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*** sorry for the finnish items, they're just too many to translate and
*** I've kept writing them in finnish usually... They also don't always
*** tell very well about the problem, just some note to myself that I'd
*** remember myself..
- /sb redraw doesn't do anything to non-format lines (should redraw
timestamp, etc.)
- autorename query when msg is received from another nick in same host
- /formatabstract & /formatreplace to update abstracts & replaces in themes
- queries don't work properly in waiting channels .. because the server tag
verifying fails, we should just create the query and give the server tag
to it without checking if the server tag is really found at that time.
- autologissa tulee ongelmia jos printataan targettiin ilman serveri<72> ..
tapahtuu esim. "starting query with xxx" kun restoretaan ikkunoita
jos query oli savetettu. sitten huono kun se ei katoa koskaan itsekseen..
- perl:
- joku tapa ett<74> perlill<6C>kin voisi muuttaa kokonaan inputtirivi<76>
"complete word" signaali, haluaa GSList **:n .. tuon muuttaminen,
listan alkuun tai loppuun kaman lis<69>ys..
- joku printnickmsg() jolla voisi printata nuo nickin vaihdot ja quitit
..ja killit skriptiss<73>..
- /bind -delete?
- <tommik> hmm, I just did /notify nick, /unnotify nick, /notify nick OPN...
and now /notify shows the nick in all networks I'm connected to -
/notify -idle and you make /whois nick nick ei toimi
- redirectiot sotkee jotenkin jos on notify idless<73> xmunkki ja tekee
/wii xmunkki .. kun se laittaa "event empty"yn channelit ja muut, ei
- jos serveri ei l<>yd<79> mun dns:<3A><> niin voi tulla i-linen puute.. irssi ei
saisi lopettaa tossa kohtaa serveriin yhdist<73>mist<73>... voisi jotenkin
s<><73>t<EFBFBD><74> ett<74> bannin tullessa jos on ircnet asetettu niin ei lopettaisi
- serveri jos asettaa +r:n niin siit<69> ei sen j<>lkeen p<><70>se eroon mill<6C><6C>n
muulla kuin /disconnectilla.. voisi pit<69><74> muistissa vaan itse annettuja
modeja eik<69> niit<69> mit<69> serverill<6C> oli disconnectin aikana.
- se komentojuttu.. vois tehd<68> command_bind()iin suoraan parametrit ja optiot
optioistakin vois pit<69><74> sen historyn jos core ja fe-common tms. on eri
niin sitten fe-comon unloadattaessa tulis se coren takaisin voimaan.
mutta kuitenkin se merge juttu olis kokoajan ett<74> olis nopea..
- <fuchs> when i am called _` or just ] or { or something like that
every incomming msg is hilighted :/
- proxyyn tuki sille ett<74> kirjoittaa proxyss<73> msg:n niin clientitkin saa sen
- moduuleilta vois ottaa automaagisesti pois unloadissa niiden settingsit
my<6D>s. ja otetaanko niilt<6C> commandeja/signeeleja edes viel<65>?
- valita jos yritet<65><74>n k<>ytt<74><74> disable-staticcia configuressa.
- /mark .. ja automarkki ett<74> n<>kyy joku ------------ uuden tekstin kohdassa.
- /server -ircnet EFNet -next to cycle to the next server (or /reconnect
ircnet actually..).
- laita se splittaamaan automaagisesti msg:t ja noticet
- kommentit configgifiless<73> blockeissa bugaa. tee kunnon tarkistukset
kaikkialle noita ja virheellisi<73> juttuja varten.
is_node_list() uppercaseksi ja tee IS_NODE_BLOCK
- silc k<>skyt gruuppiin
- irc-nicklist.c: move nick change to core.
- irc-queries.c: - '' -
- logausta vois tutkia v<>h<EFBFBD>n.. manuaalisesti ei voi nyt esim. logittaa
joko efnetin tai ircnetin #irssi<73>.
- --more-- tulee jotenkin splitikkunoihin vaikkei pit<69>isi.
window show, window hiden j<>lkeen ehk<68> ..eivaan ton j<>lkeen rivit ei
vaihdu en<65><6E> vaan pit<69><74> itse pgdownia painaa ja shown j<>lkeen tuli
joku outo tyhji<6A> rivej<65> vaan jotain corruptiota.. 2 ikkunaa oli vaan.
- hilightit + window activityt koodi on ihan sekasotkua. privamsg hilightit
vois tehd<68> pubmsg hilightien tyyliin
- /notify -away ja -idless<73> olis kiva jos nickiss<73> voisi olla wildcardeja
- completio vois hyppi<70> niiden -optioiden ohi. vois my<6D>s t<>ydennell<6C>
erikseen option parametrej<65>? ja se conffattava completio.. alias completio
- ignore -pattern:n arvo pit<69>isi n<>ytt<74><74>
- n<>yt<79> /hilight:n ulostuksessa v<>rit
- autoignore korjaa.
- /save -all, tallentais kaikki configin asetukset ja teeman koko teeman
- haluis et teksti alkais ruudun alhaalta eik<69> ylh<6C><68>lt<6C>
- autoresume dcc autogetiss<73>
- dcc time left
- dcc chatissa ei vaihdu nickki vaikka muualla vaihtuu.. oma ja toisen.
- dcc filet v<>lily<6C>nneill<6C> vois pelata
- plugin.h API
- fserver
- settingssit moduuleittain omiin blokkeihin niin sitten vois valittaa
tuntemattomista jos on typoja ja sellasta
- pit<69>is pakottaa ircnet asettamaan setupserveriss<73> .. ja jos poistaa
ircnetin? "chat network xxx not found, assuming standard IRC network"..
- editorimainen rivin editointimahdollisuus pitkille riveille :)
- /window scroll off
- vertically split windows
- /set prompt $N etc.
- try profiling the code with /cat filewith10000lines
- when pasting text, irssi could notice it and ask
"pasting 30 lines of text, ok?"
- wait 1 sec before sending the text, if arrow up key is pressed abort
sending the text. also really remove the line from screen and maybe
put some notice?
- ircnetin nimen voisi napata sielt<6C> /ircnet:st<73> .. ett<74> se case menee
oikein. /server, /server list, /channel list, status ikkuna, [ircnet] ..
- optio k<>ytt<74><74> sit<69> VALKOISTA tai m<><6D>r<EFBFBD>tty<74> v<>ri<72> eik<69> "default" v<>ri<72>
- skriptej<65>:
- nappula status window/takaisin hyppimiseen
- xtermin titlen asettelija
*** New stuff in TODO, try to get rid of these :)
( - translate all those TODO items I have in finnish to english ;) )
- /ignore -activity .. would ignore it just in window activity list,
not hide the text.
- autoignoring:
- it shouldn't save them to config file
- it could be merged with /ignore -time
- /server <number> would connect to n'th server in list. show the numbers
with /server list
- when dcc chat is accepted and query exists from the same nick, replace
the query window with the dcc chat window.
- autoload specified modules. /load xx could also try to load fe-common/xx
and fe-text/xx modules automatically.
- all options that want time as argument, allow to use s|m|h|d, default to
seconds. when sending reply to user, use the time formatting too, not
just x seconds or minutes ..
- /savewindows: save split windows, save window logs. window log names
should be moved to WINDOW_REC...
- automatically add queried nicks to notify list temporarily .. display
the notifys for the nick in the query window
- Some problems with idle notify lists, "cras [IRCNet] [@] [] just stopped
idling" was print to screen with some NULL arguments in text..
- /BIND: key definitions should be changed to be more epic-like.. :
/bind ^[ key meta, /bind meta-O key meta2, /bind meta-[ key meta2
/bind meta2-c echo Ctrl-Left pressed
and maybe
/bind meta2-C key left, /bind meta-left echo meta-left pressed
- automatically switch to status window when using commands that always
print their output to status window, like /whois.
- automatic whowas if whois wasn't found should be moved to fe-common.
it could also print something like "nick $0 not in IRC, but this user
WAS in IRC:"
- Add command for changing automatic replaces (/replace)
- bash-style (or whatever it shoulda be called) tab-completion
- /last 05032 ... didn't really do what I wanted :) maybe I should change
the syntax to have -max parameter instead?
- commands to move channels and servers in the config list, to set the
join/connect order of them.
- statusbar:
- you can't configure it in any way!
- move it to fe-common, make some "statusbar" signal .. maybe
statusbar items could be printed with printformat() and statusbar
would be just another small window? .. or maybe not exactly, but
something like that :)
- when starting to run out of space some items could be made smaller,
activity for example .. make some generic flag for items to use.
- add user counts (ops/voices/normal/total)
- themes:
- document the different formats briefly :)
- /CAT should pause on every screenful of text, this should be some kind of
printtext_multiline_paused() function which would use some callback to
ask for new text.
- /msg =dcc_chatti,#kanava doesn't work - fix it somehow that also different
chat plugins could use the same /msg command. /CTCP too.
- /NOTIFY -once - notify only once when the user comes to IRC, forget this
after it.
- /NOTIFY -comment xxx - add a comment to notify. print the comment when
user comes to irc.
- "Should we check people in notify list when you're away" option
- Implement /EXEC (steal all options from epic, make shell window somehow
with query), /ON and /TIMER commands
- All those options to /WHO and /LIST commands that EPIC has
- nick/channel lists at right side of the text version of irssi. Ctrl-N
for example could hide/show them. add mouse support for it.
- /password command that asks you to type the password to entry line and
would hide it with asterisks, good if people spy on you :)
- CTCP #channel HISTORY # - give # last lines of history from channel
*** Bugs
- netsplits don't work right if quits/joins happen fast multiple times..
maybe some other bugs too
- still some problems in detecting floods right? not sure, couldn't
reproduce the problem again..
- match_wildcards(), mask="*a?c*", data="abdabc"
- multiple dcc connections from different irc networks from same nick
doesn't work. Maybe create "server nick" and "refer nick" variables to
*** GTK UI
- %| doesn't work with irssi text widget
- some problems when using multiple windows with focus being all the time in
one of the windows and it can't be changed to different window?! Probably
has something to do with click to focus.
- split windows are buggy, destroying them doesn't really work well..
- mirc ctcp togglemenuitem isn't updated right
*** Big things
- some sort of address book? our own irssi ctcp to ask for other irssi users
for their information (of course not without asking (except optionally))..
could be nice also to automatically update it, keep track of all seen
users gathered when joining channels, whois, who, etc. commands.
automatically updating information could be host masks, nicks, ips, seen in
channels, operator in channels, .. user specified checks like last topic or
mode changes or even msgs to you/some channel/with some keyword. great for
spying people ;) maybe even useful sometimes..
.. but what database would be best for this?
- GTK (non-GNOME) version: icons to toolbars, accelerators to menus
- Windows style MDI windows are possible with GtkFixed .. Some people would
like this.. too much job for me, it would need building the MDI windows
ourself (title bar, borders, resizing, etc.)
- online help, documentation, ...
- plugins:
- scheme, tcl, python scripting? eggdrop/epic compatible scripting?
- IRC bot, eggdrop is too old, needs a replacement ;) (started)
- DCC file server, I'm not too excited about this, maybe someone else
wants to do it..
- Multiplayer games! :) Chess, tic-tac-toe, othello, battleship, tetris,
etc. Existing games should probably be used .. though there doesn't
seem to be any of these (except tetris) for gnome right now..
- audio / video chat :)
*** Needs rethinking ..
* Notify list GUI
- _one_ popup dialog could open which lists all nicks in notifylist, maybe
sorted by arrival time, display the dates, latest joined could be with
different color? etc.
- nick-specific options:
- pop up the dialog
- run some command (like /exec as soon as I get that done :)
* common api for statusbar handling
- it should work just as well in text mode and gui, colors could be done
with the normal % formats. GUI just ignores the colors..
- display number of ops, voices, normals and ircops in statusbar
* API for creating/modifying menus and toolbar, especially from plugins
- at least one configurable menu ("usermenu"), or maybe make the whole
menubar user configurable
*** Stuff to do
- you could configure which events (whois, notify, etc.) to show in what
windows (all, current, status, msgs)
- autoaway when idling
- implement requesting files with DCC GET from remote client for dcc file
servers. good for people behind firewalls.
- /CLONES command (with script)
- {}|~ are same as []\^ (not in all irc networks) - does this really affect
irssi at all..?
*** ..in GTK UI
- itext:
- save/find text
- text selection draws the entire selection every time you move the
- if some other window has got much text, switching to it first time
takes some time..?
- editor in setup for ~/.irssi/startup
- dcc floods could pop up lots of dialogs..
- gui help
- change signal handling in gui-gnome so that the actual drawing and
functionality are in different signals, so that plugin could change the
whole look and feel of irssi.
- currently irssi sends USERHOST commands every now and then to find out
who are away and who are not.. optionally it could instead just watch if
someone hasn't written anything to channel in n minutes and mark it "away"
to nicklist.
- check new irssi versions with http rather than with irssibot..
- gnome statubar:
- clock?
- dcc transfer meter (gtk progressbar)
- dcc send: allow selection of multiple files to send (also for dnd from
gmc!) Allow dropping files to anywhere in irssi.