end
template <typename _T>
Vector3(const Vector3<_T> & a_Rhs) : x(a_Rhs.x), y(a_Rhs.y), z(a_Rhs.z) {}
template <typename _T>
Vector3(const Vector3<_T> * a_Rhs) : x(a_Rhs->x), y(a_Rhs->y), z(a_Rhs->z) {}
// tolua_begin
inline void Set(T a_x, T a_y, T a_z)
x = a_x;
y = a_y;
z = a_z;
inline void Normalize(void)
double Len = 1.0 / Length();
x *= Len;
y *= Len;
z *= Len;
inline Vector3<T> NormalizeCopy(void) const
double Len = 1.0 / Length();
return Vector3<T>(
x * Len,
y * Len,
z * Len
inline void NormalizeCopy(Vector3<T> & a_Rhs) const
double Len = 1.0 / Length();
x * Len,
y * Len,
z * Len
inline double Length(void) const
return sqrt((double)(x * x + y * y + z * z));
inline double SqrLength(void) const
return x * x + y * y + z * z;
inline T Dot(const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs) const
return x * a_Rhs.x + y * a_Rhs.y + z * a_Rhs.z;
inline Vector3<T> Cross(const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs) const
return Vector3<T>(
y * a_Rhs.z - z * a_Rhs.y,
z * a_Rhs.x - x * a_Rhs.z,
x * a_Rhs.y - y * a_Rhs.x
inline bool Equals(const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs) const
return x == a_Rhs.x && y == a_Rhs.y && z == a_Rhs.z;
inline bool operator < (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs)
// return (x < a_Rhs.x) && (y < a_Rhs.y) && (z < a_Rhs.z); ?
return (x < a_Rhs.x) || (x == a_Rhs.x && y < a_Rhs.y) || (x == a_Rhs.x && y == a_Rhs.y && z < a_Rhs.z);
inline void Move(T a_X, T a_Y, T a_Z)
x += a_X;
y += a_Y;
z += a_Z;
// tolua_end
inline void operator += (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs)
x += a_Rhs.x;
y += a_Rhs.y;
z += a_Rhs.z;
inline void operator -= (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs)
x -= a_Rhs.x;
y -= a_Rhs.y;
z -= a_Rhs.z;
inline void operator *= (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs)
x *= a_Rhs.x;
y *= a_Rhs.y;
z *= a_Rhs.z;
inline void operator *= (T a_v)
x *= a_v;
y *= a_v;
z *= a_v;
// tolua_begin
inline Vector3<T> operator + (const Vector3<T>& a_Rhs) const
return Vector3<T>(
x + a_Rhs.x,
y + a_Rhs.y,
z + a_Rhs.z
inline Vector3<T> operator - (const Vector3<T>& a_Rhs) const
return Vector3<T>(
x - a_Rhs.x,
y - a_Rhs.y,
z - a_Rhs.z
inline Vector3<T> operator * (const Vector3<T>& a_Rhs) const
return Vector3<T>(
x * a_Rhs.x,
y * a_Rhs.y,
z * a_Rhs.z
inline Vector3<T> operator * (T a_v) const
return Vector3<T>(
x * a_v,
y * a_v,
z * a_v
inline Vector3<T> operator / (T a_v) const
return Vector3<T>(
x / a_v,
y / a_v,
z / a_v
/** Returns the coefficient for the (a_OtherEnd - this) line to reach the specified Z coord.
The result satisfies the following equation:
(*this + Result * (a_OtherEnd - *this)).z = a_Z
If the line is too close to being parallel, this function returns NO_INTERSECTION
inline double LineCoeffToXYPlane(const Vector3<T> & a_OtherEnd, T a_Z) const
if (abs(z - a_OtherEnd.z) < EPS)
return (a_Z - z) / (a_OtherEnd.z - z);
/** Returns the coefficient for the (a_OtherEnd - this) line to reach the specified Y coord.
The result satisfies the following equation:
(*this + Result * (a_OtherEnd - *this)).y = a_Y
If the line is too close to being parallel, this function returns NO_INTERSECTION
inline double LineCoeffToXZPlane(const Vector3<T> & a_OtherEnd, T a_Y) const
if (abs(y - a_OtherEnd.y) < EPS)
return (a_Y - y) / (a_OtherEnd.y - y);
/** Returns the coefficient for the (a_OtherEnd - this) line to reach the specified X coord.
The result satisfies the following equation:
(*this + Result * (a_OtherEnd - *this)).x = a_X
If the line is too close to being parallel, this function returns NO_INTERSECTION
inline double LineCoeffToYZPlane(const Vector3<T> & a_OtherEnd, T a_X) const
if (abs(x - a_OtherEnd.x) < EPS)
return (a_X - x) / (a_OtherEnd.x - x);
/** The max difference between two coords for which the coords are assumed equal. */
static const double EPS;
/** Return value of LineCoeffToPlane() if the line is parallel to the plane. */
static const double NO_INTERSECTION;
// tolua_end
template <typename T>
const double Vector3<T>::EPS = 0.000001;
template <typename T>
const double Vector3<T>::NO_INTERSECTION = 1e70;
// tolua_begin
typedef Vector3<double> Vector3d;
typedef Vector3<float> Vector3f;
typedef Vector3<int> Vector3i;
// tolua_end
typedef std::list<Vector3i> cVector3iList;
typedef std::vector<Vector3i> cVector3iArray;
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
const double Vector3d::EPS = 0.000001; ///< The max difference between two coords for which the coords are assumed equal
const double Vector3d::NO_INTERSECTION = 1e70; ///< Return value of LineCoeffToPlane() if the line is parallel to the plane
Vector3d::Vector3d(const Vector3f & v) :
Vector3d::Vector3d(const Vector3f * v) :
double Vector3d::LineCoeffToXYPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_Z) const
if (abs(z - a_OtherEnd.z) < EPS)
return (a_Z - z) / (a_OtherEnd.z - z);
double Vector3d::LineCoeffToXZPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_Y) const
if (abs(y - a_OtherEnd.y) < EPS)
return (a_Y - y) / (a_OtherEnd.y - y);
double Vector3d::LineCoeffToYZPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_X) const
if (abs(x - a_OtherEnd.x) < EPS)
return (a_X - x) / (a_OtherEnd.x - x);
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
class Vector3f;
// tolua_begin
class Vector3d
// convert from float
Vector3d(const Vector3f & v);
Vector3d(const Vector3f * v);
Vector3d() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
Vector3d(double a_x, double a_y, double a_z) : x(a_x), y(a_y), z(a_z) {}
inline void Set(double a_x, double a_y, double a_z) { x = a_x, y = a_y, z = a_z; }
inline void Normalize() { double l = 1.0f / Length(); x *= l; y *= l; z *= l; }
inline Vector3d NormalizeCopy() { double l = 1.0f / Length(); return Vector3d( x * l, y * l, z * l ); }
inline void NormalizeCopy(Vector3d & a_V) { double l = 1.0f / Length(); a_V.Set(x*l, y*l, z*l ); }
inline double Length() const { return (double)sqrt( x * x + y * y + z * z ); }
inline double SqrLength() const { return x * x + y * y + z * z; }
inline double Dot( const Vector3d & a_V ) const { return x * a_V.x + y * a_V.y + z * a_V.z; }
inline Vector3d Cross( const Vector3d & v ) const { return Vector3d( y * v.z - z * v.y, z * v.x - x * v.z, x * v.y - y * v.x ); }
/** Returns the coefficient for the (a_OtherEnd - this) line to reach the specified Z coord
The result satisfies the following equation:
(*this + Result * (a_OtherEnd - *this)).z = a_Z
If the line is too close to being parallel, this function returns NO_INTERSECTION
double LineCoeffToXYPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_Z) const;
/** Returns the coefficient for the (a_OtherEnd - this) line to reach the specified Y coord
The result satisfies the following equation:
(*this + Result * (a_OtherEnd - *this)).y = a_Y
If the line is too close to being parallel, this function returns NO_INTERSECTION
double LineCoeffToXZPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_Y) const;
/** Returns the coefficient for the (a_OtherEnd - this) line to reach the specified X coord
The result satisfies the following equation:
(*this + Result * (a_OtherEnd - *this)).x = a_X
If the line is too close to being parallel, this function returns NO_INTERSECTION
double LineCoeffToYZPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_X) const;
inline bool Equals(const Vector3d & v) const { return ((x == v.x) && (y == v.y) && (z == v.z)); }
// tolua_end
void operator += ( const Vector3d& a_V ) { x += a_V.x; y += a_V.y; z += a_V.z; }
void operator += ( Vector3d* a_V ) { x += a_V->x; y += a_V->y; z += a_V->z; }
void operator -= ( const Vector3d& a_V ) { x -= a_V.x; y -= a_V.y; z -= a_V.z; }
void operator -= ( Vector3d* a_V ) { x -= a_V->x; y -= a_V->y; z -= a_V->z; }
void operator *= ( double a_f ) { x *= a_f; y *= a_f; z *= a_f; }
// tolua_begin
Vector3d operator + (const Vector3d & v2) const { return Vector3d(x + v2.x, y + v2.y, z + v2.z ); }
Vector3d operator + (const Vector3d * v2) const { return Vector3d(x + v2->x, y + v2->y, z + v2->z ); }
Vector3d operator - (const Vector3d & v2) const { return Vector3d(x - v2.x, y - v2.y, z - v2.z ); }
Vector3d operator - (const Vector3d * v2) const { return Vector3d(x - v2->x, y - v2->y, z - v2->z ); }
Vector3d operator * (const double f) const { return Vector3d(x * f, y * f, z * f ); }
Vector3d operator * (const Vector3d & v2) const { return Vector3d(x * v2.x, y * v2.y, z * v2.z ); }
Vector3d operator / (const double f) const { return Vector3d(x / f, y / f, z / f ); }
double x, y, z;
static const double EPS; ///< The max difference between two coords for which the coords are assumed equal
static const double NO_INTERSECTION; ///< Return value of LineCoeffToPlane() if the line is parallel to the plane
} ;
// tolua_end
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3i.h"
Vector3f::Vector3f( const Vector3d & v )
: x( (float)v.x )
, y( (float)v.y )
, z( (float)v.z )
Vector3f::Vector3f( const Vector3d * v )
: x( (float)v->x )
, y( (float)v->y )
, z( (float)v->z )
Vector3f::Vector3f( const Vector3i & v )
: x( (float)v.x )
, y( (float)v.y )
, z( (float)v.z )
Vector3f::Vector3f( const Vector3i * v )
: x( (float)v->x )
, y( (float)v->y )
, z( (float)v->z )
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
class Vector3i;
class Vector3d;
class Vector3f // tolua_export
{ // tolua_export
public: // tolua_export
Vector3f( const Vector3d & v ); // tolua_export
Vector3f( const Vector3d * v ); // tolua_export
Vector3f( const Vector3i & v ); // tolua_export
Vector3f( const Vector3i * v ); // tolua_export
Vector3f() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {} // tolua_export
Vector3f(float a_x, float a_y, float a_z) : x(a_x), y(a_y), z(a_z) {} // tolua_export
inline void Set(float a_x, float a_y, float a_z) { x = a_x, y = a_y, z = a_z; } // tolua_export
inline void Normalize() { float l = 1.0f / Length(); x *= l; y *= l; z *= l; } // tolua_export
inline Vector3f NormalizeCopy() const { float l = 1.0f / Length(); return Vector3f( x * l, y * l, z * l ); }// tolua_export
inline void NormalizeCopy(Vector3f & a_V) const { float l = 1.0f / Length(); a_V.Set(x*l, y*l, z*l ); } // tolua_export
inline float Length() const { return (float)sqrtf( x * x + y * y + z * z ); } // tolua_export
inline float SqrLength() const { return x * x + y * y + z * z; } // tolua_export
inline float Dot( const Vector3f & a_V ) const { return x * a_V.x + y * a_V.y + z * a_V.z; } // tolua_export
inline Vector3f Cross( const Vector3f & v ) const { return Vector3f( y * v.z - z * v.y, z * v.x - x * v.z, x * v.y - y * v.x ); } // tolua_export
inline bool Equals( const Vector3f & v ) const { return (x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z ); } // tolua_export
void operator += ( const Vector3f& a_V ) { x += a_V.x; y += a_V.y; z += a_V.z; }
void operator += ( Vector3f* a_V ) { x += a_V->x; y += a_V->y; z += a_V->z; }
void operator -= ( const Vector3f& a_V ) { x -= a_V.x; y -= a_V.y; z -= a_V.z; }
void operator -= ( Vector3f* a_V ) { x -= a_V->x; y -= a_V->y; z -= a_V->z; }
void operator *= ( float a_f ) { x *= a_f; y *= a_f; z *= a_f; }
void operator *= ( Vector3f* a_V ) { x *= a_V->x; y *= a_V->y; z *= a_V->z; }
void operator *= ( const Vector3f& a_V ) { x *= a_V.x; y *= a_V.y; z *= a_V.z; }
Vector3f operator + ( const Vector3f& v2 ) const { return Vector3f( x + v2.x, y + v2.y, z + v2.z ); } // tolua_export
Vector3f operator + ( const Vector3f* v2 ) const { return Vector3f( x + v2->x, y + v2->y, z + v2->z ); } // tolua_export
Vector3f operator - ( const Vector3f& v2 ) const { return Vector3f( x - v2.x, y - v2.y, z - v2.z ); } // tolua_export
Vector3f operator - ( const Vector3f* v2 ) const { return Vector3f( x - v2->x, y - v2->y, z - v2->z ); } // tolua_export
Vector3f operator * ( const float f ) const { return Vector3f( x * f, y * f, z * f ); } // tolua_export
Vector3f operator * ( const Vector3f& v2 ) const { return Vector3f( x * v2.x, y * v2.y, z * v2.z ); } // tolua_export
float x, y, z; // tolua_export
};// tolua_export
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Vector3i.cpp
// Implements the Vector3i class representing an int-based 3D vector
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "math.h"
#include "Vector3i.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
Vector3i::Vector3i(const Vector3d & v) :
Vector3i::Vector3i(void) :
Vector3i::Vector3i(int a_x, int a_y, int a_z) :
void Vector3i::Move(int a_MoveX, int a_MoveY, int a_MoveZ)
x += a_MoveX;
y += a_MoveY;
z += a_MoveZ;
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// Vector3i.h
// Declares the Vector3i class representing an int-based 3D vector
#pragma once
// fwd:
class Vector3d;
// tolua_begin
class Vector3i
/** Creates an int vector based on the floor()-ed coords of a double vector. */
Vector3i(const Vector3d & v);
Vector3i(int a_x, int a_y, int a_z);
inline void Set(int a_x, int a_y, int a_z) { x = a_x, y = a_y, z = a_z; }
inline float Length() const { return sqrtf( (float)( x * x + y * y + z * z) ); }
inline int SqrLength() const { return x * x + y * y + z * z; }
inline bool Equals( const Vector3i & v ) const { return (x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z ); }
inline bool Equals( const Vector3i * v ) const { return (x == v->x && y == v->y && z == v->z ); }
void Move(int a_MoveX, int a_MoveY, int a_MoveZ);
// tolua_end
void operator += ( const Vector3i& a_V ) { x += a_V.x; y += a_V.y; z += a_V.z; }
void operator += ( Vector3i* a_V ) { x += a_V->x; y += a_V->y; z += a_V->z; }
void operator -= ( const Vector3i& a_V ) { x -= a_V.x; y -= a_V.y; z -= a_V.z; }
void operator -= ( Vector3i* a_V ) { x -= a_V->x; y -= a_V->y; z -= a_V->z; }
void operator *= ( int a_f ) { x *= a_f; y *= a_f; z *= a_f; }
friend Vector3i operator + ( const Vector3i& v1, const Vector3i& v2 ) { return Vector3i( v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y, v1.z + v2.z ); }
friend Vector3i operator + ( const Vector3i& v1, Vector3i* v2 ) { return Vector3i( v1.x + v2->x, v1.y + v2->y, v1.z + v2->z ); }
friend Vector3i operator - ( const Vector3i& v1, const Vector3i& v2 ) { return Vector3i( v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y, v1.z - v2.z ); }
friend Vector3i operator - ( const Vector3i& v1, Vector3i* v2 ) { return Vector3i( v1.x - v2->x, v1.y - v2->y, v1.z - v2->z ); }
friend Vector3i operator - ( const Vector3i* v1, Vector3i& v2 ) { return Vector3i( v1->x - v2.x, v1->y - v2.y, v1->z - v2.z ); }
friend Vector3i operator * ( const Vector3i& v, const int f ) { return Vector3i( v.x * f, v.y * f, v.z * f ); }
friend Vector3i operator * ( const Vector3i& v1, const Vector3i& v2 ) { return Vector3i( v1.x * v2.x, v1.y * v2.y, v1.z * v2.z ); }
friend Vector3i operator * ( const int f, const Vector3i& v ) { return Vector3i( v.x * f, v.y * f, v.z * f ); }
friend bool operator < ( const Vector3i& v1, const Vector3i& v2 ) { return (v1.x<v2.x)||(v1.x==v2.x && v1.y<v2.y)||(v1.x==v2.x && v1.y == v2.y && v1.z<v2.z); }
int x, y, z; // tolua_export
}; // tolua_export
typedef std::list<Vector3i> cVector3iList;
typedef std::vector<Vector3i> cVector3iArray;
@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ bool cWebAdmin::Start(void)
// Initialize the WebAdmin template script and load the file
if (!m_TemplateScript.LoadFile(FILE_IO_PREFIX "webadmin/template.lua"))
LOGWARN("Could not load WebAdmin template \"%s\", using default template.", FILE_IO_PREFIX "webadmin/template.lua");
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
#include "Generating/Trees.h"
#include "Bindings/PluginManager.h"
#include "Blocks/BlockHandler.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Tracer.h"
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
#include "ChunkMap.h"
#include "WorldStorage/WorldStorage.h"
#include "Generating/ChunkGenerator.h"
#include "Vector3i.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "ChunkSender.h"
#include "Defines.h"
#include "LightingThread.h"
@ -177,6 +177,25 @@ bool cSchematicFileSerializer::LoadFromSchematicNBT(cBlockArea & a_BlockArea, cP
a_BlockArea.SetSize(SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, AreMetasPresent ? (cBlockArea::baTypes | cBlockArea::baMetas) : cBlockArea::baTypes);
int TOffsetX = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_NBT.GetRoot(), "WEOffsetX");
int TOffsetY = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_NBT.GetRoot(), "WEOffsetY");
int TOffsetZ = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_NBT.GetRoot(), "WEOffsetZ");
if (
(TOffsetX < 0) || (TOffsetY < 0) || (TOffsetZ < 0) ||
(a_NBT.GetType(TOffsetX) != TAG_Int) ||
(a_NBT.GetType(TOffsetY) != TAG_Int) ||
(a_NBT.GetType(TOffsetZ) != TAG_Int)
// Not every schematic file has an offset, so we shoudn't give a warn message.
a_BlockArea.SetWEOffset(0, 0, 0);
a_BlockArea.SetWEOffset(a_NBT.GetInt(TOffsetX), a_NBT.GetInt(TOffsetY), a_NBT.GetInt(TOffsetZ));
// Copy the block types and metas:
int NumBytes = a_BlockArea.m_SizeX * a_BlockArea.m_SizeY * a_BlockArea.m_SizeZ;
if (a_NBT.GetDataLength(TBlockTypes) < NumBytes)
@ -234,6 +253,10 @@ AString cSchematicFileSerializer::SaveToSchematicNBT(const cBlockArea & a_BlockA
Writer.AddByteArray("Data",, Dummy.size());
Writer.AddInt("WEOffsetX", a_BlockArea.m_WEOffset.x);
Writer.AddInt("WEOffsetY", a_BlockArea.m_WEOffset.y);
Writer.AddInt("WEOffsetZ", a_BlockArea.m_WEOffset.z);
// TODO: Save entities and block entities
Writer.BeginList("Entities", TAG_Compound);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "WorldStorage.h"
#include "../Vector3i.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
#include "json/json.h"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user