PolarSSL wrappers for the SSL context.
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
// BlockingSslClientSocket.cpp
// Implements the cBlockingSslClientSocket class representing a blocking TCP socket with client SSL encryption over it
#include "Globals.h"
#include "BlockingSslClientSocket.h"
cBlockingSslClientSocket::cBlockingSslClientSocket(void) :
// Nothing needed yet
bool cBlockingSslClientSocket::Connect(const AString & a_ServerName, UInt16 a_Port)
// If already connected, report an error:
if (m_IsConnected)
// TODO: Handle this better - if connected to the same server and port, and the socket is alive, return success
m_LastErrorText = "Already connected";
return false;
// Connect the underlying socket:
if (!m_Socket.ConnectIPv4(a_ServerName.c_str(), a_Port))
Printf(m_LastErrorText, "Socket connect failed: %s", m_Socket.GetLastErrorString().c_str());
return false;
// Initialize the SSL:
int ret = m_Ssl.Initialize(true);
if (ret != 0)
Printf(m_LastErrorText, "SSL initialization failed: -0x%x", -ret);
return false;
// If we have been assigned a trusted CA root cert store, push it into the SSL context:
if (m_CACerts.get() != NULL)
m_Ssl.SetCACerts(m_CACerts, m_ExpectedPeerName);
ret = m_Ssl.Handshake();
if (ret != 0)
Printf(m_LastErrorText, "SSL handshake failed: -0x%x", -ret);
return false;
m_IsConnected = true;
return true;
bool cBlockingSslClientSocket::SetTrustedRootCertsFromString(const AString & a_CACerts, const AString & a_ExpectedPeerName)
// Warn if used multiple times, but don't signal an error:
if (m_CACerts.get() != NULL)
"SSL: Trying to set multiple trusted CA root cert stores, only the last one will be used. Name: %s",
// Parse the cert:
m_CACerts.reset(new cX509Cert);
int ret = m_CACerts->Parse(a_CACerts.data(), a_CACerts.size());
if (ret < 0)
Printf(m_LastErrorText, "CA cert parsing failed: -0x%x", -ret);
return false;
m_ExpectedPeerName = a_ExpectedPeerName;
return true;
bool cBlockingSslClientSocket::Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes)
// Keep sending the data until all of it is sent:
const char * Data = (const char *)a_Data;
size_t NumBytes = a_NumBytes;
for (;;)
int res = m_Ssl.WritePlain(a_Data, a_NumBytes);
if (res < 0)
ASSERT(res != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ); // This should never happen with callback-based SSL
ASSERT(res != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE); // This should never happen with callback-based SSL
Printf(m_LastErrorText, "Data cannot be written to SSL context: -0x%x", -res);
return false;
Data += res;
NumBytes -= res;
if (NumBytes == 0)
return true;
int cBlockingSslClientSocket::Receive(void * a_Data, size_t a_MaxBytes)
int res = m_Ssl.ReadPlain(a_Data, a_MaxBytes);
if (res < 0)
Printf(m_LastErrorText, "Data cannot be read form SSL context: -0x%x", -res);
return res;
void cBlockingSslClientSocket::Disconnect(void)
// Ignore if not connected
if (!m_IsConnected)
m_IsConnected = false;
int cBlockingSslClientSocket::ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
int res = m_Socket.Receive((char *)a_Buffer, a_NumBytes, 0);
if (res < 0)
// PolarSSL's net routines distinguish between connection reset and general failure, we don't need to
return res;
int cBlockingSslClientSocket::SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
int res = m_Socket.Send((const char *)a_Buffer, a_NumBytes);
if (res < 0)
// PolarSSL's net routines distinguish between connection reset and general failure, we don't need to
return res;
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// BlockingSslClientSocket.h
// Declares the cBlockingSslClientSocket class representing a blocking TCP socket with client SSL encryption over it
#pragma once
#include "CallbackSslContext.h"
#include "../OSSupport/Socket.h"
class cBlockingSslClientSocket :
protected cCallbackSslContext::cDataCallbacks
/** Connects to the specified server and performs SSL handshake.
Returns true if successful, false on failure. Sets internal error text on failure. */
bool Connect(const AString & a_ServerName, UInt16 a_Port);
/** Sends the specified data over the connection.
Returns true if successful, false on failure. Sets the internal error text on failure. */
bool Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes);
/** Receives data from the connection.
Blocks until there is any data available, then returns as much as possible.
Returns the number of bytes actually received, negative number on failure.
Sets the internal error text on failure. */
int Receive(void * a_Data, size_t a_MaxBytes);
/** Disconnects the connection gracefully, if possible.
Note that this also frees the internal SSL context, so all the certificates etc. are lost. */
void Disconnect(void);
/** Sets the root certificates that are to be trusted. Forces the connection to use strict cert
verification. Needs to be used before calling Connect().
a_ExpectedPeerName is the name that we expect to receive in the SSL peer's cert; verification will fail if
the presented name is different (possible MITM).
Returns true on success, false on failure. Sets internal error text on failure. */
bool SetTrustedRootCertsFromString(const AString & a_CACerts, const AString & a_ExpectedPeerName);
/** Returns the text of the last error that has occurred in this instance. */
const AString & GetLastErrorText(void) const { return m_LastErrorText; }
/** The SSL context used for the socket */
cCallbackSslContext m_Ssl;
/** The underlying socket to the SSL server */
cSocket m_Socket;
/** The trusted CA root cert store, if we are to verify the cert strictly. Set by SetTrustedRootCertsFromString(). */
cX509CertPtr m_CACerts;
/** The expected SSL peer's name, if we are to verify the cert strictly. Set by SetTrustedRootCertsFromString(). */
AString m_ExpectedPeerName;
/** Text of the last error that has occurred. */
AString m_LastErrorText;
/** Set to true if the connection established successfully. */
bool m_IsConnected;
// cCallbackSslContext::cDataCallbacks overrides:
virtual int ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) override;
virtual int SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) override;
} ;
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// BufferedSslContext.cpp
// Implements the cBufferedSslContext class representing a SSL context with the SSL peer data backed by a cByteBuffer
#include "Globals.h"
#include "BufferedSslContext.h"
cBufferedSslContext::cBufferedSslContext(size_t a_BufferSize):
int cBufferedSslContext::ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
// Called when PolarSSL wants to read encrypted data from the SSL peer
// Read the data from the buffer inside this object, where the owner has stored them using WriteIncoming():
size_t NumBytes = std::min(a_NumBytes, m_IncomingData.GetReadableSpace());
if (NumBytes == 0)
if (!m_IncomingData.ReadBuf(a_Buffer, NumBytes))
return (int)NumBytes;
int cBufferedSslContext::SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
// Called when PolarSSL wants to write encrypted data to the SSL peer
// Write the data into the buffer inside this object, where the owner can later read them using ReadOutgoing():
if (!m_OutgoingData.CanWriteBytes(a_NumBytes))
if (!m_OutgoingData.Write((const char *)a_Buffer, a_NumBytes))
return (int)a_NumBytes;
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// BufferedSslContext.h
// Declares the cBufferedSslContext class representing a SSL context with the SSL peer data backed by a cByteBuffer
#pragma once
#include "SslContext.h"
class cBufferedSslContext :
public cSslContext
typedef cSslContext super;
/** Creates a new context with the buffers of specified size for the encrypted / decrypted data. */
cBufferedSslContext(size_t a_BufferSize = 64000);
/** Stores the specified data in the "incoming" buffer, to be process by the SSL decryptor.
This is the data received from the SSL peer.
Returns the number of bytes actually stored. If 0 is returned, owner should check the error state. */
size_t WriteIncoming(const void * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes);
/** Retrieves data from the "outgoing" buffer, after being processed by the SSL encryptor.
This is the data to be sent to the SSL peer.
Returns the number of bytes actually retrieved. */
size_t ReadOutgoing(void * a_Data, size_t a_DataMaxSize);
/** Buffer for the data that has been encrypted into the SSL stream and should be sent out. */
cByteBuffer m_OutgoingData;
/** Buffer for the data that has come in and needs to be decrypted from the SSL stream. */
cByteBuffer m_IncomingData;
// cSslContext overrides:
virtual int ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) override;
virtual int SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) override;
} ;
@ -5,12 +5,26 @@ project (MCServer)
include_directories ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../")
add_library(PolarSSL++ ${SOURCES})
add_library(PolarSSL++ ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS})
if (UNIX)
target_link_libraries(PolarSSL++ polarssl)
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// CallbackSslContext.cpp
// Declares the cCallbackSslContext class representing a SSL context wrapper that uses callbacks to read and write SSL peer data
#include "Globals.h"
#include "CallbackSslContext.h"
// Nothing needed, but the constructor needs to exist so
cCallbackSslContext::cCallbackSslContext(cCallbackSslContext::cDataCallbacks & a_Callbacks) :
int cCallbackSslContext::ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
if (m_Callbacks == NULL)
LOGWARNING("SSL: Trying to receive data with no callbacks, aborting.");
return m_Callbacks->ReceiveEncrypted(a_Buffer, a_NumBytes);
int cCallbackSslContext::SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
if (m_Callbacks == NULL)
LOGWARNING("SSL: Trying to send data with no callbacks, aborting.");
return m_Callbacks->SendEncrypted(a_Buffer, a_NumBytes);
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// CallbackSslContext.h
// Declares the cCallbackSslContext class representing a SSL context wrapper that uses callbacks to read and write SSL peer data
#pragma once
#include "SslContext.h"
class cCallbackSslContext :
public cSslContext
/** Interface used as a data sink for the SSL peer data. */
class cDataCallbacks
/** Called when PolarSSL wants to read encrypted data from the SSL peer.
The returned value is the number of bytes received, or a PolarSSL error on failure.
The implementation can return POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ or POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE to indicate
that there's currently no more data and that there might be more data in the future. In such cases the
SSL operation that invoked this call will terminate with the same return value, so that the owner is
notified of this condition and can potentially restart the operation later on. */
virtual int ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) = 0;
/** Called when PolarSSL wants to write encrypted data to the SSL peer.
The returned value is the number of bytes sent, or a PolarSSL error on failure.
The implementation can return POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ or POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE to indicate
that there's currently no more data and that there might be more data in the future. In such cases the
SSL operation that invoked this call will terminate with the same return value, so that the owner is
notified of this condition and can potentially restart the operation later on. */
virtual int SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) = 0;
} ;
/** Creates a new SSL context with no callbacks assigned */
/** Creates a new SSL context with the specified callbacks */
cCallbackSslContext(cDataCallbacks & a_Callbacks);
/** The callbacks to use to send and receive SSL peer data */
cDataCallbacks * m_Callbacks;
// cSslContext overrides:
virtual int ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) override;
virtual int SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) override;
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@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
// SslContext.cpp
// Implements the cSslContext class that holds everything a single SSL context needs to function
#include "Globals.h"
#include "SslContext.h"
#include "EntropyContext.h"
#include "CtrDrbgContext.h"
cSslContext::cSslContext(void) :
if (m_IsValid)
int cSslContext::Initialize(bool a_IsClient, const SharedPtr<cCtrDrbgContext> & a_CtrDrbg)
// Check double-initialization:
if (m_IsValid)
LOGWARNING("SSL: Double initialization is not supported.");
return POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_MALLOC_FAILED; // There is no return value well-suited for this, reuse this one.
// Set the CtrDrbg context, create a new one if needed:
m_CtrDrbg = a_CtrDrbg;
if (m_CtrDrbg.get() == NULL)
m_CtrDrbg.reset(new cCtrDrbgContext);
m_CtrDrbg->Initialize("MCServer", 8);
// Initialize PolarSSL's structures:
memset(&m_Ssl, 0, sizeof(m_Ssl));
int res = ssl_init(&m_Ssl);
if (res != 0)
return res;
ssl_set_endpoint(&m_Ssl, a_IsClient ? SSL_IS_CLIENT : SSL_IS_SERVER);
ssl_set_authmode(&m_Ssl, SSL_VERIFY_OPTIONAL);
ssl_set_rng(&m_Ssl, ctr_drbg_random, &m_CtrDrbg->m_CtrDrbg);
ssl_set_bio(&m_Ssl, ReceiveEncrypted, this, SendEncrypted, this);
#ifdef _DEBUG
ssl_set_dbg(&m_Ssl, &SSLDebugMessage, this);
m_IsValid = true;
return 0;
void cSslContext::SetCACerts(const cX509CertPtr & a_CACert, const AString & a_ExpectedPeerName)
// Store the data in our internal buffers, to avoid losing the pointers later on
// PolarSSL will need these after this call returns, and the caller may move / delete the data before that:
m_ExpectedPeerName = a_ExpectedPeerName;
m_CACerts = a_CACert;
// Set the trusted CA root cert store:
ssl_set_authmode(&m_Ssl, SSL_VERIFY_REQUIRED);
ssl_set_ca_chain(&m_Ssl, m_CACerts->GetInternal(), NULL, m_ExpectedPeerName.empty() ? NULL : m_ExpectedPeerName.c_str());
int cSslContext::WritePlain(const void * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes)
ASSERT(m_IsValid); // Need to call Initialize() first
if (!m_HasHandshaken)
int res = Handshake();
if (res != 0)
return res;
return ssl_write(&m_Ssl, (const unsigned char *)a_Data, a_NumBytes);
int cSslContext::ReadPlain(void * a_Data, size_t a_MaxBytes)
ASSERT(m_IsValid); // Need to call Initialize() first
if (!m_HasHandshaken)
int res = Handshake();
if (res != 0)
return res;
return ssl_read(&m_Ssl, (unsigned char *)a_Data, a_MaxBytes);
int cSslContext::Handshake(void)
ASSERT(m_IsValid); // Need to call Initialize() first
ASSERT(!m_HasHandshaken); // Must not call twice
int res = ssl_handshake(&m_Ssl);
if (res == 0)
m_HasHandshaken = true;
return res;
int cSslContext::NotifyClose(void)
return ssl_close_notify(&m_Ssl);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void cSslContext::SSLDebugMessage(void * a_UserParam, int a_Level, const char * a_Text)
if (a_Level > 3)
// Don't want the trace messages
// Remove the terminating LF:
size_t len = strlen(a_Text) - 1;
while ((len > 0) && (a_Text[len] <= 32))
AString Text(a_Text, len + 1);
LOGD("SSL (%d): %s", a_Level, Text.c_str());
#endif // _DEBUG
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// SslContext.h
// Declares the cSslContext class that holds everything a single SSL context needs to function
#pragma once
#include "polarssl/ssl.h"
#include "../ByteBuffer.h"
#include "X509Cert.h"
// fwd:
class cCtrDrbgContext;
Acts as a generic SSL encryptor / decryptor between the two endpoints. The "owner" of this class is expected
to create it, initialize it and then provide the means of reading and writing data through the SSL link.
This is an abstract base class, there are descendants that handle the specific aspects of how the SSL peer
data comes into the system:
- cBufferedSslContext uses a cByteBuffer to read and write the data
- cCallbackSslContext uses callbacks to provide the data
class cSslContext abstract
/** Creates a new uninitialized context */
/** Initializes the context for use as a server or client.
Returns 0 on success, PolarSSL error on failure. */
int Initialize(bool a_IsClient, const SharedPtr<cCtrDrbgContext> & a_CtrDrbg = SharedPtr<cCtrDrbgContext>());
/** Returns true if the object has been initialized properly. */
bool IsValid(void) const { return m_IsValid; }
/** Sets a cert chain as the trusted cert store for this context.
Calling this will switch the context into strict cert verification mode.
a_ExpectedPeerName is the CommonName that we expect the SSL peer to have in its cert,
if it is different, the verification will fail. An empty string will disable the CN check. */
void SetCACerts(const cX509CertPtr & a_CACert, const AString & a_ExpectedPeerName);
/** Writes data to be encrypted and sent to the SSL peer. Will perform SSL handshake, if needed.
Returns the number of bytes actually written, or PolarSSL error code.
If the return value is POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ or POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE, the owner should send any
cached outgoing data to the SSL peer and write any incoming data received from the SSL peer and then call
this function again with the same parameters. Note that this may repeat a few times before the data is
actually written, mainly due to initial handshake. */
int WritePlain(const void * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes);
/** Reads data decrypted from the SSL stream. Will perform SSL handshake, if needed.
Returns the number of bytes actually read, or PolarSSL error code.
If the return value is POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ or POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE, the owner should send any
cached outgoing data to the SSL peer and write any incoming data received from the SSL peer and then call
this function again with the same parameters. Note that this may repeat a few times before the data is
actually read, mainly due to initial handshake. */
int ReadPlain(void * a_Data, size_t a_MaxBytes);
/** Performs the SSL handshake.
Returns zero on success, PoladSSL error code on failure.
If the return value is POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ or POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE, the owner should send any
cached outgoing data to the SSL peer and write any incoming data received from the SSL peer and then call
this function again. Note that this may repeat a few times before the handshake is completed. */
int Handshake(void);
/** Returns true if the SSL handshake has been completed. */
bool HasHandshaken(void) const { return m_HasHandshaken; }
/** Notifies the SSL peer that the connection is being closed.
Returns 0 on success, PolarSSL error code on failure. */
int NotifyClose(void);
/** True if the object has been initialized properly. */
bool m_IsValid;
/** The random generator to use */
SharedPtr<cCtrDrbgContext> m_CtrDrbg;
/** The SSL context that PolarSSL uses. */
ssl_context m_Ssl;
/** True if the SSL handshake has been completed. */
bool m_HasHandshaken;
/** A copy of the trusted CA root cert store that is passed to us in SetCACerts(), so that the pointer
stays valid even after the call, when PolarSSL finally uses it. */
cX509CertPtr m_CACerts;
/** Buffer for the expected peer name. We need to buffer it because the caller may free the string they
give us before PolarSSL consumes the raw pointer it gets to the CN. */
AString m_ExpectedPeerName;
/** The callback used by PolarSSL when it wants to read encrypted data. */
static int ReceiveEncrypted(void * a_This, unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
return ((cSslContext *)a_This)->ReceiveEncrypted(a_Buffer, a_NumBytes);
/** The callback used by PolarSSL when it wants to write encrypted data. */
static int SendEncrypted(void * a_This, const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes)
return ((cSslContext *)a_This)->SendEncrypted(a_Buffer, a_NumBytes);
#ifdef _DEBUG
/** The callback used by PolarSSL to output debug messages */
static void SSLDebugMessage(void * a_UserParam, int a_Level, const char * a_Text);
#endif // _DEBUG
/** Called when PolarSSL wants to read encrypted data. */
virtual int ReceiveEncrypted(unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) = 0;
/** Called when PolarSSL wants to write encrypted data. */
virtual int SendEncrypted(const unsigned char * a_Buffer, size_t a_NumBytes) = 0;
} ;
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
class cX509Cert
friend class cSslContext;
@ -25,13 +27,15 @@ public:
Returns 0 on succes, or PolarSSL error code on failure. */
int Parse(const void * a_CertContents, size_t a_Size);
/** Returns the internal cert ptr. Only use in PolarSSL API calls. */
OBSOLETE x509_crt * Get(void) { return &m_Cert; }
x509_crt m_Cert;
/** Returns the internal cert ptr. Only use in PolarSSL API calls. */
x509_crt * GetInternal(void) { return &m_Cert; }
} ;
typedef SharedPtr<cX509Cert> cX509CertPtr;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user