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Syntax rewrite of U-Z commands

Rewrote the syntax documentation of U-Z commands.
This commit is contained in:
Geert Hauwaerts 2014-08-05 22:00:30 +02:00
parent b9f532568b
commit f0aa2d2049
30 changed files with 480 additions and 207 deletions

View File

@ -38,5 +38,5 @@
/SET ban_type custom nick domain /SET ban_type custom nick domain
/SET ban_type custom user host /SET ban_type custom user host

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@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
@SYNTAX:time@ @SYNTAX:time@
This displays the time of day, local to the server queried (thus, %9Parameters%9
the time returned may not be the same as the client's local time).
If the server name is omitted, the client's current server is used. The channel or the nickname; if no argument is given, the active server
If a nickname is given, that client's server is queried. will be used.
Same as /DATE. %9Description:%9
Displays the local time of a server or the server the target user is
connected to.
/TIME mike
/TIME ircsource.irssi.org
%9See also:%9 MAP, TRACE, WHOIS

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@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
@SYNTAX:toggle@ @SYNTAX:toggle@
/TOGGLE <key> behaves like /SET <key> TOGGLE. /TOGGLE also %9Parameters%9
accepts arguments ON and OFF when /TOGGLE behaves exactly
like /SET.
Remember that changes are not saved until you use /SAVE! The setting to modify and the new value; if no value is given, its oposite
will be used.
See also: SET %9Description:%9
Modifies a setting to its counter value; you can also give ON or OFF as a
/TOGGLE resolve_prefer_ipv6
/TOGGLE channels_rejoin_unavailable ON
%9See also:%9 SET

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@ -1,8 +1,25 @@
@SYNTAX:topic@ @SYNTAX:topic@
-delete - Deletes the topic. %9Parameters%9
Shows or/and changes the topic of the current or specified -delete: Removes the topic.
The channel and topic; if no channel is given, the active channel will be
used. If no argument is given, the current topic will be displayed.
Displays or modifies the topic of a channel.
/TOPIC The robots are taking over!
/TOPIC -delete #irssi
/TOPIC #shakespeare /bb|[^b]{2}/

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@ -1,12 +1,25 @@
@SYNTAX:trace@ @SYNTAX:trace@
Without a specified server TRACE shows the current connections on %9Parameters%9
the local server. If you specify a remote server it will show
all servers between your current server and that remote server
as well as the connections on that remote server. With a nick it
shows the servers in between and information about that nick.
On some servers, TRACE shows information such as IP addresses The channel or the nickname; if no argument is given, the active server
and idle times. will be used.
Displays the list of servers and users connects to a server, or a list of
the servers between yourself and the target user.
This command is usually restricted to IRC operators.
/TRACE mike
/TRACE ircsource.irssi.org
%9See also:%9 MAP, TIME, WHOIS

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@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
Shows topics of all channels you're on. %9Description:%9
See also: CHANNEL, TOPIC Displays a list of the channels you are on and their topics.
%9See also:%9 JOIN, TOPIC

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@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
@SYNTAX:unalias@ @SYNTAX:unalias@
Removes an alias. %9Parameters%9
See also: ALIAS The name of the alias.
Removes an alias.
%9See also:%9 ALIAS

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@ -1,13 +1,45 @@
@SYNTAX:unban@ @SYNTAX:unban@
Removes the specified ban(s) from the channel. %9Parameters:%9
Examples: -normal: Uses the *!*user@*.domain.tld format.
/UNBAN *!*@*.fi -user: Uses the *!*user@* format.
/UNBAN larry!*@* *!me@*.mydomain.net -host: Uses the *!*@host.domain.tld format.
/UNBAN 3 - removes 3rd ban in list -domain: Uses the *!*@*.domain.tld format.
/UNBAN -first - removes 1st ban (equal to /UNBAN 1) -custom: Uses the custom format.
/UNBAN -last - removes last ban in list -first: Removes the first ban from the list.
See also: BAN, KNOCKOUT -last: Removes the last ban from the list.
A channel and the nicknames, hostnames or ban identifier to unban; if no
channel is given, the active channel will be used.
If no ban format parameter is given, the value of the ban_type setting will
be used to generate the hostmask to ban.
Removes one or more bans from a channel.
%9Configuring the custom format:%9
You must set the custom ban_type to the format you would like to use. For
example, if you set the custom ban_type to "nick domain", it will generate
a ban based on the nick!*@*.domain.tld format.
/UNBAN mike
/UNBAN -host bob
/UNBAN *!*@*.irssi.org
/UNBAN *!*@*.users.irssi.org *!*@*.staff.irssi.org
/UNBAN -first
/SET ban_type custom nick domain
/SET ban_type custom user host

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@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
@SYNTAX:unignore@ @SYNTAX:unignore@
Unignores the specified userhost mask. If you want to unignore only some %9Parameters:%9
levels, use /IGNORE <mask> -<level>.
See also: IGNORE The ignore identifier or pattern to remove.
Removes an entry from the ignore list.

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@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
@SYNTAX:unload@ @SYNTAX:unload@
Unload a running plugin. List of running plugins can be shown with %9Parameters:%9
See also: LOAD The name of the module to unload.
Removes a module from the memory.
/UNLOAD fish
%9See also:%9 LOAD, SCRIPT

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@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
@SYNTAX:unnotify@ @SYNTAX:unnotify@
Removes an entry from the notify list. %9Parameters:%9
See also: NOTIFY The notify pattern to remove.
Removes an entry from the notify list.
/UNNOTIFY *!*@staff.irssi.org

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@ -1,7 +1,21 @@
@SYNTAX:unquery@ %9Syntax:%9
Removes a query window of specified nick. @SYNTAX:unnotify@
See also: QUERY, SET QUERY %9Parameters:%9
The nickname to close the query for; if no argument is given, the active
query is used.
Closes a query window for a nickname.
%9See also:%9 MSG, QUERY, WINDOW

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@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
@SYNTAX:unsilence@ @SYNTAX:unsilence@
Works only in some IRC networks. %9Parameters:%9
Removes a pattern from your silence list. The silence pattern to remove.
See also: SILENCE %9Description:%9
Removes an entry from the silence list. This command does not work on all
IRC networks.
/UNSILENCE *!*@*.irssi.org

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@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
@SYNTAX:upgrade@ @SYNTAX:upgrade@
Upgrade irssi to new version on-the-fly without disconnecting from %9Parameters:%9
server, so other people won't even notice you quit from IRC. This ONLY
executes the new binary, it does NOT download/compile/whatever irssi.
Warning: This will not work with SSL connections to IRC, you will be The location of the new binary; if no arguments are given, the current
disconnected. binary file is used.
Upgrades to a new version without disconnecting from non-SSL servers; please
bear in mind that it does not download or compile a new version.
/UPGRADE /home/mike/irssi-dev/bin/irssi

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
IRC Operator command. Works only in the Undernet and Open Projects (ircu).
This command works like the PING command (CTCP PING), except
it is used on a server instead of a client. As with PING, it
is used to test the relative distance another server is from
you across the irc network.
See also: RPING, OPER

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@ -1,7 +1,22 @@
@SYNTAX:userhost@ @SYNTAX:userhost@
Shows the user@host, IRC operator (*) and away (-) status of the specified nick. %9Parameters:%9
See also: WHOIS One or more nicknames separated by space.
Displays the user@host for the given nicknames; some common added attributes
are '*' to identify an IRC operator, '-' and '+' to indicate whether the
nickname is AWAY or available.
/USERHOST bob sarah
%9See also:%9 WHOIS

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@ -1,9 +1,22 @@
@SYNTAX:ver@ @SYNTAX:ver@
Sends a CTCP VERSION request to a nick or channel. %9Parameters:%9
This is used to find out which client and/or
script the nick is using.
See also: CTCP A nickname, channel or the wildcard character '*'.
Send a CTCP VERION request to the target nickname, channel or to all the
users on the channel.
/VER *
/VER #irssi
/VER mike
%9See also:%9 CTCP

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@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
@SYNTAX:version@ @SYNTAX:version@
Shows the version info of the current or specified %9Parameters:%9
IRC server.
See also: ADMIN, STATS A nickname or server; if no argument is given, the active server is used.
Displays the version and compatibility parameters of the given server, or
for the server the target nickname is on.
/VERSION ircsource.irssi.org
%9See also:%9 ADMIN, STATS

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@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
@SYNTAX:voice@ @SYNTAX:voice@
Gives the voice (+v mode) to the nick(s) on the current channel. %9Parameters:%9
Wildcards in the nick are allowed.
See also: DEVOICE, OP, DEOP A list of nicknames to voice.
Grants the channel voice privileges to the given nicknames; you may use
the wildcard character "*" in a nickname.
/VOICE mike
/VOICE bob sarah
/VOICE jo*n

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@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
@SYNTAX:wait@ @SYNTAX:wait@
Wait for <milliseconds> before sending the next command to server. %9Parameters:%9
This could be useful for example when identifying to NickServ; after The amount of milliseconds.
sending the identify message you'd wait 3 seconds before joining to
channels so any host changes are processed and you can join %9Description:%9
registered-only channels.
Waits the specified amount of milliseconds before sending the next command
to the server.
/WAIT 1000
/WAIT 5000
%9See also:%9 ALIAS

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@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
@SYNTAX:wall@ @SYNTAX:wall@
This command sends a message to all operators in a channel. If the server %9Parameters:%9
supports WALLCHOPS or STATUSMSG=@, it sends a notice to @#channel.
Otherwise it sends a notice separately to each operator, which may not The channel and the message; if no channel is given, the active channel
be a very good idea to use in a channel with lots of operators. will be used.
Sends a message to all channel operators. If the server doesn't support
WALLCHOPS or STATUSMSG it will send a notice to each channel operator
/WALL I'm off for today; take care! :)
/WALL #irssi I'm feeling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious today :D
%9See also:%9 MSG, NOTICE

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@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
@SYNTAX:wallops@ @SYNTAX:wallops@
IRC operator command. %9Parameters:%9
This command sends the given message to everyone on The message to broadcast.
the network who has user mode +w turned on.
Sends a network wide message to all the users which have the usermode 'w'
enabled; this command is restricted to IRC operators.
/WALLOPS Hi everybody!
%9See also:%9 OPER, STATS

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
WATCH %|[[+|-]<nick>][ [+|-]<nick> ...]
Works only in networks using Bahamut ircd.
WATCH is somewhat equal to ISON/NOTIFY, but server-based. With WATCH
server sends status information to client, instead of client sending
ISON's. Therefore WATCH is technically a bit smarter solution than
ISON/NOTIFY. The only disadvantage is your WATCH list not being
"saved". Once you disconnect, your WATCH list will get cleared.
WATCH is based on a nick, and must be prepended with a plus ('+') to be
added to your watch list. A minus sign ('-') will remove an entry from
the list. With no arguments, WATCH returns a list of your WATCH list

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@ -1,31 +1,36 @@
@SYNTAX:who@ @SYNTAX:who@
Without parameters, shows all users and their user infos %9Parameters:%9
on the current channel. If you specify a channel, shows
all users on the given channel.
If you specify an string with wildcards, you will be The channel name or output filter; if no arguments are given, the current
shown all users whose nick, userhost or realname matches channel will be used.
the wildcard expression.
If a channel is secret and you're not on it, you will not %9Description:%9
get any output. Otherwise if you're not on it, you will be
shown only those channel members who do not have the
invisible (+i) mode set.
The flags field has the following meaning: Displays information about users in the specified channel. If you specify a
H - The user is not away (here). filter, all the users whos nick, userhost or realname matches the filter
G - The user is set away (gone). will be returned.
* - The user is an IRC operator.
@ - The user is a channel op in the channel listed.
+ - The user is voiced in the channel listed.
Examples: If the channel is secret and you are not on it, you will not receive any
/WHO - Shows users on current channel output.
/WHO #irssi - Shows users on channel #irssi
/WHO timo* - Shows users whose nick, userhost,
or realname begins with string 'timo'
See also: WHOIS, NAMES, CHANNEL Common flags:
H: The user is available.
G: The user is away.
*: The user is an IRC operator.
@: The user is a channel operator.
+: The user is a channel voice.
/WHO #irssi
/WHO bob
/WHO sar*

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@ -1,15 +1,30 @@
@SYNTAX:whois@ @SYNTAX:whois@
Shows whois information of the specified nick. %9Parameters:%9
By default, this is aliased to /WI.
/WHOIS nick1 nick1 also queries the idle time of -<server tag>: The server tag the target nickname is on.
the user. This is aliased to /WII by default.
If given nick is not in the IRC, irssi automatically The remote server to query and the nicknames; if no remote server is given,
sends a WHOWAS query. Read carefully the reply to see the server you are connected to will be used. If no nickname is given, you
if it is a WHOIS or WHOWAS reply. will query yourself.
See also: WHO, CHANNEL %9Description:%9
Displays information about users in the specified channel; you may give the
same nickname as the argument twice to also query the idle time.
If the nickname is not online, the WHOWAS command will be automatically
/WHOIS mike
/WHOIS ircsource.irssi.org bob
/WHOIS sarah sarah

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@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
@SYNTAX:whowas@ @SYNTAX:whowas@
This command is similar to WHOIS, except it returns information %9Parameters:%9
about nicknames that were recently in use. Like WHOIS, it shows
the nickname, address, real name, and server. It may also return
multiple entries if the nickname has been used recently by several
people. These multiples may be limited by specifying a count to show.
WHOWAS will work regardless of whether the queried nick is in use. The nicknames, the maximum amount of results and the remote server. If no
If no arguments are given, the client's current nickname is used. arguments are given, your own nickname will be used. If no remote server is
given, the server you are connected to will be used.
Example: To show the last 5 users of the nickname JoeBob: %9Description:%9
/whowas joebob 5 Displays historical user information.
/WHOWAS mike
/WHOWAS bob 10
/WHOWAS sarah 5 ircsource.irssi.org

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@ -1,46 +1,71 @@
@SYNTAX:window@ @SYNTAX:window@
This command includes various subcommands for handling %9Parameters:%9
irssi windows.
/WINDOW CLOSE LOG: Modifies the logging status.
- Closes the current window. LOGFILE: Modifies the location to the logfile.
/WINDOW MOVE #NUMBER|LEFT|RIGHT NEW: Creates a new window.
- Moves current window to another position in the CLOSE: Closes a window.
window list. REFNUM: Go to the window with the given number.
/WINDOW GOTO #NUMBER GOTO: Go to the window with the given nickname, channel or number.
- Moves into the specified window. NEXT: Go to the next window.
/WINDOW GOTO ACTIVE LAST: Go to the last window.
- finds the first window with the higest PREVIOUS: Go to the previous window.
activity (msgs to you -> msgs -> rest). Alt-A is LEVEL: Modifies the text levels to display in the window.
the default shortcut key for this IMMORTAL: Modifies the window mortality status.
/WINDOW GOTO #CHANNEL|NICK|=NICK SERVER: Set the active server of the window.
- moves you to the window with the channel, query or ITEM PREV: Go to the previous item in the window.
dcc chat. ITEM NEXT: Go to the next item in the window.
/WINDOW LEVEL [+/-]PUB/MSGS/... ITEM GOTO: Go to the specified nickname, channel or window item number.
- /window level msgs - creates messages window ITEM MOVE: Move the active window item to another window.
- /window level all -msgs - creates status window NUMBER: Move the active window to another position.
/WINDOW NEW [HIDDEN|SPLIT] NAME: Give the window a name.
- creates new hidden/splitted window, HISTORY: Clears the window history buffer.
/WINDOW ITEM MOVE <number>|<name> MOVE PREV: Move the window down.
- with a numeric argument, moves the active window MOVE NEXT: Move the window up.
item of the active window to the window with MOVE FIRST: Move the window to the first position.
refnum <number>. MOVE LAST: Move the window to the last psotion.
with a string argument, moves the window item with MOVE: Move the window.
name <name> to the active window. LIST: List all the windows.
THEME: Applies a theme to the windows.
GROW: Increase the window size when using split windows.
SHRINK: Decrease the window size when using split windows.
SIZE: Modify the window size when using split windows.
BALANCE: Balance the window locations when using split windows.
HIDE: Hide the window when using split windows.
SHOW: Show the window when using split windows.
UP: Go to the window above when using split windows.
DOWN: Go to the window below when using split windows.
LEFT: Go to the previous window.
RIGHT: Go to the next window.
STICK: Make the window sticky.
MOVE LEFT: Move the window to the previous location.
MOVE RIGHT: Move the window to the next location.
MOVE UP: Move the window up when using split windows.
MOVE DOWN: Move the window down when using split windows.
Window logging Add the required arguments for the given command.
/WINDOW LOG ON|OFF|TOGGLE [<filename>] %9Description:%9
- Start/stop logging the active window. This works exactly like
/LOG OPEN -window.
/WINDOW LOGFILE <filename>
- Sets the default log file to use in the window, it can be
overridden by specifying the file name in /WINDOW LOG.
If no file name is given, Irssi defaults to
~/irc.log.<windowname> or ~/irc.log.Window<ref#> if window
doesn't have a name.
See also: SET CREATE, JOIN, QUERY, LOG, LEVELS Manipulates the window layout and positioning attributes.
/WINDOW LOG ON ~/logs/debug.log
/WINDOW LOGFILE ~/logs/notices.log
%9See also:%9 JOIN, LEVELS, LOG, QUERY

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
With this you can join multiple channels in same
window. This command does the same as /JOIN but
it doesn't create a new window for the channel joined.
See also: JOIN, WINDOW

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Starts a query in the current window without
opening a new window.

View File

@ -1012,8 +1012,6 @@ void irc_commands_init(void)
command_bind_irc("restart", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self); command_bind_irc("restart", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self);
/* SYNTAX: SQUIT <server>|<mask> <reason> */ /* SYNTAX: SQUIT <server>|<mask> <reason> */
command_bind_irc("squit", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_2self); command_bind_irc("squit", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_2self);
/* SYNTAX: UPING <server> */
command_bind_irc("uping", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self);
/* SYNTAX: USERHOST <nicks> */ /* SYNTAX: USERHOST <nicks> */
command_bind_irc("userhost", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self); command_bind_irc("userhost", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self);
command_bind_irc("quote", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_quote); command_bind_irc("quote", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_quote);
@ -1081,7 +1079,6 @@ void irc_commands_deinit(void)
command_unbind("oper", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_oper); command_unbind("oper", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_oper);
command_unbind("restart", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self); command_unbind("restart", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self);
command_unbind("squit", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_2self); command_unbind("squit", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_2self);
command_unbind("uping", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self);
command_unbind("userhost", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self); command_unbind("userhost", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_self);
command_unbind("quote", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_quote); command_unbind("quote", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_quote);
command_unbind("wall", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_wall); command_unbind("wall", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_wall);