Syntax: @SYNTAX:ban@ Parameters: -normal: Uses the *!*user@* format. -user: Uses the *!*user@* format. -host: Uses the *!* format. -domain: Uses the *!*@* format. -custom: Uses the custom format. A channel and the nicknames or hostnames to ban. If no arguments are given the bans in the active channel are displayed. If no ban format parameter is given, the value of the ban_type setting will be used to generate the hostmask to ban. Description: Adds one or more bans to a channel. Configuring the custom format: You must set the custom ban_type to the format you would like to use. For example, if you set the custom ban_type to "nick domain", it will generate a ban based on the nick!*@* format. Examples: /BAN mike /BAN -host bob /BAN *!*@* /BAN -domain sarah /SET ban_type custom nick domain /SET ban_type custom user host See also: KICKBAN, KNOCKOUT