.TH man 1 "2022-03-30" "0.12.0" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /tls .SH DESCRIPTION Handle TLS certificates. .SH SYNOPSIS /tls allow .LP /tls always .LP /tls deny .LP /tls cert [] .LP /tls trust .LP /tls trusted .LP /tls revoke .LP /tls certpath .LP /tls certpath set .LP /tls certpath clear .LP /tls certpath default .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fBallow\fR .RS 4 Allow connection to continue with TLS certificate. .RE .PP \fBalways\fR .RS 4 Always allow connections with TLS certificate. .RE .PP \fBdeny\fR .RS 4 Abort connection. .RE .PP \fBcert\fR .RS 4 Show the current TLS certificate. .RE .PP \fBcert \fR .RS 4 Show details of trusted certificate. .RE .PP \fBtrust\fR .RS 4 Add the current TLS certificate to manually trusted certificates. .RE .PP \fBtrusted\fR .RS 4 List summary of manually trusted certificates (with '/tls always' or '/tls trust'). .RE .PP \fBrevoke \fR .RS 4 Remove a manually trusted certificate. .RE .PP \fBcertpath\fR .RS 4 Show the trusted certificate path. .RE .PP \fBcertpath set \fR .RS 4 Specify filesystem path containing trusted certificates. .RE .PP \fBcertpath clear\fR .RS 4 Clear the trusted certificate path. .RE .PP \fBcertpath default\fR .RS 4 Use default system certificate path, if it can be found. .RE