#!/bin/sh # Run this to create a distribution tarball from a git checkout set -e PKG_NAME="Irssi" repo_root="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" dist_tmp="$repo_root/${PKG_NAME}-Dist" if [ -z "$repo_root" ]; then echo "**Error**: ${PKG_NAME} make-dist.sh must be run in a git clone, cannot proceed." exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$repo_root"/irssi.conf ]; then echo -n "**Error**: Directory \`$repo_root' does not look like the" echo " top-level $PKG_NAME directory" exit 1 fi cd "$repo_root" ./utils/check-perl-hash.sh if [ -f pyproject.toml ] || [ -f setup.cfg ]; then echo "**Error**: ${PKG_NAME} make-dist.sh cannot be run in Dist directory, cannot proceed." exit 1 fi rm -fr "$dist_tmp" echo "Cloning to \`$dist_tmp'..." git clone --quiet --no-local "$repo_root" "$dist_tmp" cd "$dist_tmp" if [ ! -f meson.build ]; then echo "**Error**: ${PKG_NAME} make-dist.sh could not find meson.build, cannot proceed." exit 1 fi name=$(perl -0777 -n -e "m{project\\(\\s*'(.*?)'}s and print \$1 and exit" meson.build) version=$(perl -0777 -n -e "m{project\\(.*?,\\s*version\\s*:\\s*'(.*?)'}s and print \$1 and exit" meson.build) if [ -z "$name" ] || [ -z "$version" ]; then echo "**Error**: ${PKG_NAME} make-dist.sh could not find either name or version, cannot proceed." exit 1 fi git log > ChangeLog cat <pyproject.toml [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" PYPROJECT_TOML cat <setup.cfg [metadata] name = $name version = $version url = https://irssi.org/ maintainer = The Irssi team maintainer_email = @ license = GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+) [check-manifest] ignore = pyproject.toml $(perl -a -l -n -e '$F[0] eq "#" and $F[1] eq "ignore" and print " @F[2..$#F]"' MANIFEST.in) SETUP_CFG if command -v check-manifest >/dev/null; then echo "Checking MANIFEST.in..." check-manifest --ignore ChangeLog else echo "**Warning**: check-manifest not found, did not check MANIFEST.in" fi echo "Creating sdist..." python3 -W ignore -c 'from setuptools import *;setup()' --quiet sdist --formats=tar tar --delete --file "dist/$name-$version.tar" \ "$name-$version/setup.cfg" \ "$name-$version/pyproject.toml" \ "$name-$version/$name.egg-info" \ "$name-$version/PKG-INFO" echo "Zipping..." xz -k "dist/$name-$version.tar" gzip -k "dist/$name-$version.tar" mv -v dist/*.tar.* "$repo_root" cd "$repo_root" # rm -fr "$dist_tmp"