mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:08:15 -05:00
Merge pull request #1799 from profanity-im/glib276gsf
Adapt to g_string_free glib 2.75.3 change
This commit is contained in:
@ -3817,12 +3817,7 @@ _subject_autocomplete(ProfWin* window, const char* const input, gboolean previou
char* subject = muc_subject(mucwin->roomjid);
if (subject) {
GString* result_str = g_string_new("/subject edit \"");
g_string_append(result_str, subject);
g_string_append(result_str, "\"");
result = result_str->str;
g_string_free(result_str, FALSE);
result = g_strdup_printf("/subject edit \"%s\"", subject);
@ -4260,10 +4255,7 @@ _correction_autocomplete(ProfWin* window, const char* const input, gboolean prev
static char*
_correct_autocomplete(ProfWin* window, const char* const input, gboolean previous)
GString* result_str = g_string_new("/correct ");
g_string_append(result_str, win_get_last_sent_message(window));
char* result = result_str->str;
g_string_free(result_str, FALSE);
char* result = g_strdup_printf("/correct %s", win_get_last_sent_message(window));
return result;
@ -2738,10 +2738,7 @@ _cmd_index(const Command* cmd)
char* res = index->str;
g_string_free(index, FALSE);
return res;
return g_string_free(index, FALSE);
@ -3635,12 +3635,7 @@ cmd_join(ProfWin* window, const char* const command, gchar** args)
// server not supplied (room), use account preference
} else if (account->muc_service) {
GString* room_str = g_string_new("");
g_string_append(room_str, args[0]);
g_string_append(room_str, "@");
g_string_append(room_str, account->muc_service);
room = room_str->str;
g_string_free(room_str, FALSE);
room = g_strdup_printf("%s@%s", args[0], account->muc_service);
// no account preference
} else {
@ -10107,13 +10102,7 @@ cmd_vcard_photo(ProfWin* window, const char* const command, gchar** args)
} else {
// anon muc: send the vcard request through the MUC's server
GString* full_jid = g_string_new(mucwin->roomjid);
g_string_append(full_jid, "/");
g_string_append(full_jid, user);
jid = full_jid->str;
g_string_free(full_jid, FALSE);
jid = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", mucwin->roomjid, user);
} else {
char* jid_temp = roster_barejid_from_name(user);
@ -293,12 +293,9 @@ get_file_or_linked(char* loc, char* basedir)
// if relative, add basedir
if (!g_str_has_prefix(true_loc, "/") && !g_str_has_prefix(true_loc, "~")) {
GString* base_str = g_string_new(basedir);
g_string_append(base_str, "/");
g_string_append(base_str, true_loc);
char* tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", basedir, true_loc);
true_loc = base_str->str;
g_string_free(base_str, FALSE);
true_loc = tmp;
// use given location
} else {
@ -418,20 +415,20 @@ get_file_paths_recursive(const char* path, GSList** contents)
GDir* directory = g_dir_open(path, 0, NULL);
const gchar* entry = g_dir_read_name(directory);
gchar* full;
while (entry) {
GString* full = g_string_new(path);
if (!g_str_has_suffix(full->str, "/")) {
g_string_append(full, "/");
g_string_append(full, entry);
if (is_dir(full->str)) {
get_file_paths_recursive(full->str, contents);
} else if (is_regular_file(full->str)) {
*contents = g_slist_append(*contents, full->str);
if (g_str_has_suffix(path, "/")) {
full = g_strdup_printf("%s%s", path, entry);
} else {
full = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", path, entry);
if (is_dir(full)) {
get_file_paths_recursive(full, contents);
} else if (is_regular_file(full)) {
*contents = g_slist_append(*contents, full);
g_string_free(full, FALSE);
entry = g_dir_read_name(directory);
@ -569,22 +566,14 @@ _basename_from_url(const char* url)
get_expanded_path(const char* path)
GString* exp_path = g_string_new("");
gchar* result;
if (g_str_has_prefix(path, "file://")) {
path += strlen("file://");
if (strlen(path) >= 2 && path[0] == '~' && path[1] == '/') {
g_string_printf(exp_path, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), path + 2);
return g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), path + 2);
} else {
g_string_printf(exp_path, "%s", path);
return g_strdup_printf("%s", path);
result = exp_path->str;
g_string_free(exp_path, FALSE);
return result;
@ -457,13 +457,7 @@ otr_key_loaded(void)
otr_tag_message(const char* const msg)
GString* otr_message = g_string_new(msg);
g_string_append(otr_message, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_BASE);
g_string_append(otr_message, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_V2);
char* result = otr_message->str;
g_string_free(otr_message, FALSE);
return result;
return g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", msg, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_BASE, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_V2);
@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ _p_gpg_passphrase_cb(void* hook, const char* uid_hint, const char* passphrase_in
if (passphrase_attempt) {
passphrase_attempt = pass_term->str;
g_string_free(pass_term, FALSE);
passphrase_attempt = g_string_free(pass_term, FALSE);
gpgme_io_write(fd, passphrase_attempt, strlen(passphrase_attempt));
@ -768,10 +767,7 @@ p_gpg_format_fp_str(char* fp)
char* result = format->str;
g_string_free(format, FALSE);
return result;
return g_string_free(format, FALSE);
static char*
@ -801,18 +797,7 @@ _remove_header_footer(char* str, const char* const footer)
static char*
_add_header_footer(const char* const str, const char* const header, const char* const footer)
GString* result_str = g_string_new("");
g_string_append(result_str, header);
g_string_append(result_str, "\n\n");
g_string_append(result_str, str);
g_string_append(result_str, "\n");
g_string_append(result_str, footer);
char* result = result_str->str;
g_string_free(result_str, FALSE);
return result;
return g_strdup_printf("%s\n\n%s\n%s", header, str, footer);
static void
@ -540,13 +540,9 @@ c_api_init(void)
static char*
_c_plugin_name(const char* filename)
GString* plugin_name_str = g_string_new("");
gchar* name = g_strndup(filename, strlen(filename) - 1);
g_string_append(plugin_name_str, name);
gchar* result = g_strdup_printf("%sso", name);
g_string_append(plugin_name_str, "so");
char* result = plugin_name_str->str;
g_string_free(plugin_name_str, FALSE);
return result;
@ -314,7 +314,6 @@ autocomplete_complete(Autocomplete ac, const gchar* search_str, gboolean quote,
static char*
_autocomplete_param_common(const char* const input, char* command, autocomplete_func func, Autocomplete ac, gboolean quote, gboolean previous, void* context)
GString* auto_msg;
char* command_cpy;
char* result = NULL;
int len;
@ -344,11 +343,7 @@ _autocomplete_param_common(const char* const input, char* command, autocomplete_
if (found) {
auto_msg = g_string_new(command_cpy);
g_string_append(auto_msg, found);
result = auto_msg->str;
g_string_free(auto_msg, FALSE);
result = g_strdup_printf("%s%s", command_cpy, found);
@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ get_start(const char* const string, int tokens)
GString* result = g_string_new("");
int length = g_utf8_strlen(string, -1);
gboolean in_quotes = FALSE;
char* result_str = NULL;
int num_tokens = 0;
// include first token
@ -325,10 +324,7 @@ get_start(const char* const string, int tokens)
result_str = result->str;
g_string_free(result, FALSE);
return result_str;
return g_string_free(result, FALSE);
@ -340,14 +340,5 @@ confwin_get_string(ProfConfWin* confwin)
assert(confwin != NULL);
GString* res = g_string_new("");
char* title = win_get_title((ProfWin*)confwin);
g_string_append(res, title);
char* resstr = res->str;
g_string_free(res, FALSE);
return resstr;
return win_get_title((ProfWin*)confwin);
@ -310,9 +310,7 @@ _room_triggers_to_string(GList* triggers)
char* result = triggers_str->str;
g_string_free(triggers_str, FALSE);
return result;
return g_string_free(triggers_str, FALSE);
@ -286,8 +286,5 @@ privwin_get_string(ProfPrivateWin* privwin)
g_string_append_printf(res, ", %d unread", privwin->unread);
char* resstr = res->str;
g_string_free(res, FALSE);
return resstr;
return g_string_free(res, FALSE);
@ -337,9 +337,7 @@ win_get_title(ProfWin* window)
g_string_append(title, mucwin->roomjid);
char* title_str = title->str;
g_string_free(title, FALSE);
return title_str;
return g_string_free(title, FALSE);
if (window->type == WIN_CONFIG) {
ProfConfWin* confwin = (ProfConfWin*)window;
@ -349,9 +347,7 @@ win_get_title(ProfWin* window)
if (confwin->form->modified) {
g_string_append(title, " *");
char* title_str = title->str;
g_string_free(title, FALSE);
return title_str;
return g_string_free(title, FALSE);
if (window->type == WIN_PRIVATE) {
ProfPrivateWin* privatewin = (ProfPrivateWin*)window;
@ -500,9 +496,7 @@ win_to_string(ProfWin* window)
ProfPluginWin* pluginwin = (ProfPluginWin*)window;
GString* gstring = g_string_new("");
g_string_append_printf(gstring, "Plugin: %s", pluginwin->tag);
char* res = gstring->str;
g_string_free(gstring, FALSE);
return res;
return g_string_free(gstring, FALSE);
@ -2320,7 +2314,5 @@ win_quote_autocomplete(ProfWin* window, const char* const input, gboolean previo
result = replace_with->str;
g_string_free(replace_with, FALSE);
return result;
return g_string_free(replace_with, FALSE);
@ -214,22 +214,18 @@ p_contact_name_or_jid(const PContact contact)
p_contact_create_display_string(const PContact contact, const char* const resource)
GString* result_str = g_string_new("");
gchar* result;
// use nickname if exists
const char* display_name = p_contact_name_or_jid(contact);
g_string_append(result_str, display_name);
// add resource if not default provided by profanity
if (strcmp(resource, "__prof_default") != 0) {
g_string_append(result_str, " (");
g_string_append(result_str, resource);
g_string_append(result_str, ")");
result = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s)", display_name, resource);
} else {
result = g_strdup_printf("%s", display_name);
char* result = result_str->str;
g_string_free(result_str, FALSE);
return result;
@ -572,12 +572,10 @@ iq_send_caps_request_legacy(const char* const to, const char* const id,
GString* node_str = g_string_new("");
g_string_printf(node_str, "%s#%s", node, ver);
xmpp_stanza_t* iq = stanza_create_disco_info_iq(ctx, id, to, node_str->str);
gchar* node_str = g_strdup_printf("%s#%s", node, ver);
xmpp_stanza_t* iq = stanza_create_disco_info_iq(ctx, id, to, node_str);
iq_id_handler_add(id, _caps_response_legacy_id_handler, g_free, node_str->str);
g_string_free(node_str, FALSE);
iq_id_handler_add(id, _caps_response_legacy_id_handler, g_free, node_str);
@ -749,9 +749,7 @@ muc_autocomplete(ProfWin* window, const char* const input, gboolean previous)
g_string_append(replace_with, ": ");
result = replace_with->str;
g_string_free(replace_with, FALSE);
return result;
return g_string_free(replace_with, FALSE);
@ -188,10 +188,7 @@ roster_get_display_name(const char* const barejid)
g_string_append(result, barejid);
char* result_str = result->str;
g_string_free(result, FALSE);
return result_str;
return g_string_free(result, FALSE);
@ -223,10 +220,7 @@ roster_get_msg_display_name(const char* const barejid, const char* const resourc
g_string_append(result, resource);
char* result_str = result->str;
g_string_free(result, FALSE);
return result_str;
return g_string_free(result, FALSE);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user