2013-08-30 20:46:16 +02:00
// ImageComposingCallback
// Declares the cImageComposingCallback class that implements a subset of cCallback for composing per-region images
#pragma once
#include "Callback.h"
/** Implements the plumbing for composing per-region images from multiple chunks.
To use this class, create a descendant that writes the image data using
SetPixel() or SetPixelURow() functions.
For the purpose of this class the image data is indexed U (horz) * V (vert), to avoid confusion with other coords.
The image is a 32bpp raw imagedata, written into a BMP file.
class cImageComposingCallback :
public cCallback
INVALID_REGION_COORD = 99999, ///< Used for un-assigned region coords
IMAGE_WIDTH = 32 * 16,
IMAGE_HEIGHT = 32 * 16,
PIXEL_COUNT = IMAGE_WIDTH * IMAGE_HEIGHT, ///< Total pixel count of the image data
} ;
cImageComposingCallback(const AString & a_FileNamePrefix);
virtual ~cImageComposingCallback();
// cCallback overrides:
virtual bool OnNewRegion(int a_RegionX, int a_RegionZ) override;
virtual void OnRegionFinished(int a_RegionX, int a_RegionZ) override;
// New introduced overridable functions:
/// Called when a file is about to be saved, to generate the filename
virtual AString GetFileName(int a_RegionX, int a_RegionZ);
/// Called before the file is saved
virtual void OnBeforeImageSaved(int a_RegionX, int a_RegionZ, const AString & a_FileName) {}
/// Called after the image is saved to a file
virtual void OnAfterImageSaved(int a_RegionX, int a_RegionZ, const AString & a_FileName) {}
/// Called when a new region is beginning, to erase the image data
virtual void OnEraseImage(void);
// Functions for manipulating the image:
/// Erases the entire image with the specified color
void EraseImage(int a_Color);
/// Erases the specified chunk's portion of the image with the specified color. Note that chunk coords are relative to the current region
void EraseChunk(int a_Color, int a_RelChunkX, int a_RelChunkZ);
/// Returns the current region X coord
int GetCurrentRegionX(void) const { return m_CurrentRegionX; }
/// Returns the current region Z coord
int GetCurrentRegionZ(void) const { return m_CurrentRegionZ; }
/// Sets the pixel at the specified UV coords to the specified color
void SetPixel(int a_RelU, int a_RelV, int a_Color);
/// Returns the color of the pixel at the specified UV coords; -1 if outside
int GetPixel(int a_RelU, int a_RelV);
/// Sets a row of pixels. a_Pixels is expected to be a_CountU pixels wide. a_RelUStart + a_CountU is assumed less than image width
void SetPixelURow(int a_RelUStart, int a_RelV, int a_CountU, int * a_Pixels);
2013-08-30 23:32:27 +02:00
/** "Shades" the given color based on the shade amount given
Shade amount 0 .. 63 shades the color from black to a_Color.
Shade amount 64 .. 127 shades the color from a_Color to white.
All other shade amounts have undefined results.
static int ShadeColor(int a_Color, int a_Shade);
/// Mixes the two colors in the specified ratio; a_Ratio is between 0 and 256, 0 returning a_Src
static int MixColor(int a_Src, int a_Dest, int a_Ratio);
2013-08-30 20:46:16 +02:00
/// Prefix for the filenames, when generated by the default GetFileName() function
AString m_FileNamePrefix;
/// Coords of the currently processed region
int m_CurrentRegionX, m_CurrentRegionZ;
/// Raw image data; 1 MiB worth of data, therefore unsuitable for stack allocation. [u + IMAGE_WIDTH * v]
int * m_ImageData;
void SaveImage(const AString & a_FileName);
} ;