2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
cBeaconEntity =
Desc = [ [
A beacon entity is a { { cBlockEntityWithItems } } descendant that represents a beacon
in the world .
] ] ,
Functions =
CalculatePyramidLevel =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Calculate the amount of layers the pyramid below the beacon has. " ,
} ,
GetBeaconLevel =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the beacon level. (0 - 4) " ,
} ,
GetPrimaryEffect =
Returns =
Name = " EffectType " ,
Type = " cEntityEffect#eType " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the primary effect. " ,
} ,
GetSecondaryEffect =
Returns =
Name = " EffectType " ,
Type = " cEntityEffect#eType " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the secondary effect. " ,
} ,
GiveEffects =
Notes = " Give the near-players the effects. " ,
} ,
IsActive =
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Is the beacon active? " ,
} ,
IsBeaconBlocked =
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Is the beacon blocked by non-transparent blocks that are higher than the beacon? " ,
} ,
IsMineralBlock =
IsStatic = true ,
Params =
Name = " BlockType " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns true if the block is a diamond block, a golden block, an iron block or an emerald block. " ,
} ,
IsValidEffect =
IsStatic = true ,
Params =
Name = " EffectType " ,
Type = " cEntityEffect#eType " ,
} ,
Name = " BeaconLevel " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns true if the effect can be used. " ,
} ,
SetPrimaryEffect =
Params =
Name = " EffectType " ,
Type = " cEntityEffect#eType " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Select the primary effect. Returns false when the effect is invalid. " ,
} ,
SetSecondaryEffect =
Params =
Name = " EffectType " ,
Type = " cEntityEffect#eType " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Select the secondary effect. Returns false when the effect is invalid. " ,
} ,
UpdateBeacon =
Notes = " Update the beacon. " ,
} ,
} ,
Inherits = " cBlockEntityWithItems " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cBlockEntity =
Desc = [ [
Block entities are simply blocks in the world that have persistent data , such as the text for a sign
or contents of a chest . All block entities are also saved in the chunk data of the chunk they reside in .
The cBlockEntity class acts as a common ancestor for all the individual block entities .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetBlockType =
Returns =
Name = " BLOCKTYPE " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the blocktype which is represented by this blockentity. This is the primary means of type-identification " ,
} ,
GetChunkX =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the chunk X-coord of the block entity's chunk " ,
} ,
GetChunkZ =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the chunk Z-coord of the block entity's chunk " ,
} ,
GetPos =
Returns =
Type = " Vector3i " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the name of the parent class, or empty string if no parent class. " ,
} ,
GetPosX =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the block X-coord of the block entity's block " ,
} ,
GetPosY =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the block Y-coord of the block entity's block " ,
} ,
GetPosZ =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the block Z-coord of the block entity's block " ,
} ,
GetRelX =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the relative X coord of the block entity's block within the chunk " ,
} ,
GetRelZ =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the relative Z coord of the block entity's block within the chunk " ,
} ,
GetWorld =
Returns =
Type = " cWorld " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the world to which the block entity belongs " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
} ,
cBlockEntityWithItems =
Desc = [ [
This class is a common ancestor for all { { cBlockEntity | block entities } } that provide item storage .
Internally , the object has a { { cItemGrid | cItemGrid } } object for storing the items ; this ItemGrid is
accessible through the API . The storage is a grid of items , items in it can be addressed either by a slot
number , or by XY coords within the grid . If a UI window is opened for this block entity , the item storage
is monitored for changes and the changes are immediately sent to clients of the UI window .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetContents =
Returns =
Type = " cItemGrid " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the cItemGrid object representing the items stored within this block entity " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
GetSlot =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Params =
Name = " SlotNum " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the cItem for the specified slot number. Returns nil for invalid slot numbers " ,
} ,
Params =
Name = " X " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " Y " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the cItem for the specified slot coords. Returns nil for invalid slot coords " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
SetSlot =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Params =
Name = " SlotNum " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " cItem " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the cItem for the specified slot number. Ignored if invalid slot number " ,
} ,
Params =
Name = " X " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " Y " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " cItem " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the cItem for the specified slot coords. Ignored if invalid slot coords " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
2015-09-24 04:48:33 -04:00
cBrewingstandEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a brewingstand entity in the world . </ p >
< p >
See also the { { cRoot } } : GetBrewingRecipe ( ) function .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetBrewingTimeLeft =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the time until the current items finishes brewing, in ticks " ,
} ,
GetIndgredientSlot =
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the ingredient slot " ,
} ,
GetLeftBottleSlot =
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the left bottle slot " ,
} ,
GetMiddleBottleSlot =
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the middle bottle slot " ,
} ,
GetResultItem =
Params =
Name = " SlotNumber " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the expected result item for the given slot number. " ,
} ,
GetRightBottleSlot =
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the right bottle slot " ,
} ,
GetTimeBrewed =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the time that the current items has been brewing, in ticks " ,
} ,
SetIngredientSlot =
Params =
Name = " Ingredient " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the item in the ingredient bottle slot " ,
} ,
SetLeftBottleSlot =
Params =
Name = " LeftSlot " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the item in the left bottle slot " ,
} ,
SetMiddleBottleSlot =
Params =
Name = " MiddleSlot " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the item in the middle bottle slot " ,
} ,
SetRightBottleSlot =
Params =
Name = " RightSlot " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the item in the right bottle slot " ,
} ,
2015-09-24 04:48:33 -04:00
} ,
Constants =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
bsIngredient =
Notes = " Index of the ingredient slot " ,
} ,
bsLeftBottle =
Notes = " Index of the left bottle slot " ,
} ,
bsMiddleBottle =
Notes = " Index of the middle bottle slot " ,
} ,
bsRightBottle =
Notes = " Index of the right bottle slot " ,
} ,
ContentsHeight =
Notes = " Height (Y) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents " ,
} ,
ContentsWidth =
Notes = " Width (X) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents " ,
} ,
2015-09-24 04:48:33 -04:00
} ,
ConstantGroups =
SlotIndices =
Include = " bs.* " ,
TextBefore = " When using the GetSlot() or SetSlot() function, use these constants for slot index: " ,
} ,
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntityWithItems " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cChestEntity =
Desc = [ [
A chest entity is a { { cBlockEntityWithItems | cBlockEntityWithItems } } descendant that represents a chest
in the world . Note that doublechests consist of two separate cChestEntity objects , they do not collaborate
in any way . </ p >
< p >
To manipulate a chest already in the game , you need to use { { cWorld } } ' s callback mechanism with
either DoWithChestAt ( ) or ForEachChestInChunk ( ) function . See the code example below
] ] ,
Constants =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
ContentsHeight =
Notes = " Height of the contents' {{cItemGrid|ItemGrid}}, as required by the parent class, {{cBlockEntityWithItems}} " ,
} ,
ContentsWidth =
Notes = " Width of the contents' {{cItemGrid|ItemGrid}}, as required by the parent class, {{cBlockEntityWithItems}} " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
AdditionalInfo =
Header = " Code example " ,
Contents = [ [
The following example code sets the top - left item of each chest in the same chunk as Player to
64 * diamond :
< pre class = " prettyprint lang-lua " >
-- Player is a {{cPlayer}} object instance
local World = Player : GetWorld ( ) ;
World : ForEachChestInChunk ( Player : GetChunkX ( ) , Player : GetChunkZ ( ) ,
function ( ChestEntity )
ChestEntity : SetSlot ( 0 , 0 , cItem ( E_ITEM_DIAMOND , 64 ) ) ;
) ;
</ pre >
] ] ,
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
} ,
Inherits = " cBlockEntityWithItems " ,
} ,
2016-07-06 06:39:56 -04:00
cCommandBlockEntity =
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Activate =
Notes = " Sets the command block to execute a command in the next tick " ,
} ,
GetCommand =
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Retrieves stored command " ,
} ,
GetLastOutput =
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Retrieves the last line of output generated by the command block " ,
} ,
GetResult =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Retrieves the result (signal strength) of the last operation " ,
} ,
SetCommand =
Params =
Name = " Command " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the command " ,
} ,
2016-07-06 06:39:56 -04:00
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cDispenserEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a dispenser block entity in the world . Most of this block entity ' s
2016-07-06 06:39:56 -04:00
functionality is implemented in the { { cDropSpenserEntity } } class that represents
the behavior common with the { { cDropperEntity | dropper } } block entity .
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
] ] ,
2016-07-06 06:39:56 -04:00
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetShootVector =
IsStatic = true ,
Params =
Name = " BlockMeta " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " Vector3d " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns a unit vector in the cardinal direction of where the dispenser with the specified meta would be facing. " ,
} ,
SpawnProjectileFromDispenser =
Params =
Name = " BlockX " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockY " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockZ " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " Kind " ,
Type = " cProjectileEntity#eKind " ,
} ,
Name = " Speed " ,
Type = " Vector3d " ,
} ,
Name = " Item " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Spawns a projectile of the given kind in front of the dispenser with the specified speed. Returns the UniqueID of the spawned projectile, or {{cEntity#INVALID_ID|cEntity.INVALID_ID}} on failure. " ,
} ,
2016-07-06 06:39:56 -04:00
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cDropSpenserEntity " ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
cDropperEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a dropper block entity in the world . Most of this block entity ' s functionality
is implemented in the { { cDropSpenserEntity | cDropSpenserEntity } } class that represents the behavior
common with the { { cDispenserEntity | dispenser } } entity . </ p >
< p >
An object of this class can be created from scratch when generating chunks ( { { OnChunkGenerated | OnChunkGenerated } } and { { OnChunkGenerating | OnChunkGenerating } } hooks ) .
] ] ,
Inherits = " cDropSpenserEntity " ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cDropSpenserEntity =
Desc = [ [
This is a class that implements behavior common to both { { cDispenserEntity | dispensers } } and { { cDropperEntity | droppers } } .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Activate =
Notes = " Sets the block entity to dropspense an item in the next tick " ,
} ,
AddDropSpenserDir =
Params =
Name = " BlockX " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockY " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockZ " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockMeta " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Name = " BlockX " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockY " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockZ " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Adjusts the block coords to where the dropspenser items materialize " ,
} ,
SetRedstonePower =
Params =
Name = " IsPowered " ,
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the redstone status of the dropspenser. If the redstone power goes from off to on, the dropspenser will be activated " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
Constants =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
ContentsHeight =
Notes = " Height (Y) of the {{cItemGrid}} representing the contents " ,
} ,
ContentsWidth =
Notes = " Width (X) of the {{cItemGrid}} representing the contents " ,
} ,
} ,
Inherits = " cBlockEntityWithItems " ,
} ,
cFlowerPotEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a flower pot entity in the world .
] ] ,
Functions =
GetItem =
Returns =
Name = " Item " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the flower pot. " ,
} ,
IsItemInPot =
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Is a flower in the pot? " ,
} ,
SetItem =
Params =
Name = " Item " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Set the item in the flower pot " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cFurnaceEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a furnace block entity in the world . </ p >
< p >
See also { { cRoot } } ' s GetFurnaceRecipe() and GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime() functions
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetCookTimeLeft =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the time until the current item finishes cooking, in ticks " ,
} ,
GetFuelBurnTimeLeft =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the time until the current fuel is depleted, in ticks " ,
} ,
GetFuelSlot =
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the fuel slot " ,
} ,
GetInputSlot =
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the input slot " ,
} ,
GetOutputSlot =
Returns =
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the item in the output slot " ,
} ,
GetTimeCooked =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the time that the current item has been cooking, in ticks " ,
} ,
HasFuelTimeLeft =
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns true if there's time before the current fuel is depleted " ,
} ,
SetFuelSlot =
Params =
Name = " Fuel " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the item in the fuel slot " ,
} ,
SetInputSlot =
Params =
Name = " Input " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the item in the input slot " ,
} ,
SetOutputSlot =
Params =
Name = " Output " ,
Type = " cItem " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the item in the output slot " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
Constants =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
ContentsHeight =
Notes = " Height (Y) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents " ,
} ,
ContentsWidth =
Notes = " Width (X) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents " ,
} ,
fsFuel =
Notes = " Index of the fuel slot " ,
} ,
fsInput =
Notes = " Index of the input slot " ,
} ,
fsOutput =
Notes = " Index of the output slot " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
ConstantGroups =
SlotIndices =
Include = " fs.* " ,
TextBefore = " When using the GetSlot() or SetSlot() function, use these constants for slot index: " ,
} ,
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntityWithItems " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cHopperEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a hopper block entity in the world .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetOutputBlockPos =
Params =
Name = " BlockMeta " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Name = " IsAttached " ,
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockX " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockY " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " BlockZ " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns whether the hopper is attached, and if so, the block coords of the block receiving the output items, based on the given meta. " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
Constants =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
ContentsHeight =
Notes = " Height (Y) of the internal {{cItemGrid}} representing the hopper contents. " ,
} ,
ContentsWidth =
Notes = " Width (X) of the internal {{cItemGrid}} representing the hopper contents. " ,
} ,
Notes = " Number of ticks between when the hopper transfers items. " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
Inherits = " cBlockEntityWithItems " ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cJukeboxEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a jukebox in the world . It can play the records , either when the
{ { cPlayer | player } } uses the record on the jukebox , or when a plugin instructs it to play .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
EjectRecord =
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Ejects the current record as a {{cPickup|pickup}}. No action if there's no current record. To remove record without generating the pickup, use SetRecord(0). Returns true if pickup ejected. " ,
} ,
GetRecord =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the record currently present. Zero for no record, E_ITEM_*_DISC for records. " ,
} ,
IsPlayingRecord =
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns true if the jukebox is playing a record. " ,
} ,
IsRecordItem =
Params =
Name = " ItemType " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns true if the specified item is a record that can be played. " ,
} ,
PlayRecord =
Params =
Name = " RecordItemType " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " boolean " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Plays the specified Record. Return false if the parameter isn't a playable Record (E_ITEM_XXX_DISC). If there is a record already playing, ejects it first. " ,
} ,
SetRecord =
Params =
Name = " RecordItemType " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the currently present record. Use zero for no record, or E_ITEM_*_DISC for records. " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
} ,
2014-11-29 09:20:44 -05:00
cMobHeadEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a mob head block entity in the world .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetOwnerName =
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the player name of the mob head " ,
} ,
GetOwnerTexture =
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the player texture of the mob head " ,
} ,
GetOwnerTextureSignature =
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the signature of the player texture of the mob head " ,
} ,
GetOwnerUUID =
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the player UUID of the mob head " ,
} ,
GetRotation =
Returns =
Type = " eMobHeadRotation " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the rotation of the mob head " ,
} ,
GetType =
Returns =
Type = " eMobHeadType " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the type of the mob head " ,
} ,
2016-07-06 06:39:56 -04:00
SetOwner =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Params =
Name = " cPlayer " ,
Type = " cPlayer " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Set the {{cPlayer|player}} for mob heads with player type " ,
} ,
Params =
Name = " OwnerUUID " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
Name = " OwnerName " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
Name = " OwnerTexture " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
Name = " OwnerTextureSignature " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the player components for the mob heads with player type " ,
} ,
} ,
SetRotation =
Params =
Name = " Rotation " ,
Type = " eMobHeadRotation " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the rotation of the mob head. " ,
} ,
SetType =
Params =
Name = " HeadType " ,
Type = " eMobHeadType " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Set the type of the mob head " ,
2016-07-06 06:39:56 -04:00
} ,
2014-11-29 09:20:44 -05:00
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
} ,
2014-11-29 09:20:44 -05:00
cMobSpawnerEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a mob spawner block entity in the world .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetEntity =
Returns =
Name = " MobType " ,
Type = " Globals#MobType " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the entity type that will be spawn by this mob spawner. " ,
} ,
GetNearbyMonsterNum =
Params =
Name = " MobType " ,
Type = " eMonsterType " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the amount of this monster type in a 8-block radius (Y: 4-block radius). " ,
} ,
GetNearbyPlayersNum =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the amount of the nearby players in a 16-block radius. " ,
} ,
GetSpawnDelay =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the spawn delay. This is the tick delay that is needed to spawn new monsters. " ,
} ,
ResetTimer =
Notes = " Sets the spawn delay to a new random value. " ,
} ,
SetEntity =
Params =
Name = " MobType " ,
Type = " Globals#MobType " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the type of the mob that will be spawned by this mob spawner. " ,
} ,
SetSpawnDelay =
Params =
Name = " SpawnDelayTicks " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the spawn delay. " ,
} ,
SpawnEntity =
Notes = " Spawns the entity. This function automaticly change the spawn delay! " ,
} ,
UpdateActiveState =
Notes = " Upate the active flag from the mob spawner. This function is called every 5 seconds from the Tick() function. " ,
} ,
2014-11-29 09:20:44 -05:00
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cNoteEntity =
Desc = [ [
This class represents a note block entity in the world . It takes care of the note block ' s pitch,
and also can play the sound , either when the { { cPlayer | player } } right - clicks it , redstone activates
it , or upon a plugin ' s request.</p>
< p >
The pitch is stored as an integer between 0 and 24.
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetPitch =
Returns =
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the current pitch set for the block " ,
} ,
IncrementPitch =
Notes = " Adds 1 to the current pitch. Wraps around to 0 when the pitch cannot go any higher. " ,
} ,
MakeSound =
Notes = " Plays the sound for all {{cClientHandle|clients}} near this block. " ,
} ,
SetPitch =
Params =
Name = " Pitch " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets a new pitch for the block. " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
} ,
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00
cSignEntity =
Desc = [ [
A sign entity represents a sign in the world . This class is only used when generating chunks , so
that the plugins may generate signs within new chunks . See the code example in { { cChunkDesc } } .
] ] ,
Functions =
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
GetLine =
Params =
Name = " LineIndex " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
} ,
Returns =
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Returns the specified line. LineIndex is expected between 0 and 3. Returns empty string and logs to server console when LineIndex is invalid. " ,
} ,
SetLine =
Params =
Name = " LineIndex " ,
Type = " number " ,
} ,
Name = " LineText " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets the specified line. LineIndex is expected between 0 and 3. Logs to server console when LineIndex is invalid. " ,
} ,
SetLines =
Params =
Name = " Line1 " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
Name = " Line2 " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
Name = " Line3 " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
Name = " Line4 " ,
Type = " string " ,
} ,
} ,
Notes = " Sets all the sign's lines at once. Note that plugins should prefer to use {{cWorld}}:SetSignLines(), so that they can specify the player on whose behalf the sign is being set. " ,
} ,
2014-03-07 10:14:11 -05:00
} ,
2016-09-12 17:21:15 -04:00
Inherits = " cBlockEntity " ,
} ,
2013-11-23 15:26:24 -05:00