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** Some definitions
"Level" usually means that you can use these words there:
CRAP - Can be almost anything
PUB - Public messages in channel
MSGS - Private messages
CHAN - Channel messages: joins, parts, quits, etc.
NOTICES - Notices
SNOTES - Notices from server
WALLOPS - Wallops
ACTIONS - Actions (/me)
DCC - DCC messages
CTCP - CTCP messages
HILIGHT - Hilighted text
CLIENTNOTICES - Irssi's notices
CLIENTERRORS - Irssi's error messages
** Server handling
CONNECT <address> [port [password [nick]]]
Connect to specified server, if there's no password set it to -
DISCONNECT <* / tag> [message]
Disconnect from server
SERVER <address> [port [password [nick]]]
Disconnect from current server and connect to new one
Display a list of servers
Remove all servers from reconnection list
** Basic IRC commands
QUIT [message]
Quit irssi
JOIN <channel> [key] [, channel...]
Join to channel(s)
PART [channel] [message]
Leave from channel
QUERY <nick>
Create query window
UNQUERY <nick>
Close query window
MSG <nick/channel> <message>
Send message to nick/channel
ME <message>
Send action to channel (/me thinks..)
NOTICE <nick/channel> <message>
Send notice to nick/channel
WHOIS [server/nick] <nick>
Send WHOIS query, you can also specify from what server to ask the
information. If you type the nick twice it will ask from the same
server what nick is using.
AWAY [message]
Sets yourself away/unaway
AWAYALL [message]
Sets yourself away/unaway to all connected servers
WHO <nick/channel>
Show WHO list
NAMES [channel]
List nicks (in channel)
** Bit more advanced commands
MODE <channel/nick> <mode>
Get/set channel/nick mode.
Get channel modes:
b - Get ban list
e - Get ban exception list
I - Get invite list
Set channel modes (use +/- before these):
b *!ban@mask - Set/remove ban
e *!ban@mask - Set/remove ban exception
I *!ban@mask - Set/remove channel invite
o nick - Set/remove op status
v nick - Set/remove voice status
l limit - Set remove max. people limit in channel
k key - Set/remove channel key
s - Secret
p - Private
m - Moderated
i - Invite only
n - No external messages
t - Only ops can change topic
User modes:
i - Invisible
w - Show wallops
s - Show server notices
TOPIC [channel] [topic]
Get/set channel topic
INVITE <nick> [channel]
Invite nick to channel
CTCP <nick/channel> <command>
Send CTCP request to nick/channel (PING, VERSION, ..)
NCTCP <nick/channel> <reply>
Send CTCP reply to nick/channel
PING <nick>
Send CTCP PING to nick and tell how long it took to receive the reply
ISON [nick [nick...]]
Ask if nicks are in IRC.
WALL [channel] <message>
Send notice message to all operators in channel.
OP, DEOP, VOICE, DEVOICE [channel] [nick [nick...]
Op/deop/voice/devoice nick(s) in channel
KICK [channel] <nick> <reason>
Kick nick from channel
KICKBAN [channel] <nick> <reason>
Kick+ban nick from channel
KNOCKOUT [secs] <nick> <reason>
Kick+ban+delay (default to 5min)+unban
BAN [channel] [nick [nick...]]
Ban nick(s) in channel
UNBAN [channel] [mask [mask...]]
Remove ban(s) from channel
BANSTAT [channel]
List bans and ban exceptions in channel
BANTYPE <normal/host/domain/custom>
Set ban type:
Normal - *!user@*.domain.net
Host - *!*@host.domain.net
Domain - *!*@*.domain.net
Custom [nick] [user] [host] [domain]
eg. /bantype custom nick domain - nick!*@*.domain.net
eg. /bantype custom user host - *!user@host.domain.net
INVITELIST [channel]
List invites (+I) in channel
VERSION [server]
Displays irssi version and asks IRC server's version
VER [nick/channel]
Sends CTCP VERSION request to nick/channel
SV [nick/channel]
Sends irssi version text to nick/channel
KILL <nick> <message>
Kill nick from irc network. [irc ops only]
WALLOPS <message>
Write wallops message. [irc ops only]
QUOTE <message>
Send raw data to irc server - DON'T USE THIS unless you really know
what you're doing!
** DCC handling
List DCC connections (same as DCC LIST)
DCC CHAT <nick>
Open DCC chat
DCC SEND <nick> <filename>
Send file to nick
DCC GET <nick> [filename]
Get file offered by nick
DCC RESUME <nick> [filename]
(MIRC) Resume getting file offered by nick
DCC CLOSE <type> <nick> [filename]
Close DCC connection
List DCC connections
Set MIRC style CTCPs on/off
** User interface handling
Create new window (in tab)
Close the current window
SERVER <tag>
Change which server to use in current window
Go to previous/next/Nth window
LEVEL <[+/-]pub/msgs/...>
Change window level, eg.
/window level msgs - creates messages window
/window level all -msgs - creates status window
Clear screen
ECHO <text>
Print text to screen
Open channel modes dialog (GTK/GNOME version)
GWHOIS <nick>
Display WHOIS information in dialog (GTK/GNOME version)
LAST [-pub -msgs...] <text>
Display (only public/msgs/..) lines where <text> appears
(Text version only)
** Configuration
Sorry for a big update - I still don't have internet connection at home and this is what I've been doing a few weeks now.. :) You really shouldn't upgrade to this version without keeping a backup of the working one, since this will break everything and at least notify list is broken - probably something else too. * On the way to 0.8.0 .. Major rewriting/rearranging code. There's some changes in behaviour because I'm trying to make Irssi a bit more compatible with EPIC. * libPropList isn't needed anymore - I'm using my own configuration library. This is mostly because different proplists worked a bit differently everywhere and several people had problems with it. It's also yet another extra library that you needed to compile Irssi. New configuration library has several advantages: You can add comments to configuration file and they also stay there when it's saved. It's not nearly as vulnerable as proplist. If some error occurs, instead of just not reading anything it will try to continue if possible. Also the error messages are written to irssi's text window instead of stdout. It can be managed more easily than proplist - setting/getting the configuration is a lot more easier. * Coding style changes - I'm not using gint, gchar etc. anymore, they're just extra pain when moving code to non-glib projects and syntax hilighting doesn't work by default with most editors ;) Indentation style was also changed to K&R because of some political reasons ;) And I'm already starting to like it.. :) It forces me to split code to different functions more often and the result is that the code gets more readable. And finally I'm also using nst' all over the place. + /EVAL <commands> - Expand all the special variables from string and run it. Commands can be split with ; character. See docs/SPECIAL_VARS for more info. + Aliases are parsed just like /EVAL - arguments are in $0..$9. + Text formats are also parsed like /EVAL, arguments used to be in $1..$9, now they're in $0..$8 so it messes up existing themes.. + /SET [key [value]] - no more the '=' character. Boolean values also need to be changed with ON/OFF/TOGGLE values (not yes/no). Settings aren't saved to disk until you use /SAVE. + /TOGGLE <key> [ON/OFF] - same as /SET <key> TOGGLE git-svn-id: http://svn.irssi.org/repos/irssi/trunk@163 dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
2000-04-14 07:27:14 -04:00
SET [key [value]]
Sorry for a big update - I still don't have internet connection at home and this is what I've been doing a few weeks now.. :) You really shouldn't upgrade to this version without keeping a backup of the working one, since this will break everything and at least notify list is broken - probably something else too. * On the way to 0.8.0 .. Major rewriting/rearranging code. There's some changes in behaviour because I'm trying to make Irssi a bit more compatible with EPIC. * libPropList isn't needed anymore - I'm using my own configuration library. This is mostly because different proplists worked a bit differently everywhere and several people had problems with it. It's also yet another extra library that you needed to compile Irssi. New configuration library has several advantages: You can add comments to configuration file and they also stay there when it's saved. It's not nearly as vulnerable as proplist. If some error occurs, instead of just not reading anything it will try to continue if possible. Also the error messages are written to irssi's text window instead of stdout. It can be managed more easily than proplist - setting/getting the configuration is a lot more easier. * Coding style changes - I'm not using gint, gchar etc. anymore, they're just extra pain when moving code to non-glib projects and syntax hilighting doesn't work by default with most editors ;) Indentation style was also changed to K&R because of some political reasons ;) And I'm already starting to like it.. :) It forces me to split code to different functions more often and the result is that the code gets more readable. And finally I'm also using nst' all over the place. + /EVAL <commands> - Expand all the special variables from string and run it. Commands can be split with ; character. See docs/SPECIAL_VARS for more info. + Aliases are parsed just like /EVAL - arguments are in $0..$9. + Text formats are also parsed like /EVAL, arguments used to be in $1..$9, now they're in $0..$8 so it messes up existing themes.. + /SET [key [value]] - no more the '=' character. Boolean values also need to be changed with ON/OFF/TOGGLE values (not yes/no). Settings aren't saved to disk until you use /SAVE. + /TOGGLE <key> [ON/OFF] - same as /SET <key> TOGGLE git-svn-id: http://svn.irssi.org/repos/irssi/trunk@163 dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
2000-04-14 07:27:14 -04:00
Get/set configuration. Boolean values also need to be changed
with ON/OFF/TOGGLE values (not yes/no). Settings aren't saved
to disk until you use /SAVE.
Sorry for a big update - I still don't have internet connection at home and this is what I've been doing a few weeks now.. :) You really shouldn't upgrade to this version without keeping a backup of the working one, since this will break everything and at least notify list is broken - probably something else too. * On the way to 0.8.0 .. Major rewriting/rearranging code. There's some changes in behaviour because I'm trying to make Irssi a bit more compatible with EPIC. * libPropList isn't needed anymore - I'm using my own configuration library. This is mostly because different proplists worked a bit differently everywhere and several people had problems with it. It's also yet another extra library that you needed to compile Irssi. New configuration library has several advantages: You can add comments to configuration file and they also stay there when it's saved. It's not nearly as vulnerable as proplist. If some error occurs, instead of just not reading anything it will try to continue if possible. Also the error messages are written to irssi's text window instead of stdout. It can be managed more easily than proplist - setting/getting the configuration is a lot more easier. * Coding style changes - I'm not using gint, gchar etc. anymore, they're just extra pain when moving code to non-glib projects and syntax hilighting doesn't work by default with most editors ;) Indentation style was also changed to K&R because of some political reasons ;) And I'm already starting to like it.. :) It forces me to split code to different functions more often and the result is that the code gets more readable. And finally I'm also using nst' all over the place. + /EVAL <commands> - Expand all the special variables from string and run it. Commands can be split with ; character. See docs/SPECIAL_VARS for more info. + Aliases are parsed just like /EVAL - arguments are in $0..$9. + Text formats are also parsed like /EVAL, arguments used to be in $1..$9, now they're in $0..$8 so it messes up existing themes.. + /SET [key [value]] - no more the '=' character. Boolean values also need to be changed with ON/OFF/TOGGLE values (not yes/no). Settings aren't saved to disk until you use /SAVE. + /TOGGLE <key> [ON/OFF] - same as /SET <key> TOGGLE git-svn-id: http://svn.irssi.org/repos/irssi/trunk@163 dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
2000-04-14 07:27:14 -04:00
Sorry for a big update - I still don't have internet connection at home and this is what I've been doing a few weeks now.. :) You really shouldn't upgrade to this version without keeping a backup of the working one, since this will break everything and at least notify list is broken - probably something else too. * On the way to 0.8.0 .. Major rewriting/rearranging code. There's some changes in behaviour because I'm trying to make Irssi a bit more compatible with EPIC. * libPropList isn't needed anymore - I'm using my own configuration library. This is mostly because different proplists worked a bit differently everywhere and several people had problems with it. It's also yet another extra library that you needed to compile Irssi. New configuration library has several advantages: You can add comments to configuration file and they also stay there when it's saved. It's not nearly as vulnerable as proplist. If some error occurs, instead of just not reading anything it will try to continue if possible. Also the error messages are written to irssi's text window instead of stdout. It can be managed more easily than proplist - setting/getting the configuration is a lot more easier. * Coding style changes - I'm not using gint, gchar etc. anymore, they're just extra pain when moving code to non-glib projects and syntax hilighting doesn't work by default with most editors ;) Indentation style was also changed to K&R because of some political reasons ;) And I'm already starting to like it.. :) It forces me to split code to different functions more often and the result is that the code gets more readable. And finally I'm also using nst' all over the place. + /EVAL <commands> - Expand all the special variables from string and run it. Commands can be split with ; character. See docs/SPECIAL_VARS for more info. + Aliases are parsed just like /EVAL - arguments are in $0..$9. + Text formats are also parsed like /EVAL, arguments used to be in $1..$9, now they're in $0..$8 so it messes up existing themes.. + /SET [key [value]] - no more the '=' character. Boolean values also need to be changed with ON/OFF/TOGGLE values (not yes/no). Settings aren't saved to disk until you use /SAVE. + /TOGGLE <key> [ON/OFF] - same as /SET <key> TOGGLE git-svn-id: http://svn.irssi.org/repos/irssi/trunk@163 dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
2000-04-14 07:27:14 -04:00
Same as /SET <key> TOGGLE, or if ON or OFF parameter is given
it will work just like /SET.
Sorry for a big update - I still don't have internet connection at home and this is what I've been doing a few weeks now.. :) You really shouldn't upgrade to this version without keeping a backup of the working one, since this will break everything and at least notify list is broken - probably something else too. * On the way to 0.8.0 .. Major rewriting/rearranging code. There's some changes in behaviour because I'm trying to make Irssi a bit more compatible with EPIC. * libPropList isn't needed anymore - I'm using my own configuration library. This is mostly because different proplists worked a bit differently everywhere and several people had problems with it. It's also yet another extra library that you needed to compile Irssi. New configuration library has several advantages: You can add comments to configuration file and they also stay there when it's saved. It's not nearly as vulnerable as proplist. If some error occurs, instead of just not reading anything it will try to continue if possible. Also the error messages are written to irssi's text window instead of stdout. It can be managed more easily than proplist - setting/getting the configuration is a lot more easier. * Coding style changes - I'm not using gint, gchar etc. anymore, they're just extra pain when moving code to non-glib projects and syntax hilighting doesn't work by default with most editors ;) Indentation style was also changed to K&R because of some political reasons ;) And I'm already starting to like it.. :) It forces me to split code to different functions more often and the result is that the code gets more readable. And finally I'm also using nst' all over the place. + /EVAL <commands> - Expand all the special variables from string and run it. Commands can be split with ; character. See docs/SPECIAL_VARS for more info. + Aliases are parsed just like /EVAL - arguments are in $0..$9. + Text formats are also parsed like /EVAL, arguments used to be in $1..$9, now they're in $0..$8 so it messes up existing themes.. + /SET [key [value]] - no more the '=' character. Boolean values also need to be changed with ON/OFF/TOGGLE values (not yes/no). Settings aren't saved to disk until you use /SAVE. + /TOGGLE <key> [ON/OFF] - same as /SET <key> TOGGLE git-svn-id: http://svn.irssi.org/repos/irssi/trunk@163 dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
2000-04-14 07:27:14 -04:00
Save configuration to disk.
Sorry for a big update - I still don't have internet connection at home and this is what I've been doing a few weeks now.. :) You really shouldn't upgrade to this version without keeping a backup of the working one, since this will break everything and at least notify list is broken - probably something else too. * On the way to 0.8.0 .. Major rewriting/rearranging code. There's some changes in behaviour because I'm trying to make Irssi a bit more compatible with EPIC. * libPropList isn't needed anymore - I'm using my own configuration library. This is mostly because different proplists worked a bit differently everywhere and several people had problems with it. It's also yet another extra library that you needed to compile Irssi. New configuration library has several advantages: You can add comments to configuration file and they also stay there when it's saved. It's not nearly as vulnerable as proplist. If some error occurs, instead of just not reading anything it will try to continue if possible. Also the error messages are written to irssi's text window instead of stdout. It can be managed more easily than proplist - setting/getting the configuration is a lot more easier. * Coding style changes - I'm not using gint, gchar etc. anymore, they're just extra pain when moving code to non-glib projects and syntax hilighting doesn't work by default with most editors ;) Indentation style was also changed to K&R because of some political reasons ;) And I'm already starting to like it.. :) It forces me to split code to different functions more often and the result is that the code gets more readable. And finally I'm also using nst' all over the place. + /EVAL <commands> - Expand all the special variables from string and run it. Commands can be split with ; character. See docs/SPECIAL_VARS for more info. + Aliases are parsed just like /EVAL - arguments are in $0..$9. + Text formats are also parsed like /EVAL, arguments used to be in $1..$9, now they're in $0..$8 so it messes up existing themes.. + /SET [key [value]] - no more the '=' character. Boolean values also need to be changed with ON/OFF/TOGGLE values (not yes/no). Settings aren't saved to disk until you use /SAVE. + /TOGGLE <key> [ON/OFF] - same as /SET <key> TOGGLE git-svn-id: http://svn.irssi.org/repos/irssi/trunk@163 dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
2000-04-14 07:27:14 -04:00
ALIAS, UNALIAS <alias> [command]
Set/remove alias, /unalias is the same as /alias without command
Typing extra / before /command (//command) ignores any aliases
IGNORE, UNIGNORE <mask> [level [level..]]
Ignore/unignore specified level(s) or everything from nick
NOTIFY <mask> [ircnet [ircnet..]]
Add mask (nick) to notify list for specified ircnets..
Remove mask from notify list.
CREATE <filename> [<+/->level ...] [#channel/nick [
[<+/->level ...] ...]
Create and start logging to file
Example: /log create mylog -all +msgs #linux +chan +public
(or simply #linux +all logs everything that appears in #linux
CLOSE <filename>
Close log and remove from configuration
START <filename>
Start logging to file
STOP <filename>
Stop logging to file
List logs.
LOAD <plugin> [arguments]
Load plugin
UNLOAD <plugin>
Unload plugin