%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:ignore@ %9Parameters:%9 -regexp: Indicates that the pattern is a regular expression. -full: Indicates that the pattern must match a full word. -pattern: The text pattern to ignore. -except: Negates the ignore. -replies: Also ignore nicknames who are talking to anyone who matches the ignore. -network: Ignores only on a specific network. -channels: Ignores only on specific channels. -time: The timeout to automatically remove the ignore. The mask, channels and levels to ignore; if no argument is provided, the list of ignores will be displayed. %9Description:%9 Ignores nicknames or text that matches a pattern. The special level 'NO_ACT' can be used to ignore activity in the statusbar without actually ignoring the message; this behavior is somewhat special because it is allowed in addition to other ignores for the same target. %9Examples:%9 /IGNORE /IGNORE * JOINS /IGNORE * CTCPS /IGNORE -except *!*@*.irssi.org CTCPS /IGNORE #irssi ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONS /IGNORE -replies *!*@*.irssi.org ALL /IGNORE -regexp -pattern (away|gone|back|playing|returned) * ACTIONS /IGNORE *zzz* NICKS /IGNORE *afk* NICKS /IGNORE *away* NICKS /IGNORE #irssi NO_ACT JOINS PARTS QUITS /IGNORE mike NO_ACT -MSGS /IGNORE -regexp -pattern /IGNORE mike NO_ACT -MSGS %9See also:%9 ACCEPT, SILENCE, UNIGNORE