mirror of https://github.com/irssi/irssi.git synced 2024-09-29 04:45:57 -04:00

Syntax documentation rewrite for L-commands

Rewrote the syntax documentation for all commands starting with L.
This commit is contained in:
Geert Hauwaerts 2014-07-07 19:47:51 +02:00
parent 99b629ab20
commit 5e8947a8b0
9 changed files with 198 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
/ALIAS COMEBACK SAY I was hoping for a battle of wits, but you seem to be unarmed.
/ALIAS UNACT SCRIPT EXEC \$_->activity(0) for Irssi::windows

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@ -1,22 +1,37 @@
-clear: remove all lastlog lines from window
-: don't print the "Lastlog:" and "End of Lastlog" messages.
-file: write lastlog to file instead of screen
-window: which window's lastlog to check (output is always to active)
-case: Case-sensitive matching
-force: Force displaying lastlog even if it's longer than 1000 lines
-new: show only lines since last /LASTLOG
-regexp: `text' is a regular expression
-word: `text' must match to full words
-<level>: levels to check (default is all; /help levels for details)
<pattern>: text to search for, or all if empty
<count>: maximum number of lines to show
<start>: skip the last `start' lines
-: Doesn't print the "Lastlog:" and "End of Lastlog" messages.
-file: Output the lastlog to a file instead of the active window.
-window: Specifies the window to check.
-new: Only displays results since the previous lastlog.
-away: Only displays results since you previous away status.
-level: Specifies the levels to check.
-clear: Removes the previous results from the active window.
-count: Displays how many lines match.
-case: Performs a case-sensitive matching.
-regexp: The given text pattern is a regular expression.
-word: The text must match full words.
-force: Forces to display the lastlog, even if it exceeds 1000 lines.
-after: Only displays results after the given line number.
-before: Only displays results before the given line number.
Shows the given number of lines of log from the current window.
The pattern to search for and the maximum of lines to display; if no
parameter is given, the entire window buffer will be displayed.
See also:
Searches the active window for a pattern and displays the result.
/LASTLOG holiday
/LASTLOG "is on vacation"
/LASTLOG -file -force ~/mike.log "mike"

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@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
Saves the current window layout to configuration (yes, you'll still
need to use /SAVE to save the configuration to file). Next time you run
irssi, all the channels and queries are exactly in the same windows
where they were when you called /LAYOUT SAVE.
Channels aren't actually joined in those windows immediately, they're
just marked "next time you join to '#channel' in server that has tag
'ircnet' place it to this window".
SAVE: Saves your layout to the configuration.
RESET: Removes the saved layout from the configuration.
Saves the layout of your window configuration; the next time you connect
to the server, you will join the channels in the same window as before.
This method enables you to keep the same window layout when you start Irssi
the next time.
You will need to use the SAVE command to confirm and commit the changes
into the configuration file.
%9See also:%9 SAVE, WINDOW
/LAYOUT RESET removes the saved layout.

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@ -1,35 +1,40 @@
Message levels (or in short, levels) are used almost everywhere.
They describe what kind of messages we're dealing with. Here's a
list of them all:
CRAP - Can be almost anything
MSGS - Private messages
PUBLIC - Public messages in channel
NOTICES - Notices
SNOTES - Server notices
CTCPS - CTCP messages
ACTIONS - Actions (/me) - usually ORed with PUBLIC or MSGS
JOINS - Someone joins a channel
PARTS - Someone parts a channel
QUITS - Someone quits IRC
KICKS - Someone gets kicked from channel
MODES - Channel mode is changed
TOPICS - Channel topic is changed
WALLOPS - Wallop is received
INVITES - Invite is received
NICKS - Someone changes nick
DCC - DCC related messages
DCCMSGS - DCC chat messages
CLIENTNOTICE - Irssi's notices
CLIENTERROR - Irssi's error messages
CLIENTCRAP - Some other messages from Irssi
And a few special ones that could be included with the
levels above:
These are the message levels that are used throughout Irssi; they describe
what kind of message is displayed.
HILIGHT - Text is highlighted
NOHILIGHT - Don't check highlighting for this message
NO_ACT - Don't trigger channel activity when printing
this message
NEVER - Never ignore or log this message
These are the common levels you can use:
ACTIONS Actions by a nickname.
CLIENTCRAP Irssi's internal messages.
CLIENTERROR Irssi's internal error messages.
CLIENTNOTICE Irssi's internal notices.
CRAP Can be almost anything.
CTCPS CTCP messages.
DCC DCC protocol related messages.
DCCMSGS DCC chat messages.
INVITES An invite is received.
JOINS A nickname joins a channel.
KICKS A nickname gets kicked from a channel.
MODES A channel mode is modified.
MSGS Private messages.
NICKS A nickname changes to another nickname.
NOTICES Notices sent from a nickname.
PARTS A nickname leaves a channel.
PUBLIC Public messages in a channel.
QUITS A nickname disconnects from IRC.
SNOTES Notices sent from a server.
TOPICS A channel topic is modified.
WALLOPS A wallop is received.
These are the special levels you can use:
HILIGHT The text is highlighted.
NEVER Never ignores or logs the message.
NO_ACT Doesn't trigger any activity in the statusbar.
NOHILIGHT The text is not highlighted.
When using levels from Irssi scripts, you need to prepend the level with
"MSGLEVEL_"; for example "CRAP" will be "MSGLEVEL_CRAP".

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@ -1,9 +1,22 @@
Shows the links between the IRC servers of the
current IRC network. If a wildcard parameter is
specified, shows only the matching entries.
See also: MAP
The server to search on and the string to match on; if no arguments are
given, the list of links of the active server will be displayed.
Displays the links between an IRC server and its connections.
/LINKS ircsource.irssi.org
/LINKS ircsource.irssi.org *.hub
%9See also:%9 LUSERS, MAP

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@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
Lists the channel names. Trying to list all the channel
names usually causes you to be disconnected from the
server with the reason "Excess flood", as usually all
40000 channels form together and server naively attempts
to send you them.
Thus, on IRCNet, you should rather use service ALIS
(Advanced Listing Service), which will allow you to query
for channel with specific name, topic, mode or usercount.
Type /SQUERY ALIS HELP to get more info about it.
-yes: Comfirms that you want to receive a large amount of data.
The text a channel must match; if no argument is given, the list of all
channels will be displayed.
Displays the channel names that match your request; requesting all channels
may cause the server to disconnect you for flooding.
/LIST -yes
/LIST -yes *ubuntu*
See also: SQUERY

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@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
Load a plugin. If full path isn't given, irssi searches the plugin from
<install dir, /usr/local or /usr maybe>/lib/irssi/modules/
The name of the module and submodule to load.
See plugins page of http://www.irssi.org/ to see if there's any plugins
you'd want to use.
To load a perl script you should use /SCRIPT.
Loads a plugin; if the full path isn't given, it will attempt to load from
common directories in your installation path.
See also: UNLOAD
To load a perl script, you must use the SCRIPT command.
/LOAD fish
/LOAD ~/irssi-fish/libfish.so
%9See also:%9 SCRIPT, UNLOAD

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@ -1,41 +1,48 @@
-noopen: Create the entry to log list, but don't start logging
-autoopen: Automatically open this log file at startup
-<server tag>: Targets are logged only in this server
-targets: Log only in specified channels/nicks (space separated list)
-window: Log output in the window. Active window is used by default, or
you can give the window's refnum in -targets.
<filename>: File name where to log, it is parsed with
strftime(), so %%d=day, etc. see "man strftime" for
more info.
<levels>: Defaults to ALL
<id>: ID number of log.
/SET log_create_mode <mode> - Specifies what file mode to use with
the created log files. Default is 0600.
OPEN: Opens a logfile.
CLOSE: Closes a logfile.
START: Starts logging a log entry.
STOP: Stops logging a log entry.
All of these are parsed with strftime():
/SET log_timestamp <text> - Specifies the time stamp format.
Default is "%%H:%%M ".
/SET log_open_string <text> - Text written to log when it's opened
/SET log_close_string <text> - Text written to log when it's closed
/SET log_day_changed <text> - Text written to log when day changes
-noopen: Saves the entry in the configuration, but doesn't actually
start logging.
-autoopen: Automatically opens the log at startup.
-window: Displays the output to the active window, or the window
specified in the targets parameter.
-<server tag>: The server tag the targets must be on.
-targets: Logs the specified nickhames or channels.
-colors: Also log the color codes of the messages.
NOTE: Log files are locked after opened, so two Irssis can't
accidentally try to write to the same log file.
The filename of the log and the levels to match; if no argument is given,
the list of open logs will be displayed.
/LOG OPEN -targets cras ~/irclogs/cras.log MSGS
- Logs all messages from/to nick `cras'
/LOG OPEN -targets #linux ~/irclogs/linux/linux-%%Y-%%m-%%d
- Logs all messages in channel #linux. Log is rotated daily, so
logs in 1. May 2000 goes to file "linux-2000-05-01", when the
day is changed, Irssi closes the log and starts logging to
"linux-2000-05-02" etc.
Opens a logfile and stores the messages of the given targets into it; the
logfiles will be locked so multiple clients cannot log to the same file.
You may use any of the date formats to create a logrotation; we strongly
recommend you to enable autolog if you are interested in keeping logs.
/LOG OPEN -targets mike ~/irclogs/mike.log MSGS
/LOG OPEN -targets #irssi-freenode ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
/LOG CLOSE ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
/LOG STOP ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
/LOG START ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
/SET autolog ON
%9See also:%9 SET LOG, WINDOW LOG

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@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
Shows user statistics of the current IRC network.
The server to search on and the remote sever to search on; if no arguments
are given, the active server will be used.
Displays the user statistics of the active or remote server.
The parameters to search on a remote server are no longer supported on most
IRC servers; we no longer provide examples for remote LUSERS to avoid all
%9See also:%9 LINKS, MAP