#include #include #include #include /* _ |_) | \EVERSI Authored by Hossein Bakhtiarifar No rights are reserved and this software comes with no warranties of any kind to the extent permitted by law. compile with -lncurses */ typedef signed char byte; byte py,px;//cursor const char piece[2] = {'O','X'}; char game[8][8];//main board byte computer[2] = {0,0}; byte score[2];//set by header() void rectangle(byte sy,byte sx){ for(byte y=0;y<=8+1;y++){ mvaddch(sy+y,sx,ACS_VLINE); mvaddch(sy+y,sx+8*2,ACS_VLINE); } for(byte x=0;x<=8*2;x++){ mvaddch(sy,sx+x,ACS_HLINE); mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx+x,ACS_HLINE); } mvaddch(sy,sx,ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx,ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(sy,sx+8*2,ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx+8*2,ACS_LRCORNER); } void header(void){//abuse, used to count the pieces on each side too score[0]=score[1]=0; for(byte y=0;y<8;y++){ for(byte x=0;x<8;x++){ if(game[y][x]){ if(game[y][x]==piece[0]) score[0]++; else score[1]++; } } } mvaddch(0,1, '_'); mvprintw(1,0,"|_) %2d:%2d",score[0],score[1]); mvprintw(2,0,"| \\EVERSI "); } void draw(byte sy,byte sx){//the game's board rectangle(sy,sx); chtype attr ; for(byte y=0;y<8;y++){ for(byte x=0;x<8;x++){ attr=A_NORMAL; if(y==py && x==px) attr |= A_STANDOUT; if(game[y][x]) mvaddch(sy+1+y,sx+x*2+1,attr|game[y][x]); else mvaddch(sy+1+y,sx+x*2+1,attr|'.'); } } } bool can_reverse(byte ty , byte tx,char board[8][8],char piece){//can place a piece there? byte y,x,count; if(board[ty][tx]) return false; for(byte dy=-1;dy<2;dy++){ //changes the direction for(byte dx=-1;dx<2;dx++){ if(dx==0&&dy==0)//it would be itself dx=1; count=0; y=ty+dy; x=tx+dx; while(1){ if(y<0 || y>=8 ||x<0 || x>=8){//reaches edges of the board count=0; break; } if(!board[y][x]){//gap count=0; break; } if(board[y][x]!=piece){ count++; y+=dy; x+=dx; } else break;//same color } if(count) return true; } } return false; } void reverse(byte ty,byte tx,char board[8][8],char piece){//place a piece there board[ty][tx]=piece; byte y,x; for(byte dy=-1;dy<2;dy++){//changes the direction for(byte dx=-1;dx<2;dx++){ if(dy==0 && dx==0) dx=1; y=ty+dy; x=tx+dx; while(1){ if(y<0 || y>=8 || x<0 || x>=8) break; if(!board[y][x]) break; if(board[y][x]!=piece){ y+=dy; x+=dx; } else{ //of same kind while(y!=ty || x!=tx){ //reverse the disks board[y][x]=piece; y-=dy; x-=dx; } break; } } } } } bool can_move(char board[8][8],char piece){//can move at all? for(byte y=0;y<8;y++) for(byte x=0;x<8;x++) if(can_reverse(y,x,board,piece)) return true; return false; } double advantage(char board[8][8],char piece){ double own=0; double opp=0; for(byte y=0;y<8;y++){ for(byte x=0;x<8;x++){ if(board[y][x]){ if(board[y][x]==piece){ own++; if( ((y==7 || y==0)&&(x!=7 && x!=0)) || ((x==7 || x==0)&&(y!=7 && y!=0)) )//edges own+=100; if( (y==7 || y==0)&&(x==7 || x==0) )//corners own+=10000; } else{ opp++; if( ((y==7 || y==0)&&(x!=7 && x!=0)) || ((x==7 || x==0)&&(y!=7 && y!=0)) ) opp+=100; if( (y==7 || y==0)&&(x==7 || x==0) ) opp+=10000; } } } } return own/opp; } void cp(char A[8][8],char B[8][8]){//copy the board A to B for(byte y=0;y<8;y++) for(byte x=0;x<8;x++) B[y][x]=A[y][x]; } double decide(char board[8][8],char piece,char opponet,byte depth){//AI algorithm if(!can_move(board,piece)) return 0; char plan[8][8]; double adv,bestadv; adv=bestadv=0; byte besty,bestx; for(byte y=0;y<8;y++){ for(byte x=0;x<8;x++){ if(can_reverse(y,x,board,piece) ){ cp(board,plan);//backtrack reverse(y,x,plan,piece); if(depth){ adv= decide(plan,opponet,piece,depth-1);//least benefit for the opponet if(adv) //the opponet can make a move adv = 1/adv; else adv=advantage(plan,piece); } else adv=advantage(plan,piece); if(adv>bestadv){ bestadv=adv; besty=y; bestx=x; } } } } reverse(besty,bestx,board,piece);//do the move return bestadv; } //peacefully close when ^C is pressed void sigint_handler(int x){ endwin(); puts("Quit."); exit(x); } void mouseinput(void){ MEVENT minput; #ifdef PDCURSES nc_getmouse(&minput); #else getmouse(&minput); #endif if( minput.y-4 <8 && minput.x-1<16){ py=minput.y-4; px=(minput.x-1)/2; } else return; if(minput.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED) ungetch('\n'); } void help(void){ erase(); header(); attron(A_BOLD); mvprintw(3,0," **** THE CONTROLS ****"); mvprintw(8,0,"YOU CAN ALSO USE THE MOUSE!"); attroff(A_BOLD); mvprintw(4,0,"RETURN/ENTER : Put the piece"); mvprintw(5,0,"hjkl/ARROW KEYS : Move cursor"); mvprintw(6,0,"q : Quit"); mvprintw(7,0,"F1 & F2 : Help on controls & gameplay"); mvprintw(10,0,"Press a key to continue"); curs_set(1); getch(); } void gameplay(void){ erase(); header(); attron(A_BOLD); mvprintw(3,0," **** THE GAMEPLAY ****"); attroff(A_BOLD); move(4,0); printw("Players take turns placing disks on the board:\n\n"); printw("1) Any pieces of the opponet's color that is bounded\n"); printw(" in a straight line between the piece just placed and\n"); printw(" another piece of the current player's color would turn\n"); printw(" to the current player's color.\n\n"); printw("2) You can only put pieces if at least one of your \n"); printw(" opponet's pieces turns into your color.\n\n"); printw("3) The game ends when neither side can do a move and\n"); printw(" the player with more pieces wins.\n"); getch(); } int main(int argc , char** argv){ int depth=2; if(argc>2){ printf("Usage:%s [AIpower]",argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(argc==2){ if(sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&depth) && depth<128 && 0=2)//both sides cant move, the game ends goto End; turn = !turn; if(computer[turn]){ if(can_move(game,piece[turn])){ mvprintw(13,0,"Thinking..."); refresh(); decide(game,piece[turn],piece[!turn],computer[turn]); cantmove=0; } else cantmove++; goto Turn; } if(!can_move(game,piece[turn])){ cantmove++; goto Turn; } else{ cantmove=0; while(1){ //human control erase(); draw(3,0); header(); if(!(computer[0]||computer[1])) mvprintw(0,5,"%c's turn",piece[turn]); refresh(); input=getch(); if( input==KEY_F(1) || input=='?' ) help(); if( input==KEY_F(2) ) gameplay(); if( input==KEY_MOUSE ) mouseinput(); if( (input=='k' || input==KEY_UP) && py>0) py--; if( (input=='j' || input==KEY_DOWN) && py<7) py++; if( (input=='h' || input==KEY_LEFT) && px>0) px--; if( (input=='l' || input==KEY_RIGHT) && px<7) px++; if( input=='q'){ resign=1; goto End; } if(input=='\n'){ if(can_reverse(py,px,game,piece[turn])){ reverse(py,px,game,piece[turn]); goto Turn; } } } } End: if(resign) mvprintw(13,0,"You resigned."); else if(score[0]==score[1]) mvprintw(13,0,"Draw!!"); else if(score[0] > score[1]) mvprintw(13,0,"'%c' won.",piece[0]); else mvprintw(13,0,"'%c' won.",piece[1]); printw(" Wanna play again?(y/n)"); curs_set(1); input=getch(); if( resign){ if (input=='Y' || input=='y') goto Start; } else if(input != 'N' && input != 'n' && input != 'q') goto Start; endwin(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }