
     -4, -6: specify explicitly whether to use IPv4 or IPv6 address
     -ssl: use SSL when connecting
     -ssl_cert: The SSL client certificate file (implies -ssl)
     -ssl_pkey: The SSL client private key (if not included in the certificate file)
     -ssl_verify: Verify servers SSL certificate
     -ssl_cafile: File with list of CA certificates (implies -ssl_verify)
     -ssl_capath: Directory with CA certificates (implies -ssl_verify)
     -auto: Automatically connect to server at startup (default)
     -noauto: Don't connect to server at startup
     -network: Specify what IRC network this server belongs to
     -ircnet: Same as -network. Deprecated. Do not use
     -host: Specify what host name to use, if you have multiple
     -!: don't autojoin channels
     -cmdspeed: Same as /SET cmd_queue_speed, see section 3.1
     -cmdmax: Same as /SET cmd_max_at_once, see section 3.1
     -port: This is pretty much like the port argument later, 
            except this can be used to modify existing server's 

/SERVER disconnects the server in active window and connects 
to the new one. It will take the same arguments as /CONNECT. 
If you prefix the address with the + character, Irssi won't 
disconnect the active server, and it will create a new window 
where the server is connected (ie. /window new hide;
/connect address)

/SERVER without any arguments displays the list of connected 

/SERVER REMOVE <address> [<port>]


/SERVER PURGE [<target>] 

Clears the server send queue. Useful if, for example, you accidentally paste lots of text to a channel.