From cf436bdaf5d3f52e8b8249604872050a557d8346 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Timo Sirainen Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 19:05:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] removed spaces inside

git-svn-id: dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
 docs/startup-HOWTO.html | 302 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 150 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/startup-HOWTO.html b/docs/startup-HOWTO.html
index 5700d9f0..56008634 100644
--- a/docs/startup-HOWTO.html
+++ b/docs/startup-HOWTO.html
@@ -67,41 +67,41 @@ weird non-VT compatible terminal (you most probably aren't), just

-     /SET term_force_colors ON
+/SET term_force_colors ON

I don't like automatic query windows, I don't like status window, I do like msgs window where all messages go:

-     /SET autocreate_own_query OFF
-     /SET autocreate_query_level DCCMSGS
-     /SET use_status_window OFF
-     /SET use_msgs_window ON
+/SET autocreate_own_query OFF
+/SET autocreate_query_level DCCMSGS
+/SET use_status_window OFF
+/SET use_msgs_window ON

Disable automatic window closing when /PARTing channel or /UNQUERYing query:

-     /SET autoclose_windows OFF
-     /SET reuse_unused_windows ON
+/SET autoclose_windows OFF
+/SET reuse_unused_windows ON

Here's the settings that make irssi work exactly like ircII in window management (send me a note if you can think of more):

-     /SET autocreate_own_query OFF
-     /SET autocreate_query_level NONE
-     /SET use_status_window OFF
-     /SET use_msgs_window OFF
-     /SET reuse_unused_windows ON
-     /SET windows_auto_renumber OFF
+/SET autocreate_own_query OFF
+/SET autocreate_query_level NONE
+/SET use_status_window OFF
+/SET use_msgs_window OFF
+/SET reuse_unused_windows ON
+/SET windows_auto_renumber OFF
-     /SET autostick_split_windows OFF
-     /SET autoclose_windows OFF
-     /SET print_active_channel ON
+/SET autostick_split_windows OFF
+/SET autoclose_windows OFF
+/SET print_active_channel ON

And example how to add servers:

@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ management (send me a note if you can think of more):

joining channels)

-     /IRCNET ADD -autosendcmd "/^msg nickserv ident pass;wait -opn 2000" opn
+/IRCNET ADD -autosendcmd "/^msg nickserv ident pass;wait -opn 2000" opn

Then add some servers to different networks (ircnet is already set up @@ -118,24 +118,23 @@ for them), is used by default for IRCNet but if it fails, is tried next:

-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet 6667
-     /SERVER ADD -ircnet ircnet 6667
-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet efnet 6667
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet 6667
+/SERVER ADD -ircnet ircnet 6667
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet efnet 6667

Automatically join to channels after connected to server, send op request to bot after joined to efnet/#irssi:

-     /CHANNEL ADD -auto #irssi ircnet
-     /CHANNEL ADD -auto -bots *!* -botcmd "/^msg $0 op pass"
-		  #irssi efnet
+/CHANNEL ADD -auto #irssi ircnet
+/CHANNEL ADD -auto -bots *!* -botcmd "/^msg $0 op pass" #irssi efnet
If you want lines containing your nick to hilight:
-     /HILIGHT nick
+/HILIGHT nick

2. Basic user interface usage

@@ -149,10 +148,10 @@ created every time you /JOIN a channel or /QUERY someone. There's several ways you can change between these windows:

-     Meta-1, Meta-2, .. Meta-0 - Jump directly between windows 1-10
-     Meta-q .. Meta-o          - Jump directly between windows 11-19
-     /WINDOW <number>          - Jump to any window with specified number
-     Ctrl-P, Ctrl-N            - Jump to previous / next window
+Meta-1, Meta-2, .. Meta-0 - Jump directly between windows 1-10
+Meta-q .. Meta-o          - Jump directly between windows 11-19
+/WINDOW <number>          - Jump to any window with specified number
+Ctrl-P, Ctrl-N            - Jump to previous / next window

Clearly the easiest way is to use Meta-number keys. And what is the Meta @@ -161,21 +160,21 @@ it's probably the left Windows key. If they don't work directly, you'll need to set a few X resources (NOTE: these work with both xterm and rxvt):

-     XTerm*eightBitInput:   false
-     XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
+XTerm*eightBitInput:   false
+XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true

With rxvt, you can also specify which key acts as Meta key. So if you want to use ALT instead of Windows key for it, use:

-     rxvt*modifier: alt
+rxvt*modifier: alt

You could do this by changing the X key mappings:

-    xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_L = Meta_L Alt_L"
+xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_L = Meta_L Alt_L"

And how exactly do you set these X resources? For Debian, there's @@ -196,16 +195,16 @@ but I think they should work pretty well now :) Here's some commands related to them:

-     /WINDOW NEW                    - Create new split window
-     /WINDOW NEW HIDE               - Create new hidden window
-     /WINDOW CLOSE                  - Close split or hidden window
+/WINDOW NEW                    - Create new split window
+/WINDOW NEW HIDE               - Create new hidden window
+/WINDOW CLOSE                  - Close split or hidden window
-     /WINDOW HIDE [<number>|<name>] - Make the split window hidden window
-     /WINDOW SHOW <number>|<name>   - Make the hidden window a split window
+/WINDOW HIDE [<number>|<name>] - Make the split window hidden window
+/WINDOW SHOW <number>|<name>   - Make the hidden window a split window
-     /WINDOW SHRINK [<lines>]       - Shrink the split window
-     /WINDOW GROW [<lines>]         - Grow the split window
-     /WINDOW BALANCE                - Balance the sizes of all split windows
+/WINDOW SHRINK [<lines>]       - Shrink the split window
+/WINDOW GROW [<lines>]         - Grow the split window
+/WINDOW BALANCE                - Balance the sizes of all split windows

By default, irssi uses "sticky windowing" for split windows. This means @@ -214,9 +213,9 @@ split window without some effort. For example you could have following window layout:

-     Split window 1: win#1 - Status window, win#2 - Messages window
-     Split window 2: win#3 - ircnet/#channel1, win#4 - ircnet/#channel2
-     Split window 3: win#5 - efnet/#channel1, win#6 - efnet/#channel2
+Split window 1: win#1 - Status window, win#2 - Messages window
+Split window 2: win#3 - ircnet/#channel1, win#4 - ircnet/#channel2
+Split window 3: win#5 - efnet/#channel1, win#6 - efnet/#channel2

When you are in win#1 and press ALT-6, irssi jumps to split window @@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ split window irssi just changes to that split window. This it the way windows work with ircii, if you prefer it you can set it with

-     /SET autostick_split_windows OFF
+/SET autostick_split_windows OFF

Each window can have multiple channels, queries and other "window @@ -237,22 +236,22 @@ items" inside them. If you don't like windows at all, you disable automatic creating of them with

-     /SET autocreate_windows OFF
+/SET autocreate_windows OFF

And if you keep all channels in one window, you most probably want the channel name printed in each line:

-     /SET print_active_channel ON
+/SET print_active_channel ON

If you want to group only some channels or queries in one window, use

-     /JOIN -window #channel
-     /QUERY -window nick
+/JOIN -window #channel
+/QUERY -window nick

3. Server and channel automation

@@ -271,15 +270,15 @@ you're connected to some network, use -autosendcmd option. Here's some examples:

-     /IRCNET ADD -autosendcmd '^msg bot invite' ircnet
-     /IRCNET ADD -autosendcmd "/^msg nickserv ident pass;wait -opn 2000" opn
+/IRCNET ADD -autosendcmd '^msg bot invite' ircnet
+/IRCNET ADD -autosendcmd "/^msg nickserv ident pass;wait -opn 2000" opn

After that you need to add your servers. For example:

-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet 6667
-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet worknet 6667 password
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet 6667
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet worknet 6667 password

The -auto option specifies that this server is @@ -291,9 +290,8 @@ fails.

And finally channels:

-     /CHANNEL ADD -auto -bots *!* -botcmd "/^msg $0 op pass"
-		  #irssi efnet
-     /CHANNEL ADD -auto #secret ircnet password
+/CHANNEL ADD -auto -bots *!* -botcmd "/^msg $0 op pass" #irssi efnet
+/CHANNEL ADD -auto #secret ircnet password

-bots and -botcmd should be the only ones @@ -313,8 +311,8 @@ queries you want. If you want to move the windows or channels around use commands:

-     /WINDOW MOVE LEFT/RIGHT/number    - move window elsewhere
-     /WINDOW ITEM MOVE <number>|<name> - move channel/query to another window
+/WINDOW MOVE LEFT/RIGHT/number    - move window elsewhere
+/WINDOW ITEM MOVE <number>|<name> - move channel/query to another window

When everything looks the way you like, use /LAYOUT SAVE @@ -338,7 +336,7 @@ pretty much all messages that don't clearly belong to some channel or query. Some people like it, some don't. If you want to remove it, use

-     /SET use_status_window OFF
+/SET use_status_window OFF

This doesn't have any effect until you restart irssi. If you want to @@ -349,19 +347,19 @@ messages go. By default it's disabled and query windows are created instead. To make all private messages go to msgs window, say:

-     /SET use_msgs_window ON
-     /SET autocreate_query_level DCCMSGS  (or if you don't want queries to
-					   dcc chats either, say NONE)
+/SET use_msgs_window ON
+/SET autocreate_query_level DCCMSGS  (or if you don't want queries to
+				      dcc chats either, say NONE)

use_msgs_window either doesn't have any effect until restarting irssi. To create it immediately say:

-     /WINDOW NEW HIDE     - create the window
-     /WINDOW NAME (msgs)  - name it to "(msgs)"
-     /WINDOW LEVEL MSGS   - make all private messages go to this window
-     /WINDOW MOVE 1       - move it to first window
+/WINDOW NEW HIDE     - create the window
+/WINDOW NAME (msgs)  - name it to "(msgs)"
+/WINDOW LEVEL MSGS   - make all private messages go to this window
+/WINDOW MOVE 1       - move it to first window

Note that neither use_msgs_window nor use_status_window have any @@ -374,7 +372,7 @@ all sorts of messages with no real classification. You can get a whole list of levels with

-     /HELP levels
+/HELP levels

Status window has message level ALL -MSGS, meaning that all @@ -393,7 +391,7 @@ them to one sigle window if you really want to. That being said, here's how you do connect to new server without closing the old connection:

-     /CONNECT

Instead of the /SERVER which disconnects the existing @@ -401,9 +399,9 @@ connection. To see list of all active connections, use /SERVER without any parameters. You should see a list of something like:

-     -!- IRCNet: (IRCNet)
-     -!- OPN: (OPN)
-     -!- RECON-1: () (02:59 left before reconnecting)
+-!- IRCNet: (IRCNet)
+-!- OPN: (OPN)
+-!- RECON-1: () (02:59 left before reconnecting)

Here you see that we're connected to IRCNet and OPN networks. The @@ -423,13 +421,13 @@ successful and irssi will try to connect it again in 3 minutes.

reconnecting, use

-     /DISCONNECT ircnet   - disconnect server with tag "ircnet"
-     /DISCONNECT recon-1  - stop trying to reconnect to RECON-1 server
-     /RMRECONNS           - stop all server reconnections
+/DISCONNECT ircnet   - disconnect server with tag "ircnet"
+/DISCONNECT recon-1  - stop trying to reconnect to RECON-1 server
+/RMRECONNS           - stop all server reconnections
-     /RECONNECT recon-1   - immediately try reconnecting back to RECON-1
-     /RECONNECT ALL       - immediately try reconnecting back to all
-			    servers in reconnection queue
+/RECONNECT recon-1   - immediately try reconnecting back to RECON-1
+/RECONNECT ALL       - immediately try reconnecting back to all
+		       servers in reconnection queue

Now that you're connected to all your servers, you'll have to know how @@ -438,8 +436,8 @@ empty window, like status or msgs window. In it, you can specify which server to set active with

-     /WINDOW SERVER tag    - set server "tag" active
-     Ctrl-X                - set the next server in list active
+/WINDOW SERVER tag    - set server "tag" active
+Ctrl-X                - set the next server in list active

When the server is active, you can use it normally. When there's @@ -451,9 +449,9 @@ from.

which server it should use:

-     /MSG -tag nick message
-     /JOIN -tag #channel
-     /QUERY -tag nick
+/MSG -tag nick message
+/JOIN -tag #channel
+/QUERY -tag nick

/MSG tab completion also automatically adds the @@ -466,22 +464,22 @@ it is automatically set active in the window. To set the window's server sticky use

-     /WINDOW SERVER -sticky tag
+/WINDOW SERVER -sticky tag

This is useful if you wish to have multiple status or msgs windows, one for each server. Here's how to do them (repeat for each server)

-     /WINDOW NAME (status)
-     /WINDOW SERVER -sticky ircnet
+/WINDOW NAME (status)
+/WINDOW SERVER -sticky ircnet
-     /WINDOW NAME (msgs)
-     /WINDOW SERVER -sticky ircnet
+/WINDOW NAME (msgs)
+/WINDOW SERVER -sticky ircnet

7. /LASTLOG and jumping around in scrollback

@@ -490,9 +488,9 @@ for each server. Here's how to do them (repeat for each server)

scrollback buffer. Simplest usages are

-     /LASTLOG word     - print all lines with "word" in them
-     /LASTLOG word 10  - print last 10 occurances of "word"
-     /LASTLOG -topics  - print all topic changes
+/LASTLOG word     - print all lines with "word" in them
+/LASTLOG word 10  - print last 10 occurances of "word"
+/LASTLOG -topics  - print all topic changes

If there's more than 1000 lines to be printed, irssi thinks that you @@ -500,7 +498,7 @@ probably made some mistake and won't print them without -force option. If you want to save the full lastlog to file, use

-     /LASTLOG -file ~/irc.log
+/LASTLOG -file ~/irc.log

With -file option you don't need -force even @@ -524,8 +522,8 @@ END command.

You can configure it with:

-     /SET awaylog_level MSGS HILIGHT     - Specifies what messages to log
-     /SET awaylog_file ~/.irssi/away.log - Specifies the file to use
+/SET awaylog_level MSGS HILIGHT     - Specifies what messages to log
+/SET awaylog_file ~/.irssi/away.log - Specifies the file to use

Easiest way to start logging with Irssi is to use autologging. With it @@ -533,7 +531,7 @@ Irssi logs all channels and private messages to specified directory. You can turn it on with

-     /SET autolog ON
+/SET autolog ON

By default it logs pretty much everything execept CTCPS or CRAP @@ -541,14 +539,14 @@ You can turn it on with

yourself with

-     /SET autolog_level ALL -CRAP -CLIENTCRAP -CTCPS (this is the default)
+/SET autolog_level ALL -CRAP -CLIENTCRAP -CTCPS (this is the default)

By default irssi logs to ~/irclogs/<servertag>/<target>.log. You can change this with

-     /SET autolog_path ~/irclogs/$tag/$0.log (this is the default)
+/SET autolog_path ~/irclogs/$tag/$0.log (this is the default)

The path is automatically created if it doesn't exist. $0 specifies @@ -557,7 +555,7 @@ logs by adding date/time formats to the file name. The formats are in "man strftime" format. For example

-     /SET autolog_path ~/irclogs/%Y/$tag/$0.%m-%d.log
+/SET autolog_path ~/irclogs/%Y/$tag/$0.%m-%d.log

For logging only some specific channels or nicks, see /HELP @@ -579,18 +577,18 @@ that would be to see what it prints in cat. Here's an example for pressing F1 key:

-     [cras@hurina] ~% cat
-     ^[OP
+[cras@hurina] ~% cat

So in irssi you would use /BIND ^[OP /ECHO F1 pressed. If +

So in irssi you would use /BIND ^[OP /ECHO F1 pressed. If you use multiple terminals which have different bindings for the key, it would be better to use eg.:

-     /BIND ^[OP key F1
-     /BIND ^[11~ key F1
-     /BIND F1 /ECHO F1 pressed.
+/BIND ^[OP key F1
+/BIND ^[11~ key F1
+/BIND F1 /ECHO F1 pressed.

10. Proxies and IRC bouncers

@@ -606,13 +604,13 @@ to servers irc.dalnet and First you'd need to setup the bouncer:

-     /SET use_proxy ON
-     /SET proxy_address
-     /SET proxy_port 5000
+/SET use_proxy ON
+/SET proxy_address
+/SET proxy_port 5000
-     /SET proxy_password YOUR_BNC_PASSWORD_HERE
-     /SET -clear proxy_string
-     /SET proxy_string_after conn %s %d
+/SET -clear proxy_string
+/SET proxy_string_after conn %s %d

Then you'll need to add the server connections. These are done @@ -620,8 +618,8 @@ exactly as if you'd want to connect directly to them. Nothing special about them:

-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet dalnet
-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet efnet
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet dalnet
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet efnet

With the proxy /SETs however, irssi now connects to those @@ -637,9 +635,9 @@ you can just forget that your bouncer even exists.

All proxies have these settings in common:

-     /SET use_proxy ON
-     /SET proxy_address <Proxy host address>
-     /SET proxy_port <Proxy port>
+/SET use_proxy ON
+/SET proxy_address <Proxy host address>
+/SET proxy_port <Proxy port>

HTTP proxy

@@ -647,16 +645,16 @@ you can just forget that your bouncer even exists.

Use these settings with HTTP proxies:

-     /SET -clear proxy_password
-     /EVAL SET proxy_string CONNECT %s:%d\n\n
+/SET -clear proxy_password
+/EVAL SET proxy_string CONNECT %s:%d\n\n


-     /SET proxy_password your_pass
-     /SET -clear proxy_string
-     /SET proxy_string_after conn %s %d
+/SET proxy_password your_pass
+/SET -clear proxy_string
+/SET proxy_string_after conn %s %d


@@ -667,11 +665,11 @@ openprojects connection with opnpass, you would do something like this:

-     /SET -clear proxy_password
-     /SET -clear proxy_string
+/SET -clear proxy_password
+/SET -clear proxy_string
-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet fake.ircnet 6667 ircpass
-     /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet opn fake.opn 6667 opnpass
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet fake.ircnet 6667 ircpass
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet opn fake.opn 6667 opnpass

The server name and port you give isn't used anywhere, so you can @@ -685,13 +683,13 @@ connecting to different servers. You can manage this in a bit same way as with dircproxy, by creating fake connections:

-    /SET -clear proxy_password
-    /SET -clear proxy_string
+/SET -clear proxy_password
+/SET -clear proxy_string
-    /IRCNET ADD -user ircnetuser ircnet
-    /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet fake.ircnet 6667 ircpass
-    /IRCNET ADD -user opnuser opn
-    /SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet opn fake.opn 6667 opnpass
+/IRCNET ADD -user ircnetuser ircnet
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet ircnet fake.ircnet 6667 ircpass
+/IRCNET ADD -user opnuser opn
+/SERVER ADD -auto -ircnet opn fake.opn 6667 opnpass

So, you'll specify the usernames with /IRCNET ADD command, @@ -717,9 +715,9 @@ ports, like you can share ircnet in port 2777 and efnet in port 2778.

Usage in proxy side:

-     /LOAD proxy
-     /SET irssiproxy_password <password>
-     /SET irssiproxy_ports <ircnet>=<port> ... (eg. ircnet=2777 efnet=2778)
+/LOAD proxy
+/SET irssiproxy_password <password>
+/SET irssiproxy_ports <ircnet>=<port> ... (eg. ircnet=2777 efnet=2778)

NOTE: you MUST add all the servers you @@ -728,7 +726,7 @@ are using to server and ircnet lists with /SERVER ADD and reason, and you only use one server connection, you may simply set:

-     /SET irssiproxy_ports *=2777
+/SET irssiproxy_ports *=2777

Usage in client side:

@@ -737,8 +735,8 @@ reason, and you only use one server connection, you may simply set:

specified in /SET irssiproxy_password. For example:

-     /SERVER ADD -ircnet ircnet 2777 secret
-     /SERVER ADD -ircnet efnet 2778 secret
+/SERVER ADD -ircnet ircnet 2777 secret
+/SERVER ADD -ircnet efnet 2778 secret

Irssi proxy works fine with other IRC clients as well.

@@ -755,14 +753,14 @@ proxy
settings don't have anything to do with socks however. give it with:

-     /SET proxy_password <password>
+/SET proxy_password <password>

Irssi's defaults for connect strings are

-     /SET proxy_string CONNECT %s %d
-     /SET proxy_string_after
+/SET proxy_string CONNECT %s %d
+/SET proxy_string_after

The proxy_string is sent before NICK/USER commands, the @@ -933,11 +931,11 @@ of them you might want to change (the default value is shown):

/STATUSBAR displays a list of statusbars:

-     Name                           Type   Placement Position Visible
-     window                         window bottom    0        always
-     window_inact                   window bottom    1        inactive
-     prompt                         root   bottom    100      always
-     topic                          root   top       1        always
+Name                           Type   Placement Position Visible
+window                         window bottom    0        always
+window_inact                   window bottom    1        inactive
+prompt                         root   bottom    100      always
+topic                          root   top       1        always

/STATUSBAR <name> prints the statusbar settings and @@ -954,18 +952,18 @@ useful only with split windows, one split window is active and the rest are inactive. These settings can be changed with:

-     STATUSBAR <name> TYPE window|root
-     STATUSBAR <name> PLACEMENT top|bottom
-     STATUSBAR <name> POSITION <num>
-     STATUSBAR <name> VISIBLE always|active|inactive
+/STATUSBAR <name> TYPE window|root
+/STATUSBAR <name> PLACEMENT top|bottom
+/STATUSBAR <name> VISIBLE always|active|inactive

When loading a new statusbar scripts, you'll need to also specify where you want to show it. Statusbar items can be modified with:

-     STATUSBAR <name> ADD [-before | -after <item>] [-priority #] [-alignment left|right] <item>
-     STATUSBAR <name> REMOVE <item>
+/STATUSBAR <name> ADD [-before | -after <item>] [-priority #] [-alignment left|right] <item>
+/STATUSBAR <name> REMOVE <item>

The item name with statusbar scripts is usually same as the script's