#include #include "windows.h" // common window references static WINDOW *title_bar; static WINDOW *inp_bar; static WINDOW *inp_win; // main windows static WINDOW *chat_win; static WINDOW *cons_win; static void create_title_bar(void); static void create_input_bar(void); static void create_input_window(void); static void create_chat_window(void); static void create_console_window(void); void gui_init(void) { initscr(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); start_color(); init_color(COLOR_WHITE, 1000, 1000, 1000); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_color(COLOR_BLUE, 0, 0, 250); init_pair(3, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); attron(A_BOLD); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); refresh(); create_title_bar(); wrefresh(title_bar); create_input_bar(); wrefresh(inp_bar); create_input_window(); wrefresh(inp_win); create_chat_window(); create_console_window(); wmove(inp_win, 0, 0); } void gui_close(void) { endwin(); } void show_incomming_msg(char *from, char *message) { char line[100]; sprintf(line, "%s: %s\n", from, message); wprintw(chat_win, line); } void show_outgoing_msg(char *from, char* message) { char line[100]; sprintf(line, "%s: %s\n", from, message); wprintw(chat_win, line); } void inp_get_command_str(char *cmd) { wmove(inp_win, 0, 0); wgetstr(inp_win, cmd); } void inp_clear(void) { wclear(inp_win); wmove(inp_win, 0, 0); wrefresh(inp_win); } void inp_non_block(void) { wtimeout(inp_win, 0); } void inp_poll_char(int *ch, char command[], int *size) { int inp_y = 0; int inp_x = 0; // move cursor back to inp_win getyx(inp_win, inp_y, inp_x); wmove(inp_win, inp_y, inp_x); // echo off, and get some more input noecho(); *ch = wgetch(inp_win); // if delete pressed, go back and delete it if (*ch == 127) { if (*size > 0) { getyx(inp_win, inp_y, inp_x); wmove(inp_win, inp_y, inp_x-1); wdelch(inp_win); (*size)--; } } // else if not error or newline, show it and store it else if (*ch != ERR && *ch != '\n') { waddch(inp_win, *ch); command[(*size)++] = *ch; } echo(); } void inp_get_password(char *passwd) { wclear(inp_win); noecho(); mvwgetstr(inp_win, 0, 0, passwd); echo(); } void bar_print_message(char *msg) { mvwprintw(inp_bar, 0, 0, msg); wrefresh(inp_bar); } void cons_help(void) { waddstr(cons_win, "Help\n"); waddstr(cons_win, "----\n"); waddstr(cons_win, "/quit - Quits Profanity.\n"); waddstr(cons_win, "/connect - Login to jabber.\n"); } void cons_bad_command(char *cmd) { wprintw(cons_win, "Unknown command: %s\n", cmd); } void cons_show(void) { touchwin(cons_win); wrefresh(cons_win); } void chat_show(void) { touchwin(chat_win); wrefresh(chat_win); } static void create_title_bar(void) { char *title = "Profanity"; int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); title_bar = newwin(1, cols, 0, 0); wbkgd(title_bar, COLOR_PAIR(3)); mvwprintw(title_bar, 0, 0, title); } static void create_input_bar(void) { int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); inp_bar = newwin(1, cols, rows-2, 0); wbkgd(inp_bar, COLOR_PAIR(3)); } static void create_input_window(void) { int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); inp_win = newwin(1, cols, rows-1, 0); keypad(inp_win, TRUE); } static void create_chat_window(void) { int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); chat_win = newwin(rows-3, cols, 1, 0); scrollok(chat_win, TRUE); } static void create_console_window(void) { int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); cons_win = newwin(rows-3, cols, 1, 0); scrollok(cons_win, TRUE); waddstr(cons_win, "Welcome to Profanity.\n"); touchwin(cons_win); wrefresh(cons_win); }