mirror of https://git.zap.org.au/git/trader.git synced 2025-02-02 15:08:13 -05:00

Complete the implementation of the process_move() function

This includes the functions try_start_new_company(), merge_companies(),
include_outpost() and inc_share_price().
This commit is contained in:
John Zaitseff 2011-07-16 19:23:12 +10:00
parent c182f9df6f
commit 4ecb40fe27
3 changed files with 403 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -55,15 +55,19 @@
#define INITIAL_SHARE_PRICE (60.00) /* Initial share price */
#define SHARE_PRICE_INC (60.00) /* Share price incr. for increase in shipping */
#define SHARE_PRICE_INC_OUTPOST (70.00) /* Incr. for adding an outpost */
#define SHARE_PRICE_INC_OUTSTAR (70.00) /* Extra incr. for adding outpost next to star */
#define SHARE_PRICE_INC_STAR (300.00) /* Incr. for adding next to star */
#define SHARE_PRICE_INC_EXTRA (0.50) /* Extra factor when incr. share price */
#define INC_SHARE_PRICE (0.30) /* 30% chance for increasing share price */
#define DEC_SHARE_PRICE (0.65) /* 65% x 30% chance of decrementing same */
#define INITIAL_RETURN (0.05) /* Initial return per share: 5% */
#define PROB_INC_RETURN (0.25) /* Chance of incr. return when company grows */
#define PROB_INC_RETURN_INC (0.60) /* 60% chance such incr. will increase return */
#define INC_COMPANY_RETURN (0.40) /* Chance of randomly incrementing return */
#define MAX_COMPANY_RETURN (0.40) /* Maximum return per share */
#define INITIAL_STOCK_ISSUED (5) /* Initial number of shares issued out */
#define INITIAL_MAX_STOCK (50) /* Initial max. number of shares available */
#define MERGE_STOCK_RATIO (0.50) /* 50% of old shares are credited to new company */
#define COMPANY_BANKRUPTCY (0.01) /* 1% chance of company bankruptcy */
#define ALL_ASSETS_TAKEN (0.20) /* 20% chance of assets taken of same */
#define BID_CHANCE (0.75) /* 75% chance of successful bidding */
@ -107,9 +111,10 @@ typedef enum map_val {
} map_val_t;
#define MAP_COMPANY(x) (MAP_A + (x))
#define MAP_ISCOMPANY(x) ((x) >= MAP_A && (x) <= MAP_LAST)
#define PRINTABLE_MAP_VAL(x) ((char) (x))
#define COMPANY_TO_MAP(i) ((i) + MAP_A)
#define MAP_TO_COMPANY(m) ((m) - MAP_A)
#define IS_MAP_COMPANY(m) ((m) >= MAP_A && (m) <= MAP_LAST)
#define PRINTABLE_MAP_VAL(m) ((char) (m))
// Information about a move

View File

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void show_help (void)
case 'H':
// Map representation of company
wprintw(curwin, "%c",

View File

@ -40,11 +40,24 @@
#define GALAXY_MAP_UP(x, y) (((y) <= 0) ? MAP_EMPTY : galaxy_map[(x)][(y) - 1])
#define GALAXY_MAP_DOWN(x, y) (((y) >= MAX_Y) ? MAP_EMPTY : galaxy_map[(x)][(y) + 1])
#define assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down) \
do { \
(left) = GALAXY_MAP_LEFT((x), (y)); \
(right) = GALAXY_MAP_RIGHT((x), (y)); \
(up) = GALAXY_MAP_UP((x), (y)); \
(down) = GALAXY_MAP_DOWN((x), (y)); \
} while (0)
* Internal function declarations *
void try_start_new_company (int x, int y);
void merge_companies (map_val_t a, map_val_t b);
void include_outpost (int num, int x, int y);
void inc_share_price (int num, double inc);
int cmp_game_move (const void *a, const void *b);
@ -388,6 +401,7 @@ void process_move (void)
if (! quit_selected && ! abort_game) {
switch(selection) {
case SEL_QUIT:
// The players want to end the game
quit_selected = true;
@ -411,7 +425,7 @@ void process_move (void)
wait_for_key(curwin, getmaxx(curwin) - 1, ATTR_WAITERROR_STR);
wait_for_key(curwin, getmaxy(curwin) - 2, ATTR_WAITERROR_STR);
@ -445,8 +459,120 @@ void process_move (void)
assert(selection >= SEL_MOVE_FIRST && selection <= SEL_MOVE_LAST);
/* @@@ */
// Process a selection from game_move[]
assert(selection >= SEL_MOVE_FIRST && selection <= SEL_MOVE_LAST);
map_val_t left, right, up, down;
map_val_t nearby, cur;
int x = game_move[selection].x;
int y = game_move[selection].y;
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
if (left == MAP_EMPTY && right == MAP_EMPTY &&
up == MAP_EMPTY && down == MAP_EMPTY) {
// The position is out in the middle of nowhere...
galaxy_map[x][y] = MAP_OUTPOST;
} else if (! IS_MAP_COMPANY(left) && ! IS_MAP_COMPANY(right) &&
! IS_MAP_COMPANY(up) && ! IS_MAP_COMPANY(down)) {
// See if a company can be established
try_start_new_company(x, y);
} else {
// See if two (or more!) companies can be merged
if (IS_MAP_COMPANY(left) && IS_MAP_COMPANY(right) &&
left != right) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = left;
merge_companies(left, right);
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
if (IS_MAP_COMPANY(left) && IS_MAP_COMPANY(up) &&
left != up) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = left;
merge_companies(left, up);
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
if (IS_MAP_COMPANY(left) && IS_MAP_COMPANY(down) &&
left != down) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = left;
merge_companies(left, down);
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
if (IS_MAP_COMPANY(right) && IS_MAP_COMPANY(up) &&
right != up) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = right;
merge_companies(right, up);
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
if (IS_MAP_COMPANY(right) && IS_MAP_COMPANY(down) &&
right != down) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = right;
merge_companies(right, down);
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
if (IS_MAP_COMPANY(up) && IS_MAP_COMPANY(down) &&
up != down) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = up;
merge_companies(up, down);
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
// See if an existing company can be expanded
nearby = (IS_MAP_COMPANY(left) ? left :
(IS_MAP_COMPANY(right) ? right :
(IS_MAP_COMPANY(up) ? up :
(IS_MAP_COMPANY(down) ? down :
if (nearby != MAP_EMPTY) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = nearby;
inc_share_price(MAP_TO_COMPANY(nearby), SHARE_PRICE_INC);
// If a company expanded (or merged or formed), see if
// share price should be incremented
cur = galaxy_map[x][y];
if (IS_MAP_COMPANY(cur)) {
// Is a star nearby?
if (left == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), SHARE_PRICE_INC_STAR);
if (right == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), SHARE_PRICE_INC_STAR);
if (up == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), SHARE_PRICE_INC_STAR);
if (down == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), SHARE_PRICE_INC_STAR);
// Is an outpost nearby?
if (left == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), x - 1, y);
if (right == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), x + 1, y);
if (up == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), x, y - 1);
if (down == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(MAP_TO_COMPANY(cur), x, y + 1);
@ -497,6 +623,271 @@ void next_player (void)
Function: try_start_new_company - See if a new company can be started
Arguments: x, y - Coordinates of position on map
Returns: (nothing)
This function attempts to establish a new company if the position (x,y)
is in a suitable location and if no more than MAX_COMPANIES are already
void try_start_new_company (int x, int y)
bool all_on_map;
map_val_t left, right, up, down;
int i, j;
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
if (left != MAP_OUTPOST && left != MAP_STAR &&
right != MAP_OUTPOST && right != MAP_STAR &&
up != MAP_OUTPOST && up != MAP_STAR &&
down != MAP_OUTPOST && down != MAP_STAR) {
all_on_map = true;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) {
if (! company[i].on_map) {
all_on_map = false;
if (all_on_map) {
// The galaxy cannot support any more companies
galaxy_map[x][y] = MAP_OUTPOST;
} else {
// Create the new company
newtxwin(8, 50, LINE_OFFSET + 8, COL_CENTER(50));
wbkgd(curwin, ATTR_NORMAL_WINDOW);
box(curwin, 0, 0);
center(curwin, 1, ATTR_WINDOW_TITLE, " New Company ");
center(curwin, 3, ATTR_NORMAL_WINDOW, "A new company has been formed!");
"Its name is ", "%s", company[i].name);
wait_for_key(curwin, 6, ATTR_WAITNORMAL_STR);
galaxy_map[x][y] = COMPANY_TO_MAP(i);
company[i].share_price = INITIAL_SHARE_PRICE;
company[i].share_return = INITIAL_RETURN;
company[i].stock_issued = INITIAL_STOCK_ISSUED;
company[i].max_stock = INITIAL_MAX_STOCK;
company[i].on_map = true;
for (j = 0; j < number_players; j++) {
player[j].stock_owned[i] = 0;
player[current_player].stock_owned[i] = INITIAL_STOCK_ISSUED;
Function: merge_companies - Merge two companies together
Arguments: a, b - Companies to merge
Returns: (nothing)
This function merges two companies on the galaxy map; the one with the
highest value takes over. The parameters a and b are actual values
from the galaxy map.
void merge_companies (map_val_t a, map_val_t b)
int aa = MAP_TO_COMPANY(a);
int bb = MAP_TO_COMPANY(b);
double val_aa = company[aa].share_price * company[aa].stock_issued *
double val_bb = company[bb].share_price * company[bb].stock_issued *
int x, y, i, line;
long old_stock, new_stock, total_new;
double bonus;
char *buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
if (buf == NULL) {
err_exit("out of memory");
if (val_aa < val_bb) {
// Make sure aa is the dominant company
map_val_t t;
int tt;
t = a; a = b; b = t;
tt = aa; aa = bb; bb = tt;
// Display information about the merger
newtxwin(number_players + 14, 76, LINE_OFFSET + (9 - number_players),
wbkgd(curwin, ATTR_NORMAL_WINDOW);
box(curwin, 0, 0);
center(curwin, 1, ATTR_WINDOW_TITLE, " Company Merger ");
company[bb].name, company[aa].name, " has just merged into ");
center(curwin, 5, ATTR_NORMAL_WINDOW, "Please note the following transactions:");
center2(curwin, 7, ATTR_NORMAL_WINDOW, ATTR_HIGHLIGHT_STR, " Old stock: ",
"%-20s", company[bb].name);
center2(curwin, 8, ATTR_NORMAL_WINDOW, ATTR_HIGHLIGHT_STR, " New stock: ",
"%-20s", company[aa].name);
// Handle the locale's currency symbol
struct lconv *lc = localeconv();
assert(lc != NULL);
snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "Bonus (%s)", lc->currency_symbol);
int w = getmaxx(curwin) - 52;
wattrset(curwin, ATTR_WINDOW_SUBTITLE);
mvwprintw(curwin, 10, 2, " %-*.*s %8s %8s %8s %12s ", w, w,
"Player", "Old", "New", "Total", buf);
wattrset(curwin, ATTR_NORMAL_WINDOW);
total_new = 0;
for (line = 11, i = 0; i < number_players; i++) {
if (player[i].in_game) {
// Calculate new stock and any bonus
old_stock = player[i].stock_owned[bb];
new_stock = (double) old_stock * MERGE_STOCK_RATIO;
total_new += new_stock;
bonus = (company[bb].stock_issued == 0) ? 0.0 :
10.0 * ((double) player[i].stock_owned[bb] /
company[bb].stock_issued) * company[bb].share_price;
player[i].stock_owned[aa] += new_stock;
player[i].stock_owned[bb] = 0;
player[i].cash += bonus;
strfmon(buf, BUFSIZE, "%!12n", bonus);
mvwprintw(curwin, line, 2, " %-*.*s %'8ld %'8ld %'8ld %12s ",
w, w, player[i].name, old_stock, new_stock,
player[i].stock_owned[aa], buf);
// Adjust the company records appropriately
company[aa].stock_issued += total_new;
company[aa].max_stock += total_new;
company[aa].share_price += company[bb].share_price / (randf() + 1.5);
company[bb].stock_issued = 0;
company[bb].max_stock = 0;
company[bb].on_map = false;
// Adjust the galaxy map appropriately
for (x = 0; x < MAX_X; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < MAX_Y; y++) {
if (galaxy_map[x][y] == b) {
galaxy_map[x][y] = a;
wait_for_key(curwin, getmaxy(curwin) - 2, ATTR_WAITNORMAL_STR);
deltxwin(); // "Company merger" window
Function: include_outpost - Include any outposts into the company
Arguments: num - Company on which to operate
x, y - Coordinates of position on map
Returns: (nothing)
This function includes the outpost at (x,y) into company num. It also
checks surrounding locations for further outposts.
void include_outpost (int num, int x, int y)
map_val_t left, right, up, down;
assert(num >= 0 && num < MAX_COMPANIES);
assert(x >= 0 && x < MAX_X);
assert(y >= 0 && y < MAX_Y);
assign_vals(x, y, left, right, up, down);
galaxy_map[x][y] = COMPANY_TO_MAP(num);
inc_share_price(num, SHARE_PRICE_INC_OUTPOST);
// Outposts next to stars are more valuable: increment again
if (left == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(num, SHARE_PRICE_INC_OUTSTAR);
if (right == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(num, SHARE_PRICE_INC_OUTSTAR);
if (up == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(num, SHARE_PRICE_INC_OUTSTAR);
if (down == MAP_STAR) {
inc_share_price(num, SHARE_PRICE_INC_OUTSTAR);
if (left == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(num, x - 1, y);
if (right == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(num, x + 1, y);
if (up == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(num, x, y - 1);
if (down == MAP_OUTPOST) {
include_outpost(num, x, y + 1);
Function: inc_share_price - Increase the share price of a company
Arguments: num - Company on which to operate
inc - Base increment for the share price
Returns: (nothing)
This function increments the share price, maximum stock available and
the share return of company num, using inc as the basis for doing so.
void inc_share_price (int num, double inc)
company[num].share_price += inc * (1.0 + randf() * SHARE_PRICE_INC_EXTRA);
company[num].max_stock += inc / (randf() * 10.0 + 5.0);
if (randf() < PROB_INC_RETURN) {
company[num].share_return *= randf() + PROB_INC_RETURN_INC;
Function: cmp_game_move - Compare two game_move[] elements
Arguments: a, b - Elements to compare