/* * Gophernicus - Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Kim Holviala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gophernicus.h" /* * Send a binary file to the client */ void send_binary_file(state *st) { /* Faster sendfile() version */ #ifdef HAVE_SENDFILE int fd; off_t offset = 0; if (st->debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "outputting binary file \"%s\"", st->req_realpath); if ((fd = open(st->req_realpath, O_RDONLY)) == ERROR) return; sendfile(1, fd, &offset, st->req_filesize); close(fd); /* More compatible POSIX fread()/fwrite() version */ #else FILE *fp; char buf[BUFSIZE]; int bytes; if (st->debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "outputting binary file \"%s\"", st->req_realpath); if ((fp = fopen(st->req_realpath , "r")) == NULL) return; while ((bytes = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp)) > 0) fwrite(buf, bytes, 1, stdout); fclose(fp); #endif } /* * Send a text file to the client */ void send_text_file(state *st) { FILE *fp; char in[BUFSIZE]; char out[BUFSIZE]; int line; if (st->debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "outputting text file \"%s\"", st->req_realpath); if ((fp = fopen(st->req_realpath , "r")) == NULL) return; /* Loop through the file line by line */ line = 0; while (fgets(in, sizeof(in), fp)) { /* Covert to output charset & print */ if (st->opt_iconv) sstrniconv(st->out_charset, out, in); else sstrlcpy(out, in); chomp(out); #ifdef ENABLE_STRICT_RFC1436 if (strcmp(out, ".") == MATCH) printf(".." CRLF); else #endif printf("%s" CRLF, out); line++; } #ifdef ENABLE_STRICT_RFC1436 printf("." CRLF); #endif fclose(fp); } /* * Print hURL redirect page */ void url_redirect(state *st) { char dest[BUFSIZE]; char *c; /* Basic security checking */ sstrlcpy(dest, st->req_selector + 4); if (sstrncmp(dest, "http://") != MATCH && sstrncmp(dest, "ftp://") != MATCH && sstrncmp(dest, "mailto:") != MATCH) die(st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to HTTP redirect unsafe protocols"); if ((c = strchr(dest, '"'))) *c = '\0'; if ((c = strchr(dest, '?'))) *c = '\0'; /* Log the redirect */ if (st->opt_syslog) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "request for \"gopher://%s:%i/h%s\" from %s", st->server_host, st->server_port, st->req_selector, st->req_remote_addr); } log_combined(st, HTTP_OK); /* Output HTML */ printf("\n" "\n\n" " \n" " \n" " URL Redirect page\n" "\n\n" "Redirecting to %1$s\n" "
\n", dest);
\n\n\n"); } /* * Handle /server-status */ #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM void server_status(state *st, shm_state *shm, int shmid) { struct shmid_ds shm_ds; time_t now; time_t uptime; int sessions; int i; /* Log the request */ if (st->opt_syslog) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "request for \"gopher://%s:%i/0" SERVER_STATUS "\" from %s", st->server_host, st->server_port, st->req_remote_addr); } log_combined(st, HTTP_OK); /* Quit if shared memory isn't initialized yet */ if (!shm) return; /* Update counters */ shm->hits++; shm->kbytes += 1; /* Get server uptime */ now = time(NULL); uptime = (now - shm->start_time) + 1; /* Get shared memory info */ shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &shm_ds); /* Print statistics */ printf("Total Accesses: %li" CRLF "Total kBytes: %li" CRLF "Uptime: %i" CRLF "ReqPerSec: %.3f" CRLF "BytesPerSec: %li" CRLF "BytesPerReq: %li" CRLF "BusyServers: %i" CRLF "IdleServers: 0" CRLF "CPULoad: %.2f" CRLF, shm->hits, shm->kbytes, (int) uptime, (float) shm->hits / (float) uptime, shm->kbytes * 1024 / (int) uptime, shm->kbytes * 1024 / (shm->hits + 1), (int) shm_ds.shm_nattch, loadavg()); /* Print active sessions */ sessions = 0; for (i = 0; i < SHM_SESSIONS; i++) { if ((now - shm->session[i].req_atime) < st->session_timeout) { sessions++; printf("Session: %-4i %-40s %-4li %-7li gopher://%s:%i/%c%s" CRLF, (int) (now - shm->session[i].req_atime), shm->session[i].req_remote_addr, shm->session[i].hits, shm->session[i].kbytes, shm->session[i].server_host, shm->session[i].server_port, shm->session[i].req_filetype, shm->session[i].req_selector); } } printf("Total Sessions: %i" CRLF, sessions); } #endif /* * Handle /caps.txt */ void caps_txt(state *st, shm_state *shm) { /* Log the request */ if (st->opt_syslog) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "request for \"gopher://%s:%i/0" CAPS_TXT "\" from %s", st->server_host, st->server_port, st->req_remote_addr); } log_combined(st, HTTP_OK); /* Update counters */ #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM if (shm) { shm->hits++; shm->kbytes += 1; /* Update session data */ st->req_filesize += 1024; update_shm_session(st, shm); } #endif /* Standard caps.txt stuff */ printf("CAPS" CRLF CRLF "##" CRLF "## This is an automatically generated caps file." CRLF "##" CRLF CRLF "CapsVersion=1" CRLF "ExpireCapsAfter=%i" CRLF CRLF "PathDelimeter=/" CRLF "PathIdentity=." CRLF "PathParent=.." CRLF "PathParentDouble=FALSE" CRLF "PathKeepPreDelimeter=FALSE" CRLF "ServerSupportsStdinScripts=TRUE" CRLF "ServerDefaultEncoding=%s" CRLF CRLF "ServerSoftware=" SERVER_SOFTWARE CRLF "ServerSoftwareVersion=" VERSION " \"" CODENAME "\"" CRLF "ServerArchitecture=%s" CRLF, st->session_timeout, strcharset(st->out_charset), st->server_platform); /* Optional keys */ if (*st->server_description) printf("ServerDescription=%s" CRLF, st->server_description); if (*st->server_location) printf("ServerGeolocationString=%s" CRLF, st->server_location); if (*st->server_admin) printf("ServerAdmin=%s" CRLF, st->server_admin); } /* * Setup environment variables as per the CGI spec */ void setenv_cgi(state *st, char *script) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* Security */ setenv("PATH", SAFE_PATH, 1); /* Set up the environment as per CGI spec */ setenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1", 1); setenv("CONTENT_LENGTH", "0", 1); setenv("QUERY_STRING", st->req_query_string, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), SERVER_SOFTWARE_FULL, st->server_platform); setenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE", buf, 1); setenv("SERVER_ARCH", st->server_platform, 1); setenv("SERVER_DESCRIPTION", st->server_description, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), SERVER_SOFTWARE "/" VERSION); setenv("SERVER_VERSION", buf, 1); if (st->req_protocol == PROTO_HTTP) setenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL", "HTTP/0.9", 1); else setenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL", "RFC1436", 1); setenv("SERVER_NAME", st->server_host, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i", st->server_port); setenv("SERVER_PORT", buf, 1); setenv("REQUEST_METHOD", "GET", 1); setenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT", st->server_root, 1); setenv("SCRIPT_NAME", st->req_selector, 1); setenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME", script, 1); setenv("LOCAL_ADDR", st->req_local_addr, 1); setenv("REMOTE_ADDR", st->req_remote_addr, 1); setenv("HTTP_REFERER", st->req_referrer, 1); #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x", st->session_id); setenv("SESSION_ID", buf, 1); #endif setenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET", strcharset(st->out_charset), 1); /* Gophernicus extras */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c", st->req_filetype); setenv("GOPHER_FILETYPE", buf, 1); setenv("GOPHER_CHARSET", strcharset(st->out_charset), 1); setenv("GOPHER_REFERER", st->req_referrer, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i", st->out_width); setenv("COLUMNS", buf, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), CODENAME); setenv("SERVER_CODENAME", buf, 1); /* Bucktooth extras */ if (*st->req_query_string) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s?%s", st->req_selector, st->req_query_string); setenv("SELECTOR", buf, 1); } else setenv("SELECTOR", st->req_selector, 1); setenv("SERVER_HOST", st->server_host, 1); setenv("REQUEST", st->req_selector, 1); setenv("SEARCHREQUEST", st->req_query_string, 1); } /* * Execute a CGI script */ void run_cgi(state *st, char *script, char *arg) { /* Setup environment & execute the binary */ if (st->debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "executing script \"%s\"", script); setenv_cgi(st, script); execl(script, script, arg, NULL); /* Didn't work - die */ die(st, ERR_ACCESS, NULL); } /* * Handle file selectors */ void gopher_file(state *st) { struct stat file; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *c; /* Refuse to serve out gophermaps/tags */ if ((c = strrchr(st->req_realpath, '/'))) c++; else c = st->req_realpath; if (strcmp(c, st->map_file) == MATCH) die(st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out a gophermap file"); if (strcmp(c, st->tag_file) == MATCH) die(st, ERR_ACCESS, "Refusing to serve out a gophertag file"); /* Check for & run CGI and query scripts */ if (strstr(st->req_realpath, st->cgi_file) || st->req_filetype == TYPE_QUERY) run_cgi(st, st->req_realpath, NULL); /* Check for a file suffix filter */ if (*st->filter_dir && (c = strrchr(st->req_realpath, '.'))) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", st->filter_dir, c + 1); /* Filter file through the script */ if (stat(buf, &file) == OK && (file.st_mode & S_IXOTH)) run_cgi(st, buf, st->req_realpath); } /* Check for a filetype filter */ if (*st->filter_dir) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%c", st->filter_dir, st->req_filetype); /* Filter file through the script */ if (stat(buf, &file) == OK && (file.st_mode & S_IXOTH)) run_cgi(st, buf, st->req_realpath); } /* Output regular files */ if (st->req_filetype == TYPE_TEXT || st->req_filetype == TYPE_MIME) send_text_file(st); else send_binary_file(st); }