/* * command.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "chat_session.h" #include "command/command.h" #include "command/commands.h" #include "common.h" #include "config/accounts.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "config/theme.h" #include "contact.h" #include "roster_list.h" #include "jid.h" #include "xmpp/form.h" #include "log.h" #include "muc.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR #include "otr/otr.h" #endif #include "profanity.h" #include "tools/autocomplete.h" #include "tools/parser.h" #include "tools/tinyurl.h" #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #include "xmpp/bookmark.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "window_list.h" static gboolean _cmd_execute(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, const char * const inp); static char * _cmd_complete_parameters(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _sub_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _notify_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _theme_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _autoaway_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _autoconnect_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _account_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _who_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _roster_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _group_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _bookmark_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _otr_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _pgp_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _connect_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _statuses_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _alias_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _join_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _log_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _form_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _form_field_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _occupants_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _kick_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _ban_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _affiliation_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _role_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _resource_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _titlebar_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _inpblock_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _time_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _receipts_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); static char * _help_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input); GHashTable *commands = NULL; #define CMD_TAG_CHAT "chat" #define CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT "groupchat" #define CMD_TAG_ROSTER "roster" #define CMD_TAG_PRESENCE "presence" #define CMD_TAG_CONNECTION "connection" #define CMD_TAG_DISCOVERY "discovery" #define CMD_TAG_UI "ui" #define CMD_NOTAGS { { NULL }, #define CMD_TAGS(...) { { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }, #define CMD_SYN(...) { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }, #define CMD_DESC(desc) desc, #define CMD_NOARGS { { NULL, NULL } }, #define CMD_ARGS(...) { __VA_ARGS__, { NULL, NULL } }, #define CMD_NOEXAMPLES { NULL } } #define CMD_EXAMPLES(...) { __VA_ARGS__, NULL } } /* * Command list */ static struct cmd_t command_defs[] = { { "/help", cmd_help, parse_args, 0, 2, NULL, CMD_NOTAGS CMD_SYN( "/help [|]") CMD_DESC( "Help on using Profanity. Passing no arguments list help areas. " "For command help, optional arguments are shown using square brackets e.g. [argument], " "arguments representing variables rather than a literal name are surrounded by angle brackets " "e.g. . " "Arguments that may be one of a number of values are separated by a pipe " "e.g. val1|val2|val3.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Summary help for commands in a certain area of functionality." }, { "", "Full help for a specific command, for example '/help connect'." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/help commands", "/help presence", "/help who") }, { "/about", cmd_about, parse_args, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_NOTAGS CMD_SYN( "/about") CMD_DESC( "Show version and license information.") CMD_NOARGS CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/connect", cmd_connect, parse_args, 0, 5, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CONNECTION) CMD_SYN( "/connect []", "/connect [server ] [port ]") CMD_DESC( "Login to a chat service. " "If no account is specified, the default is used if one is configured. " "A local account is created with the JID as it's name if it doesn't already exist.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The local account you wish to connect with, or a JID if connecting for the first time." }, { "server ", "Supply a server if it is different to the domain part of your JID." }, { "port ", "The port to use if different to the default (5222, or 5223 for SSL)." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/connect", "/connect myuser@gmail.com", "/connect myuser@mycompany.com server talk.google.com", "/connect bob@someplace port 5678", "/connect me@chatty server chatty.com port 5443") }, { "/disconnect", cmd_disconnect, parse_args, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CONNECTION) CMD_SYN( "/disconnect") CMD_DESC( "Disconnect from the current chat service.") CMD_NOARGS CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/msg", cmd_msg, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/msg []", "/msg []") CMD_DESC( "Send a one to one chat message, or a private message to a chat room occupant. " "If the message is omitted, a new chat window will be opened without sending a message. " "Use quotes if the nickname includes spaces.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Open chat window with contact, by JID or nickname." }, { " []", "Send message to contact, by JID or nickname." }, { "", "Open private chat window with chat room occupant." }, { " []", "Send a private message to a chat room occupant." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/msg myfriend@server.com Hey, here's a message!", "/msg otherfriend@server.com", "/msg Bob Here is a private message", "/msg \"My Friend\" Hi, how are you?") }, { "/roster", cmd_roster, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 3, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_ROSTER, CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/roster", "/roster online", "/roster show [offline|resource|empty]", "/roster hide [offline|resource|empty]", "/roster by group|presence|none", "/roster size ", "/roster add []", "/roster remove ", "/roster remove_all contacts", "/roster nick ", "/roster clearnick ") CMD_DESC( "Manage your roster, and roster display settings. " "Passing no arguments lists all contacts in your roster.") CMD_ARGS( { "online", "Show all online contacts in your roster." }, { "show", "Show the roster panel." }, { "show offline", "Show offline contacts in the roster panel." }, { "show resource", "Show contact's connected resources in the roster panel." }, { "show empty", "When grouping by presence, show empty presence groups." }, { "show empty", "When grouping by presence, show empty presence groups." }, { "hide", "Hide the roster panel." }, { "hide offline", "Hide offline contacts in the roster panel." }, { "hide resource", "Hide contact's connected resources in the roster panel." }, { "hide empty", "When grouping by presence, hide empty presence groups." }, { "by group", "Group contacts in the roster panel by roster group." }, { "by presence", "Group contacts in the roster panel by presence." }, { "by none", "No grouping in the roster panel." }, { "size ", "Percentage of the screen taken up by the roster (1-99)." }, { "add []", "Add a new item to the roster." }, { "remove ", "Removes an item from the roster." }, { "remove_all contacts", "Remove all items from roster." }, { "nick ", "Change a contacts nickname." }, { "clearnick ", "Removes the current nickname." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/roster", "/roster add someone@contacts.org", "/roster add someone@contacts.org Buddy", "/roster remove someone@contacts.org", "/roster nick myfriend@chat.org My Friend", "/roster clearnick kai@server.com", "/roster size 15") }, { "/group", cmd_group, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 3, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_ROSTER, CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/group", "/group show ", "/group add " "/group remove ") CMD_DESC( "View, add to, and remove from roster groups. " "Passing no argument will list all roster groups.") CMD_ARGS( { "show ", "List all roster items a group." }, { "add ", "Add a contact to a group." }, { "remove ", "Remove a contact from a group." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/group", "/group show friends", "/group add friends newfriend@server.org", "/group add family Brother", "/group remove colleagues boss@work.com") }, { "/info", cmd_info, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_ROSTER, CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/info", "/info |") CMD_DESC( "Show information about a contact, room, or room member. " "Passing no argument in a chat window will use the current recipient. " "Passing no argument in a chat room will display information about the room.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The contact you wish to view information about." }, { "", "When in a chat room, the occupant you wish to view information about." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/info mybuddy@chat.server.org", "/info kai") }, { "/caps", cmd_caps, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_DISCOVERY, CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/caps", "/caps |") CMD_DESC( "Find out a contacts, or room members client software capabilities. " "If in private chat initiated from a chat room, no parameter is required.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "If in the console or a chat window, the full JID for which you wish to see capabilities." }, { "", "If in a chat room, nickname for which you wish to see capabilities." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/caps mybuddy@chat.server.org/laptop", "/caps mybuddy@chat.server.org/phone", "/caps bruce") }, { "/software", cmd_software, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_DISCOVERY, CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/software", "/software |") CMD_DESC( "Find out a contact, or room members software version information. " "If in private chat initiated from a chat room, no parameter is required. " "If the contact's software does not support software version requests, nothing will be displayed.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "If in the console or a chat window, the full JID for which you wish to see software information." }, { "", "If in a chat room, nickname for which you wish to see software information." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/software mybuddy@chat.server.org/laptop", "/software mybuddy@chat.server.org/phone", "/software bruce") }, { "/status", cmd_status, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/status", "/status |") CMD_DESC( "Find out a contact, or room members presence information. " "If in a chat window the parameter is not required, the current recipient will be used.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The contact who's presence you which to see." }, { "", "If in a chat room, the occupant who's presence you wish to see." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/status buddy@server.com", "/status jon") }, { "/resource", cmd_resource, parse_args, 1, 2, &cons_resource_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/resource set ", "/resource off", "/resource title on|off", "/resource message on|off") CMD_DESC( "Override chat session resource, and manage resource display settings.") CMD_ARGS( { "set ", "Set the resource to which messages will be sent." }, { "off", "Let the server choose which resource to route messages to." }, { "title on|off", "Show or hide the current resource in the titlebar." }, { "message on|off", "Show or hide the resource when showing an incoming message." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/join", cmd_join, parse_args, 0, 5, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/join", "/join [nick ] [password ]") CMD_DESC( "Join a chat room at the conference server. " "If no room is supplied, a generated name will be used with the format private-chat-[UUID]. " "If the domain part is not included in the room name, the account preference 'muc.service' will be used. " "If no nickname is specified the account preference 'muc.nick' will be used which by default is the localpart of your JID. " "If the room doesn't exist, and the server allows it, a new one will be created.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The chat room to join." }, { "nick ", "Nickname to use in the room." }, { "password ", "Password if the room requires one." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/join", "/join jdev@conference.jabber.org", "/join jdev@conference.jabber.org nick mynick", "/join private@conference.jabber.org nick mynick password mypassword", "/join jdev") }, { "/leave", cmd_leave, parse_args, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/leave") CMD_DESC( "Leave the current chat room.") CMD_NOARGS CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/invite", cmd_invite, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/invite []") CMD_DESC( "Send an invite to a contact for the current chat room.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The contact you wish to invite." }, { "", "An optional message to send with the invite." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/invites", cmd_invites, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/invites") CMD_DESC( "Show all rooms that you have been invited to, and not accepted or declined.") CMD_NOARGS CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/decline", cmd_decline, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/decline ") CMD_DESC( "Decline a chat room invitation.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The room for the invite you wish to decline." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/room", cmd_room, parse_args, 1, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/room accept|destroy|config") CMD_DESC( "Chat room configuration.") CMD_ARGS( { "accept", "Accept default room configuration." }, { "destroy", "Reject default room configuration, and destroy the room." }, { "config", "Edit room configuration." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/kick", cmd_kick, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/kick []") CMD_DESC( "Kick occupant from chat room.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Nickname of the occupant to kick from the room." }, { "", "Optional reason for kicking the occupant." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/ban", cmd_ban, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/ban []") CMD_DESC( "Ban user from chat room.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Bare JID of the user to ban from the room." }, { "", "Optional reason for banning the user." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/subject", cmd_subject, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/subject set ", "/subject clear") CMD_DESC( "Set or clear room subject.") CMD_ARGS( { "set ", "Set the room subject." }, { "clear", "Clear the room subject." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/affiliation", cmd_affiliation, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 4, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/affiliation set []", "/list []") CMD_DESC( "Manage room affiliations. " "Affiliation may be one of owner, admin, member, outcast or none.") CMD_ARGS( { "set []", "Set the affiliation of user with jid, with an optional reason." }, { "list []", "List all users with the specified affiliation, or all if none specified." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/role", cmd_role, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 4, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/role set []", "/list []") CMD_DESC( "Manage room roles. " "Role may be one of moderator, participant, visitor or none.") CMD_ARGS( { "set []", "Set the role of occupant with nick, with an optional reason." }, { "list []", "List all occupants with the specified role, or all if none specified." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/occupants", cmd_occupants, parse_args, 1, 3, cons_occupants_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT, CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/occupants show|hide [jid]", "/occupants default show|hide [jid]", "/occupants size []") CMD_DESC( "Show or hide room occupants, and occupants panel display settings.") CMD_ARGS( { "show", "Show the occupants panel in current room." }, { "hide", "Hide the occupants panel in current room." }, { "show jid", "Show jid in the occupants panel in current room." }, { "hide jid", "Hide jid in the occupants panel in current room." }, { "default show|hide", "Whether occupants are shown by default in new rooms." }, { "default show|hide jid", "Whether occupants jids are shown by default in new rooms." }, { "size ", "Percentage of the screen taken by the occupants list in rooms (1-99)." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/form", cmd_form, parse_args, 1, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/form show", "/form submit", "/form cancel", "/form help []") CMD_DESC( "Form configuration.") CMD_ARGS( { "show", "Show the current form." }, { "submit", "Submit the current form." }, { "cancel", "Cancel changes to the current form." }, { "help []", "Display help for form, or a specific field." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/rooms", cmd_rooms, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/rooms []") CMD_DESC( "List the chat rooms available at the specified conference service. " "If no argument is supplied, the account preference 'muc.service' is used, 'conference.' by default.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The conference service to query." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/rooms conference.jabber.org") }, { "/bookmark", cmd_bookmark, parse_args, 0, 8, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/bookmark", "/bookmark list", "/bookmark add [nick ] [password ] [autojoin on|off]", "/bookmark update [nick ] [password ] [autojoin on|off]", "/bookmark remove ", "/bookmark join ") CMD_DESC( "Manage bookmarks and join bookmarked rooms. " "In a chat room, no arguments will bookmark the current room, setting autojoin to \"on\".") CMD_ARGS( { "list", "List all bookmarks." }, { "add ", "Add a bookmark." }, { "remove ", "Remove a bookmark." }, { "update ", "Update the properties associated with a bookmark." }, { "nick ", "Nickname used in the chat room." }, { "password ", "Password if required, may be stored in plaintext on your server." }, { "autojoin on|off", "Whether to join the room automatically on login." }, { "join ", "Join room using the properties associated with the bookmark." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/disco", cmd_disco, parse_args, 1, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_DISCOVERY) CMD_SYN( "/disco info []", "/disco items []") CMD_DESC( "Find out information about an entities supported services. " "Calling with no arguments will query the server you are currently connected to.") CMD_ARGS( { "info []", "List protocols and features supported by an entity." }, { "items []", "List items associated with an entity." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/disco info", "/disco items myserver.org", "/disco items conference.jabber.org", "/disco info myfriend@server.com/laptop") }, { "/nick", cmd_nick, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/nick ") CMD_DESC( "Change your nickname in the current chat room.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Your new nickname." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/win", cmd_win, parse_args, 1, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/win ") CMD_DESC( "Move to the specified window.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Window number to display." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/wins", cmd_wins, parse_args, 0, 3, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/wins tidy", "/wins prune", "/wins swap ") CMD_DESC( "Manage windows. " "Passing no argument will list all currently active windows and information about their usage.") CMD_ARGS( { "tidy", "Move windows so there are no gaps." }, { "prune", "Close all windows with no unread messages, and then tidy so there are no gaps." }, { "swap ", "Swap windows, target may be an empty position." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/sub", cmd_sub, parse_args, 1, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_ROSTER) CMD_SYN( "/sub request []", "/sub allow []", "/sub deny []", "/sub show []", "/sub sent", "/sub received") CMD_DESC( "Manage subscriptions to contact presence. " "If jid is omitted, the contact of the current window is used.") CMD_ARGS( { "request []", "Send a subscription request to the user." }, { "allow []", "Approve a contact's subscription request." }, { "deny []", "Remove subscription for a contact, or deny a request." }, { "show []", "Show subscription status for a contact." }, { "sent", "Show all sent subscription requests pending a response." }, { "received", "Show all received subscription requests awaiting your response." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/sub request myfriend@jabber.org", "/sub allow myfriend@jabber.org", "/sub request", "/sub sent") }, { "/tiny", cmd_tiny, parse_args, 1, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/tiny ") CMD_DESC( "Send url as tinyurl in current chat.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The url to make tiny." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "Example: /tiny http://www.profanity.im") }, { "/who", cmd_who, parse_args, 0, 2, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT, CMD_TAG_ROSTER) CMD_SYN( "/who", "/who online|offline|away|dnd|xa|chat|available|unavailable|any []", "/who moderator|participant|visitor", "/who owner|admin|member") CMD_DESC( "Show contacts or room occupants with chosen status, role or affiliation") CMD_ARGS( { "offline|away|dnd|xa|chat", "Show contacts or room occupants with specified presence." }, { "online", "Contacts that are online, chat, away, xa, dnd." }, { "available", "Contacts that are available for chat - online, chat." }, { "unavailable", "Contacts that are not available for chat - offline, away, xa, dnd." }, { "any", "Contacts with any status (same as calling with no argument)." }, { "", "Filter the results by the specified roster group, not applicable in chat rooms." }, { "moderator|participant|visitor", "Room occupants with the specified role." }, { "owner|admin|member", "Room occupants with the specified affiliation." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/who", "/who xa", "/who online friends", "/who any family", "/who participant", "/who admin") }, { "/close", cmd_close, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/close []", "/close all|read") CMD_DESC( "Close windows. " "Passing no argument closes the current window.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Close the specified window." }, { "all", "Close all windows." }, { "read", "Close all windows that have no unread messages." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/clear", cmd_clear, parse_args, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/clear") CMD_DESC( "Clear the current window.") CMD_NOARGS CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/quit", cmd_quit, parse_args, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_NOTAGS CMD_SYN( "/quit") CMD_DESC( "Logout of any current session, and quit Profanity.") CMD_NOARGS CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/privileges", cmd_privileges, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_privileges_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT, CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/privileges on|off") CMD_DESC( "Group occupants panel by role, and show role information in chat rooms.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable privilege information." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/beep", cmd_beep, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_beep_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/beep on|off") CMD_DESC( "Switch the terminal bell on or off. " "The bell will sound when incoming messages are received. " "If the terminal does not support sounds, it may attempt to flash the screen instead.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable terminal bell." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/encwarn", cmd_encwarn, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_encwarn_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/encwarn on|off") CMD_DESC( "Titlebar encryption warning.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enabled or disable the unencrypted warning message in the titlebar." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/presence", cmd_presence, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_presence_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI, CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/presence on|off") CMD_DESC( "Show the contacts presence in the titlebar.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Switch display of the contacts presence in the titlebar on or off." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/wrap", cmd_wrap, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_wrap_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/wrap on|off") CMD_DESC( "Word wrapping.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable word wrapping in the main window." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/winstidy", cmd_winstidy, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_winstidy_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/winstidy on|off") CMD_DESC( "Auto tidy windows, when a window is closed, windows will be moved to fill the gap.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable auto window tidy." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/time", cmd_time, parse_args, 1, 3, &cons_time_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/time main set ", "/time main off", "/time statusbar set ", "/time statusbar off") CMD_DESC( "Configure time display preferences. " "Time formats are strings supported by g_date_time_format. " "See https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-GDateTime.html#g-date-time-format for more details. " "Setting the format to an unsupported string, will display the string. " "If the format contains spaces, it must be surrounded with double quotes.") CMD_ARGS( { "main set ", "Change time format in main window." }, { "main off", "Do not show time in main window." }, { "statusbar set ", "Change time format in statusbar." }, { "statusbar off", "Change time format in status bar." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/time main set \"%d-%m-%y %H:%M\"", "/time main off", "/time statusbar set %H:%M") }, { "/inpblock", cmd_inpblock, parse_args, 2, 2, &cons_inpblock_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/inpblock timeout ", "/inpblock dynamic on|off") CMD_DESC( "How long to wait for keyboard input before checking for new messages or checking for state changes such as 'idle'.") CMD_ARGS( { "timeout ", "Time to wait (1-1000) in milliseconds before reading input from the terminal buffer, default: 1000." }, { "dynamic on|off", "Start with 0 millis and dynamically increase up to timeout when no activity, default: on." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/notify", cmd_notify, parse_args, 2, 3, &cons_notify_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI, CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/notify message on|off", "/notify message current on|off", "/notify message text on|off", "/notify room on|off|mention", "/notify room current on|off", "/notify room text on|off", "/notify remind ", "/notify typing on|off", "/notify typing current on|off", "/notify invite on|off", "/notify sub on|off") CMD_DESC( "Settings for various kinds of desktop notifications.") CMD_ARGS( { "message on|off", "Notifications for regular chat messages." }, { "message current on|off", "Whether messages in the current window trigger notifications." }, { "message text on|off", "Show message text in regular message notifications." }, { "room on|off|mention", "Notifications for chat room messages, mention triggers notifications only when your nick is mentioned." }, { "room current on|off", "Whether chat room messages in the current window trigger notifications." }, { "room text on|off", "Show message text in chat room message notifications." }, { "remind ", "Notification reminder period for unread messages, use 0 to disable." }, { "typing on|off", "Notifications when contacts are typing." }, { "typing current on|off", "Whether typing notifications are triggered for the current window." }, { "invite on|off", "Notifications for chat room invites." }, { "sub on|off", "Notifications for subscription requests." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/notify message on", "/notify message text on", "/notify room mention", "/notify room current off", "/notify room text off", "/notify remind 10", "/notify typing on", "/notify invite on") }, { "/flash", cmd_flash, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_flash_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/flash on|off") CMD_DESC( "Make the terminal flash when incoming messages are received in another window. " "If the terminal doesn't support flashing, it may attempt to beep.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable terminal flash." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/intype", cmd_intype, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_intype_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI, CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/intype on|off") CMD_DESC( "Show when a contact is typing in the console, and in active message window.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable contact typing messages." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/splash", cmd_splash, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_splash_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/splash on|off") CMD_DESC( "Switch on or off the ascii logo on start up and when the /about command is called.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable splash logo." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/autoconnect", cmd_autoconnect, parse_args, 1, 2, &cons_autoconnect_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CONNECTION) CMD_SYN( "/autoconnect set ", "/autoconnect off") CMD_DESC( "Enable or disable autoconnect on start up. " "The setting can be overridden by the -a (--account) command line option.") CMD_ARGS( { "set ", "Connect with account on start up." }, { "off", "Disable autoconnect." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/autoconnect set jc@stuntteam.org", "/autoconnect off") }, { "/vercheck", cmd_vercheck, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/vercheck on|off") CMD_DESC( "Check for new versions when Profanity starts, and when the /about command is run.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable the version check." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/titlebar", cmd_titlebar, parse_args, 2, 2, &cons_titlebar_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/titlebar show on|off", "/titlebar goodbye on|off") CMD_DESC( "Allow Profanity to modify the window title bar.") CMD_ARGS( { "show on|off", "Show current logged in user, and unread messages as the window title." }, { "goodbye on|off", "Show a message in the title when exiting profanity." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/alias", cmd_alias, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 3, NULL, CMD_NOTAGS CMD_SYN( "/alias list", "/alias add ", "/alias remove ") CMD_DESC( "Add, remove or list command aliases.") CMD_ARGS( { "list", "List all aliases." }, { "add ", "Add a new command alias." }, { "remove ", "Remove a command alias." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/alias add friends /who online friends", "/alias add /q /quit", "/alias a /away \"I'm in a meeting.\"", "/alias remove q", "/alias list") }, { "/chlog", cmd_chlog, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_chlog_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/chlog on|off") CMD_DESC( "Switch chat logging on or off. " "This setting will be enabled if /history is set to on. " "When disabling this option, /history will also be disabled. " "See the /grlog setting for enabling logging of chat room (groupchat) messages.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable chat logging." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/grlog", cmd_grlog, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_grlog_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/grlog on|off") CMD_DESC( "Switch chat room logging on or off. " "See the /chlog setting for enabling logging of one to one chat.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable chat room logging." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/states", cmd_states, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_states_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/states on|off") CMD_DESC( "Send chat state notifications to recipient during chat sessions, such as typing, paused, active, gone.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable sending of chat state notifications." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/pgp", cmd_pgp, parse_args, 1, 3, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/pgp libver", "/pgp keys", "/pgp contacts", "/pgp setkey ", "/pgp start []", "/pgp end", "/pgp log on|off|redact") CMD_DESC( "Open PGP commands to manage keys, and perform PGP encryption during chat sessions. " "See the /account command to set your own PGP key.") CMD_ARGS( { "libver", "Show which version of the libgpgme library is being used." }, { "keys", "List all keys known to the system." }, { "contacts", "Show contacts with assigned public keys." }, { "setkey ", "Manually associate a key ID with a JID." }, { "start []", "Start PGP encrypted chat, current contact will be used if not specified." }, { "end", "End PGP encrypted chat with the current recipient." }, { "log on|off", "Enable or disable plaintext logging of PGP encrypted messages." }, { "log redact", "Log PGP encrypted messages, but replace the contents with [redacted]. This is the default." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/pgp log off", "/pgp setkey buddy@buddychat.org BA19CACE5A9592C5", "/pgp start buddy@buddychat.org", "/pgp end") }, { "/otr", cmd_otr, parse_args, 1, 3, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/otr libver", "/otr gen", "/otr myfp|theirfp", "/otr start []", "/otr end", "/otr trust|untrust", "/otr secret ", "/otr question ", "/otr answer ", "/otr policy manual|opportunistic|always", "/otr log on|off|redact") CMD_DESC( "Off The Record (OTR) commands to manage keys, and perform OTR encryption during chat sessions.") CMD_ARGS( { "libver", "Show which version of the libotr library is being used." }, { "gen", "Generate your private key." }, { "myfp", "Show your fingerprint." }, { "theirfp", "Show contacts fingerprint." }, { "start []", "Start an OTR session with contact, or current recipient if omitted." }, { "end", "End the current OTR session," }, { "trust|untrust", "Indicate whether or not you trust the contact's fingerprint." }, { "secret ", "Verify a contact's identity using a shared secret." }, { "question ", "Verify a contact's identity using a question and expected answer." }, { "answer ", "Respond to a question answer verification request with your answer." }, { "policy manual", "Set the global OTR policy to manual, OTR sessions must be started manually." }, { "policy opportunistic", "Set the global OTR policy to opportunistic, and OTR sessions will be attempted upon starting a conversation." }, { "policy always", "Set the global OTR policy to always, an error will be displayed if an OTR session cannot be initiated upon starting a conversation." }, { "log on|off", "Enable or disable plaintext logging of OTR encrypted messages." }, { "log redact", "Log OTR encrypted messages, but replace the contents with [redacted]. This is the default." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/otr log off", "/otr policy manual", "/otr gen", "/otr start buddy@buddychat.org", "/otr myfp", "/otr theirfp", "/otr question \"What is the name of my rabbit?\" fiffi", "/otr end") }, { "/outtype", cmd_outtype, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_outtype_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/outtype on|off") CMD_DESC( "Send typing notifications, chat states (/states) will be enabled if this setting is enabled.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable sending typing notifications." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/gone", cmd_gone, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_gone_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/gone ") CMD_DESC( "Send a 'gone' state to the recipient after the specified number of minutes. " "Chat states (/states) will be enabled if this setting is set.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Number of minutes of inactivity before sending the 'gone' state, a value of 0 will disable sending this state." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/history", cmd_history, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_history_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI, CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/history on|off") CMD_DESC( "Switch chat history on or off, /chlog will automatically be enabled when this setting is on. " "When history is enabled, previous messages are shown in chat windows.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable showing chat history." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/log", cmd_log, parse_args, 1, 2, &cons_log_setting, CMD_NOTAGS CMD_SYN( "/log where", "/log rotate on|off", "/log maxsize ", "/log shared on|off") CMD_DESC( "Manage profanity log settings.") CMD_ARGS( { "where", "Show the current log file location." }, { "rotate on|off", "Rotate log, default on." }, { "maxsize ", "With rotate enabled, specifies the max log size, defaults to 1048580 (1MB)." }, { "shared on|off", "Share logs between all instances, default: on. When off, the process id will be included in the log." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/carbons", cmd_carbons, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_carbons_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/carbons on|off") CMD_DESC( "Enable or disable message carbons. " "Message carbons ensure that both sides of all conversations are shared with all the user's clients that implement this protocol.") CMD_ARGS( { "on|off", "Enable or disable message carbons." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/receipts", cmd_receipts, parse_args, 2, 2, &cons_receipts_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CHAT) CMD_SYN( "/receipts request on|off", "/receipts send on|off") CMD_DESC( "Enable or disable message delivery receipts. The interface will indicate when a message has been received.") CMD_ARGS( { "request on|off", "Whether or not to request a receipt upon sending a message." }, { "send on|off", "Whether or not to send a receipt if one has been requested with a received message." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/reconnect", cmd_reconnect, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_reconnect_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CONNECTION) CMD_SYN( "/reconnect ") CMD_DESC( "Set the reconnect attempt interval for when the connection is lost.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Number of seconds before attempting to reconnect, a value of 0 disables reconnect." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/autoping", cmd_autoping, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_autoping_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CONNECTION) CMD_SYN( "/autoping ") CMD_DESC( "Set the interval between sending ping requests to the server to ensure the connection is kept alive.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Number of seconds between sending pings, a value of 0 disables autoping." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/ping", cmd_ping, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CONNECTION) CMD_SYN( "/ping []") CMD_DESC( "Sends an IQ ping stanza to the specified JID. " "If no JID is supplied, your chat server will be pinged.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "The Jabber ID to send the ping request to." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/autoaway", cmd_autoaway, parse_args_with_freetext, 2, 2, &cons_autoaway_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) CMD_SYN( "/autoaway mode idle|away|off", "/autoaway time ", "/autoaway message |off", "/autoaway check on|off") CMD_DESC( "Manage autoway settings for idle time.") CMD_ARGS( { "mode idle", "Sends idle time, status remains online." }, { "mode away", "Sends an away presence." }, { "mode off", "Disabled (default)." }, { "time ", "Number of minutes before the presence change is sent, default: 15." }, { "message ", "Optional message to send with the presence change, default: off (disabled)." }, { "message off", "Send no message with autoaway presence." }, { "check on|off", "When enabled, checks for activity and sends online presence, default: on." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/autoaway mode idle", "/autoaway time 30", "/autoaway message I'm not really doing much", "/autoaway check off") }, { "/priority", cmd_priority, parse_args, 1, 1, &cons_priority_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) CMD_SYN( "/priority ") CMD_DESC( "Set priority for the current account. " "See the /account command for specific priority settings per presence status.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Number between -128 and 127, default: 0." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/account", cmd_account, parse_args, 0, 4, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_CONNECTION CMD_TAG_PRESENCE, CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/account", "/account list", "/account show ", "/account enable|disable ", "/account default set ", "/account default off", "/account add ", "/account remove ", "/account rename ", "/account set jid ", "/account set server ", "/account set port ", "/account set status ", "/account set status last", "/account set ", "/account set resource ", "/account set password ", "/account set eval_password ", "/account set muc ", "/account set nick ", "/account set otr ", "/account set pgpkeyid ", "/account clear password", "/account clear eval_password", "/account clear server", "/account clear port", "/account clear otr", "/account clear pgpkeyid") CMD_DESC( "Commands for creating and managing accounts. " "Calling with no arguments will display information for the current account.") CMD_ARGS( { "list", "List all accounts." }, { "enable ", "Enable the account, it will be used for autocompletion." }, { "show ", "Show details for the specified account." }, { "disable ", "Disable the account." }, { "default set ", "Set the default account, used when no argument passed to the /connect command." }, { "default off", "Clear the default account setting." }, { "add ", "Create a new account." }, { "remove ", "Remove an account." }, { "rename ", "Rename 'account' to 'newaccount'." }, { "set jid ", "Set the Jabber ID for the account, account name will be used if not set." }, { "set server ", "The chat server, if different to the domainpart of the JID." }, { "set port ", "The port used for connecting if not the default (5222, or 5223 for SSL)." }, { "set status ", "The presence status to use on login." }, { "set status last", "Use your last status before logging out, when logging in." }, { "set ", "Set the priority (-128..127) to use for the specified presence." }, { "set resource ", "The resource to be used for this account." }, { "set password ", "Password for the account, note this is currently stored in plaintext if set." }, { "set eval_password ", "Shell command evaluated to retrieve password for the account. Can be used to retrieve password from keyring." }, { "set muc ", "The default MUC chat service to use, defaults to 'conference.' where the domain part is from the account JID." }, { "set nick ", "The default nickname to use when joining chat rooms." }, { "set otr ", "Override global OTR policy for this account, see /otr." }, { "set pgpkeyid ", "Set the ID of the PGP key for this account, see /pgp." }, { "clear server", "Remove the server setting for this account." }, { "clear port", "Remove the port setting for this account." }, { "clear password", "Remove the password setting for this account." }, { "clear eval_password", "Remove the eval_password setting for this account." }, { "clear otr", "Remove the OTR policy setting for this account." }, { "clear pgpkeyid", "Remove pgpkeyid associated with this account." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/account add me", "/account set me jid me@chatty", "/account set me server talk.chat.com", "/account set me port 5111", "/account set me muc chatservice.mycompany.com", "/account set me nick dennis", "/account set me status dnd", "/account set me dnd -1", "/account rename me gtalk") }, { "/prefs", cmd_prefs, parse_args, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_NOTAGS CMD_SYN( "/prefs [ui|desktop|chat|log|conn|presence]") CMD_DESC( "Show preferences for different areas of functionality. " "Passing no arguments shows all preferences.") CMD_ARGS( { "ui", "User interface preferences." }, { "desktop", "Desktop notification preferences." }, { "chat", "Chat state preferences." }, { "log", "Logging preferences." }, { "conn", "Connection handling preferences." }, { "presence", "Chat presence preferences." }) CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/theme", cmd_theme, parse_args, 1, 2, &cons_theme_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/theme list", "/theme load ", "/theme colours") CMD_DESC( "Load a theme, includes colours and UI options.") CMD_ARGS( { "list", "List all available themes." }, { "load ", "Load the specified theme. 'default' will reset to the default theme." }, { "colours", "Show the colour values as rendered by the terminal." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/theme list", "/theme load forest") }, { "/statuses", cmd_statuses, parse_args, 2, 2, &cons_statuses_setting, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI, CMD_TAG_CHAT, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) CMD_SYN( "/statuses console|chat|muc all|online|none") CMD_DESC( "Configure which presence changes are displayed in various windows. " "The default is 'all' for all windows.") CMD_ARGS( { "console", "Configure what is displayed in the console window." }, { "chat", "Configure what is displayed in chat windows." }, { "muc", "Configure what is displayed in chat room windows." }, { "all", "Show all presence changes." }, { "online", "Show only online/offline changes." }, { "none", "Don't show any presence changes." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/statuses console none", "/statuses chat online", "/statuses muc all") }, { "/xmlconsole", cmd_xmlconsole, parse_args, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_UI) CMD_SYN( "/xmlconsole") CMD_DESC( "Open the XML console to view incoming and outgoing XMPP traffic.") CMD_NOARGS CMD_NOEXAMPLES }, { "/away", cmd_away, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) CMD_SYN( "/away []") CMD_DESC( "Set your status to 'away'.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Optional message to use with the status." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/away", "/away Gone for lunch") }, { "/chat", cmd_chat, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) CMD_SYN( "/chat []") CMD_DESC( "Set your status to 'chat' (available for chat).") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Optional message to use with the status." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/chat", "/chat Please talk to me!") }, { "/dnd", cmd_dnd, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) CMD_SYN( "/dnd []") CMD_DESC( "Set your status to 'dnd' (do not disturb).") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Optional message to use with the status." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/dnd", "/dnd I'm in the zone") }, { "/online", cmd_online, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) CMD_SYN( "/online []") CMD_DESC( "Set your status to 'online'.") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Optional message to use with the status." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/online", "/online Up the Irons!") }, { "/xa", cmd_xa, parse_args_with_freetext, 0, 1, NULL, CMD_TAGS( CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) CMD_SYN( "/xa []") CMD_DESC( "Set your status to 'xa' (extended away).") CMD_ARGS( { "", "Optional message to use with the status." }) CMD_EXAMPLES( "/xa", "/xa This meeting is going to be a long one") }, }; static Autocomplete commands_ac; static Autocomplete who_room_ac; static Autocomplete who_roster_ac; static Autocomplete help_ac; static Autocomplete help_commands_ac; static Autocomplete notify_ac; static Autocomplete notify_room_ac; static Autocomplete notify_message_ac; static Autocomplete notify_typing_ac; static Autocomplete prefs_ac; static Autocomplete sub_ac; static Autocomplete log_ac; static Autocomplete autoaway_ac; static Autocomplete autoaway_mode_ac; static Autocomplete autoconnect_ac; static Autocomplete titlebar_ac; static Autocomplete theme_ac; static Autocomplete theme_load_ac; static Autocomplete account_ac; static Autocomplete account_set_ac; static Autocomplete account_clear_ac; static Autocomplete account_default_ac; static Autocomplete account_status_ac; static Autocomplete disco_ac; static Autocomplete close_ac; static Autocomplete wins_ac; static Autocomplete roster_ac; static Autocomplete roster_option_ac; static Autocomplete roster_by_ac; static Autocomplete roster_remove_all_ac; static Autocomplete group_ac; static Autocomplete bookmark_ac; static Autocomplete bookmark_property_ac; static Autocomplete otr_ac; static Autocomplete otr_log_ac; static Autocomplete otr_policy_ac; static Autocomplete connect_property_ac; static Autocomplete statuses_ac; static Autocomplete statuses_setting_ac; static Autocomplete alias_ac; static Autocomplete aliases_ac; static Autocomplete join_property_ac; static Autocomplete room_ac; static Autocomplete affiliation_ac; static Autocomplete role_ac; static Autocomplete privilege_cmd_ac; static Autocomplete subject_ac; static Autocomplete form_ac; static Autocomplete form_field_multi_ac; static Autocomplete occupants_ac; static Autocomplete occupants_default_ac; static Autocomplete occupants_show_ac; static Autocomplete time_ac; static Autocomplete time_format_ac; static Autocomplete resource_ac; static Autocomplete inpblock_ac; static Autocomplete receipts_ac; static Autocomplete pgp_ac; static Autocomplete pgp_log_ac; /* * Initialise command autocompleter and history */ void cmd_init(void) { log_info("Initialising commands"); commands_ac = autocomplete_new(); aliases_ac = autocomplete_new(); help_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(help_ac, "commands"); autocomplete_add(help_ac, "navigation"); // load command defs into hash table commands = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(command_defs); i++) { Command *pcmd = command_defs+i; // add to hash g_hash_table_insert(commands, pcmd->cmd, pcmd); // add to commands and help autocompleters autocomplete_add(commands_ac, pcmd->cmd); autocomplete_add(help_ac, pcmd->cmd+1); } // load aliases GList *aliases = prefs_get_aliases(); GList *curr = aliases; while (curr) { ProfAlias *alias = curr->data; GString *ac_alias = g_string_new("/"); g_string_append(ac_alias, alias->name); autocomplete_add(commands_ac, ac_alias->str); autocomplete_add(aliases_ac, alias->name); g_string_free(ac_alias, TRUE); curr = g_list_next(curr); } prefs_free_aliases(aliases); help_commands_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(help_commands_ac, "chat"); autocomplete_add(help_commands_ac, "groupchat"); autocomplete_add(help_commands_ac, "roster"); autocomplete_add(help_commands_ac, "presence"); autocomplete_add(help_commands_ac, "discovery"); autocomplete_add(help_commands_ac, "connection"); autocomplete_add(help_commands_ac, "ui"); prefs_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "ui"); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "desktop"); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "chat"); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "log"); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "conn"); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "presence"); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "otr"); autocomplete_add(prefs_ac, "pgp"); notify_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(notify_ac, "message"); autocomplete_add(notify_ac, "room"); autocomplete_add(notify_ac, "typing"); autocomplete_add(notify_ac, "remind"); autocomplete_add(notify_ac, "invite"); autocomplete_add(notify_ac, "sub"); notify_message_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(notify_message_ac, "on"); autocomplete_add(notify_message_ac, "off"); autocomplete_add(notify_message_ac, "current"); autocomplete_add(notify_message_ac, "text"); notify_room_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(notify_room_ac, "on"); autocomplete_add(notify_room_ac, "off"); autocomplete_add(notify_room_ac, "mention"); autocomplete_add(notify_room_ac, "current"); autocomplete_add(notify_room_ac, "text"); notify_typing_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(notify_typing_ac, "on"); autocomplete_add(notify_typing_ac, "off"); autocomplete_add(notify_typing_ac, "current"); sub_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(sub_ac, "request"); autocomplete_add(sub_ac, "allow"); autocomplete_add(sub_ac, "deny"); autocomplete_add(sub_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(sub_ac, "sent"); autocomplete_add(sub_ac, "received"); titlebar_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(titlebar_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(titlebar_ac, "goodbye"); log_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(log_ac, "maxsize"); autocomplete_add(log_ac, "rotate"); autocomplete_add(log_ac, "shared"); autocomplete_add(log_ac, "where"); autoaway_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(autoaway_ac, "mode"); autocomplete_add(autoaway_ac, "time"); autocomplete_add(autoaway_ac, "message"); autocomplete_add(autoaway_ac, "check"); autoaway_mode_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(autoaway_mode_ac, "away"); autocomplete_add(autoaway_mode_ac, "idle"); autocomplete_add(autoaway_mode_ac, "off"); autoconnect_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(autoconnect_ac, "set"); autocomplete_add(autoconnect_ac, "off"); theme_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(theme_ac, "load"); autocomplete_add(theme_ac, "list"); autocomplete_add(theme_ac, "colours"); disco_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(disco_ac, "info"); autocomplete_add(disco_ac, "items"); account_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "list"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "add"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "remove"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "enable"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "disable"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "default"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "rename"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "set"); autocomplete_add(account_ac, "clear"); account_set_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "jid"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "server"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "port"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "status"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "online"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "chat"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "away"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "xa"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "dnd"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "resource"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "password"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "eval_password"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "muc"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "nick"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "otr"); autocomplete_add(account_set_ac, "pgpkeyid"); account_clear_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(account_clear_ac, "password"); autocomplete_add(account_clear_ac, "eval_password"); autocomplete_add(account_clear_ac, "server"); autocomplete_add(account_clear_ac, "port"); autocomplete_add(account_clear_ac, "otr"); autocomplete_add(account_clear_ac, "pgpkeyid"); account_default_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(account_default_ac, "set"); autocomplete_add(account_default_ac, "off"); account_status_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(account_status_ac, "online"); autocomplete_add(account_status_ac, "chat"); autocomplete_add(account_status_ac, "away"); autocomplete_add(account_status_ac, "xa"); autocomplete_add(account_status_ac, "dnd"); autocomplete_add(account_status_ac, "last"); close_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(close_ac, "read"); autocomplete_add(close_ac, "all"); wins_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(wins_ac, "prune"); autocomplete_add(wins_ac, "tidy"); autocomplete_add(wins_ac, "swap"); roster_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "add"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "online"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "nick"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "clearnick"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "remove"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "remove_all"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "hide"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "by"); autocomplete_add(roster_ac, "size"); roster_option_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(roster_option_ac, "offline"); autocomplete_add(roster_option_ac, "resource"); autocomplete_add(roster_option_ac, "empty"); roster_by_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(roster_by_ac, "group"); autocomplete_add(roster_by_ac, "presence"); autocomplete_add(roster_by_ac, "none"); roster_remove_all_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(roster_remove_all_ac, "contacts"); group_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(group_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(group_ac, "add"); autocomplete_add(group_ac, "remove"); theme_load_ac = NULL; who_roster_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "chat"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "online"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "away"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "xa"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "dnd"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "offline"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "available"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "unavailable"); autocomplete_add(who_roster_ac, "any"); who_room_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "chat"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "online"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "away"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "xa"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "dnd"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "available"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "unavailable"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "moderator"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "participant"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "visitor"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "owner"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "admin"); autocomplete_add(who_room_ac, "member"); bookmark_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(bookmark_ac, "list"); autocomplete_add(bookmark_ac, "add"); autocomplete_add(bookmark_ac, "update"); autocomplete_add(bookmark_ac, "remove"); autocomplete_add(bookmark_ac, "join"); bookmark_property_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(bookmark_property_ac, "nick"); autocomplete_add(bookmark_property_ac, "password"); autocomplete_add(bookmark_property_ac, "autojoin"); otr_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "gen"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "start"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "end"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "myfp"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "theirfp"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "trust"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "untrust"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "secret"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "log"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "libver"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "policy"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "question"); autocomplete_add(otr_ac, "answer"); otr_log_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(otr_log_ac, "on"); autocomplete_add(otr_log_ac, "off"); autocomplete_add(otr_log_ac, "redact"); otr_policy_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(otr_policy_ac, "manual"); autocomplete_add(otr_policy_ac, "opportunistic"); autocomplete_add(otr_policy_ac, "always"); connect_property_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(connect_property_ac, "server"); autocomplete_add(connect_property_ac, "port"); join_property_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(join_property_ac, "nick"); autocomplete_add(join_property_ac, "password"); statuses_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(statuses_ac, "console"); autocomplete_add(statuses_ac, "chat"); autocomplete_add(statuses_ac, "muc"); statuses_setting_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(statuses_setting_ac, "all"); autocomplete_add(statuses_setting_ac, "online"); autocomplete_add(statuses_setting_ac, "none"); alias_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(alias_ac, "add"); autocomplete_add(alias_ac, "remove"); autocomplete_add(alias_ac, "list"); room_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(room_ac, "accept"); autocomplete_add(room_ac, "destroy"); autocomplete_add(room_ac, "config"); affiliation_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(affiliation_ac, "owner"); autocomplete_add(affiliation_ac, "admin"); autocomplete_add(affiliation_ac, "member"); autocomplete_add(affiliation_ac, "none"); autocomplete_add(affiliation_ac, "outcast"); role_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(role_ac, "moderator"); autocomplete_add(role_ac, "participant"); autocomplete_add(role_ac, "visitor"); autocomplete_add(role_ac, "none"); privilege_cmd_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(privilege_cmd_ac, "list"); autocomplete_add(privilege_cmd_ac, "set"); subject_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(subject_ac, "set"); autocomplete_add(subject_ac, "clear"); form_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(form_ac, "submit"); autocomplete_add(form_ac, "cancel"); autocomplete_add(form_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(form_ac, "help"); form_field_multi_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(form_field_multi_ac, "add"); autocomplete_add(form_field_multi_ac, "remove"); occupants_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(occupants_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(occupants_ac, "hide"); autocomplete_add(occupants_ac, "default"); autocomplete_add(occupants_ac, "size"); occupants_default_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(occupants_default_ac, "show"); autocomplete_add(occupants_default_ac, "hide"); occupants_show_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(occupants_show_ac, "jid"); time_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(time_ac, "main"); autocomplete_add(time_ac, "statusbar"); time_format_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(time_format_ac, "set"); autocomplete_add(time_format_ac, "off"); resource_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(resource_ac, "set"); autocomplete_add(resource_ac, "off"); autocomplete_add(resource_ac, "title"); autocomplete_add(resource_ac, "message"); inpblock_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(inpblock_ac, "timeout"); autocomplete_add(inpblock_ac, "dynamic"); receipts_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(receipts_ac, "send"); autocomplete_add(receipts_ac, "request"); pgp_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(pgp_ac, "keys"); autocomplete_add(pgp_ac, "contacts"); autocomplete_add(pgp_ac, "setkey"); autocomplete_add(pgp_ac, "libver"); autocomplete_add(pgp_ac, "start"); autocomplete_add(pgp_ac, "end"); autocomplete_add(pgp_ac, "log"); pgp_log_ac = autocomplete_new(); autocomplete_add(pgp_log_ac, "on"); autocomplete_add(pgp_log_ac, "off"); autocomplete_add(pgp_log_ac, "redact"); } void cmd_uninit(void) { autocomplete_free(commands_ac); autocomplete_free(who_room_ac); autocomplete_free(who_roster_ac); autocomplete_free(help_ac); autocomplete_free(help_commands_ac); autocomplete_free(notify_ac); autocomplete_free(notify_message_ac); autocomplete_free(notify_room_ac); autocomplete_free(notify_typing_ac); autocomplete_free(sub_ac); autocomplete_free(titlebar_ac); autocomplete_free(log_ac); autocomplete_free(prefs_ac); autocomplete_free(autoaway_ac); autocomplete_free(autoaway_mode_ac); autocomplete_free(autoconnect_ac); autocomplete_free(theme_ac); autocomplete_free(theme_load_ac); autocomplete_free(account_ac); autocomplete_free(account_set_ac); autocomplete_free(account_clear_ac); autocomplete_free(account_default_ac); autocomplete_free(account_status_ac); autocomplete_free(disco_ac); autocomplete_free(close_ac); autocomplete_free(wins_ac); autocomplete_free(roster_ac); autocomplete_free(roster_option_ac); autocomplete_free(roster_by_ac); autocomplete_free(roster_remove_all_ac); autocomplete_free(group_ac); autocomplete_free(bookmark_ac); autocomplete_free(bookmark_property_ac); autocomplete_free(otr_ac); autocomplete_free(otr_log_ac); autocomplete_free(otr_policy_ac); autocomplete_free(connect_property_ac); autocomplete_free(statuses_ac); autocomplete_free(statuses_setting_ac); autocomplete_free(alias_ac); autocomplete_free(aliases_ac); autocomplete_free(join_property_ac); autocomplete_free(room_ac); autocomplete_free(affiliation_ac); autocomplete_free(role_ac); autocomplete_free(privilege_cmd_ac); autocomplete_free(subject_ac); autocomplete_free(form_ac); autocomplete_free(form_field_multi_ac); autocomplete_free(occupants_ac); autocomplete_free(occupants_default_ac); autocomplete_free(occupants_show_ac); autocomplete_free(time_ac); autocomplete_free(time_format_ac); autocomplete_free(resource_ac); autocomplete_free(inpblock_ac); autocomplete_free(receipts_ac); autocomplete_free(pgp_ac); autocomplete_free(pgp_log_ac); } gboolean cmd_exists(char *cmd) { if (commands_ac == NULL) { return FALSE; } else { return autocomplete_contains(commands_ac, cmd); } } void cmd_autocomplete_add(char *value) { if (commands_ac) { autocomplete_add(commands_ac, value); } } void cmd_autocomplete_add_form_fields(DataForm *form) { if (form == NULL) { return; } GSList *fields = autocomplete_create_list(form->tag_ac); GSList *curr_field = fields; while (curr_field) { GString *field_str = g_string_new("/"); g_string_append(field_str, curr_field->data); cmd_autocomplete_add(field_str->str); g_string_free(field_str, TRUE); curr_field = g_slist_next(curr_field); } g_slist_free_full(fields, free); } void cmd_autocomplete_remove_form_fields(DataForm *form) { if (form == NULL) { return; } GSList *fields = autocomplete_create_list(form->tag_ac); GSList *curr_field = fields; while (curr_field) { GString *field_str = g_string_new("/"); g_string_append(field_str, curr_field->data); cmd_autocomplete_remove(field_str->str); g_string_free(field_str, TRUE); curr_field = g_slist_next(curr_field); } g_slist_free_full(fields, free); } void cmd_autocomplete_remove(char *value) { if (commands_ac) { autocomplete_remove(commands_ac, value); } } void cmd_alias_add(char *value) { if (aliases_ac) { autocomplete_add(aliases_ac, value); } } void cmd_alias_remove(char *value) { if (aliases_ac) { autocomplete_remove(aliases_ac, value); } } // Command autocompletion functions char* cmd_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { // autocomplete command if ((strncmp(input, "/", 1) == 0) && (!str_contains(input, strlen(input), ' '))) { char *found = NULL; found = autocomplete_complete(commands_ac, input, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } // autocomplete parameters } else { char *found = _cmd_complete_parameters(window, input); if (found) { return found; } } return NULL; } void cmd_reset_autocomplete(ProfWin *window) { roster_reset_search_attempts(); muc_invites_reset_ac(); accounts_reset_all_search(); accounts_reset_enabled_search(); prefs_reset_boolean_choice(); presence_reset_sub_request_search(); autocomplete_reset(help_ac); autocomplete_reset(help_commands_ac); autocomplete_reset(notify_ac); autocomplete_reset(notify_message_ac); autocomplete_reset(notify_room_ac); autocomplete_reset(notify_typing_ac); autocomplete_reset(sub_ac); autocomplete_reset(who_room_ac); autocomplete_reset(who_roster_ac); autocomplete_reset(prefs_ac); autocomplete_reset(log_ac); autocomplete_reset(commands_ac); autocomplete_reset(autoaway_ac); autocomplete_reset(autoaway_mode_ac); autocomplete_reset(autoconnect_ac); autocomplete_reset(theme_ac); if (theme_load_ac) { autocomplete_free(theme_load_ac); theme_load_ac = NULL; } autocomplete_reset(account_ac); autocomplete_reset(account_set_ac); autocomplete_reset(account_clear_ac); autocomplete_reset(account_default_ac); autocomplete_reset(account_status_ac); autocomplete_reset(disco_ac); autocomplete_reset(close_ac); autocomplete_reset(wins_ac); autocomplete_reset(roster_ac); autocomplete_reset(roster_option_ac); autocomplete_reset(roster_by_ac); autocomplete_reset(roster_remove_all_ac); autocomplete_reset(group_ac); autocomplete_reset(titlebar_ac); autocomplete_reset(bookmark_ac); autocomplete_reset(bookmark_property_ac); autocomplete_reset(otr_ac); autocomplete_reset(otr_log_ac); autocomplete_reset(otr_policy_ac); autocomplete_reset(connect_property_ac); autocomplete_reset(statuses_ac); autocomplete_reset(statuses_setting_ac); autocomplete_reset(alias_ac); autocomplete_reset(aliases_ac); autocomplete_reset(join_property_ac); autocomplete_reset(room_ac); autocomplete_reset(affiliation_ac); autocomplete_reset(role_ac); autocomplete_reset(privilege_cmd_ac); autocomplete_reset(subject_ac); autocomplete_reset(form_ac); autocomplete_reset(form_field_multi_ac); autocomplete_reset(occupants_ac); autocomplete_reset(occupants_default_ac); autocomplete_reset(occupants_show_ac); autocomplete_reset(time_ac); autocomplete_reset(time_format_ac); autocomplete_reset(resource_ac); autocomplete_reset(inpblock_ac); autocomplete_reset(receipts_ac); autocomplete_reset(pgp_ac); autocomplete_reset(pgp_log_ac); if (window->type == WIN_CHAT) { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); PContact contact = roster_get_contact(chatwin->barejid); if (contact) { p_contact_resource_ac_reset(contact); } } if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); muc_autocomplete_reset(mucwin->roomjid); muc_jid_autocomplete_reset(mucwin->roomjid); } if (window->type == WIN_MUC_CONFIG) { ProfMucConfWin *confwin = (ProfMucConfWin*)window; assert(confwin->memcheck == PROFCONFWIN_MEMCHECK); if (confwin->form) { form_reset_autocompleters(confwin->form); } } bookmark_autocomplete_reset(); } gboolean cmd_valid_tag(const char * const str) { return ((g_strcmp0(str, CMD_TAG_CHAT) == 0) || (g_strcmp0(str, CMD_TAG_GROUPCHAT) == 0) || (g_strcmp0(str, CMD_TAG_PRESENCE) == 0) || (g_strcmp0(str, CMD_TAG_ROSTER) == 0) || (g_strcmp0(str, CMD_TAG_DISCOVERY) == 0) || (g_strcmp0(str, CMD_TAG_CONNECTION) == 0) || (g_strcmp0(str, CMD_TAG_UI) == 0)); } gboolean cmd_has_tag(Command *pcmd, const char * const tag) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; pcmd->help.tags[i] != NULL; i++) { if (g_strcmp0(tag, pcmd->help.tags[i]) == 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* * Take a line of input and process it, return TRUE if profanity is to * continue, FALSE otherwise */ gboolean cmd_process_input(ProfWin *window, char *inp) { log_debug("Input received: %s", inp); gboolean result = FALSE; g_strchomp(inp); // just carry on if no input if (strlen(inp) == 0) { result = TRUE; // handle command if input starts with a '/' } else if (inp[0] == '/') { char *inp_cpy = strdup(inp); char *command = strtok(inp_cpy, " "); result = _cmd_execute(window, command, inp); free(inp_cpy); // call a default handler if input didn't start with '/' } else { result = cmd_execute_default(window, inp); } return result; } // Command execution void cmd_execute_connect(ProfWin *window, const char * const account) { GString *command = g_string_new("/connect "); g_string_append(command, account); cmd_process_input(window, command->str); g_string_free(command, TRUE); } static gboolean _cmd_execute(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, const char * const inp) { if (g_str_has_prefix(command, "/field") && window->type == WIN_MUC_CONFIG) { gboolean result = FALSE; gchar **args = parse_args_with_freetext(inp, 1, 2, &result); if (!result) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "Invalid command, see /form help"); result = TRUE; } else { gchar **tokens = g_strsplit(inp, " ", 2); char *field = tokens[0] + 1; result = cmd_form_field(window, field, args); g_strfreev(tokens); } g_strfreev(args); return result; } Command *cmd = g_hash_table_lookup(commands, command); gboolean result = FALSE; if (cmd) { gchar **args = cmd->parser(inp, cmd->min_args, cmd->max_args, &result); if (result == FALSE) { ui_invalid_command_usage(cmd->cmd, cmd->setting_func); return TRUE; } else { gboolean result = cmd->func(window, command, args); g_strfreev(args); return result; } } else { gboolean ran_alias = FALSE; gboolean alias_result = cmd_execute_alias(window, inp, &ran_alias); if (!ran_alias) { return cmd_execute_default(window, inp); } else { return alias_result; } } } static char * _cmd_complete_parameters(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { int i; char *result = NULL; // autocomplete boolean settings gchar *boolean_choices[] = { "/beep", "/intype", "/states", "/outtype", "/flash", "/splash", "/chlog", "/grlog", "/history", "/vercheck", "/privileges", "/presence", "/wrap", "/winstidy", "/carbons", "/encwarn" }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(boolean_choices); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, boolean_choices[i], prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } } // autocomplete nickname in chat rooms if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); Autocomplete nick_ac = muc_roster_ac(mucwin->roomjid); if (nick_ac) { gchar *nick_choices[] = { "/msg", "/info", "/caps", "/status", "/software" } ; // Remove quote character before and after names when doing autocomplete char *unquoted = strip_arg_quotes(input); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(nick_choices); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(unquoted, nick_choices[i], nick_ac, TRUE); if (result) { free(unquoted); return result; } } free(unquoted); } // otherwise autocomplete using roster } else { gchar *contact_choices[] = { "/msg", "/info", "/status" }; // Remove quote character before and after names when doing autocomplete char *unquoted = strip_arg_quotes(input); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(contact_choices); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_func(unquoted, contact_choices[i], roster_contact_autocomplete); if (result) { free(unquoted); return result; } } free(unquoted); gchar *resource_choices[] = { "/caps", "/software", "/ping" }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(resource_choices); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, resource_choices[i], roster_fulljid_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } } } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/invite", roster_contact_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } gchar *invite_choices[] = { "/decline", "/join" }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(invite_choices); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, invite_choices[i], muc_invites_find); if (result) { return result; } } gchar *cmds[] = { "/prefs", "/disco", "/close", "/wins", "/subject", "/room" }; Autocomplete completers[] = { prefs_ac, disco_ac, close_ac, wins_ac, subject_ac, room_ac }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cmds); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, cmds[i], completers[i], TRUE); if (result) { return result; } } GHashTable *ac_funcs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/help", _help_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/who", _who_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/sub", _sub_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/notify", _notify_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/autoaway", _autoaway_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/theme", _theme_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/log", _log_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/account", _account_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/roster", _roster_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/group", _group_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/bookmark", _bookmark_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/autoconnect", _autoconnect_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/otr", _otr_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/pgp", _pgp_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/connect", _connect_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/statuses", _statuses_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/alias", _alias_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/join", _join_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/form", _form_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/occupants", _occupants_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/kick", _kick_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/ban", _ban_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/affiliation", _affiliation_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/role", _role_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/resource", _resource_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/titlebar", _titlebar_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/inpblock", _inpblock_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/time", _time_autocomplete); g_hash_table_insert(ac_funcs, "/receipts", _receipts_autocomplete); int len = strlen(input); char parsed[len+1]; i = 0; while (i < len) { if (input[i] == ' ') { break; } else { parsed[i] = input[i]; } i++; } parsed[i] = '\0'; char * (*ac_func)(ProfWin*, const char * const) = g_hash_table_lookup(ac_funcs, parsed); if (ac_func) { result = ac_func(window, input); if (result) { g_hash_table_destroy(ac_funcs); return result; } } g_hash_table_destroy(ac_funcs); if (g_str_has_prefix(input, "/field")) { result = _form_field_autocomplete(window, input); if (result) { return result; } } return NULL; } static char * _sub_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/sub allow", presence_sub_request_find); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/sub deny", presence_sub_request_find); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/sub", sub_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _who_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/who", who_room_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } } else { int i = 0; gchar *group_commands[] = { "/who any", "/who online", "/who offline", "/who chat", "/who away", "/who xa", "/who dnd", "/who available", "/who unavailable" }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(group_commands); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, group_commands[i], roster_group_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/who", who_roster_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } } return NULL; } static char * _roster_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/roster nick", roster_barejid_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/roster clearnick", roster_barejid_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/roster remove", roster_barejid_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/roster remove_all", roster_remove_all_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/roster show", roster_option_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/roster hide", roster_option_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/roster by", roster_by_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/roster", roster_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _group_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/group show", roster_group_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_no_with_func(input, "/group add", 4, roster_contact_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_no_with_func(input, "/group remove", 4, roster_contact_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/group add", roster_group_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/group remove", roster_group_autocomplete); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/group", group_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _bookmark_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; gboolean result; gchar **args = parse_args(input, 3, 8, &result); gboolean handle_options = result && (g_strv_length(args) > 2); if (handle_options && ((strcmp(args[0], "add") == 0) || (strcmp(args[0], "update") == 0)) ) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/bookmark"); gboolean autojoin = FALSE; int num_args = g_strv_length(args); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[0]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); if (num_args == 4 && g_strcmp0(args[2], "autojoin") == 0) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[2]); autojoin = TRUE; } if (num_args > 4) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[2]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[3]); if (num_args == 6 && g_strcmp0(args[4], "autojoin") == 0) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[4]); autojoin = TRUE; } } if (num_args > 6) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[4]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[5]); if (num_args == 8 && g_strcmp0(args[6], "autojoin") == 0) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[6]); autojoin = TRUE; } } if (autojoin) { found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, beginning->str, prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); } else { found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, bookmark_property_ac, TRUE); } g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } g_strfreev(args); found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/bookmark remove", bookmark_find); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/bookmark join", bookmark_find); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/bookmark update", bookmark_find); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/bookmark", bookmark_ac, TRUE); return found; } static char * _notify_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { int i = 0; char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/notify room current", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/notify message current", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/notify typing current", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/notify room text", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/notify message text", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/notify room", notify_room_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/notify message", notify_message_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/notify typing", notify_typing_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } gchar *boolean_choices[] = { "/notify invite", "/notify sub" }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(boolean_choices); i++) { result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, boolean_choices[i], prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/notify", notify_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _autoaway_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/autoaway mode", autoaway_mode_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/autoaway check", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/autoaway", autoaway_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _log_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/log rotate", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/log shared", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/log", log_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _autoconnect_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/autoconnect set", accounts_find_enabled); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/autoconnect", autoconnect_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _otr_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/otr start", roster_contact_autocomplete); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/otr log", otr_log_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } // /otr policy always user@server.com gboolean result; gchar **args = parse_args(input, 3, 3, &result); if (result && (strcmp(args[0], "policy") == 0)) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/otr "); g_string_append(beginning, args[0]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, beginning->str, roster_contact_autocomplete); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } g_strfreev(args); found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/otr policy", otr_policy_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/otr", otr_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _pgp_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/pgp start", roster_contact_autocomplete); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/pgp log", pgp_log_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/pgp setkey", roster_barejid_autocomplete); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/pgp", pgp_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _theme_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; if ((strncmp(input, "/theme load ", 12) == 0) && (strlen(input) > 12)) { if (theme_load_ac == NULL) { theme_load_ac = autocomplete_new(); GSList *themes = theme_list(); GSList *curr = themes; while (curr) { autocomplete_add(theme_load_ac, curr->data); curr = g_slist_next(curr); } g_slist_free_full(themes, g_free); autocomplete_add(theme_load_ac, "default"); } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/theme load", theme_load_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/theme", theme_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _resource_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; if (window->type == WIN_CHAT) { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); PContact contact = roster_get_contact(chatwin->barejid); if (contact) { Autocomplete ac = p_contact_resource_ac(contact); found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/resource set", ac, FALSE); if (found) { return found; } } } found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/resource title", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/resource message", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/resource", resource_ac, FALSE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _titlebar_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/titlebar show", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/titlebar goodbye", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/titlebar", titlebar_ac, FALSE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _inpblock_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/inpblock dynamic", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/inpblock", inpblock_ac, FALSE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _form_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { if (window->type != WIN_MUC_CONFIG) { return NULL; } char *found = NULL; ProfMucConfWin *confwin = (ProfMucConfWin*)window; DataForm *form = confwin->form; if (form) { found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/form help", form->tag_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/form", form_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _form_field_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { if (window->type != WIN_MUC_CONFIG) { return NULL; } char *found = NULL; ProfMucConfWin *confwin = (ProfMucConfWin*)window; DataForm *form = confwin->form; if (form == NULL) { return NULL; } gchar **split = g_strsplit(input, " ", 0); if (g_strv_length(split) == 3) { char *field_tag = split[0]+1; if (form_tag_exists(form, field_tag)) { form_field_type_t field_type = form_get_field_type(form, field_tag); Autocomplete value_ac = form_get_value_ac(form, field_tag);; GString *beginning = g_string_new(split[0]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, split[1]); if (((g_strcmp0(split[1], "add") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(split[1], "remove") == 0)) && field_type == FIELD_LIST_MULTI) { found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, value_ac, TRUE); } else if ((g_strcmp0(split[1], "remove") == 0) && field_type == FIELD_TEXT_MULTI) { found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, value_ac, TRUE); } else if ((g_strcmp0(split[1], "remove") == 0) && field_type == FIELD_JID_MULTI) { found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, value_ac, TRUE); } g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); } } else if (g_strv_length(split) == 2) { char *field_tag = split[0]+1; if (form_tag_exists(form, field_tag)) { form_field_type_t field_type = form_get_field_type(form, field_tag); Autocomplete value_ac = form_get_value_ac(form, field_tag);; switch (field_type) { case FIELD_BOOLEAN: found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, split[0], prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); break; case FIELD_LIST_SINGLE: found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, split[0], value_ac, TRUE); break; case FIELD_LIST_MULTI: case FIELD_JID_MULTI: case FIELD_TEXT_MULTI: found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, split[0], form_field_multi_ac, TRUE); break; default: break; } } } g_strfreev(split); return found; } static char * _occupants_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/occupants default show", occupants_show_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/occupants default hide", occupants_show_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/occupants default", occupants_default_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/occupants show", occupants_show_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/occupants hide", occupants_show_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/occupants", occupants_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _time_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/time statusbar", time_format_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/time main", time_format_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/time", time_ac, TRUE); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _kick_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); Autocomplete nick_ac = muc_roster_ac(mucwin->roomjid); if (nick_ac) { result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/kick", nick_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } } } return result; } static char * _ban_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); Autocomplete jid_ac = muc_roster_jid_ac(mucwin->roomjid); if (jid_ac) { result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/ban", jid_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } } } return result; } static char * _affiliation_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); gboolean parse_result; Autocomplete jid_ac = muc_roster_jid_ac(mucwin->roomjid); gchar **args = parse_args(input, 3, 3, &parse_result); if ((strncmp(input, "/affiliation", 12) == 0) && (parse_result == TRUE)) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/affiliation "); g_string_append(beginning, args[0]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, jid_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (result) { g_strfreev(args); return result; } } g_strfreev(args); } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/affiliation set", affiliation_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/affiliation list", affiliation_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/affiliation", privilege_cmd_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return result; } static char * _role_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); gboolean parse_result; Autocomplete nick_ac = muc_roster_ac(mucwin->roomjid); gchar **args = parse_args(input, 3, 3, &parse_result); if ((strncmp(input, "/role", 5) == 0) && (parse_result == TRUE)) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/role "); g_string_append(beginning, args[0]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, nick_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (result) { g_strfreev(args); return result; } } g_strfreev(args); } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/role set", role_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/role list", role_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/role", privilege_cmd_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return result; } static char * _statuses_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/statuses console", statuses_setting_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/statuses chat", statuses_setting_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/statuses muc", statuses_setting_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/statuses", statuses_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _receipts_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/receipts send", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/receipts request", prefs_autocomplete_boolean_choice); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/receipts", receipts_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _alias_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/alias remove", aliases_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/alias", alias_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _connect_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; gboolean result = FALSE; gchar **args = parse_args(input, 2, 4, &result); if ((strncmp(input, "/connect", 8) == 0) && (result == TRUE)) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/connect "); g_string_append(beginning, args[0]); if (args[1] && args[2]) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[2]); } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, connect_property_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } g_strfreev(args); found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/connect", accounts_find_enabled); if (found) { return found; } return NULL; } static char * _help_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *result = NULL; result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/help commands", help_commands_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } result = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/help", help_ac, TRUE); if (result) { return result; } return NULL; } static char * _join_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; gboolean result = FALSE; found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, "/join", bookmark_find); if (found) { return found; } gchar **args = parse_args(input, 2, 4, &result); if ((strncmp(input, "/join", 5) == 0) && (result == TRUE)) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/join "); g_string_append(beginning, args[0]); if (args[1] && args[2]) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[2]); } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, join_property_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } g_strfreev(args); return NULL; } static char * _account_autocomplete(ProfWin *window, const char * const input) { char *found = NULL; gboolean result = FALSE; gchar **args = parse_args(input, 3, 4, &result); if ((strncmp(input, "/account set", 12) == 0) && (result == TRUE)) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/account set "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); if ((g_strv_length(args) > 3) && (g_strcmp0(args[2], "otr")) == 0) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[2]); found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, otr_policy_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } else if ((g_strv_length(args) > 3) && (g_strcmp0(args[2], "status")) == 0) { g_string_append(beginning, " "); g_string_append(beginning, args[2]); found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, account_status_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } else { found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, account_set_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } } if ((strncmp(input, "/account clear", 14) == 0) && (result == TRUE)) { GString *beginning = g_string_new("/account clear "); g_string_append(beginning, args[1]); found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, beginning->str, account_clear_ac, TRUE); g_string_free(beginning, TRUE); if (found) { g_strfreev(args); return found; } } g_strfreev(args); found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/account default", account_default_ac, TRUE); if(found){ return found; } int i = 0; gchar *account_choice[] = { "/account set", "/account show", "/account enable", "/account disable", "/account rename", "/account clear", "/account remove", "/account default set" }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(account_choice); i++) { found = autocomplete_param_with_func(input, account_choice[i], accounts_find_all); if (found) { return found; } } found = autocomplete_param_with_ac(input, "/account", account_ac, TRUE); return found; } static int _cmp_command(Command *cmd1, Command *cmd2) { return g_strcmp0(cmd1->cmd, cmd2->cmd); } void command_docgen(void) { GList *cmds = NULL; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(command_defs); i++) { Command *pcmd = command_defs+i; cmds = g_list_insert_sorted(cmds, pcmd, (GCompareFunc)_cmp_command); } FILE *toc_fragment = fopen("toc_fragment.html", "w"); FILE *main_fragment = fopen("main_fragment.html", "w"); fputs("
    • \n", toc_fragment); fputs("
      \n", main_fragment); GList *curr = cmds; while (curr) { Command *pcmd = curr->data; fprintf(toc_fragment, "%s,\n", &pcmd->cmd[1], pcmd->cmd); fprintf(main_fragment, "\n", &pcmd->cmd[1]); fprintf(main_fragment, "


      \n", pcmd->cmd); fputs("


      \n", main_fragment); fputs("

      ", main_fragment);
              int i = 0;
              while (pcmd->help.synopsis[i]) {
                  char *str1 = str_replace(pcmd->help.synopsis[i], "<", "<");
                  char *str2 = str_replace(str1, ">", ">");
                  fprintf(main_fragment, "%s\n", str2);

      \n", main_fragment); fputs("


      \n", main_fragment); fputs("

      ", main_fragment); fprintf(main_fragment, "%s\n", pcmd->help.desc); fputs("

      \n", main_fragment); if (pcmd->help.args[0][0] != NULL) { fputs("


      \n", main_fragment); fputs("", main_fragment); for (i = 0; pcmd->help.args[i][0] != NULL; i++) { fputs("", main_fragment); fputs("", main_fragment); fputs("", main_fragment); fputs("", main_fragment); } fputs("
      ", main_fragment); fputs("", main_fragment); char *str1 = str_replace(pcmd->help.args[i][0], "<", "<"); char *str2 = str_replace(str1, ">", ">"); fprintf(main_fragment, "%s", str2); fputs("", main_fragment); fputs("", main_fragment); fprintf(main_fragment, "%s", pcmd->help.args[i][1]); fputs("
      \n", main_fragment); } if (pcmd->help.examples[0] != NULL) { fputs("


      \n", main_fragment); fputs("

      ", main_fragment);
                  int i = 0;
                  while (pcmd->help.examples[i]) {
                      fprintf(main_fragment, "%s\n", pcmd->help.examples[i]);

      \n", main_fragment); } fputs("
      back to top

      \n", main_fragment); fputs("\n", main_fragment); curr = g_list_next(curr); } fputs("
\n", toc_fragment); fclose(toc_fragment); fclose(main_fragment); printf("\nProcessed %d commands.\n\n", g_list_length(cmds)); g_list_free(cmds); }