/* .-. | ' '._.HECKERS Authored by abakh No rights are reserved and this software comes with no warranties of any kind to the extent permitted by law. Compile with -lncurses */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LIGHT -1 #define DARK 1 #define KING 2 #define DOESNT_MATTER 1 #define IMAGINARY 0 #define NORMAL 1 #define ALT_IMG 2 #define ALT_NRM 3 #define WIN 100000 typedef signed char byte; byte py,px;//cursor byte cy,cx;//selected(choosen) piece int dpt; byte game[8][8]; byte computer[2]={0,0}; byte score[2];//set by header() bool endgame=false; byte jumpagainy , jumpagainx; bool kinged;//if a piece jumps over multiple others and becomes a king it cannot continue jumping bool in(byte A[4],byte B[4],byte a,byte b){ for(byte c=0;c<4;++c) if(A[c]==a && B[c]==b) return true; return false; } void rectangle(byte sy,byte sx){ byte y,x; for(y=0;y<=8+1;++y){ mvaddch(sy+y,sx,ACS_VLINE); mvaddch(sy+y,sx+8*2,ACS_VLINE); } for(x=0;x<=8*2;++x){ mvaddch(sy,sx+x,ACS_HLINE); mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx+x,ACS_HLINE); } mvaddch(sy,sx,ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx,ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(sy,sx+8*2,ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx+8*2,ACS_LRCORNER); } void header(void){ score[0]=score[1]=0; byte y,x; for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ if(game[y][x]){ if(game[y][x]<0) score[0]++; else score[1]++; } } } mvprintw(0,0," .-."); mvprintw(1,0,"| ' %2d:%2d",score[0],score[1]); mvprintw(2,0,"'._,HECKERS "); } void draw(byte sy,byte sx){//the game's board rectangle(sy,sx); chtype ch ; byte y,x; for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ ch=A_NORMAL; if(y==py && x==px) ch |= A_STANDOUT; if(y==cy && x==cx) ch |= A_BOLD; if(game[y][x]){ if(game[y][x]<0){ if(has_colors()) ch|=COLOR_PAIR(1); else ch |= A_UNDERLINE; } if(abs(game[y][x])<2) ch |='O'; else ch |='K'; } else if( (y%2) != (x%2) ) ch|='.'; else ch|=' '; mvaddch(sy+1+y,sx+x*2+1,ch); } } } //place the pieces on the board void fill(void){ byte y,x; for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ game[y][x]=0; if( (y%2) != (x%2)){ if(y<3) game[y][x]=1; if(y>4) game[y][x]=-1; } } } } //fill mvy/x with possible moves bool moves(byte ty,byte tx,byte mvy[4],byte mvx[4]){ bool ret=0; byte ndx=0; byte t= game[ty][tx]; move(15,0); byte dy,dx; for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){ for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){ if( !dy || !dx || (!ty && dy<0) || (!tx && dx<0) || (dy==-t) || (ty+dy>=8) || (tx+dx>=8) ) ; else if(!game[ty+dy][tx+dx]){ ret=1; mvy[ndx]=ty+dy; mvx[ndx]=tx+dx; ++ndx; } else ++ndx; } } return ret; } //would be much faster than applying moves() on every tile bool can_move(byte side){ byte y , x ,t, dy , dx; for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ if( (t=game[y][x])*side > 0 ){ for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){ for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){ if( !dy || !dx || (!y && dy<0) || (!x && dx<0) || (dy==-t) || (y+dy>=8) || (x+dx>=8) ) ; else if( !game[y+dy][x+dx] ) return 1; } } } } } return 0; } //fill mvy/x with possible jumping moves bool jumps(byte ty,byte tx,byte mvy[4],byte mvx[4]){ bool ret=0; byte ndx=0; byte ey,ex; byte t= game[ty][tx]; byte dy,dx; for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){ for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){ ey = dy*2; ex = dx*2; if(!dy || !dx ||(dy==-t)|| (ty+ey<0) || (tx+ex<0) || (ty+ey>=8) || (tx+ex>=8) ) ; else if(!game[ty+ey][tx+ex] && game[ty+dy][tx+dx]*t<0){ ret=1; mvy[ndx]=ty+ey; mvx[ndx]=tx+ex; ++ndx; } else ++ndx; } } return ret; } //same as can_move for jumps byte can_jump(byte ty,byte tx){ byte dy,dx,t=game[ty][tx]; byte ey,ex; byte ret=0; for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){ for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){ ey=dy*2; ex=dx*2; if((dy==-t)||(ty+ey<0)||(tx+ex<0)||(ty+ey>=8)||(tx+ex>=8) ) ; else if(!game[ty+dy*2][tx+dx*2]&&game[ty+dy][tx+dx]*t<0){ ++ret; if(ret>1) return ret; } } } return ret; } //see if the side is forced to do a jump byte forced_jump(byte side){ byte y,x; byte foo,ret; foo=ret=0; for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ if(game[y][x]*side>0 && (foo=can_jump(y,x)) ) ret+=foo; if(ret>1) return ret; } } return ret; } byte cmove(byte fy,byte fx,byte sy,byte sx){//really move/jump , 'move' is a curses function byte a = game[fy][fx]; byte ret=0; game[fy][fx]=0; game[sy][sx]=a; if(abs(fy-sy) == 2){ ret =game[(fy+sy)/2][(fx+sx)/2]; game[(fy+sy)/2][(fx+sx)/2]=0; } return ret; } //make the pawn a king bool king(byte y,byte x){ byte t= (4-y)*game[y][x]; if( (y==7 || !y) && t<0 && t>-5 ){ game[y][x]*=2; return 1; } return 0; } double advantage(byte side){ unsigned char own,opp; own=opp=0; byte foo; byte y,x; for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ foo=game[y][x]*side; if(foo>0){ ++own;//so it wont sacrfice two pawns for a king ( 2 kings == 3 pawns) own+=foo; } else if(foo<0){ ++opp; opp-=foo; } } } if(!own) return 0; else if(!opp) return WIN; else return (double)own/opp; } double posadvantage(byte side){ double adv=0; double oppadv=0; byte foo; byte y,x; byte goal= (side>0)*7 , oppgoal=(side<0)*7; /*This encourages the AI to king its pawns and concentrate its kings in the center. The idea is : With forces concentrated in the center, movements to all of the board would be in the game tree's horizon of sight(given enough depth); and with forces being focused , its takes less movements to make an attack. */ for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ foo=game[y][x]*side; if(foo>0){ adv+=foo; ++adv; if(foo==1) adv+= 1/( abs(y-goal) );//adding positional value else if(foo==2) adv+= 1/( fabs(y-3.5)+ fabs(x-3.5) ); } else if( foo<0 ){ oppadv-=foo; ++oppadv; if(foo==-1) adv+=1/( abs(y-oppgoal) ); else if(foo==-2) adv+= 1/( fabs(y-3.5)+ fabs(x-3.5) ); } } } if(!adv) return 0; else if( !oppadv ) return WIN; else return adv/oppadv; return adv; } //the AI algorithm double decide(byte side,byte depth,byte s){//s is the type of move, it doesn't stand for anything byte fj=forced_jump(side);//only one legal jump if returns 1 byte nextturn; byte mvy[4],mvx[4]; byte n; bool didking; byte captured; double adv=0; byte toy,tox; byte y,x; double wrstadv=WIN+1; double bestadv=0; byte besttoy,besttox; byte besty,bestx; bestx=besty=besttox=besttoy=-100; bool canmove=0; byte nexts ; if(s == IMAGINARY || s == NORMAL ) nexts=IMAGINARY; else nexts=ALT_IMG; for(y=0;y<8;++y){ for(x=0;x<8;++x){ if(fj && (s==NORMAL || s==ALT_NRM) && jumpagainy>=0 && (jumpagainy!=y || jumpagainx!=x) ) continue; if(game[y][x]*side>0){ canmove=0; memset(mvy,-1,4); memset(mvx,-1,4); if(fj) canmove=jumps(y,x,mvy,mvx); else canmove=moves(y,x,mvy,mvx); if(canmove){ for(n=0;n<4;++n){ if(mvy[n] != -1){//a real move toy=mvy[n]; tox=mvx[n]; captured=cmove(y,x,toy,tox);//do the imaginary move if(fj && can_jump(toy,tox) ) //its a double jump nextturn=side; else nextturn=-side; didking=king(toy,tox); //see the advantage you get if(fj==1 && (s==ALT_NRM || s==NORMAL) ) adv= DOESNT_MATTER;//you have to do the move anyway else if(!depth){ if(s==IMAGINARY || s==NORMAL)//calculating advantage only based on numerical superiority adv=advantage(side); else adv=posadvantage(side);//taking to account the position of the pieces } else{ if(nextturn==side) adv=decide(nextturn,depth,nexts); else{ //best move is the one that gives least advantage to the opponet adv=decide(nextturn,depth-!fj,nexts); if(adv==WIN) adv=0; else if(adv) adv=1/adv; else adv=WIN; } } //undo the imaginary move if(didking) game[toy][tox]/=2; game[y][x]=game[toy][tox]; game[toy][tox]=0; if(fj) game[(toy+y)/2][(tox+x)/2]=captured; if(besty<0 || adv>bestadv || (adv==bestadv && ( rand()%2 )) ){ besty=y; bestx=x; besttoy=toy; besttox=tox; bestadv=adv; } if(adv= 0 ){ if(endgame && fj!=1 && s==NORMAL && bestadv==wrstadv ){//the algorithm is not given enough depth to determine which move is better if(wrstadv == WIN){//the randomization in the algorithm may cause an illusion of an inevitable win in several moves if(depth > 1) decide(side,depth-1,NORMAL); else goto Move; } else decide(side,depth,ALT_NRM);//change your opinion about what advantage means } else{ Move: cmove(besty,bestx,besttoy,besttox); kinged=king(besttoy,besttox); if(!kinged && can_jump(besttoy,besttox) ){ jumpagainy = besttoy;//so the next player (itself) can only continue the chain of jumps from there jumpagainx = besttox; } else jumpagainy=jumpagainx=-1; } } return bestadv; } //peacefully close when ^C is pressed void sigint_handler(int x){ endwin(); puts("Quit."); exit(x); } void mouseinput(void){ MEVENT minput; #ifdef PDCURSES nc_getmouse(&minput); #else getmouse(&minput); #endif if( minput.y-4 <8 && minput.x-1<16){ py=minput.y-4; px=(minput.x-1)/2; } else return; if(minput.bstate & (BUTTON1_CLICKED|BUTTON1_PRESSED|BUTTON1_RELEASED) ) ungetch('\n'); } void help(void){ erase(); header(); attron(A_BOLD); mvprintw(3,0," **** THE CONTROLS ****"); mvprintw(9,0,"YOU CAN ALSO USE THE MOUSE!"); attroff(A_BOLD); mvprintw(4,0,"RETURN/ENTER : Select or move the piece"); mvprintw(5,0,"SPACE : Flag/Unflag"); mvprintw(6,0,"hjkl/ARROW KEYS : Move cursor"); mvprintw(7,0,"q : quit"); mvprintw(8,0,"F1 & F2 : Help on controls & gameplay"); mvprintw(11,0,"Press a key to continue"); refresh(); getch(); erase(); } void gameplay(void){ erase(); header(); attron(A_BOLD); mvprintw(3,0," **** THE GAMEPLAY ****"); attroff(A_BOLD); move(4,0); printw("1) The game starts with each player having 12 men;\n"); printw(" men can only diagonally move forwards \n"); printw(" (toward the opponet's side).\n\n"); printw("2) Men can become kings by reaching the opponet's \n"); printw(" first rank; kings can diagonally move both forwards\n"); printw(" and backwards.\n\n"); printw("3) Pieces can capture opponet's pieces by jumping over them\n"); printw(" also they can capture several pieces at once by doing a\n"); printw(" chain of jumps.\n\n"); printw("4) You have to do a jump if you can.\n\n"); printw("5) A player wins when the opponet can't do a move e. g. \n"); printw(" all of their pieces are captured.\n\n"); refresh(); getch(); erase(); } int main(int argc,char** argv){ dpt=4; if(argc>2){ printf("Usage: %s [AIpower]\n",argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(argc==2){ if(sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&dpt) && dpt<128 && dpt>0) ; else{ puts("That should be a number from 1 to 127."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } initscr(); mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS,NULL); noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr,1); int input ; printw("Dark plays first.\nChoose type of the dark player(H/c)\n" ); refresh(); input=getch(); if(input=='c'){ computer[0]=dpt; printw("Computer.\n"); } else{ computer[0]=0; printw("Human.\n"); } printw("Choose type of the bright player(h/C)\n"); refresh(); input=getch(); if(input=='h'){ computer[1]=0; printw("Human.\n"); } else{ computer[1]=dpt; printw("Computer.\n"); } if(has_colors()){ start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1,COLOR_RED,-1); } signal(SIGINT,sigint_handler); Start: srand(time(NULL)%UINT_MAX); fill(); cy=cx=-1; py=px=0; byte mvy[4],mvx[4]; memset(mvy,-1,4); memset(mvx,-1,4); byte turn=1; bool t=1; bool fj; byte result; byte todraw=0; double adv = 1;//used to determine when the game is a draw double previousadv =1; Turn: curs_set(0); jumpagainy=jumpagainx=-1; kinged=0; turn =-turn; t=!t;//t == turn<0 that's turn in binary/array index format fj = forced_jump(turn); erase(); flushinp(); header(); draw(3,0); if(t){ previousadv=adv; adv= advantage(1) + (score[0]*score[1]);//just taking the dry scores to account too,nothing special if(previousadv==adv) ++todraw; else todraw=0; } if(!score[0] || (turn==-1 && !fj && !can_move(-1))){ result=1; goto End; } else if(!score[1] || (turn==1 && !fj && !can_move(1))){ result=-1; goto End; } else if(todraw==50){ // 50 turns without any gain for either side result=0; goto End; } endgame= score[t]<=5 || score[!t]<=5; draw(3,0); refresh(); while(computer[t]){ mvprintw(13,0,"Thinking..."); refresh(); computer[t]=dpt+ (score[!t] != score[t]) + endgame; decide(turn,computer[t],1); if(!(fj && jumpagainy>=0 && !kinged )){ goto Turn; } } while(1){ erase(); draw(3,0); header(); if(!(computer[0]||computer[1])){ if(t) addstr(" Bright's turn"); else{ attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); addstr(" Dark's turn"); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } } refresh(); input=getch(); if( input == KEY_F(1) || input=='?' ) help(); if( input == KEY_F(2) ) gameplay(); if( input == KEY_MOUSE ) mouseinput(); if( (input=='k' || input==KEY_UP) && py>0) --py; if( (input=='j' || input==KEY_DOWN) && py<7) ++py; if( (input=='h' || input==KEY_LEFT) && px>0) --px; if( (input=='l' || input==KEY_RIGHT) && px<7) ++px; if( input=='q'){ result=2; goto End; } if(input=='\n'){ if(game[py][px]*turn>0){ cy=py; cx=px; memset(mvy,-1,4); memset(mvx,-1,4); if(!fj) moves(py,px,mvy,mvx); jumps(py,px,mvy,mvx); } if( in(mvy,mvx,py,px) && !(jumpagainy>=0 && (cy !=jumpagainy || cx != jumpagainx) ) ){ memset(mvy,-1,4); memset(mvx,-1,4); cmove(cy,cx,py,px); kinged=king(py,px); cy=-1; cx=-1; if( !(fj && can_jump(py,px) && !kinged ) ){ goto Turn; } else{ jumpagainy=py; jumpagainx=px; } } } } End: move(13,0); switch(result){ case -1: printw("The dark side has won the game."); break; case 0: printw("Draw."); break; case 1: printw("The bright side has won the game."); break; case 2: printw("You resigned."); } printw(" Wanna rematch?(y/n)"); curs_set(1); input=getch(); if(result==2){ if (input=='Y' || input=='y') goto Start; } else if(input!='n' && input!='N' && input!= 'q'){ /*byte b=computer[0]; //switch sides, i don't know if it's necessary computer[0]=computer[1]; computer[1]=b;*/ goto Start; } endwin(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }