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synced 2024-12-04 14:46:57 -05:00
Backport #30489 by @yp05327 Quick/Partly fix #29907 In Linux and MacOS, by default the max file name length is 255. In windows, it depends on the version and settings, and has no file name length limitation, but has path length limitation. By default it is 260, considering path length is longer than filename, so I think it is ok to do this. For Windows, see https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation?tabs=registry For Linux, see https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/linux/limits.h#L12-L13 For MacOS, see https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254788848?sortBy=best Co-authored-by: yp05327 <576951401@qq.com>
34 lines
1.5 KiB
34 lines
1.5 KiB
{{template "base/head" .}}
<div role="main" aria-label="{{.Title}}" class="page-content repository file editor upload">
{{template "repo/header" .}}
<div class="ui container">
{{template "base/alert" .}}
<form class="ui comment form" method="post">
<div class="repo-editor-header">
<div class="ui breadcrumb field {{if .Err_TreePath}}error{{end}}">
<a class="section" href="{{$.BranchLink}}">{{.Repository.Name}}</a>
{{$n := len .TreeNames}}
{{$l := Eval $n "-" 1}}
{{range $i, $v := .TreeNames}}
<div class="breadcrumb-divider">/</div>
{{if eq $i $l}}
<input type="text" id="file-name" maxlength="255" value="{{$v}}" placeholder="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.editor.add_subdir"}}" autofocus>
<span data-tooltip-content="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.editor.filename_help"}}">{{svg "octicon-info"}}</span>
<span class="section"><a href="{{$.BranchLink}}/{{index $.TreePaths $i | PathEscapeSegments}}">{{$v}}</a></span>
<span>{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.editor.or"}} <a href="{{$.BranchLink}}{{if not .IsNewFile}}/{{.TreePath | PathEscapeSegments}}{{end}}">{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.editor.cancel_lower"}}</a></span>
<input type="hidden" id="tree_path" name="tree_path" value="{{.TreePath}}" required>
<div class="field">
{{template "repo/upload" .}}
{{template "repo/editor/commit_form" .}}
{{template "base/footer" .}}