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git-svn-id: https://svn.xiph.org/trunk/ezstream@12595 0101bb08-14d6-0310-b084-bc0e0c8e3800
ezstream README --------------------------------------- ABOUT EZSTREAM :::::::::::::::: Ezstream is a command line source client for Icecast media streaming servers, and the successor of the old "shout" utility. In its basic mode of operation, it streams media files or data from standard input without reencoding and thus requires only very little CPU resources. It can also use various external decoders and encoders to reencode from one format to another, and stream the result to an Icecast server. Supported media formats for streaming are MP3, Ogg Vorbis and Ogg Theora. Metadata support is available for MP3 (ID3v1 only) and Ogg Vorbis. Ezstream is free software and licensed under the GNU General Public License. See the COPYING file for details. PREREQUISITES ::::::::::::::: Ezstream depends on: * libshout 2.2.x (http://www.icecast.org/) * libshout dependencies, such as libogg, libvorbis, libtheora, etc. (http://www.vorbis.com/ and http://www.theora.org/) * libxml 2.x (http://xmlsoft.org/) INSTALLATION :::::::::::::: The ezstream software uses the GNU auto-tools to configure, build and install on a variety of systems. Aside from the standard autoconf options of the configure script, a couple of additional options are available: --enable-examplesdir=DIR example configuration files installation directory (default: DATADIR/examples/ezstream) --with-xml-config=PATH use xml-config in PATH to find libxml --with-ogg=PREFIX Prefix where libogg is installed (optional) --with-vorbis=PREFIX Prefix where libvorbis is installed (optional) The compilation and installation process boils down to the usual $ ./configure --help | less # Skim over the available options $ ./configure [options] && make && [sudo] make install # Configure, build and install # [as root] the software If this procedure is unfamiliar to you, please consult the INSTALL file for more detailed instructions. USAGE ::::::: Once ezstream is successfully installed, type "man ezstream" (without quotes) on the command line for a comprehensive manual. This distribution package also comes with example configuration files that can be used as a guide to configure ezstream. Note that all by itself, ezstream is not particularly useful. It requires a running Icecast server to stream to, which then relays the stream to many listeners. If this comes as a surprise, browse to http://www.icecast.org/ for a lot more information, resources, and other source clients. EXTERNAL DECODERS/ENCODERS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ezstream should be able to work with any media decoder and encoder that fulfills the following requirements: 1. It needs to be executable on the command line and not require a graphical display to function. 2.1. A decoder needs to be capable of sending RAW data to standard output. 2.2. An encoder needs to be capable of reading RAW data from standard input. 2.3. A combined de-/encoder needs to be capable of sending streamable media to standard output. Media formats that ezstream does not support directly are passed through unaltered. Whether they work or not depends on the level of support offered by the version of libshout ezstream is linked with. The following incomplete list of programs shows a few that are known to work. These are also used in the example configuration files: * MP3 - Decoder: madplay (http://mad.sf.net/) - Encoder: lame (http://lame.sf.net/) * Ogg Vorbis: - Decoder: oggdec - Encoder: oggenc Both utilities are in the vorbis-tools package (http://www.vorbis.com/). * FLAC: - Decoder: flac (http://flac.sf.net/) - Encoder: (None. Not supported by libshout at the time of writing, and thus cannot be used by ezstream.) * Ogg Theora: - Decoder/Encoder: ffmpeg2theora (http://v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/) OPERATING SYSTEM SPECIFIC NOTES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * Ezstream and SunPRO cc/c99 on Solaris: Ezstream may not build with SunPRO cc/c99 "out of the box" if a threaded libshout was built with gcc. This known issue results in the following error message from the linker: ld: fatal: option -h and building a dynamic executable are incompatible This is related to gcc and GNU ld using different compiler/linker flags, related to POSIX threads, than the SunPRO compilers. These are being passed on to ezstream, where cc or c99 ultimately chokes on them. Ezstream compiles with both cc/c99 and gcc if libshout was built with Sun's compiler. If libshout was built with gcc, compile ezstream with gcc as well.