/* * Gophernicus - Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Kim Holviala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gophernicus.h" /* * Print gopher menu line */ void info(state *st, char *str, char type) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; char selector[16]; /* Convert string to output charset */ if (st->opt_iconv) sstrniconv(st->out_charset, buf, str); else sstrlcpy(buf, str); /* Handle gopher title resources */ strclear(selector); if (type == TYPE_TITLE) { sstrlcpy(selector, "TITLE"); type = TYPE_INFO; } /* Output info line */ strcut(buf, st->out_width); printf("%c%s\t%s\t%s" CRLF, type, buf, selector, DUMMY_HOST); } /* * Print footer */ void footer(state *st) { char line[BUFSIZE]; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char msg[BUFSIZE]; if (!st->opt_footer) { #ifndef ENABLE_STRICT_RFC1436 if (st->req_filetype == TYPE_MENU || st->req_filetype == TYPE_QUERY) #endif printf("." CRLF); return; } /* Create horizontal line */ strrepeat(line, '_', st->out_width); /* Create right-aligned footer message */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), FOOTER_FORMAT, st->server_platform); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%*s", st->out_width - 1, buf); /* Menu footer? */ if (st->req_filetype == TYPE_MENU || st->req_filetype == TYPE_QUERY) { info(st, line, TYPE_INFO); info(st, msg, TYPE_INFO); printf("." CRLF); } /* Plain text footer */ else { printf("%s" CRLF, line); printf("%s" CRLF, msg); #ifdef ENABLE_STRICT_RFC1436 printf("." CRLF); #endif } } /* * Print error message & exit */ void die(state *st, char *message, char *description) { int en = errno; static const char error_gif[] = ERROR_GIF; /* Handle NULL description */ if (description == NULL) description = strerror(en); /* Log the error */ if (st->opt_syslog) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "error \"%s\" for request \"%s\" from %s", description, st->req_selector, st->req_remote_addr); } log_combined(st, HTTP_404); /* Handle menu errors */ if (st->req_filetype == TYPE_MENU || st->req_filetype == TYPE_QUERY) { printf("3" ERROR_PREFIX "%s\tTITLE\t" DUMMY_HOST CRLF, message); footer(st); } /* Handle image errors */ else if (st->req_filetype == TYPE_GIF || st->req_filetype == TYPE_IMAGE) { fwrite(error_gif, sizeof(error_gif), 1, stdout); } /* Handle HTML errors */ else if (st->req_filetype == TYPE_HTML) { printf("\n" "\n\n" " \n" " " ERROR_PREFIX "%1$s\n" "\n\n" "" ERROR_PREFIX "%1$s\n" "
\n", message);
\n\n\n"); } /* Use plain text error for other filetypes */ else { printf(ERROR_PREFIX "%s" CRLF, message); footer(st); } /* Quit */ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Apache-compatible combined logging */ void log_combined(state *st, int status) { FILE *fp; struct tm *ltime; char timestr[64]; time_t now; /* Try to open the logfile for appending */ if (!*st->log_file) return; if ((fp = fopen(st->log_file , "a")) == NULL) return; /* Format time */ now = time(NULL); ltime = localtime(&now); strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), HTTP_DATE, ltime); /* Generate log entry */ fprintf(fp, "%s %s:%i - [%s] \"GET %c%s HTTP/1.0\" %i %li \"%s\" \"" HTTP_USERAGENT "\"\n", st->req_remote_addr, st->server_host, st->server_port, timestr, st->req_filetype, st->req_selector, status, (long) st->req_filesize, st->req_referrer); fclose(fp); } /* * Convert gopher selector to an absolute path */ void selector_to_path(state *st) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *dir; struct stat file; #ifdef HAVE_PASSWD struct passwd *pwd; char *path = EMPTY; char *c; #endif char buf[BUFSIZE]; int i; /* Handle selector rewriting */ for (i = 0; i < st->rewrite_count; i++) { /* Match found? */ if (strstr(st->req_selector, st->rewrite[i].match) == st->req_selector) { /* Replace match with a new string */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", st->rewrite[i].replace, st->req_selector + strlen(st->rewrite[i].match)); if (st->debug) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "rewriting selector \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", st->req_selector, buf); } sstrlcpy(st->req_selector, buf); } } #ifdef HAVE_PASSWD /* Virtual userdir (~user -> /home/user/public_gopher)? */ if (*(st->user_dir) && sstrncmp(st->req_selector, "/~") == MATCH) { /* Parse userdir login name & path */; sstrlcpy(buf, st->req_selector + 2); if ((c = strchr(buf, '/'))) { *c = '\0'; path = c + 1; } /* Check user validity */ if ((pwd = getpwnam(buf)) == NULL) die(st, ERR_NOTFOUND, "User not found"); if (pwd->pw_uid < PASSWD_MIN_UID) die(st, ERR_NOTFOUND, "User found but UID too low"); /* Generate absolute path to users own gopher root */ snprintf(st->req_realpath, sizeof(st->req_realpath), "%s/%s/%s", pwd->pw_dir, st->user_dir, path); /* Check ~public_gopher access rights */ if (stat(st->req_realpath, &file) == ERROR) die(st, ERR_NOTFOUND, NULL); if ((file.st_mode & S_IROTH) == 0) die(st, ERR_ACCESS, "~/public_gopher not world-readable"); if (file.st_uid != pwd->pw_uid) die(st, ERR_ACCESS, "~/ and ~/public_gopher owned by different users"); /* Userdirs always come from the default vhost */ if (st->opt_vhost) sstrlcpy(st->server_host, st->server_host_default); return; } #endif /* Virtual hosting */ if (st->opt_vhost) { /* Try looking for the selector from the current vhost */ snprintf(st->req_realpath, sizeof(st->req_realpath), "%s/%s%s", st->server_root, st->server_host, st->req_selector); if (stat(st->req_realpath, &file) == OK) return; /* Loop through all vhosts looking for the selector */ if ((dp = opendir(st->server_root)) == NULL) die(st, ERR_NOTFOUND, NULL); while ((dir = readdir(dp))) { /* Skip .hidden dirs and . & .. */ if (dir->d_name[0] == '.') continue; /* Special case - skip lost+found (don't ask) */ if (sstrncmp(dir->d_name, "lost+found") == MATCH) continue; /* Generate path to the found vhost */ snprintf(st->req_realpath, sizeof(st->req_realpath), "%s/%s%s", st->server_root, dir->d_name, st->req_selector); /* Did we find the selector under this vhost? */ if (stat(st->req_realpath, &file) == OK) { /* Virtual host found - update state & return */ sstrlcpy(st->server_host, dir->d_name); return; } } closedir(dp); } /* Handle normal selectors */ snprintf(st->req_realpath, sizeof(st->req_realpath), "%s%s", st->server_root, st->req_selector); } /* * Get local IP address */ char *get_local_address(void) { #ifdef HAVE_IPv4 struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addrsize = sizeof(addr); #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPv6 struct sockaddr_in6 addr6; socklen_t addr6size = sizeof(addr6); static char address[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; #endif char *c; /* Try IPv4 first */ #ifdef HAVE_IPv4 if (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addrsize) == OK) { c = inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr); if (strlen(c) > 0 && *c != '0') return c; } #endif /* IPv4 didn't work - try IPv6 */ #ifdef HAVE_IPv6 if (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr6, &addr6size) == OK) { if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr6.sin6_addr, address, sizeof(address))) { /* Strip ::ffff: IPv4-in-IPv6 prefix */ if (sstrncmp(address, "::ffff:") == MATCH) return (address + 7); else return address; } } #endif /* Nothing works... I'm out of ideas */ return UNKNOWN_ADDR; } /* * Get remote peer IP address */ char *get_peer_address(void) { #ifdef HAVE_IPv4 struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addrsize = sizeof(addr); #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPv6 struct sockaddr_in6 addr6; socklen_t addr6size = sizeof(addr6); static char address[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; #endif char *c; /* Are we a CGI script? */ if ((c = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))) return c; /* if ((c = getenv("REMOTE_HOST"))) return c; */ /* Try IPv4 first */ #ifdef HAVE_IPv4 if (getpeername(0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addrsize) == OK) { c = inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr); if (strlen(c) > 0 && *c != '0') return c; } #endif /* IPv4 didn't work - try IPv6 */ #ifdef HAVE_IPv6 if (getpeername(0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr6, &addr6size) == OK) { if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr6.sin6_addr, address, sizeof(address))) { /* Strip ::ffff: IPv4-in-IPv6 prefix */ if (sstrncmp(address, "::ffff:") == MATCH) return (address + 7); else return address; } } #endif /* Nothing works... I'm out of ideas */ return UNKNOWN_ADDR; } /* * Initialize state struct to default/empty values */ void init_state(state *st) { static const char *filetypes[] = { FILETYPES }; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *c; int i; /* Request */ strclear(st->req_selector); strclear(st->req_realpath); strclear(st->req_query_string); strclear(st->req_referrer); sstrlcpy(st->req_local_addr, get_local_address()); sstrlcpy(st->req_remote_addr, get_peer_address()); /* strclear(st->req_remote_host); */ st->req_filetype = DEFAULT_TYPE; st->req_protocol = PROTO_GOPHER; st->req_filesize = 0; /* Output */ st->out_width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; st->out_charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET; /* Settings */ sstrlcpy(st->server_root, DEFAULT_ROOT); sstrlcpy(st->server_host_default, DEFAULT_HOST); if ((c = getenv("HOSTNAME"))) sstrlcpy(st->server_host, c); else if ((gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf))) != ERROR) sstrlcpy(st->server_host, buf); st->server_port = DEFAULT_PORT; st->default_filetype = DEFAULT_TYPE; sstrlcpy(st->map_file, DEFAULT_MAP); sstrlcpy(st->tag_file, DEFAULT_TAG); sstrlcpy(st->cgi_file, DEFAULT_CGI); sstrlcpy(st->user_dir, DEFAULT_USERDIR); strclear(st->log_file); st->hidden_count = 0; st->filetype_count = 0; strclear(st->filter_dir); st->rewrite_count = 0; strclear(st->server_description); strclear(st->server_location); strclear(st->server_platform); strclear(st->server_admin); /* Session */ st->session_timeout = DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT; st->session_max_kbytes = DEFAULT_SESSION_MAX_KBYTES; st->session_max_hits = DEFAULT_SESSION_MAX_HITS; /* Feature options */ st->opt_vhost = TRUE; st->opt_parent = TRUE; st->opt_header = TRUE; st->opt_footer = TRUE; st->opt_date = TRUE; st->opt_syslog = TRUE; st->opt_magic = TRUE; st->opt_iconv = TRUE; st->opt_query = TRUE; st->opt_caps = TRUE; st->opt_shm = TRUE; st->opt_root = TRUE; st->debug = FALSE; /* Load default suffix -> filetype mappings */ for (i = 0; filetypes[i]; i += 2) { if (st->filetype_count < MAX_FILETYPES) { sstrlcpy(st->filetype[st->filetype_count].suffix, filetypes[i]); st->filetype[st->filetype_count].type = *filetypes[i + 1]; st->filetype_count++; } } } /* * Main */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct stat file; state st; char self[64]; char selector[BUFSIZE]; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *dest; char *c; #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM struct shmid_ds shm_ds; shm_state *shm; int shmid; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HAPROXY1 char remote[BUFSIZE]; char local[BUFSIZE]; int dummy; #endif /* Get the name of this binary */ if ((c = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))) sstrlcpy(self, c + 1); else sstrlcpy(self, argv[0]); /* Initialize state */ #ifdef HAVE_LOCALES setlocale(LC_TIME, DATE_LOCALE); #endif init_state(&st); srand(time(NULL) / (getpid() + getppid())); /* Handle command line arguments */ parse_args(&st, argc, argv); /* Open syslog() */ if (st.opt_syslog) openlog(self, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); /* Check if TCP wrappers have something to say about this connection */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBWRAP if (sstrncmp(st.req_remote_addr, UNKNOWN_ADDR) != MATCH && hosts_ctl(self, STRING_UNKNOWN, st.req_remote_addr, STRING_UNKNOWN) == WRAP_DENIED) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refused connection"); #endif /* Make sure the computer is turned on */ #ifdef __HAIKU__ if (is_computer_on() != TRUE) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Please turn on the computer first"); #endif /* Refuse to run as root */ #ifdef HAVE_PASSWD if (st.opt_root && getuid() == 0) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Cowardly refusing to run as root"); #endif /* Try to get shared memory */ #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM if ((shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, sizeof(shm_state), IPC_CREAT | SHM_MODE)) == ERROR) { /* Getting memory failed -> delete the old allocation */ shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds); shm = NULL; } else { /* Map shared memory */ if ((shm = (shm_state *) shmat(shmid, (void *) 0, 0)) == (void *) ERROR) shm = NULL; /* Initialize mapped shared memory */ if (shm && shm->start_time == 0) { shm->start_time = time(NULL); /* Keep server platform & description in shm */ platform(&st); sstrlcpy(shm->server_platform, st.server_platform); sstrlcpy(shm->server_description, st.server_description); } } /* For debugging shared memory issues */ if (!st.opt_shm) shm = NULL; /* Get server platform and description */ if (shm) { sstrlcpy(st.server_platform, shm->server_platform); if (!*st.server_description) sstrlcpy(st.server_description, shm->server_description); } else #endif platform(&st); /* Read selector */ get_selector: if (fgets(selector, sizeof(selector) - 1, stdin) == NULL) selector[0] = '\0'; /* Remove trailing CRLF */ chomp(selector); if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "client sent us \"%s\"", selector); /* Handle HAproxy/Stunnel proxy protocol v1 */ #ifdef ENABLE_HAPROXY1 if (sstrncmp(selector, "PROXY TCP") == MATCH) { if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "got proxy protocol header \"%s\"", selector); sscanf(selector, "PROXY TCP%d %s %s %d %d", &dummy, remote, local, &dummy, &st.server_port); /* Strip ::ffff: IPv4-in-IPv6 prefix and override old addresses */ sstrlcpy(st.req_local_addr, local + ((sstrncmp(local, "::ffff:") == MATCH) ? 7 : 0)); sstrlcpy(st.req_remote_addr, remote + ((sstrncmp(remote, "::ffff:") == MATCH) ? 7 : 0)); /* My precious \o/ */ goto get_selector; } #endif /* Handle hURL: redirect page */ if (sstrncmp(selector, "URL:") == MATCH) { st.req_filetype = TYPE_HTML; sstrlcpy(st.req_selector, selector); url_redirect(&st); return OK; } /* Handle gopher+ root requests (UMN gopher client is seriously borken) */ if (sstrncmp(selector, "\t$") == MATCH) { printf("+-1" CRLF); printf("+INFO: 1Main menu\t\t%s\t%i" CRLF, st.server_host, st.server_port); printf("+VIEWS:" CRLF " application/gopher+-menu: <512b>" CRLF); printf("." CRLF); if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "got a request for gopher+ root menu"); return OK; } /* Convert HTTP request to gopher (respond using headerless HTTP/0.9) */ if (sstrncmp(selector, "GET ") == MATCH || sstrncmp(selector, "POST ") == MATCH ) { if ((c = strchr(selector, ' '))) sstrlcpy(selector, c + 1); if ((c = strchr(selector, ' '))) *c = '\0'; st.req_protocol = PROTO_HTTP; if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "got HTTP request for \"%s\"", selector); } /* Save default server_host & fetch session data (including new server_host) */ sstrlcpy(st.server_host_default, st.server_host); #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM if (shm) get_shm_session(&st, shm); #endif /* Loop through the selector, fix it & separate query_string */ dest = st.req_selector; if (selector[0] != '/') *dest++ = '/'; for (c = selector; *c;) { /* Skip duplicate slashes and /./ */ while (*c == '/' && *(c + 1) == '/') c++; if (*c == '/' && *(c + 1) == '.' && *(c + 2) == '/') c += 2; /* Start of a query string (either type 7 or HTTP-style)? */ if (*c == '\t' || (st.opt_query && *c == '?')) { sstrlcpy(st.req_query_string, c + 1); if ((c = strchr(st.req_query_string, '\t'))) *c = '\0'; break; } /* Start of virtual host hint? */ if (*c == ';') { if (st.opt_vhost) sstrlcpy(st.server_host, c + 1); /* Skip vhost on selector */ while (*c && *c != '\t') c++; continue; } /* Copy valid char */ *dest++ = *c++; } *dest = '\0'; /* Remove encodings from selector */ strndecode(st.req_selector, st.req_selector, sizeof(st.req_selector)); /* Deny requests for Slashdot and /../ hackers */ if (strstr(st.req_selector, "/.")) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out dotfiles"); /* Handle /server-status requests */ #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM if (sstrncmp(st.req_selector, SERVER_STATUS) == MATCH) { if (shm) server_status(&st, shm, shmid); return OK; } #endif /* Remove possible extra cruft from server_host */ if ((c = strchr(st.server_host, '\t'))) *c = '\0'; /* Guess request filetype so we can die() with style... */ st.req_filetype = gopher_filetype(&st, st.req_selector, FALSE); /* Convert seletor to path & stat() */ selector_to_path(&st); if (st.debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "path to resource is \"%s\"", st.req_realpath); if (stat(st.req_realpath, &file) == ERROR) { /* Handle virtual /caps.txt requests */ if (st.opt_caps && sstrncmp(st.req_selector, CAPS_TXT) == MATCH) { #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM caps_txt(&st, shm); #else caps_txt(&st, NULL); #endif return OK; } /* Requested file not found - die() */ die(&st, ERR_NOTFOUND, NULL); } /* Fetch request filesize from stat() */ st.req_filesize = file.st_size; /* Everyone must have read access but no write access */ if ((file.st_mode & S_IROTH) == 0) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "File or directory not world-readable"); if ((file.st_mode & S_IWOTH) != 0) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "File or directory world-writeable"); /* If stat said it was a dir then it's a menu */ if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) st.req_filetype = TYPE_MENU; /* Not a dir - let's guess the filetype again... */ else if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) st.req_filetype = gopher_filetype(&st, st.req_realpath, st.opt_magic); /* Menu selectors must end with a slash */ if (st.req_filetype == TYPE_MENU && strlast(st.req_selector) != '/') sstrlcat(st.req_selector, "/"); /* Change directory to wherever the resource was */ sstrlcpy(buf, st.req_realpath); if ((file.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) c = dirname(buf); else c = buf; if (chdir(c) == ERROR) die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, NULL); /* Keep count of hits and data transfer */ #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM if (shm) { shm->hits++; shm->kbytes += st.req_filesize / 1024; /* Update user session */ update_shm_session(&st, shm); } #endif /* Log the request */ if (st.opt_syslog) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "request for \"gopher://%s:%i/%c%s\" from %s", st.server_host, st.server_port, st.req_filetype, st.req_selector, st.req_remote_addr); } /* Check file type & act accordingly */ switch (file.st_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFDIR: log_combined(&st, HTTP_OK); gopher_menu(&st); break; case S_IFREG: log_combined(&st, HTTP_OK); gopher_file(&st); break; default: die(&st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out special files"); } /* Clean exit */ return OK; }