2013-07-29 12:13:03 +01:00
// NoopFluidSimulator.h
// Declares the cNoopFluidSimulator class representing a fluid simulator that performs nothing, it ignores all blocks
#pragma once
#include "FluidSimulator.h"
class cNoopFluidSimulator :
public cFluidSimulator
typedef cFluidSimulator super;
cNoopFluidSimulator(cWorld & a_World, BLOCKTYPE a_Fluid, BLOCKTYPE a_StationaryFluid) :
super(a_World, a_Fluid, a_StationaryFluid)
// cSimulator overrides:
virtual void AddBlock(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override {}
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override {}
} ;