/* * roster.c * * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "profanity.h" #include "tools/autocomplete.h" #include "xmpp/connection.h" #include "xmpp/roster.h" #include "xmpp/stanza.h" #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #define HANDLE(type, func) xmpp_handler_add(conn, func, XMPP_NS_ROSTER, \ STANZA_NAME_IQ, type, ctx) // nicknames static Autocomplete name_ac; // barejids static Autocomplete barejid_ac; // fulljids static Autocomplete fulljid_ac; // groups static Autocomplete groups_ac; // contacts, indexed on barejid static GHashTable *contacts; // nickname to jid map static GHashTable *name_to_barejid; // event handlers static int _roster_handle_push(xmpp_conn_t * const conn, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza, void * const userdata); static int _roster_handle_result(xmpp_conn_t * const conn, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza, void * const userdata); // helper functions static void _add_name_and_barejid(const char * const name, const char * const barejid); static void _replace_name(const char * const current_name, const char * const new_name, const char * const barejid); GSList * _get_groups_from_item(xmpp_stanza_t *item); static gboolean _key_equals(void *key1, void *key2); static gboolean _datetimes_equal(GDateTime *dt1, GDateTime *dt2); static gint _compare_contacts(PContact a, PContact b); void roster_add_handlers(void) { xmpp_conn_t * const conn = connection_get_conn(); xmpp_ctx_t * const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); HANDLE(STANZA_TYPE_SET, _roster_handle_push); HANDLE(STANZA_TYPE_RESULT, _roster_handle_result); } void roster_request(void) { xmpp_conn_t * const conn = connection_get_conn(); xmpp_ctx_t * const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t *iq = stanza_create_roster_iq(ctx); xmpp_send(conn, iq); xmpp_stanza_release(iq); } void roster_init(void) { name_ac = autocomplete_new(); barejid_ac = autocomplete_new(); fulljid_ac = autocomplete_new(); groups_ac = autocomplete_new(); contacts = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, (GEqualFunc)_key_equals, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)p_contact_free); name_to_barejid = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); } void roster_clear(void) { autocomplete_clear(name_ac); autocomplete_clear(barejid_ac); autocomplete_clear(fulljid_ac); autocomplete_clear(groups_ac); g_hash_table_destroy(contacts); contacts = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, (GEqualFunc)_key_equals, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)p_contact_free); g_hash_table_destroy(name_to_barejid); name_to_barejid = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); } void roster_free() { autocomplete_free(name_ac); autocomplete_free(barejid_ac); autocomplete_free(fulljid_ac); autocomplete_free(groups_ac); } void roster_reset_search_attempts(void) { autocomplete_reset(name_ac); autocomplete_reset(barejid_ac); autocomplete_reset(fulljid_ac); autocomplete_reset(groups_ac); } void roster_add_new(const char * const barejid, const char * const name) { xmpp_conn_t * const conn = connection_get_conn(); xmpp_ctx_t * const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t *iq = stanza_create_roster_set(ctx, barejid, name, NULL); xmpp_send(conn, iq); xmpp_stanza_release(iq); } void roster_remove(const char * const barejid) { xmpp_conn_t * const conn = connection_get_conn(); xmpp_ctx_t * const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t *iq = stanza_create_roster_remove_set(ctx, barejid); xmpp_send(conn, iq); xmpp_stanza_release(iq); } gboolean roster_add(const char * const barejid, const char * const name, GSList *groups, const char * const subscription, gboolean pending_out, gboolean from_initial) { gboolean added = FALSE; PContact contact = g_hash_table_lookup(contacts, barejid); if (contact == NULL) { contact = p_contact_new(barejid, name, groups, subscription, NULL, pending_out); // add groups while (groups != NULL) { autocomplete_add(groups_ac, strdup(groups->data)); groups = g_slist_next(groups); } g_hash_table_insert(contacts, strdup(barejid), contact); autocomplete_add(barejid_ac, strdup(barejid)); _add_name_and_barejid(name, barejid); if (!from_initial) { prof_handle_roster_add(barejid, name); } added = TRUE; } return added; } void roster_update(const char * const barejid, const char * const name, GSList *groups, const char * const subscription, gboolean pending_out) { PContact contact = g_hash_table_lookup(contacts, barejid); if (contact == NULL) { roster_add(barejid, name, groups, subscription, pending_out, FALSE); } else { p_contact_set_subscription(contact, subscription); p_contact_set_pending_out(contact, pending_out); const char * const new_name = name; const char * current_name = NULL; if (p_contact_name(contact) != NULL) { current_name = strdup(p_contact_name(contact)); } p_contact_set_name(contact, new_name); p_contact_set_groups(contact, groups); _replace_name(current_name, new_name, barejid); // add groups while (groups != NULL) { autocomplete_add(groups_ac, strdup(groups->data)); groups = g_slist_next(groups); } } } gboolean roster_update_presence(const char * const barejid, Resource *resource, GDateTime *last_activity) { assert(barejid != NULL); assert(resource != NULL); PContact contact = g_hash_table_lookup(contacts, barejid); if (contact == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (!_datetimes_equal(p_contact_last_activity(contact), last_activity)) { p_contact_set_last_activity(contact, last_activity); } p_contact_set_presence(contact, resource); Jid *jid = jid_create_from_bare_and_resource(barejid, resource->name); autocomplete_add(fulljid_ac, strdup(jid->fulljid)); jid_destroy(jid); return TRUE; } gboolean roster_contact_offline(const char * const barejid, const char * const resource, const char * const status) { PContact contact = g_hash_table_lookup(contacts, barejid); if (contact == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (resource == NULL) { return TRUE; } else { gboolean result = p_contact_remove_resource(contact, resource); if (result == TRUE) { Jid *jid = jid_create_from_bare_and_resource(barejid, resource); autocomplete_remove(fulljid_ac, jid->fulljid); jid_destroy(jid); } return result; } } void roster_change_name(const char * const barejid, const char * const new_name) { PContact contact = g_hash_table_lookup(contacts, barejid); const char * current_name = NULL; if (p_contact_name(contact) != NULL) { current_name = strdup(p_contact_name(contact)); } if (contact != NULL) { p_contact_set_name(contact, new_name); _replace_name(current_name, new_name, barejid); GSList *groups = p_contact_groups(contact); xmpp_conn_t * const conn = connection_get_conn(); xmpp_ctx_t * const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t *iq = stanza_create_roster_set(ctx, barejid, new_name, groups); xmpp_send(conn, iq); xmpp_stanza_release(iq); } } gboolean roster_has_pending_subscriptions(void) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, contacts); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { PContact contact = (PContact) value; if (p_contact_pending_out(contact)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } GSList * roster_get_contacts(void) { GSList *result = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, contacts); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { result = g_slist_insert_sorted(result, value, (GCompareFunc)_compare_contacts); } // resturn all contact structs return result; } char * roster_find_contact(char *search_str) { return autocomplete_complete(name_ac, search_str); } char * roster_find_jid(char *search_str) { return autocomplete_complete(barejid_ac, search_str); } char * roster_find_resource(char *search_str) { return autocomplete_complete(fulljid_ac, search_str); } char * roster_barejid_from_name(const char * const name) { return g_hash_table_lookup(name_to_barejid, name); } PContact roster_get_contact(const char const *barejid) { return g_hash_table_lookup(contacts, barejid); } static int _roster_handle_push(xmpp_conn_t * const conn, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza, void * const userdata) { xmpp_stanza_t *query = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_QUERY); xmpp_stanza_t *item = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(query, STANZA_NAME_ITEM); if (item == NULL) { return 1; } // if from attribute exists and it is not current users barejid, ignore push Jid *my_jid = jid_create(jabber_get_fulljid()); const char *from = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(stanza, STANZA_ATTR_FROM); if ((from != NULL) && (strcmp(from, my_jid->barejid) != 0)) { jid_destroy(my_jid); return 1; } jid_destroy(my_jid); const char *barejid = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_JID); const char *name = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_NAME); const char *sub = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION); const char *ask = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_ASK); // remove from roster if (g_strcmp0(sub, "remove") == 0) { // remove barejid and name if (name == NULL) { name = barejid; } autocomplete_remove(barejid_ac, barejid); autocomplete_remove(name_ac, name); g_hash_table_remove(name_to_barejid, name); // remove each fulljid PContact contact = roster_get_contact(barejid); GList *resources = p_contact_get_available_resources(contact); while (resources != NULL) { GString *fulljid = g_string_new(strdup(barejid)); g_string_append(fulljid, "/"); g_string_append(fulljid, strdup(resources->data)); autocomplete_remove(fulljid_ac, fulljid->str); g_string_free(fulljid, TRUE); resources = g_list_next(resources); } // remove the contact g_hash_table_remove(contacts, barejid); // otherwise update local roster } else { // check for pending out subscriptions gboolean pending_out = FALSE; if ((ask != NULL) && (strcmp(ask, "subscribe") == 0)) { pending_out = TRUE; } GSList *groups = _get_groups_from_item(item); // update the local roster roster_update(barejid, name, groups, sub, pending_out); } return 1; } static int _roster_handle_result(xmpp_conn_t * const conn, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza, void * const userdata) { const char *id = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(stanza, STANZA_ATTR_ID); // handle initial roster response if (g_strcmp0(id, "roster") == 0) { xmpp_stanza_t *query = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_QUERY); xmpp_stanza_t *item = xmpp_stanza_get_children(query); while (item != NULL) { const char *barejid = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_JID); const char *name = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_NAME); const char *sub = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION); gboolean pending_out = FALSE; const char *ask = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(item, STANZA_ATTR_ASK); if (g_strcmp0(ask, "subscribe") == 0) { pending_out = TRUE; } GSList *groups = _get_groups_from_item(item); gboolean added = roster_add(barejid, name, groups, sub, pending_out, TRUE); if (!added) { log_warning("Attempt to add contact twice: %s", barejid); } item = xmpp_stanza_get_next(item); } contact_presence_t conn_presence = accounts_get_login_presence(jabber_get_account_name()); presence_update(conn_presence, NULL, 0); } return 1; } static void _add_name_and_barejid(const char * const name, const char * const barejid) { if (name != NULL) { autocomplete_add(name_ac, strdup(name)); g_hash_table_insert(name_to_barejid, strdup(name), strdup(barejid)); } else { autocomplete_add(name_ac, strdup(barejid)); g_hash_table_insert(name_to_barejid, strdup(barejid), strdup(barejid)); } } static void _replace_name(const char * const current_name, const char * const new_name, const char * const barejid) { // current handle exists already if (current_name != NULL) { autocomplete_remove(name_ac, current_name); g_hash_table_remove(name_to_barejid, current_name); _add_name_and_barejid(new_name, barejid); // no current handle } else if (new_name != NULL) { autocomplete_remove(name_ac, barejid); g_hash_table_remove(name_to_barejid, barejid); _add_name_and_barejid(new_name, barejid); } } GSList * _get_groups_from_item(xmpp_stanza_t *item) { GSList *groups = NULL; xmpp_stanza_t *group_element = xmpp_stanza_get_children(item); while (group_element != NULL) { if (strcmp(xmpp_stanza_get_name(group_element), STANZA_NAME_GROUP) == 0) { char *groupname = xmpp_stanza_get_text(group_element); if (groupname != NULL) { groups = g_slist_append(groups, groupname); } } group_element = xmpp_stanza_get_next(group_element); } return groups; } static gboolean _key_equals(void *key1, void *key2) { gchar *str1 = (gchar *) key1; gchar *str2 = (gchar *) key2; return (g_strcmp0(str1, str2) == 0); } static gint _compare_contacts(PContact a, PContact b) { const char * utf8_str_a = NULL; const char * utf8_str_b = NULL; if (p_contact_name(a) != NULL) { utf8_str_a = p_contact_name(a); } else { utf8_str_a = p_contact_barejid(a); } if (p_contact_name(b) != NULL) { utf8_str_b = p_contact_name(b); } else { utf8_str_b = p_contact_barejid(b); } gchar *key_a = g_utf8_collate_key(utf8_str_a, -1); gchar *key_b = g_utf8_collate_key(utf8_str_b, -1); gint result = g_strcmp0(key_a, key_b); g_free(key_a); g_free(key_b); return result; } static gboolean _datetimes_equal(GDateTime *dt1, GDateTime *dt2) { if ((dt1 == NULL) && (dt2 == NULL)) { return TRUE; } else if ((dt1 == NULL) && (dt2 != NULL)) { return FALSE; } else if ((dt1 != NULL) && (dt2 == NULL)) { return FALSE; } else { return g_date_time_equal(dt1, dt2); } }