2021-05-03 19:05:13 -04:00
.\" generated with Ronn-NG/v0.8.0
.\" http://github.com/apjanke/ronn-ng/tree/0.8.0
.TH "CHECKERS" "" "May 2021" "" ""
2021-08-04 18:59:10 -04:00
\fBcheckers, nbcheckers\fR
2021-05-03 19:05:13 -04:00
RETURN/ENTER : Select or move the piece
hjkl/ARROW KEYS : Move cursor
q : quit
F1 & F2 : Help on controls & gameplay
1) The game starts with each player having 12 men;
men can only diagonally move forwards
(toward the opponet\'s side)\.
2) Men can become kings by reaching the opponet\'s
first rank; kings can diagonally move both forwards
and backwards\.
3) Pieces can capture opponet\'s pieces by jumping over them
also they can capture several pieces at once by doing a
chain of jumps\.
4) You have to do a jump if you can\.
5) A player wins when the opponet can\'t do a move e\. g\.
all of their pieces are captured\.