/* * console.c * * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * */ #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H #include #elif HAVE_NCURSES_H #include #endif #include "common.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "contact_list.h" #include "config/theme.h" #include "ui/window.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #define CONS_WIN_TITLE "_cons" static ProfWin* console; static int dirty; static void _cons_splash_logo(void); ProfWin * cons_create(void) { int cols = getmaxx(stdscr); console = window_create(CONS_WIN_TITLE, cols, WIN_CONSOLE); dirty = FALSE; return console; } void cons_refresh(void) { int rows, cols; if (dirty == TRUE) { getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); prefresh(console->win, console->y_pos, 0, 1, 0, rows-3, cols-1); dirty = FALSE; } } void cons_show(const char * const msg, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, msg); GString *fmt_msg = g_string_new(NULL); g_string_vprintf(fmt_msg, msg, arg); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "%s\n", fmt_msg->str); g_string_free(fmt_msg, TRUE); va_end(arg); dirty = TRUE; } void cons_about(void) { int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_SPLASH)) { _cons_splash_logo(); } else { window_show_time(console, '-'); if (strcmp(PACKAGE_STATUS, "development") == 0) { wprintw(console->win, "Welcome to Profanity, version %sdev\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); } else { wprintw(console->win, "Welcome to Profanity, version %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); } } window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 James Booth <%s>.\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later \n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "Type '/help' to show complete help.\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "\n"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_VERCHECK)) { cons_check_version(FALSE); } prefresh(console->win, 0, 0, 1, 0, rows-3, cols-1); dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_check_version(gboolean not_available_msg) { char *latest_release = release_get_latest(); if (latest_release != NULL) { gboolean relase_valid = g_regex_match_simple("^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$", latest_release, 0, 0); if (relase_valid) { if (release_is_new(latest_release)) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "A new version of Profanity is available: %s", latest_release); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "Check for details.\n"); free(latest_release); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "\n"); } else { if (not_available_msg) { cons_show("No new version available."); cons_show(""); } } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } } } void cons_show_login_success(ProfAccount *account) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "%s logged in successfully, ", account->jid); resource_presence_t presence = accounts_get_login_presence(account->name); const char *presence_str = string_from_resource_presence(presence); window_presence_colour_on(console, presence_str); wprintw(console->win, "%s", presence_str); window_presence_colour_off(console, presence_str); wprintw(console->win, " (priority %d)", accounts_get_priority_for_presence_type(account->name, presence)); wprintw(console->win, ".\n"); } void cons_show_wins(void) { int i = 0; int count = 0; cons_show(""); cons_show("Active windows:"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "1: Console\n"); for (i = 1; i < NUM_WINS; i++) { if (windows[i] != NULL) { count++; } } if (count != 0) { for (i = 1; i < NUM_WINS; i++) { if (windows[i] != NULL) { ProfWin *window = windows[i]; window_show_time(console, '-'); switch (window->type) { case WIN_CHAT: wprintw(console->win, "%d: chat %s", i + 1, window->from); PContact contact = contact_list_get_contact(window->from); if (contact != NULL) { if (p_contact_name(contact) != NULL) { wprintw(console->win, " (%s)", p_contact_name(contact)); } wprintw(console->win, " - %s", p_contact_presence(contact)); } if (window->unread > 0) { wprintw(console->win, ", %d unread", window->unread); } break; case WIN_PRIVATE: wprintw(console->win, "%d: private %s", i + 1, window->from); if (window->unread > 0) { wprintw(console->win, ", %d unread", window->unread); } break; case WIN_MUC: wprintw(console->win, "%d: room %s", i + 1, window->from); if (window->unread > 0) { wprintw(console->win, ", %d unread", window->unread); } break; default: break; } wprintw(console->win, "\n"); } } } cons_show(""); dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_show_info(PContact pcontact) { const char *barejid = p_contact_barejid(pcontact); const char *name = p_contact_name(pcontact); const char *presence = p_contact_presence(pcontact); const char *sub = p_contact_subscription(pcontact); GList *resources = p_contact_get_available_resources(pcontact); GList *ordered_resources = NULL; GDateTime *last_activity = p_contact_last_activity(pcontact); WINDOW *win = console->win; window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); window_presence_colour_on(console, presence); wprintw(win, "%s", barejid); if (name != NULL) { wprintw(win, " (%s)", name); } window_presence_colour_off(console, presence); wprintw(win, ":\n"); if (sub != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "Subscription: %s\n", sub); } if (last_activity != NULL) { GDateTime *now = g_date_time_new_now_local(); GTimeSpan span = g_date_time_difference(now, last_activity); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "Last activity: "); int hours = span / G_TIME_SPAN_HOUR; span = span - hours * G_TIME_SPAN_HOUR; if (hours > 0) { wprintw(win, "%dh", hours); } int minutes = span / G_TIME_SPAN_MINUTE; span = span - minutes * G_TIME_SPAN_MINUTE; wprintw(win, "%dm", minutes); int seconds = span / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; wprintw(win, "%ds", seconds); wprintw(win, "\n"); g_date_time_unref(now); } if (resources != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "Resources:\n"); // sort in order of availabiltiy while (resources != NULL) { Resource *resource = resources->data; ordered_resources = g_list_insert_sorted(ordered_resources, resource, (GCompareFunc)resource_compare_availability); resources = g_list_next(resources); } } while (ordered_resources != NULL) { Resource *resource = ordered_resources->data; const char *resource_presence = string_from_resource_presence(resource->presence); window_show_time(console, '-'); window_presence_colour_on(console, resource_presence); wprintw(win, " %s (%d), %s", resource->name, resource->priority, resource_presence); if (resource->status != NULL) { wprintw(win, ", \"%s\"", resource->status); } wprintw(win, "\n"); window_presence_colour_off(console, resource_presence); if (resource->caps_str != NULL) { Capabilities *caps = caps_get(resource->caps_str); if (caps != NULL) { // show identity if ((caps->category != NULL) || (caps->type != NULL) || (caps->name != NULL)) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, " Identity: "); if (caps->name != NULL) { wprintw(win, "%s", caps->name); if ((caps->category != NULL) || (caps->type != NULL)) { wprintw(win, " "); } } if (caps->type != NULL) { wprintw(win, "%s", caps->type); if (caps->category != NULL) { wprintw(win, " "); } } if (caps->category != NULL) { wprintw(win, "%s", caps->category); } wprintw(win, "\n"); } if (caps->software != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, " Software: %s", caps->software); } if (caps->software_version != NULL) { wprintw(win, ", %s", caps->software_version); } if ((caps->software != NULL) || (caps->software_version != NULL)) { wprintw(win, "\n"); } if (caps->os != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, " OS: %s", caps->os); } if (caps->os_version != NULL) { wprintw(win, ", %s", caps->os_version); } if ((caps->os != NULL) || (caps->os_version != NULL)) { wprintw(win, "\n"); } } } ordered_resources = g_list_next(ordered_resources); } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_show_caps(const char * const contact, Resource *resource) { WINDOW *win = console->win; cons_show(""); const char *resource_presence = string_from_resource_presence(resource->presence); window_show_time(console, '-'); window_presence_colour_on(console, resource_presence); wprintw(console->win, "%s", contact); window_presence_colour_off(console, resource_presence); wprintw(win, ":\n"); if (resource->caps_str != NULL) { Capabilities *caps = caps_get(resource->caps_str); if (caps != NULL) { // show identity if ((caps->category != NULL) || (caps->type != NULL) || (caps->name != NULL)) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "Identity: "); if (caps->name != NULL) { wprintw(win, "%s", caps->name); if ((caps->category != NULL) || (caps->type != NULL)) { wprintw(win, " "); } } if (caps->type != NULL) { wprintw(win, "%s", caps->type); if (caps->category != NULL) { wprintw(win, " "); } } if (caps->category != NULL) { wprintw(win, "%s", caps->category); } wprintw(win, "\n"); } if (caps->software != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "Software: %s", caps->software); } if (caps->software_version != NULL) { wprintw(win, ", %s", caps->software_version); } if ((caps->software != NULL) || (caps->software_version != NULL)) { wprintw(win, "\n"); } if (caps->os != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "OS: %s", caps->os); } if (caps->os_version != NULL) { wprintw(win, ", %s", caps->os_version); } if ((caps->os != NULL) || (caps->os_version != NULL)) { wprintw(win, "\n"); } if (caps->features != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, "Features:\n"); GSList *feature = caps->features; while (feature != NULL) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(win, " %s\n", feature->data); feature = g_slist_next(feature); } } } } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_show_software_version(const char * const jid, const char * const presence, const char * const name, const char * const version, const char * const os) { if ((name != NULL) || (version != NULL) || (os != NULL)) { cons_show(""); window_show_time(console, '-'); window_presence_colour_on(console, presence); wprintw(console->win, "%s", jid); window_presence_colour_off(console, presence); wprintw(console->win, ":\n"); } if (name != NULL) { cons_show("Name : %s", name); } if (version != NULL) { cons_show("Version : %s", version); } if (os != NULL) { cons_show("OS : %s", os); } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_show_room_list(GSList *rooms, const char * const conference_node) { if ((rooms != NULL) && (g_slist_length(rooms) > 0)) { cons_show("Chat rooms at %s:", conference_node); while (rooms != NULL) { DiscoItem *room = rooms->data; window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, " %s", room->jid); if (room->name != NULL) { wprintw(console->win, ", (%s)", room->name); } wprintw(console->win, "\n"); rooms = g_slist_next(rooms); } } else { cons_show("No chat rooms at %s", conference_node); } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_show_disco_info(const char *jid, GSList *identities, GSList *features) { if (((identities != NULL) && (g_slist_length(identities) > 0)) || ((features != NULL) && (g_slist_length(features) > 0))) { cons_show(""); cons_show("Service disovery info for %s", jid); if (identities != NULL) { cons_show(" Identities"); } while (identities != NULL) { DiscoIdentity *identity = identities->data; // anme trpe, cat GString *identity_str = g_string_new(" "); if (identity->name != NULL) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, strdup(identity->name)); identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, " "); } if (identity->type != NULL) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, strdup(identity->type)); identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, " "); } if (identity->category != NULL) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, strdup(identity->category)); } cons_show(identity_str->str); g_string_free(identity_str, FALSE); identities = g_slist_next(identities); } if (features != NULL) { cons_show(" Features:"); } while (features != NULL) { cons_show(" %s", features->data); features = g_slist_next(features); } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } } void cons_show_disco_items(GSList *items, const char * const jid) { if ((items != NULL) && (g_slist_length(items) > 0)) { cons_show(""); cons_show("Service discovery items for %s:", jid); while (items != NULL) { DiscoItem *item = items->data; window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, " %s", item->jid); if (item->name != NULL) { wprintw(console->win, ", (%s)", item->name); } wprintw(console->win, "\n"); items = g_slist_next(items); } } else { cons_show(""); cons_show("No service discovery items for %s", jid); } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_show_status(const char * const contact) { PContact pcontact = contact_list_get_contact(contact); if (pcontact != NULL) { window_show_contact(console, pcontact); } else { cons_show("No such contact \"%s\" in roster.", contact); } } void cons_show_room_invite(const char * const invitor, const char * const room, const char * const reason) { char *display_room = NULL; char *domain = strdup(jabber_get_domain()); Jid *room_jid = jid_create(room); GString *default_service = g_string_new("conference."); g_string_append(default_service, domain); cons_show(""); cons_show("Chat room invite received:"); cons_show(" From : %s", invitor); cons_show(" Room : %s", room); if (reason != NULL) { cons_show(" Message: %s", reason); } if (strcmp(room_jid->domainpart, default_service->str) == 0) { display_room = room_jid->localpart; } else { display_room = room_jid->barejid; } cons_show("Type \"/join %s\" to accept the invitation", display_room); jid_destroy(room_jid); g_string_free(default_service, TRUE); dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } void cons_show_account_list(gchar **accounts) { int size = g_strv_length(accounts); if (size > 0) { cons_show("Accounts:"); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if ((jabber_get_connection_status() == JABBER_CONNECTED) && (g_strcmp0(jabber_get_account_name(), accounts[i]) == 0)) { resource_presence_t presence = accounts_get_last_presence(accounts[i]); window_show_time(console, '-'); window_presence_colour_on(console, string_from_resource_presence(presence)); wprintw(console->win, "%s\n", accounts[i]); window_presence_colour_off(console, string_from_resource_presence(presence)); } else { cons_show(accounts[i]); } } cons_show(""); } else { cons_show("No accounts created yet."); cons_show(""); } dirty = TRUE; if (!win_current_is_console()) { status_bar_new(0); } } static void _cons_splash_logo(void) { window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "Welcome to\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); wattron(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); wprintw(console->win, " ___ _ \n"); wattroff(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); window_show_time(console, '-'); wattron(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); wprintw(console->win, " / __) (_)_ \n"); wattroff(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); window_show_time(console, '-'); wattron(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); wprintw(console->win, " ____ ____ ___ | |__ ____ ____ _| |_ _ _ \n"); wattroff(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); window_show_time(console, '-'); wattron(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); wprintw(console->win, "| _ \\ / ___) _ \\| __) _ | _ \\| | _) | | |\n"); wattroff(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); window_show_time(console, '-'); wattron(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); wprintw(console->win, "| | | | | | |_| | | ( ( | | | | | | |_| |_| |\n"); wattroff(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); window_show_time(console, '-'); wattron(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); wprintw(console->win, "| ||_/|_| \\___/|_| \\_||_|_| |_|_|\\___)__ |\n"); wattroff(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); window_show_time(console, '-'); wattron(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); wprintw(console->win, "|_| (____/ \n"); wattroff(console->win, COLOUR_SPLASH); window_show_time(console, '-'); wprintw(console->win, "\n"); window_show_time(console, '-'); if (strcmp(PACKAGE_STATUS, "development") == 0) { wprintw(console->win, "Version %sdev\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); } else { wprintw(console->win, "Version %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); } }