mirror of https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea.git synced 2024-10-15 06:04:32 -04:00
silverwind 335e918b11
Clean up and fix clone button script (#20415)
The button 'primary' class needs to be set in a synchronous script to prevent flicker of the button which was regressed recently, fixed that.

Additionally, reduced the two script tags to just one, the previous scripts were actually initializing the buttons thrice on the empty repo page, now it only initializes once. Finally, removed duplicate code and re-used the inline function in the update code as well.

I had to split out the script into a separate template as on the empty repo page, the script needs access to the clone URL span in the example text, which is rendered below the clone buttons, so buttons and script could not be combined.
2022-07-31 20:29:55 +02:00

128 lines
5.1 KiB

{{template "base/head" .}}
<div class="page-content repository wiki view">
{{template "repo/header" .}}
{{ $title := .title}}
<div class="ui container">
<div class="ui stackable secondary menu mobile--margin-between-items mobile--no-negative-margins no-vertical-tabs">
<div class="fitted item">
<div class="choose page">
<div class="ui floating filter dropdown" data-no-results="{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.no_results"}}">
<div class="ui basic small button">
<span class="text">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.page"}}:
{{svg "octicon-triangle-down" 14 "dropdown icon"}}
<div class="menu">
<div class="ui icon search input">
<i class="icon df ac jc m-0">{{svg "octicon-filter" 16}}</i>
<input name="search" placeholder="{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.filter_page"}}...">
<div class="scrolling menu">
{{range .Pages}}
<div class="item {{if eq $.Title .Name}}selected{{end}}" data-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/wiki/{{.SubURL}}">{{.Name}}</div>
<div class="right fitted item">
<div class="ui action small input" id="clone-panel">
{{template "repo/clone_buttons" .}}
{{template "repo/clone_script" .}}
<div class="ui dividing header">
<div class="ui stackable grid">
<div class="eight wide column">
<a class="file-revisions-btn ui basic button" title="{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.file_revision"}}" href="{{.RepoLink}}/wiki/{{.PageURL}}?action=_revision" ><span>{{.CommitCount}}</span> {{svg "octicon-history"}}</a>
<div class="ui sub header">
{{$timeSince := TimeSince .Author.When $.locale}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.last_commit_info" .Author.Name $timeSince | Safe}}
<div class="eight wide right aligned column">
{{if .EscapeStatus.Escaped}}
<a class="ui small button unescape-button" style="display: none;">{{.locale.Tr "repo.unescape_control_characters"}}</a>
<a class="ui small button escape-button">{{.locale.Tr "repo.escape_control_characters"}}</a>
{{if and .CanWriteWiki (not .Repository.IsMirror)}}
<div class="ui right">
<a class="ui small button" href="{{.RepoLink}}/wiki/{{.PageURL}}?action=_edit">{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.edit_page_button"}}</a>
<a class="ui green small button" href="{{.RepoLink}}/wiki?action=_new">{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.new_page_button"}}</a>
<a class="ui red small button delete-button" href="" data-url="{{.RepoLink}}/wiki/{{.PageURL}}?action=_delete" data-id="{{.PageURL}}">{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.delete_page_button"}}</a>
{{if .FormatWarning}}
<div class="ui negative message">
<div class="ui {{if or .sidebarPresent .toc}}grid equal width{{end}}" style="margin-top: 1rem;">
<div class="ui {{if or .sidebarPresent .toc}}eleven wide column{{end}} segment markup wiki-content-main">
{{template "repo/unicode_escape_prompt" dict "EscapeStatus" .EscapeStatus "root" $}}
{{.content | Safe}}
{{if or .sidebarPresent .toc}}
<div class="column" style="padding-top: 0;">
{{if .toc}}
<div class="ui segment wiki-content-toc">
<details open>
<div class="ui header">{{.locale.Tr "toc"}}</div>
{{$level := 0}}
{{range .toc}}
{{if lt $level .Level}}{{range Iterate (Subtract .Level $level)}}<ul>{{end}}{{end}}
{{if gt $level .Level}}{{range Iterate (Subtract $level .Level)}}</ul>{{end}}{{end}}
{{$level = .Level}}
<li><a href="#{{.ID}}">{{.Text}}</a></li>
{{range Iterate $level}}</ul>{{end}}
{{if .sidebarPresent}}
<div class="ui segment wiki-content-sidebar">
{{if and .CanWriteWiki (not .Repository.IsMirror)}}
<a class="ui right floated muted" href="{{.RepoLink}}/wiki/_Sidebar?action=_edit" aria-label="{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.edit_page_button"}}">{{svg "octicon-pencil"}}</a>
{{template "repo/unicode_escape_prompt" dict "EscapeStatus" .sidebarEscapeStatus "root" $}}
{{.sidebarContent | Safe}}
{{if .footerPresent}}
<div class="ui segment wiki-content-footer">
{{if and .CanWriteWiki (not .Repository.IsMirror)}}
<a class="ui right floated muted" href="{{.RepoLink}}/wiki/_Footer?action=_edit" aria-label="{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.edit_page_button"}}">{{svg "octicon-pencil"}}</a>
{{template "repo/unicode_escape_prompt" dict "footerEscapeStatus" .sidebarEscapeStatus "root" $}}
{{.footerContent | Safe}}
<div class="ui small basic delete modal">
<div class="ui icon header">
{{svg "octicon-trash"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.delete_page_button"}}
<div class="content">
<p>{{.locale.Tr "repo.wiki.delete_page_notice_1" ($title|Escape) | Safe}}</p>
{{template "base/delete_modal_actions" .}}
{{template "base/footer" .}}