- E_ITEM_XXX, E_BLOCK_XXX and E_META_XXX for items and blocks
- E_ENTITY_TYPE_XXX for mob types
- dimNether, dimOverworld and dimEnd for world dimension
- gmSurvival, gmCreative, gmAdventure for game modes
- wSunny, wRain, wThunderstorm for weather
- cChunkDef::Width, cChunkDef::Height for chunk dimensions (C++)
- etc.
* Instead of checking for specific value, use Is functions, if available:
- cPlayer:IsGameModeCreative() instead of (cPlayer:GetGameMode() == gmCreative)
* Please use tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment. This means that if it's at line start, it's a tab; if it's in the middle of a line, it's a space
* Alpha-sort stuff that makes sense alpha-sorting - long lists of similar items etc.
* Keep individual functions spaced out by 5 empty lines, this enhances readability and makes navigation in the source file easier.
* Add those extra parentheses to conditions, especially in C++
- "if ((a == 1) && ((b == 2) || (c == 3)))" instead of ambiguous "if (a == 1 && b == 2 || c == 3)"
- This helps prevent mistakes such as "if (a & 1 == 0)"
If your work is not licensed under the Apache license, then it must be compatible and marked as such. Note that only plugins may choose a different license; MC-server's internals need to be single-license.